Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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!Z -c Re s u lts 0: PfW (4 -6) : 1. Byron Dilla rd (Cob ); 2. Hunter Walker (Yam) ; 3. Willia m wetere (tU M). PfW (7 -9) : I . Todd Smith (Cob). 60 B: 1. Hunter Wolters (Klt w); 2. Kenda ll Mason (KTM); 3. Perk er An thon y (Kaw); 4. Derric k Miller (Kaw). 60 C: 1. Luk e Devre (Kll W); 2. Herecneu Goodi n (KGw); 3 . Christ ian Tramel (Kaw ). 60 0 : I. Chase Wo!Ilker (Kaw); 2. Todd Smith (Kaw); 3 . Kaisey Boutwe ll (Kaw). 60 B: I . Cole Boutwe ll (Yam); 2. Blane Mllison (Yam) . 60 C: J. J ames Ro!Igsdale (Kalil); 2. Colton Davi e (Yam ): 3. Buck Ho!Irtzog (Yam) . 60 0 : I. Hunter Waltl"rs (Suz); 2. Derric k Miller (K aw); 3. J erme Devilbiss (Hon ); 4. Luke Davie (Suz); 5 . Mllilt Peevy (Kaw) . S/MlNl: 1. Cole Boutwell (Yam) ; 2. Blane Mason (Yam); 3. Buck Hartzog (Yam): 4. Colton Davie (Yam) ; 5 . J ame s Ragsdale (Kow). YTH: 1. Clint Stagner (Yam ); 2. James Stephens (Yam) ; 3. Ryker Sm ith (Yam); 4. Matt Peevy (Kaw) . 16-29: I. Derrell Mullis (Hon) ; 2. .Jescn Cross (Hon) ; 3. Paul Powell (SUl) . 125 MY; 1. Dlmyt Heisler (Kaw) ; 2. Kevin Knight (Kaw); 3 . Jon Sanders (Yam ). 125 C: 1. Clint Stagner (Yam ); 2. Rhett Peel (Yam) . 1250: I. Chuc k McCord (Yam) : 2. Buc k Hartzog (Yam ); 3 . Brint Sim pson (Kaw ); 4. Dann y Cumb ie (Hon ); 5. Chad Reeves (Kaw ). OPEN MNY: I. Darry l Heeler ( Yam ); 2. Brent Cerroll (Yam ): 3 . J ames Morrison (Yam): 4. Jon Senders (YClm); 5. Chan Senn (Yam ). 250 B: 1. Dav id Moon (Hon) . 250 C: 1. J am es Step hens ( Yem ]: 2. Jasen Cros s (Hen}: 3. DlIvid Moon (Hon ). 250 0 : 1. Beeu Pierce (Yam) ; 2. Br int Simpson (Kaw); 3. WI'S Tindell (YlI m); 4. Jeremy Harre (Hon). 40. : 1. Jim Owens (Kaw ); 2. Joe Bruer (H on ); 3 . Rhett Peel (Yam); 4. Ton y Hardy (Kalil) . HBBY: 1. Michael Carey (Yll m); 2. Jeremy Herdy (Kll W); 3. Kyle To!I ylor (Hon) : 4. J.D . Devilb iss (Suz) : 5 . Chad Reeves (Ko!IlII) e ::; =; >- CD 5 s: S u n s e t Ramblers By W illow Sprin gs Half Mi le Kerr' s son Ry an won the Pee W ee One KU RT MOSHER sunshine and c oo l te mperatures. Rain earlie r in th e week soaked into the tra ck and m ad e practice wet, but for th e m oto s th e trac k was m os tly dry and m ade up of technic al lin es and cha lleng ing conditions. Lonqvtew Moto rsports ' Ai ns lie st arte d h is class a nd placed fifth in the 60cc class . GALION, OH, OCT. 22 Ohio was blessed with another beautiful falJ d a y a s th e S u m m e r MX se ries came to a close, Da ve Sa ndridge pulled out all the sto ps , In Ove r 40 action, Chri s Thomas took hi s CR125 t o a c onvi nc ing win ov er Larry Risher. J o e y Lan ge pu t together two 2- 1 moto splits to ge t the job don e in the Schoolboy a nd day off b y taki ng t he lead in th e 12 5 cc B 125cc B divisions . Rick Custard c ashed in on the class and th e ove rall series win in