Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1973 01 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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. & Corona Dirt Track by Elaine Jones CORONA, CAL. , Jan. 10 , 197 3 - As :; the say ing go es, "wh en yo u're h ot, you're hot", and G ary D avis wa s h o t. o Gary liked winnin g so well that h e came M e back Wednesday and d id it up royal ~ taking two firsts, o ne second an d one ~ third before the n igh t was over. T hi ngs w got st arted in th e 250cc Expert Sh o rt Z Track wh en G ary put eno ugh pressu re ~ on Dennis Cr eason t o fo rce h im to dive U into th e tum too h ot wh ich re sul ted in a ~ high side. Gary and hi s j ump ing p artne r Rex Blackwell better known as Fly in g Cycles, finished on e-two. Heat tw o saw Dennis ge t h is sw ee t revenge as he grabbed th e lead and never let go . Rex hung on to his second place, fo rcing Gary t o se t tle fo r third. Th e th ird m o to saw Gary get hol d of the sit uation and get it home first with teamm a te Rex right behind h im. In spi te of h is DN F in the first ra ce, Denn is still had eno ugh fo r third. Gary h it for win numb er two in th e 250cc Expert Sh ort Track o u t runn ing Mar c Barb ani an d his fas t Kaw asak i. Dennis Cr eason came b ack in th e 250cc Exp er t Half-mil e to . snap Gary 's winning streak an d did it with th e same score he Was beat b y in th e Short T rack. He went so far as to pl ace th e same way in each rac e. R ob Morrison took the sec o nd place h on o rs an d Gary Davis third. Randy Bailey was, is and always will b e th e guy t o bea t in th e Open clas s, bu t everybody can be beat and th ey're all sure tryin g. Gary Davis an d Dennis Junker had a good ti me du ckin " it o u t with Gary co ming o ut on to p for th e second an d Dennis third. Marc Barbani had n o trou ble winning the 125cc N ovice-Expert Half-mile, Being the o nly Expert on hand he was given a handicap wh ich he promp tly took ' care of. His ex perience and mach inery w ere fa r superio r to an ything else on th e trac k. Vince Mead again too k h ome first place sp o ts in both th e 100-125cc Amateur-E xp er t Short Track and th e 100cc Combination Hal f-mile. T oo bad the 100cc 's and the 125cc's weren' t pu t together i n both Novi ce a n d Amat eur -Expert r a nk s a s the competition would have made fo r more M Lightweights D-37 TT Pitching It Sideways T iptoeing at the Perris TT . exci ting racing . J eff Pollastrini h ad a go od n igh t co llecting firs t in the 250cc Novice Half-mile wi th cle an sweep s of all three motos. Second pl ace Larry Lambert got most o f his trouble from Steve Barden who had so me very strong opini ons on who was going to pick up th at sec o n d pl ace. S teve did manage to beat Larry in th e sec o nd moto but that was all. Clyde Dennen st op p ed Jeff in th e 250cc Novice -Short Track Main in some go od th ree wa y racing wh ich also in cluded Brian Garcia. Th ese th ree can always b e counted on to give a good acco un tin g of th em selves an d a good show fo r th e spectators. R ex Mc Leod d id his th ing in th e 25 0cc A mat e u r Half-m il e , and ou t-in-fron t Was really th e only pl ace t o be. Behind him things we re really ho t and heavy with Kirk Doyl e co mi ng up with a sec ond and John Sandona and T erry Griner sharing th e third place honors. .,~ f ;"' V T~ "~a . by Erma Redding Ph otos by Glen R edding PERRIS , CA L. , Jan. 2 1, 19 73 - Perris trac k conditio n was super fast wit h good tracti on. Mr . Burton announced th at fir st R ou gh Scram b les will be May 20 on the lo ng cou rse! Today 's 5 0 class first pl acer was 13 year-o ld Do ug Nico l (S uz) . Do ug 's been racing since he was six and holds NO.5 Exp ert pl at e. 100 Am /Ex win ner was Wayne Whi sen ant (Kaw) . The 125 N ov were so eager th ey took th ree starts. J erry MacCo o riIl got th e fin al win. Secon d was a tie be tw een Steve Stiems ma an dJohn Sargent : all on Yamahas. 