Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1973 01 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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C,) RACERS • MEDIC ALERT XR75 HONDA ~ Q. REDHEAD RACIN G P RO DUCTS DYNO-TUNING High co mpressio n piston kit. Ra cin g ca ms. PREMIER YAMAHA Exhaust pipes. Valve springs. Filtron s. 19721 BEACH BLVD . HUNT INGTON BEACH , CA. (714) 536·7555 Fork braces. Count ersh aft sprock ets . Rear wh eel sp ro cke ts . l arge carb uret or s. Allen head screw kit. Lightened & polished valves. Crankshaft lightening. Porting.& polishing. Fork lightening. CO ME IN A ND ASK ABOU T OUR XR 75 REDHEAD RAC ING MO DEL. J&J MOTORS T HIS MONTH 'S SPEC IA L Unb reak able Plast ic Fenders Front R Could Be Your Answer FA CTO RY OU T LET FO R PREMIE R HELMETS STR EET - DES ER T - MX $2.95 $3 .95 : all colors Now giving a d isco unt to all AMC card hold ers WE MA IL ORDER HACIENDA HEIGHTS HONDA ' Northwest Motorcycle Cap itol Kawasaki , Nort o n , AJS , Ma ic o , Montesa , ez, Pe nt on , Largest Part s Sto ck in Northwest. Complete line of MX and dir t ridi ng acces sor ies, Full Bor e and Hi Point bo ot s, Femsa tr on ics for CZ ·s. 1 Day mail ord er se rvice , cust o m mach ine work . 3620 S E Pow e ll P.O . Bo x 06396 Portland, O rego n 97206 235-8938 507 No. Azusa La Puente. Ca. 91744 (213) 968-6461 _Ka G- I. . The Med ic Alert Fo undat ion is a nonp rofit , ch ar it able tax-exemp t or gani zation 2. FRAM E MODI FI CATI ONS Production price. no w ava ilab le fo r m Yamaha DT-1, RT-1, CT·1, AT·1 & Suzuki 40 0 & Hodaka 100 :::z:: .. .. MAleC .. COOPER MOTORS Most Powerful 2353 San Fernando Rd. .. Ot her ma kes & models altered pe r your spe cs at slight ly h;g her cost '" ~ :::I '" West of Mi ssi s si ppi P.O. Box 65735 Los Angeles, Calif. 90065 2: (2 13) 222-8778 :::I 110 E. Santa Anita Ave. Burbank, Ca. 91 502 E R IC an d used b y J E NS E N B ERGQUIST • • ClJ t h e foll ow in g D lst. 3 7 ri d ers : BOB Mc L A UG H L IN 4. . "" BODY FUELBYENDURA T est ed 3. • L A R RY LA RR Y PF UTZ E N RU ET E R • ED SC HEID L ER · WA LT A XT HE L M· LAR RY HEAR N * GEORGE MA GA L LON . M . D . $8 .~ O f o r J mo n th S su p p ly (ca~~bri.50~e~rt:1.d~I ~%E~~kTu R AL $ 7 . 5 0 'or 3 mon tns su p pl y {C a l i f . re si de nts

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