th e Bo mber divisio n. Custard had to mak e up some lost ground to T odd "To dzule" Muntz in th e seco nd m oto, but taking home tw o class series overalls and th e be st score in the seri es overall; along with his trophies for the da y, Sandridge ea med e no ugh hardware that he co uld ha ve used a mo ving va n to hau l home his tr ophy co llectio n. San- go n, was reall y hauling in th e improv ing co nd iti ons . Th e t a c k y dirt was f a v o r i n g t he mo re-powerful 250s, a nd Ainslie' s YZ1 25 was (YMl). far behind th e fi rst- m ot a winne r. The seco nd mota m ade th e da y . Wa llace rock et ed out of the new sta rti ng line wi th the ho leshot a nd ente red th e seco nd tum with Ainslie in sec ond. Ainslie had just made an agg ressive effo rt to PfW 80: 1. J oey Penry (Y./I ); 2. Kristoph ~r Hand (Yam ); 3. m Jeff O' Neil (Ylt m): 4. Nick Crossmll n (SUl) . 60: 1. All en J ones (KTM): 2. Ryen Titu s (KTM); 3. Dustin An derson (KTM); 4. Je ce O' Neil (Kaw); 5. Ryan Kerr (KTM) . MJ JR: 1. Tyler Bowers (Kaw); 2. Craig Th ome s (Hon ); 3 . NI Zec h Ame s ( Sut); 4. Shawn Jo h nson (Kaw) ; 5 . All en Jo nes (Kalil) . MJN SR: 1. Zach Am es (Suz) ; 2. Craig Thoma s (Hon); 3 . I Steve Alexa nder (Kll W); 4. Shawn Jo hn5Ol1 (KlIw ); 5 . Rick Ake rs (KlIw). 125 A : I. Dillon Watk ins (Kaw) ; 2. Tony Robinson (Hon) ; 3. Matt Feasel (Hon) . 125 B: 1. Joey u mge (Yam) ; 2. Travis McQu~n (Sut ); 3 . Ju stin Schmehl ( Hon) ; 4 . Tod d Mun u (Hon); 5 _ Scott Richi e (SUl). 125 C: I. Josh Kompa (HOfl); 2. Jared Young ( Hus); 3 . Ray Jenk ins (Suz); 4 , Dustin DlInhoff (Hon ) 5 . Shown ill'S (Suz) . 250 A : 1. Dillon WlItk ins (KllW) . 250 B: 1. Trav is McQue("n (Suz); 2. Dave Sandri dge (Ylt m ): 3 . Jltke Morning star (YlIm ). e rs took t he hol e s hots in b o th m oto s, as Thomas gav e chase. Th e u suall y fas t Am es suffe red from some m ed ioc re st arts and had to play ca tch-u p. Bow ers too k th e wi n with a bl o cked the o n ly two lines ava ila b le and bro ug ht the e ntire fie ld to a halt - e veryone but Wa llace, th at is. A ins lie rem oun ted with out the rest of the ra ce rs getting away, and th e race tu rned into a grou p way be hind Wallace. It took just a lap for Ainslie to get a cle ar track in seco nd, m ore than 20 seco nds beh ind the leade r. Ove r the ne xt co up le of la ps , Ainslie was in the zone. He was keeping his YZ125 250 C: 1. Rusti e Goddltrd (Yam ); 2. Trllvis Ousley (Suz); 3. Joh n And el'llOn (YlI m); 4. Rick Orazll"l (Kaw): 5 . Mllirk Hedrick (K lIw). SCHBY: 1. Joey Lmge (Yam) ; 2. Zzt h Ames (Suz); 3. Josh c Kompo!l (Hon) ; 4. Cart Custard (Hon); 5. Crll ig Thoma s (Hon). 25.: I. Matt feo!lsel (Han) : 2. Rushe Godda rd ( Yam ) ; 3. David Di ehl (Yam); 4. Ryo!ln Weaver (Suz); 5. Joh n Kinnamo n (Hus). 30. : 1. Dave Sandridge (Yam); 2. Scott Curren (KlIw): 3 . B rett Reme sik ( Hon) : 4 . Ric k C u st ll r d ( Ho n); 5 . St e ve WellnabeSlln (Suz). 