Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1973 01 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Fa.IED! FROZEN ENDURO Ph o tos by Spe nce Burton & Schoonma ke r two six year-olds fin ishe d the loop . There was also a Pow d er Puffer on a Hon da T rai l 90 wh o w as on ly about 15 minu tes late . a t th e en d of the loop. T here were n o comp laints of los t ways , as th e co urse was well marked an d actually h ad sign s telling you wh a t way not to go . _ T he second lo op was a bit more thrilling an d th e sp eeds so me what high er. I heard no co mp lain ts ab ou t how easy it was . There we re 10-y ear Expe rts in evi de nc e wh o th ought it to be one of th e bes t and most interesting Enduros th ey'd been on in some tim e. There . were more than a few tongues hanging out a t th e finish. The sec o nd loop co nsis ted of quite a . l o t of ridge running . and gulley bouncin g. Th ere was a "dlfficult" section of ab out 13 miles in the loop and an alt ernative "easy way" . The difficult sectio n took rid ers ridge running up to G8vernment Peak and through some st eep sandhill se cti ons. The uphills an d sand got everyone wo rking an d at the n ext to last chec k there wer e some tired and surprised eyes. The check was in a little gulch after a rapid sec tio n and completely blind. There were some migh ty embarrassed looking Experts who fell (li terally right into th e check . The numb er of people arriving o n time we re fe w. There wer e some mumblings ab out bad marking, but I suspicio n they came from people giving their all to make up time. Most seemed to be very pleased, if not weary. Everyone seemed to have a jolly old time even if there were some mighty chilly tootoos Sunday morning. Twelve gallons o f hot ch ocla te and six o f coffee consumed du ring Saturday night attes t .to th e fa ct th at it was nippy. Results will follow in next week's issue. CERA Easy One Enduro- - - - by Gary Evans DESE RT CENTER, CAL., Jan . 7, 19 73 - After a cool nigh t the morning was sunny and beautiful to greet 747 riders ready to tackle 100 miles of deser t at 20 MPH. The course started from the mid dle of sand d unes on both loops. The h ot-sh oes were booming it past startled beginners at twice the required speed. Ab out three mil es ou t, a well marked drop-off of three-four feet caugh t the unbeli ever s unprepared and made the survivo rs usc: cau tion at danger arrows for th e remainder of th e run. After th e firs t check at 7.0 miles a fla t' run acr oss the deser t floor gradually climbed into foo th ills to th e second check at 19.0 miles, then more flat de sert and a long fire road to kill time on . T he th ird ch ec k w as at 43 .0 m iles After fo u r or five minutes of sand dunes a large dry lake appeared, an d we crosse d that into more sand dunes until fin ish o f th e first lo op . Loop two star te d at th e base of a sand dune and co n ti n ued in sand dunes for ab o u t four mil es - it was fourth o r fifth gear for th e big bikes, and first , second or third for the screamers. The dunes were pl enty of fun, but easy to lose time: o n. . A _dry lake was followed by m o re san d du nes to show that C ERA d oesn ' t run out of sand that eas ily! Easy fla t roads an d some sh ale pa tch es that lulled yo u into relaxing th en hit you with a sharp dip wh en yo ur sp eed was about 10 MPH too fast. A check! Dam n , five min utes late! Check six was the tie breaker! Still five minutes la te!' After several miles we went out into a flat, almost d ry lake terrain to play at cutting long curving arcs well off the beaten trail as we banged along about 30 - 40 MPH for what seemed like 20 miles. Gradually the terrain changed to more and more sand, with dunes in the distance and sure enough, Ed Wight wasn't through with the sand ye t! Just when the bod was getting tired and the hands starting to blister, there were more dunes! As we approached th e fini sh , my mil eage and many others were close to 103-104 miles than th e schedule d 100. The flip card at the finish confirmed the .ACINI ~ S ~~ ISTa bv Welcome to stinking desert blind check po int and general side-slide. HONDA 750 YAMAHA 360 And then w elcom e to the end. Tongu es w ill be collected right over th ere. '.,.= "' .'S : . ·...., r. SUZUKI 400 Street . . . Trail .. • Dirt . . . Motocross - Venolia makes all sizes and bores from 2%" up. CHE US ON DELIVE CK RY! WE CA N'T BEBEAT! SEND S1.OO FOR CATALOG & oECAl..2160 Cher ry Ind ustrial Circle Lon g Bea ch , Calif. 90805 (213) 636-9 329 • 531-8463 ).'-"1 41-"1 lt -"l USED PARTS • ALL MAKES 40"0to ~~ SCRAMBLER 60"" )1 Qj ()~-"I(, MOTORCYCLES 1801 W. 8 urb ank Blvd. Bu rba nk, Calif. off 849 -5907 or 845-8738 Ex. 7 \ _ ~:_:-.2'l ~ - -c'..-: . .. ~ 1. . "'" .~ ... ....I~. : Th is lady finished the FrostY Cactus End uro (bo th loops) on her tr ick 100 Hoda ka. T rick because it had big-b ike Ceriani forks and nifty handl ebars. fact that so me th in g didn't add up co rre c tly . Some riders were coming in 40 minutes early to 25 minutes late and all stated they had been close to on tim e at the sixth check. After deliberation the third an d last che cks were both thrown o ut. As the flip card system was used, it en ab led CERA to quickly determin e the winners of A , B, C class es in Trail, Lightweight and Open division s and they received trophies at 7 P1\1 Sunday night at a local bar. 7241 Qrangethorpe BLtena P....k. C A 9 062 1 • • •• ~ MEANS MONARK lalso Penton & Ma ico ) 17 14 1 521 ·2420

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