Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1972 0502

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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c I .-, .,. " I r -'""!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!;I ~ ro 0- N r0C) N > '" ::;; ~ w z W ..J U > U aJI~1 II•• America's Nu mbe r 1 week ly mo torc ycl e newspaper . Yo u'll al way~ see it f irst in Cycle News . ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;iiiiiiuii;N;;ciiil~L co Art Fr iedm an Ed Drechsler Barbara Richard Rheba Smith Marla Tarbet AI Duke . .. Paul Boudreau · . . . . Publisher Business Manager · General Manager · Managing Editor · . . .. . Editor · Assistant Edito r · Advertising Manager . Advertising Assistant · Circulation Manag er · Circulation Assistant · Circulation Assistant · Production M anager How ie Fowler . · Production Assistant Larry Groves . .Lab Technician Mar io n Hat ashita · . . . . Typographer Randy Diet zel . · . . . . Bookkeeper Eleanor Duke . . . Bookkeeping Assistant Beverly Townsend · . . . . Receptionist Bobi Culp .. . . . . .Cycle News Products National Advertising Director (Cy cle News West, Cycle News East, Cycle " News Dixie) : Tom Culp . Cycl e News West, P.O. Bo x 498, Long Beach , California 9080 1. (2 13) 427 ·7433; L.A. 636-8844 . TELEX NO. 673474 ,, ¥ Subscription : One year, second class mai I 2 years, second class ma il 3 years, second class mail Single copy price $10 $17 $2 1 $ .35 Published weekly except the first and last week of the calendar year by Cycle News, lnc., Post Office Box 498, Lonq Beach. Californ ia. Also publishers of Cycle News East, and Dix ie Cycle News. Second Class Postage paid at Long Beach, Calif . Editorial stories, cartoons, photos, etc . a re welcome. Add ressed, st amped envelo p e assures return of ed itorial matter. Rep rinting in whole or in part only by permission of th e pub lishers. Advertising rates and circulation information will be sent upon request. See S .R .D .S. c: I_iiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ MOTOR~~rg~'if ~ I ND U S T R Y M Charles Clayton Sharon Clayton Tom Culp . . John Bethea David Swift . AMA CLAMS UP ON ATLANTA RESULTS' The resu lt s of the Na tional Champ ionsh ip are n ot officia l, pending decisio n of an ap peal board on the fir st p lace fin ish. We will c ontact you at a lat er date as soon as th e resul ts are official. DAVE WELSH AMA Professional Ra cing Department HAPPY WINNER My family and I rode the Sm uggler's Enduro Family Poker R un. I was the lucky one who wo n the trailer. I would like to thank th e owner, Ron Stead, and employees of the Journeyman T railer Co . for p utting on a great family enduro and giving me th e ch ance to win su ch a fan tastic tr ail er. It was a co mp le te shock and a nea t surprise. We need m ore family en du ro 's lik e th is one. Thanks again. I would like to thank my m o m an d dad for p aying my entry fee . THANKS , T HANKS, THANKS, etc. GAYLE BELL Lakewood, Calif. o urs co uld go lo o kin g for my h usband . Yo u meet th e nice st people in the d esert. MR . AN D MRS. MAL CLARK Pie Plate No. 209 UPSHIFT T his is to ad vise yo u th at effective Mar ch 27, 1972 all Lu cas Elec tri ca l parts and A ma l Ca rb ure tor Spar e p ar ts prices will b e in creased. ' ROBE RT GIORDANA Parts Prici ng Ma nage r Top Gear Accessories, In c. SCORING Because of my involvement in scoring he re in Arizona I especia lly noted th e letters on the Fremont Marathon. w as great. I h op e they h ave another o ne soon. You people who en joyed th e race should w rite Bay Mare an d tell the m, so we can do it again, soon. STEV E SPAHR Clamjumpers M.C. YOU CAN H ELp· The fru stratio n of t ry in g to sco re a race wh en a rider refuses to clean hi s nu mber p late an d then co mp lains when he thinks h e h as been missed a lap, speaks fo r itsel f. As far as disregard fo r the rider and acc u rac y in the scoring, this simp ly is not so . T he o nly reaso n I am out t here is be cause 1 do care . The bes t p o ssibl e j ob is done, u nder th e ex isti ng RAMBLlN' Th is is to info rm you of wh at is h appening to the Ric hmo nd Ramble rs. We h ave b een in co urt fo r th e p ast two y ears, fi gh li ng fo r th e righ ts of all cyclists to ride o n the h ills at Pt. Richmond. You may feel that th is isn' t your problem, but it conce rn s every one, wh o ow ns a bik e. We are