40. : 1. Ch ris Thomas (Hon) ; 2. Larry Risner (Hon); 3 . J oe Garcia (Kll W); 4. Jeff Hill (Hon ); 5. K@'i nCopeland (Yam ). i SO : 1. Rick Grazel (Kaw); 2. John Bush (KTM) ; 3. Roger ... Counts (Kaw). 4·STRK : 1. Gerry Kerr (KTM): 2. Kurt Mosher (YlI m) ; 3 . J oe Dingess (Yam ); 4. Mitch Davi s (Hon ); 5 . Greg Newman (Hon ). OPEN: I. Greg Barenth in (YlIm ): 2. Gerry Kerr (KTM) ; 3. Kurt Mosher ( Yllm ); 4. Reese MlIrtin (HOl1). BMBR : 1. Rick Custard (Kaw); 2. T odd Muntz (Hon) ; 3 . Ku rt Mosher (Hon ); 4. Dltn Herrola (Hon); 5 . MlIrk Sisler (Hon) . By pi nne d , and hi s c orner in g spee d ar ound th e tr ack helped make up time. Al so , hi s trip le - tri ple -tr ip le move th rough the to ug h who op section bou gh t him some m or e tim e, and he began to reel in th e leader. Wall ace wa s wor k in g hard , but he wa s being consistently ou t w w bra ked , a nd on th e final la p dow n the Scott USA sk i j ump, Ainslie chose th e outs ide line throug h the first S-tum a nd ra iled aro und Wallace to snag th e lea d • co m pleti ng his move "from wor st to first" ! He wo n th e class with his 2 1 sco re. w In the Pro 25 0cc cla ss , Hond a rider Jason Matthews of Tua latin, Oregon, made one less mista ke than his co m petito r, MX Plus-ba ck ed rider Honda Don Bis ceglia. als o fr om Tu al ati n. Bisceglia won th e fir st m ot a and was lea di ng the seco nd when he ente red th e Cat ch er' s Mi tt com er with the low sun in his eyes and cross· rutted , dumping his bike . '" co uldn 't see and forgo t wh ic h line I was in '" he said , Th at m ishap allowed Matthews to win the seco nd m oto . Resu lts P AT D OUGHERTY 50 ( 4- 6 ) ST K : I. Ta yl o r Felle r (Co b ); 2. Matth ew Bisc eg lia (Cob) ; 3 . Kyle Huffmlln (KTM) . 50 (7· 8) STK: 1. Landon Curr ier (Cob); 2. Dustin Sulli vlIn (Co b): 3. Melissa Coblentz (Urn ). 60 (7· 8) : I. Landon Currier (Kaw): 2. Gltred Steink e (KTM ): 3 . Dustin SuUiv./ln (KlIw): 4. Ben Balda sano (Klt lll ); 5 . Tommy Weeck WASHOUGAL, WA, OCT. 15 250cc A cla ss . KTM-m ount ed Gerry Kerr rod e two perfect mo tos to the Fo ur-Stroke win, but Kerr had his han ds full in the Ope n class , with Greg Bare n- Lon gvi ew , Wa shin gton's Dale Ai nslie is matur in g as a racer, p u shing h is Ya m ah as ha r d around th e scenic Wa shougal National tr ack . In th e last event of the season, spon sored by !'ction Mot orsp ort s, ra cer s enj oyed a hint of w th!.n_~~~i ng the 2 1 decision over Kerr. w eye Hillsboro, Oregon . W hile d iv ing into th e sec an d turn b ehi nd Wa lla ce, h e slid ou t a nd w Ainslie. From Worst to First Series po ints win ner T on y Robinson cru ised in for seco nd. Watkin s a lso we n t u nco nteste d i n the NOVEMBER 22 , 2000' outbra ke birthd a y boy Tye Cran da l, 21 , from W ashoug a l MX Park 1- 1 score , fo llowed by Thom as (2 -2 ). Am es