Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1973 01 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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.... N . 1l, e, .... ell '" ~ W Z W ..J U >U On Y.llU know what AJS stands for? Photo by Bob Thompson. Are · Women Wierd? Escape Country MX by Ken t Nic holls TRABUCO CANYO N , CAL ., Jan. 14 , 1973 :.. It used to be th a t p eople thought w omen were we ird if they rode m o torcy cles. Bu t times h ave changed and n o w n o t only ar e th ey ridin g' bu t they 'r e racin g them (Really?) As lady rac er s b e c am e m o r e nu mero us, mo tocro ss prom o ters b egan putting a Powder Puff clas s on their programs. At first these were mainly just a sp ec ta to r attraction. But, again , times have ch anged and the female riders. are holding their o wn as real com pe titive racers. Such was the case in Escape Country's Powder Puff class today and its winner J oAnn Miley (CZ). Th e P.P ; clas s was co mb in ed with the 175's and in th e sec o nd rnoto, JoAnn not o nly won h er cla ss, but b eat th e 175 's on her 125 as well. Mrs. Miley also won th e first and th ird motos in her clas s. Second lady o f the day was Gayle Dune on her 12 5 Penton. L arry McC arty (BuI) and Bill Henderson (CZ) are good friends off a motocross course. But when they rid e their 25 0s in th e Expert class, they 're the fierce st of co mp eti ti o rs, and today was no ex ception. They rode all three of their motes nary an eight gauge sp oke th ickn ess ap ar t . T he lead ch an ged hands many tim es, but a t the en d it w as McCarty who had won. Bill Henderson was just behind in second. 100 Novice Greg Weston again piloted his Yamaha to an overall win today. Bu t it was not as eas y as last week with Greg " o nly" winning two motos and getting a third in one. Second in that class was John J ugen Hei m ea on a tri ck-Hoking Yamaha 90. The Old T imers Assoc. again invad ed Escape Country and th ese " old " men go fas t. In their Novice ra ce, a three-way duel shaped up b etween Larry Escamilla (CZ) , LeRoy Ballard and Bul rider J oaquin Morillo . Ballard was a bullet o ff the line, grabbing th e early lead every mota. But b efore each moto en ded , Escamilla managed to grab first garnering h im a first overall. Ball ard was second and J oaquin Morillo cranked out a th ird . T hen cam e th e Amate urs and Exper ts an d th ey go really fas t. The Am a teu r clas s win ne r was C Z pil o t Manny A. Dauber. The to p m an in the old timer Expert clas s was R . W. Pierce on a 400 Maic o. It seems that Escape Co un try has fin ally overcome th at nas ty b ligh t : the pi t racer. T he y have d on e th is . with threats an d all around general screaming o f Mike C apalite , (Wh o , aside fr o m bein g a b it vocal , is re ally a nic e p er son an d throws good races.) an d a very, o n th e b all Park Pa tr ol. This does a lot to make goi ng to races more fun an d wh ole lot safe r. " No, I thou ght YOU were steering...! " .~••••••~•••••••••••••••" . "••••••JMc *' *' *' *' *' ~ -te -te -te -te -te t iC t t t CORONA RACEWAY *' 100% TROPHIES 100% PAY.BACK . TO SENIORS ~ ~ ~, MARCH 31 APRIL 1 ~ ~ ~ t t -N EW 4 mile GP 'Co u,r se .1/ 6 TT,1/3 Desert, 1/2 MX t SAnIIIDAY ~ 9 :00 -100Beg&Jr 10: 15 - 125 & 175 Beg 11:30 - 125 & 175 Jr 12:45 - Mini (80cc or under) 2:00 - 100, 125 & 175 Int & Sr 3 :15 - 250 Beg 4:30 - 250 Jr LI MI T ED ENTRIES ENT RI ES OPEN Jan. 20 Close Mar. 5 ~ *' *' mail entry, $15 post -te *' -te CORONA *' RACEWAY -te *' -te *' -te *' -te *' -te *------~-------------------- ~-----------. *' -te *' -te *' ~ -te *' iC ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... 8:00 _ 500 Beg SUNDAY 9:15 - 250 Jr 10:30 _ 250 Int & Sr 11:45....:. 500 Jr ~ NAME ..... ~ ~ *, ~ . MAK E OF BIKE ..... o.. .~ ~ *' t~5 ~ ~ > ..... "'ill ~ ~ a: *' ~ * .JIIIIf'" $~O 2: 15-500 Int&Sr 3:30 - Sidehacks 4:45 - Old Time rs STREET ctI o ~ ~ ~ P.O. Box 388 CORONA, CA. 91720 Enclose 1 self addressed envelope & a racing photo fo r program (optiona l.l Info: (714) 688-5484,645·1082,735-1705. PHONE ( ) ZIP _AGE ENGI NE SIZ E Und er 18: I hereb y gi ve my p erm i ssi on and re lease t o R.A.C .E. an d all o f ficial s o f R.A.C.E. f rom an y ob li gati o n or re spo ns i bility In reg ards to t he ab o ve n am ed m inor: · NOTA RY ~ ~ M'I tri t ,al en nes 0 : 1:00 - 250 Beg I ...... _ CITY & STATE ~ Earliest postmarks receive better start position. ~ Spectators: Ad ult $2 Child ~1 Under 8 FREE Riders FREE PA RENTS SIGNATURE MINI EXPERT INT JR BEGINNER OLD T IMER SIDE HACK Circle One . DATE . ~ ~ -te .-.., -,... -te The u ndersigned does h ereb y release Ca lif. Ra c in g E n t. , toc., C o r o n a Racew ay , Inc•• and R . A .C.E •• f r o m any an d all cla i ms, obligat i o ns and li abil ity o f th e u nders igned part icipating as a p ar ti c ip an t or c ontestant i n events c o nduc ted a t said track. T hi s release Is i nten de d as a full an d complete re lease t o c over an y p os si ble cla im s c ont in gent o r o t herwi se an d i n vol vi n g pe rsonal i nj ury or p r oper t y d am age Wh ich may ar ise i n conn ec tion w i th va riou s spor ting ev en ts sp o n so red b Y the above n am ed p ers o n s. ~ The above na med r i d er furth er agree s t o per m it C o r ona R ace wa y. Inc. to use h is name & Ph o t og raPhs of n tm for PUb licit y , ad vertisin g an d en d o rsem en t s both b e f o re and after t h e event. .-.., . ~ DAT E RIDERS SIGNATURE --r' .-.., -,... -te -te

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