Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1972 0502

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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, ) . M WilD t» Write... Proper form of address : The Honorab le Joh n Doe Califo rnia S tat e Senate S ta t e Cap it o l Sacramen to , Calif. '" g' C>. N .... en ,T he Honora ble J ohn Hancock California Stat e Assembly State Cap it o l • Sacramento, Calif. 95814 .. N > ::;; 95814 Dear Senator Doe : Dear Mr. Hancock: Also n ote th at in matters pertaining t o ci ty ordinances, etc., write only to your ci ty council ; if the matters are county , write county officials. These are your stat~ r ep res':!!. a tive. Clip out t his listing and save it fo r future reference. t ESTDIA1'ED caJNTr M/==, 70,422 SEN . Butte CoJ.aver&s Colusa Contra. Costa Del N orte El Dora do Fresno Glenn Humboldt. Imperie.l I nyo Kern K1ngs L>leJ ian Yes, this is serious. 5; 56 57 On April 20 the Assembly Transportation Committee passed AS 744 , Assemblyman W. Craig Biddle's bill that. if passed, will make helmets mandatory in the State of Californ ia. Now it's going to the Assembly Ways and Means Committee. If we let AB 744 pass we will be wide open for even more bizarre and unusual acts. Ever hear the one about the five-foot pole with the revolving red light on top? Or the one that would require seat belts on all motorcycles? They're true, dear friends; such laws have been proposed and you can expect some funnier laws if you don't act now. 58 ~ 61 62 63 64 6; 66 , 67 Madera Ma rin l-I!l rlposa Mendocino Merced Modoc Write to your Assemblyman and/or the members of the Assembly Ways and Means Committee. Be polite but to the point. You don 't approve of AS 744 and won't vote for anybody who does . Mono Jo:otlterey Napa Nevada Orange 3,2l!o 14,771 538 5,098 6,966 1; 4 15, 1 15 3 646 458 16,659 15 6,390 4 2,467 123,027 17 3 34 35 68 33 7 H",,-ard .ay Pe te r H. Beh r H"":1rd 'J oy Rando l ph Collier !low&rd \lay Stephen P. Teal e !low&rd \lay Donald L . Grunsk;y Peter H. Behr Stephen P. Teal e Dennis E. Carpenter Jame s E. lIhe tmo", 6 2 31 1 6 34 ~ 35 69 70 ASSEMBLY WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Willie L. Brown (Chairman) Robert E. Badham William T. Bagley E. Richard Barnes Frank P. Belotti [ohn L. Burton Eugene A. Chappie [ohn L.E_Collier Robert W. Crown Pauline L. Davis [ohn F. Dunlap [ohn Francis Foran Ken MacDonald Frank Lanterman John I. Miller Carley V. Porter Leo J. Ryan John Stull [ohn Vasconcellos Charle s Warren 3 3 Riverside 1,267 45, 891 36 Sa cramento 55,859 5 6 Albert S . Rodda 6 71 Ste phen P. Teale Stephen P. Tee.le ::Ordon Cologne Alan $hort Placer Plumas 3an Benito San Berr.nrdino San Diego 10,115 1,635 71,126 124,986 17 20 36 1 710 75 3 8 9 31 35 Donald L . Grunsk;y 1/1l110l1l E. Coanbs Gordon Cologne 38 Clair \I . Burgener 39 72 73 76 77 J a ck Schrade 40 J ame s R. Mills 78 79 80 S:lI1 Use the handy guide to the right and get those cards and letters in t he mail. Francisco 32, 714 9 10 20 6 23 12 30 29 Alan Sh ort 22 ,1l9 San Lu i s Obispo 10 , 1.i.80 17 Donald L . Grunsky San Mateo 41, 229 12 Arlen F. G gorio re 5. . ta Bar b3.ra 1n s e ate Clara 21,949 70, 560 24 l~ Robe rt J . !.ag= s i no Alfred g . Al q u i s t CI Rr k L. B~dley Serrta Cruz Sms ta 10.979 7,603 141/ 3, 798 12,950 17 Dona l d L . Gru nsk;y Ste rn Sisk1you Sol llno Sonom 17, 219 Stanislaus You wear helmets. We wear helmets. Helmets are a wise cho ice. Discriminatory laws tha t tell yo u what to read, write , eat , wear, or any thing else tha t is best left to personal preference, are unwise. 