stead ily losing ground due to a lot o f poli tical pressure which in lime th ey w ill eliminate all o ff street rid ing . In . order to retain o ur attorn ey we need financial support from all interested parties. One of our lo cal motorcycl e sh op s (Karl's Motor's) has donated a new Yamaha 100 (Enduro). We are raffling this off at $1.00 a ticket. Anyone wishing to purchase one of these raffle tickets, please send your contributions along with your name, ad d ress and phone number to the Richmond Ramblers Motorcycle Club, located at P.O . Box 484, Station A, Richmond, California 94808 . Thanking you in advance for all your support. MRS. C. STONEBRAKER Richmond Rambler VOT E FOR FUN Ron Schneiders has finally done something worthwhile. In the April 18 issue of Cycle News Gambit ar t icle concerning President Nixon and his "gambit" play for the upcoming election. Ron, you really told it like it is as old Tricky Dick thinks that th is little move on . his part will get all those nature-lovers who regard all b ike s as no-good Hells Angels, and so if the presid ent made so me kind of proclamation to wipe bikes o ff the U.S. map , they should put him b ack in o ffi ce because he is doing the right thing. But, as Ron Schneiders says , we can show him ab out ch ess with o ur 5 mill ion votes. MARK HANSON Fulle rto n, Calif. N ICE PEOPLE Thanks to th e DRA for putting o n a fun rac e April 9 at Four Corners . Unfo rt unately , i can' t say too much for their clean up crew. My husband broke down abou t six miles out on the co ur se. He gave his name and bik e numb er to the DRA cre w four d ifferent times. Why they nev er p osted his number I will never know, but he was stuck out t he re for five hours. We would esp ecially like to thank th e two gentlemen on the Husky and Penton for spending over an hour of their own time looking for him. Als o thanks to the gentleman parked next to us for loaning us his bike so a friend of Cop yright€! Cycl e News, Inc. 1972 all rights reserv ed any p lastic p romotion in the motorcycle sport. WE will always b e 100 percen t fo r race rs , race enth usiasts, sup port ing co mmu nit ies, an d members of th e ind ustry. In oth er words, th e sp ort. . DIRT DIG GE RS NORTH M.C. Orangevale, Calif. Plastic?.... Ed. GET YOUR GOAT T h e Viewfinders M.C . j oined the ranks o f indign ant de sert racers March 28 b y passing a res olution agai nst pit race rs. Our club voted to b an fr om the membership any p it racers rep o rt ed to th e Vie wfinders by th e sponsoring club at a d esert functio n. A motio n was made to rem o ve the throttle hand fro m the arm . o f an y convic t ed pi t racers, but t his motio n was closely defeated in favor of the • reso lutio n to b an from membership . Des ert racin g ca n be su ch a p leasant fa m ily affair in cluding mom and t he kids, the d og, t he ca ts, and even yo ur pe t goat , if we can just make the camping ar eas and p its sa fe to one an d all. BOB BARADA Vi ewfinders M.C. POWER PEOPLE L- VOICES OF THE.WEST My co mp laint is ' that there aren't enough people in terested in sco rin g, if o n ly as relief help . Perhaps that was the problem at the marath on . The riders are not entirely blamele ss, h owever. We constantly harp at th ose with muddy plates or unreadable numbers. Some even show two or three different numbers. I still th ink that each rider sh ould stop a t scoring and sign in on each lap bu t I only get stupid lo oks wh en I mention it. SHIRLEY MAESTRAS Scottsdale, Ariz. GRRRRRRRIPE . This is a gripe ab o ut the Prospec tors Hare and Ho und. T he cheap dudes didn't eve n give finishing p ins. The course was outasite but it wasn't marked very good. Thanks to the nice Grip ster who pulled my bike off.of me . DAN BUGGED The bugs beat out the bikes. Sometimes I feel the b ugs are in my bike so I try -to beat out the b ugs. ' If more :people had vo ted for "On Any Sunday " we would have won. 1 feel the pho tography and presentation we re ex cellen t. Bruce Brown could do any sub ject its ju st deserve. I am so rry we didn't win . ED BRANDT Diamond Bar, csnr.. HAN D LI NG CREDI T Your reporters don't give a damn about underdogs. Everybody knows that you always give credit to top riders, regardless of h ow we ll they do . At Hangtown Dave Miller w as the only o n e to lead Rapp all day. He led three-quarters of the wa y in th e sec ond moro, and