rounded out the top th ree. In 125 cc A action, it was all Dillon Watk ins o n hi s Ka wa s aki. Th e yo ung s e ns a t ion ra n a way from the res t of th e lightweight Pro field. (lIT"') . .,; , ~. I e n e VIl s numerou s fans who showed up for Edd ie Mu l- groomed to perfection as the first ma in event got und er wa y . Ma rty Lewis led th e Senior class from st art t o finish , putting in a flawless ride aboard his "I broke so me reed s: he shoute d as the pa ck co llected the checkers . The next race was the BTH cla ss . KX250 mo un ted Will Wa llace fro m Redmon d , Ore - PfW 1: I. Ryan Kerr (Cob) ; 2. Orr e Shane (Co b) ; 3 . DWight Netescc (Pol); 4 , E len A ndel1iOO (KTM ): 5 . Altron Jenkins (Hus). PfW 2: I . Mitch Dowell (Yam ); 2. MlItl.h~ Blum (Yam) : 3. All to n J enkins (Yam) ; 4. Emily Ti tus (Y am); 5. Cody Mlltem m oney 's worth in the M ini Junior cl ass. Bow · ROSAMOND . CA,OCT 14 Bea utiful we a the r g reeted th e 8 5 ride rs a nd Da vid Ch arne y from Co ue r d'A le ne , Id a ho . Result s Washougal MX Park: Da le Ain s lie (12) won the 12Sc c B c lass in Was houga l, Wash ington. By JIM GRANT der's fin al week end of ra cin g a t the Willow Springs dirt t ra c k ha lf mil e . The tr ac k was How ev er , halfw ay through th e m ot o , Ainsli e was sitting on a dead bike at the fi ni sh line, waiting for the rest to finish. and squ eak ed out th e series cham pionship by two points . and Zach A m es gave th e fans m or e than th eir H o cki ng H auls In Tw o cl ass, ahea d of Honda rid er Dav id Coffee from A real , Was hi ngto n, an d Ya m ah a- mou nted he got pa st afte r a little bit of "NHL" actio n dridg e's da y wa s high lighted by his Over 30 win an d a solid s e cond-p la ce finish in th e 250 cc B division, An epic battle betw een se ries ove rall winne r Cra ig "The Crat e " Thomas , Tyler Bower s 54 (lIT" ). S/ Ml NI (9- t l): 1. Ryen Villopoto (Yom ); 2. Kocy Huffm on (KlI w); 3. Shewn Haberl ock (Kaw); 4. Chris Johnso n (Klt w) . 125 B: I. DlIv id Coffey (Hon); 2. Dale Ainslie (Yo!Im ): 3 . David Charney (Yltm) ; 4. Dele Corra (KlIw) . 125 C: 1. Trevor Brooks (Yam): 2. Kevin Meyer (Hon); 3. Randal Lewis (Yam): 4. Demel Harri s (Kaw): 5. Greg Bergren (Ko!l w). 125 0 : I. .I ede Unger (Hon ); 2. Art Cli nlo n (Hen): 3 . KlI yne Pedrmi (Yltm ); 4. Joe Ebne r (Ka w ): 5. T im Ravins (Hon). 250 A : 1. Jason M!ltthe ws ( Hon); 2 . DonBiscegti!l (Hon). 250 B: 1. Will Weuece (KlI lII): 2. J .R. Vielle (Suz) ; 3 . Tye CrendaJJ (Hon) ; 4 . Joseph Broc kw ay (Yarn); 5. Scott Sherrell (Hon). 250 C: I. Dltvi d Schmi d (Hon): 2. Brett Oke rm en (Hon); 3 . Rob Spring (Hon ); 4. Ryll n Enni!; (Hon): 5 . Jeremy Holt (Yam ). 250 D: 1. Michllel TIppetts (K ltw ); 2. Joe Paklll us (K aw): 3 . Brian Denniell (H on); 4. Michael Lee (Hon); 5. T yler Shepard (Han). 25f N B: 1. Jescn Malthew s (Hon ); 2. Jon Ridder (Yam). 