Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1973 01 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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o' M ~ e .., FROSTY CACTUS JANUARY CLEARANCE ~ by Dave Sch oonmaker . CALIFORNIA CITY, CAL ., J an. 21, 19i 3 - Ever b een to California City ? If n o t, you sh ou ld go so me time . The b est time to ar rive is just abou t a h alf hour after dusk . You will fin d wh at is proba bly th e m ost surre al ghost town in South ern Cali fornia. Co nstruc tio n of California . City must ha ve b egun ten years ago and halted n ine years ago . What y o u have is a to wn that is ab ou t • twe nty-five per cent happen ed. If yo u to odl e on d own a dir t ro ad o u t by the "golf co urse " about fiftee n mile s you 'll co me acro ss the sigh t we re the Frost Ca ctus Enduro took pl ace thi s Sunday . If y o u co uld foll ow th e paths of th e bikes out through the hills gulches an d rid ges, y ou 'd get some of the best and m ost challenging trail rid ing you'll ever find. Ab o ut 600 men, w omen and ch ild ren turned out to try the ir hands at an enduro . The wo men an d child ren limited themse lves (mostly) to the first loop, wh ich wa s easier and so mewhat shorter. The second lo op gave most everyone a challenge. The first loop had rid ers motor out of the p it area at an easy eighteen MPH and the biggest problem w as not arriving at the first ch ec k to o ear ly . A : few people were surprised as the first check cam e shortly after th e three mile sp eedo check . The loop then worked its wa y up an d d o wn a long hill sid e, with short jaunts along th e top, midd le and bottom of the hill. Speeds ranged fro m 15 MPH in the tight narrow stu ff to 24 MPH in the wi de op en. The interestin g parts came wh en the terrain started to ch an ge but th e sp eed didn't, The loop wa s an easy one, but interesting. Keep in g sp eed would keep you interested but not stretching. As eviden ce of its n o t to o fer o cious nature, . w Z W ...J U >- U Used Bikes 1972 1969 1970 1971 CZ 12 5 Ossa 250 Hodaka 100 Ho nda 17 5 $597.00 397.00 322.00 367.00 New Bikes 1973 Monark 1973 Monark 125MX 125GS ' lo w est pri ce a nywhe re ACCESSORIES 3:50 x21 Knobbys 17.20 3 :00x21 Knobbys 16.42 4 :50x18 Knobbys 15 .97 4:00x18 Knobbys 14.97 3:50x18 Knobbys • . .. ... . 13 .92 MX Boots 48.82 Desert Boots 28.53 Helmets ..... .. .•. . . ..•. 18.94 MX Gloves .. ..• .... ... .• . 6 .95 Preston Petty Fenders 9 .50 pro Monark Fenders 8 .50 pro Duck Bill Visors 1.12 Plastic MX Tanks . .. .. . . . • 38.97 Plastic Desert Tanks 38.97 Quick Dump Gassers 28.42 MX Socks Hang Ten 2.58 Bike T Shirts 2.49 Cycle Stands 8.87 Maverick MX Shocks 24 .94 Maverick Desert Shocks 26.94 Torco O il 2c 87 Kendall 2c 78 Castro I 2c _ 78 Bardahl 2c 78 Std . NGK 48 Quick Throttles 2 .84 Ty Downs •. . . . . ..... . . .. . 5 .87 Yam MX Pipes 27 .80 Number Plates (set of 3) 2 .92 21 " Ak ront Rims 23.43 18 " Akront Rims 22 .87 E nd u ro huh? well, if I ju st ride about t he m iddl e of second that ought to be about t 8 MPH. WINTER & SUMMER JERSEY SALE One day only Feb. 3 $3.95 Name & Numb er applied whi le yo u wait AMER ICAN RIDERS SUPPLY 22022 S. Main St. Carson, Calif. 90745 Good thru Feb. 4th 7241 O rang.thorp e B u e n a Par k , C A 90621 • • •• ~ MEANS PENTON (a l so M alco & Mon ar k l (7 14) 521 -2420 •........................... .......... ~~Utl'-_~~ "vt IBas~~!?~' ~:~:~I ....................................... 1 117 F o untai n Way. Anaheim. Ca l. 9 2 806 BulfaeG "IT FITS" 714 /870·5243 Mo torcycle Corporation 172 Free-dam Avenue An aheim . Californ ia 92 801 Th e first t urn at Desch u tes ca n get in te resti ng. Deschutes Cycle Park MX by Jan Newman BEND, ORE ., Jan. i, I9i3 - If "motocross" is a test of th e en durance and st ami na of the ride r and his mach in e, th is race h ad to be a classic exa mp le of th word. The two o r three in ch es of snow on the gro un d kept gro w ing all day. The ex tre me ly cold day even pu t th e flag man and his fla pping red ears to a test. In fact, he finally had to cover his ears to keep riders fro m pulling off un der th e assum ption they'd been red-flagged . T he snow on the track soon gave way to di r t and go od tractio n ben eath bu t a fte r th e first round the riders cam e off with t he i r han ds painfully ne ar fr os tb ite. T he second and third rounds were cut sho rt a lap or two in all classes . S ome of the local riders ap peared to b e pl aying mu sical mo torcycl es as th ey exch ange d bikes an d appeared in co mp letely differ ent classes. For so me it did n't seem to work too well. T racy Lan tz on an unfamiliar Pu ch rode to second be hi n d Steve Stotesbury (Yam ) in the 125 Ex pe rt cla ss. The Open race saw Ken Wheaton off the lin e firs t on a Maico in each m o to th ey yeil ding to .Barn ey Newman on an AJS. Both rid ers are m o re at home on diff er en t makes. - AJS is alive a nd we ll in the qrea t Northwest. Top Min i h on ors wen t to Jon Gladman (Yam ) while Paul Sweo (Hod ) led th e 100 class . The 125 Jr. winner was Harry Ken (H us) and John Campb ell ( H o d ) l ed th e 125 In termedia te s. Kevin Nofziger (C Z) rode to two firsts and a third for first 25 0 J r. and Dan Lindsay (CZ) had another big da y in th e Intermediat e class . T he Expert riders ·were conspicuo us by th eir abse nce. Normally 125 Experts are h ard to find h ere bu t th ey were th e only ones running today.

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