until his engine soured we w ere co nvinc ed that Miller cou ld have won. I think th at credit is deserved where cred it is earned. In this case Mille r earned all the credit he could handle. GREG BRUNELL Los Gatos, Calif. LETTER I am writing to express how much I enjoyed the Team Grand Prix at Bay Mare. I am sure th at all who raced will agree that it was a lot of fun. The track -:- _ circums tances. But th ank y ou all for cari ng enough to co mp lain . We've tried to find help , but all we get us " th is is impossible". To Mr. Em Smith , your letter was greatly appreciated. It showed so me thought and concern fo r ' racing and .Sa tu rd ay Madness. It's a sh ame whe n people get so upset over what is suppose to be just a fu n thing. But it upsets me to o , wh en I think that someone has not been dealt with fairly . Your Scorer . DONNA HALL San Jose , Calif. D EA R MIK E, When I saw your letter o f week last, I was truly dismayed. I was almost positive of your amateur standing and h ere it appeared that I might h ave grossly blundered. Seeking to uncover the truth of the matter, I rushed right down to con su lt with the British Consulate. He h emmed and hawed, and then admi tted that you were righ t. "Makes it a bit sticky, you know." And for this Mike, I'm truly sorry , but as you know, no British subject is allowed to be a professional. I suppose y ou 'll be able to take out paper s in America or Germany so it won't be all th at b ad really . The fellow said you'd recei ve a Conn in a month or so requesting that you tum in your accent. And of course tea is o ut, but you'll get used to co ffee, I'm su re . Again, I'm really sorry. Se em s I'm th e am a teur , rea lly . Cheerio, RON SCHNEIDERS YAY US All th e members o f the Dirt Diggers North Motorcycle Club would like to extend o ur sincere thanks to every rider , sp ectator, distributor, and dealer who supported and participated in our Fo urt h Annual Hangtown Motocross. This year 's Hangtown was the largest club-promoted motocross in the nation and possibly the largest American motocross for Americans - we like to support our boys! We would like to take this opportunity to make one thing perfectly clear: We did not have any connection with a professionally-prom o ted motocross held in Plymouth the weekend following Hangtown. We are not;' nor will we ever De connected wiill MOWERS TO THE I thin k th at p ower mowers, garden tractors, he avy equipment, gol f carts, an d battery-powered kids' riding toys should all be eligible for the great new laws now being enacted, helmets inclu d ed . JACK COSTELLA Los Gatos, Calif. WELLS IS WELL You mentioned in The Latest Poop that when Evel Knievel found out that Gary Wells was paralyzed for life he said, "Enough is enough. tt Well, he su re is active for a guy who is paralyzed because I raced against him at Cloverfield Motocross Park April 9 in Houston. Son-of-a-gun. MIKE GUARDIAN Houston, Texas JOE LIK ED T HE SHOW Though I am a great fan of David Swift's journalistic abilities I find his judgement of the Cycle World Show somewhat immature and lacking perspective. It is true we were unable to convince DKW, Maico and JawafCZ of the value of participating. Husqvarna and Bultaco are in the middle of management and staff changes so were unable to take part, but both firm s-have assured me they will return next year. Penton West will also return next year. Their move to Sacramento caused unusual problems they have not solved as yet. To compare us to a trade show is not fair. The MDN shows are in deed excellent and are st aged to sell motorcycles to dealers. The public does not attend these shows, with the exception of the Houston edition. The Cycle World sh ow is a rider and consumers exhibition. Swift's negative attitude towards near ly everything, including the trials course and the clubs of the American Trials Association that ran it, Derek Rickman, Edison Dye, and almost every one who took part in the most successful show we have ever held is amaz ing . . Mo st fo un d the new trends in customs fas cinating. The level of workmansh ip is improving and builders are training for new innovations. Swift's preference for those really weird bicycles is also very curious. Please, next year send a motorcyclist to review th e sh ow . JOSEPHC . PARKHURST Parkhurst 1'ublishlJlg Co mpany

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