18 19 Mi l ton ~ rks George R. Mosco ne San Joaquin 16, 282 13 Fre d 3 3 2 2 3 6,579 Yuba 4, 136 1 1 5 2 7 1,632 31 ,194 1 Marler , J r . Fred W : 15 Ventur:1. 31 Pe ter H. Behr R3ndo lph Collie r 16, 480 Yol o 22 24 Mir l e r , J r . 2 Tehcura Trinity Tulare Tuo 'J. 4 1 4, 253 1 ,142 26 27 36 S tephe n P . Tea.Le Rand olnh Collier 1 Sutter 3,424 36 25 2 1 24 2 . 30 Stephen P . Teale Fred IN. lo' :lrler J J r . . Fred ~.; . totider , J r. ~ odol ph Collier Howard ',la y 4 1 1 21 29 6 37 Stephe n P. Teale Robe rt J . Laganars i no Fred w ~Brle r , J r . . ASSDlBUMAII Carlos Bee Robe rt .... Crown fo". arch K . Fang ICe:"! Meade Joh.., J . HU ler Eugene A. Chappie Zueer.e A. Cha pp ie Ray Z. J ohn son Eugene A. Chap~i e Ray S . J o.' mson James 'll . ten t J c h T . Knox n Pauline L Ihv i s Zug ene A. Chapp l e Kenneth L M:lddy Ray E. J OM:Jon Pauli ne L IBvi,s Frank f. Be:iot~i Rnymond T. Seeley Eugene A. Qo.a i e pp Kent H. Stacey W lll1!l11l M. Ketchum Gor:lon \I . D.1U'y Ib.y E. J ohn s on Pauline L. mvi s Carl ey V. Porter James A. Haye s Alex P. Cio.r c i3. Jim Keyso r Bob Moret t i Carlos J . Moortead Mike Cull en 'Ju te r J . Karab tan Robert G. Beve rl y Frank I.anteman Bill Broph y (vaennt) ~ 1 U.1 am C!.mpbe~l Jack R. Fenter Floyd L . 'J nke fi e l d Bi l :!. Greene John L. , . Col lier Le on Ral ph Ch:lrl es :.Ja.rren Cha r le c J . Ccnrad Harvey JohnSOll Abn 5 i e rot}' Faul Priolo Henry A. W axman rtevton R. Russell w Bn.thva.1te . ""bert C. Cline t8vid C. Pie:"son Joe A. Gonsalves 1.. E. Townsend Vincent 'l'homas E:mef::t N. Mobley \li l liam T. Baglcy . Eugene A Chappic Pnnk P . Be10tU Fran!< ~, Jr . Pa ul i ne L . Davis Eugene A. Chappie Bub IIood John F. Dunlap Euae ne A. Chs ppie John V. Br igga Kenneth Cory Robert R. Burke Robert E. Bedhom Eugene A. Chappie Pauline L Davis \I . Crats Biddle Raymor.d T. Seeley LeTO)' F. Gre ene Wsl:ter W Powers . Edv1n L . Z'be rg Frank~, Jr . John V . Briggs J oIm P. ~1mby Jerry I.ev1s B ob Wilso n Yv onne lIad1e P. Ileddeh E: . Ri chard Barnes Peter R. Chacon John St.ull W i e L. Brown, J r . ill Leo T. McCarthy John L Burton J o."ut "F'ra.'"l i s Foran c BubMonagnn Erne s t LaCoste W i~l 1am M. Ketchum \I . am MacGilli v ray D1x.on Arne tt Leo J . Ryan \I . am Mac Gi l liv ray Richard D. Hay den John Va s co nce l l o s Alister McAliste r F~ Murphy, J r . L. Divis Paul i ne Pauli ne Paul i r:.e John F. L IB. i s v L . t8.v 1s Dunlap Frank P. Belott1 \li 1l1am T. Bagley Ernest LaCos te Ray E. J ohnson Pauline L. tBvi s Pauline L. t8v i s Gordon W_ D.1rlY W llillm M. um i Eugene A. Cl".Ap;l1e 4 I J _ ! Ken ~.a c Donald Ray E. Johnson 9 6 Edwi n L . 1.Iber g E:ugene A. Clo.l1pp1e 1 J _ I "" .~ ~ w Z W ..J U > U

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