125 Am wen t t o Steve Fo rtune (Yam ). Don Girgsb y ' was second wh eel to wheel with Steve O kuda , thi rd . 125 EX Lloyd Quintards Yam won . Se cond, Larry Th ompson Yam and Joe Mo nohan Suz third. ' The 200 Novice class was tak en by Bul rider Steve Bales. T he - 2 00 Am/Ex No. I rider, Ch ar lie Soder st rom, (Bul) won his cl ass agai n. T he third p oint run and Ch as' third stra igh t win ! A nd against J eff Sext on , sec o n , on a Pu ch . Hangin g in third was Jim Wright (Bu l). J eff Cl ark (Bu l) an d Ch arles Petty both won their 250 Novice heats which made for real co mp eti tionIn th e final with a first an d second . Bill Kl ae rs w on th e 250 A mate ur m ak ing a good sh ow ing on a '7 3 Cooper ou t of Holiday Maico. Mik e Mey ers (Yam) took firs t in th e 25 0 Exp ert but it wasn't easy with Rob Morrison (Bul) secon d and Doug Mason (Bu l) third. The 35 0 win wen t to J ohn Calicchio (Bu l), Brian Hobart (Yam) secon d. Don Waffl e (Yam ) won the 500 Novice but was so close t o Larry Walling (Mai) th a t it's hard to cal l them Novices. Doug Mason o n a Maic o in th e 500 Ama te ur class w on afte r ge ttin g third in th e 25 0. Doug sh owed a lo t o f steam. An o ther th ird straight win fo r th e year w as by No. I H eavyweight Kir k R edding o n hi s Whea t-erized Maico in th e 500 Expert cl ass. No cin ch, though, against Paul Lambert (Yam ) in secon d and third Vince Graves (S uz) . Open Expert and all T rium p h first pl ace was John . Spragu e: then Bob Hosford and third, Will Ho cki e. ~ \1 J Expert Service ,'e~ t~~l 5 ( ID ~ O,~ ....... '-1 ~ ~. fI I1l.C. \~~ ~ \ '-» ~ " L. ~ 0 Dept~ on~~~a~~DER § or wT ""~. E . .,,,,, HARBOR , \ NEW - USED PARTS AND ACCESSORIES ~. HONDA - YAMAHA - TRIUMPH 2255 HA RBOR B LVD. (714) 646-4655 COSTA MESA , CALIF . 92627 646 -2428 , • T he beginning of a tradition at RIVERSIDE INT ERNAT IONA L RACEWAY. MARCH 24 &25, 1973 Dist rict 37 Point Run Overnight Camping ENTRIES OPEN JAN, 28, CLOSES MAR. 5 $10 mail $100 post Use ON LY special G rea t Bear G .P. entry forms available at your local bike shop Jan. 27. Mail to : . Great Bear Gran Prix P.O. Bo x 6026, Orange, Ca . 92667 100 MI LES ON A N EW 7 .5 MI L E COURSE SAT URDAY & SUNDAY Your en gine actua lly runs 10-15· coo ler with KLOTZ Chemical Rac ing Oil . . . and carbon free to STOP PLUG FOULING once an d for all! KLOTZco ntains Techniplate*, a very s pecia l ingredient that gives vast ly su pe rior film strengt h for reduced friction an d increased RPM's. Run faster, cooler, cl eaner, longer with KLOTZ. Want proof? Just t ry it .. . a nd you'll never settle for an ordinary lubricant aga in! Write for furt her det ails on KLOTZ Chem ical Racing Oil and other KLOTZ products like Ether Perf ormance Additive, Nitro Racin g Additive a nd Cha in Lube . If you incl ude 50¢, we'l l al so s en d a sew -on patc h and decal. Dealer inq ui ries are we lcome. Klotz Spec ial Formu la Produ cts --,;;;; Box 1343, Dept. CN273 .... ~ ~ Ft. Wayne , Ind iana 46801 _ '0 ~PlllfBlTOG8 ~!!1f ..,:- Trademark "'-.:. ---.;:;

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