25 .. C: I . Robert Carper (Hon) 30 .. A : I. DonBisceglia (Hon ): 2. Darryl Zumstein (HOI'l ; 3 . Jay ) Jackson (Kalil). 30. B: I. Petnck Doughe rty (Hon ): 2. Roger McItherly (Hon). 30 .. C: 1. Rob Spri ng (Hon) ; 2. Ron Coble nU (Hon) : 3 . Tony Logosz (Hon); 4 . Michael Ekerson (Hon); 5. Tom Ek erson (Hon). 40. A : 1. Darryl Zumstein (Hon ); 2 . Mike Schwerrle r (Hon); 3. MlIrk Enn is (Hon): 4. David Shepard (Hon) . 40.. B: 1. Scott Bergren (Suz); 2. Borge Elli ngsen (Kalil ): 3 . Terry Brooks (Yam ). 40. C: I . Corky Clanto n (He n ): 2. Ji m Few (Hon): 3. Jeffrey Kissinger (KTM) ; 4 . Brian Swanson (Kaw); 5 . Mike Hanson [ vern ] . BTH: I. Dltle Ains lie (Yam ); 2. Will W!lJlllc e (Kaw); 3. Ty e Cranda ll (Hon ); 4. Devid Coffey (Hon ): 5 . Nikolll.s Pack (K aw) . WMN (12 ..): 1. Mltry Altergott (Yam ): 2. Stacey Matthew s (Yam ). Willow S p ri n g s Half M ile: Ric k Ho ckin g (13) won the Mo d e m 7S0cc and SOOcc S upport classes in Ro samo nd , Ca lifo rn ia . The Sun Sets o n Sandridge 60 (7 · 11): 1. Ryan VHlopoto (Yam ): 2. ShlIwn Haberlock (Kllw ); 3. Ko ry Huffrnen (K aw ); 4 . .Jek e Ponc e (KlI w) ; 5 . Gunnar Strum (YlIm) . 60 0 (7 · 1 1): 1. Seen Ek erson (Suz ); 2. Brandon Remington (KlI w); 3 . .Jcsh ue Blend (Kaw): 4. Ben BlI idaSllno (Kltw). BO D ( 12- 15): I. Daniel Devenport (Hon); 2. Ni ck Dunn (Hon ); 3. Ben Sll rdinll (KlIw) . O PEN 0 : 1. Derek Mcin t yre ( Hon): 2. Ben Ruzickll (Hon) ; 3 . Bra d Ol hava ( Yam) : 4 . Br ia n Mc Garr ah ( KTM ); 5 . J am es T ri vill Cody 60 (9· 11): 1. Tyler Villopoto (KT M): 2. Jltke Ponce (KTM ): 3 . Short(Kaw): 4. Gunnar (KTM) : 5 . BrMldon Harris (Ktlw) . Strum 0; . .... _ Rod Lake Racing Triumph. Dic k S lus her , Phil Br own and J ulian A rthur raced for th ird, whil e Gary Petti s wrapped up the number-two spot . M ars ha ll Jenni ngs led th e Senior No vice class and cruised to an easy victory over Sam Gra y and Larry Ha rness . In th e Din o class, Gordon Menzie ke pt some di stan ce between him self and Rick Gill to ta ke the c heckered . D u e t o m an y r ec ent r eq u est s , M u ld er added a Youth cla ss to the progra m . Kenny Malag uarner o r ac ed h is Honda in t o Vic t or y Circle, ove r Billy Meyers a nd Loga n J ohnson . The Vet class was the biggest of the day. Keith Brad for d , o n h is Bo b Brad for d -tuned TT500 , abs co nd ed wit h t he h o le sh ot a nd walked away wi th an easy victo ry over T ri- um p h -mou nted Greg Wilbu rn and hotsh oe Dann y Perez. J im M cMurren cl aimed the victory in th e Class ic 250cc class with a w in over Shane Petti s. Gordo n Men zie had his Royal Enfield runni ng like a top in the Classic 500cc class . David Brown p la yed second fiddle , a nd the always c ons istent J oe Pape wa s third. In the Modern 500cc co ntest, Gary Pett is ha d his Bultaco tun ed to perfecti on , a nd he led Ta ke Mitsunori a nd Jay J ohn son to the finish lin e. Mulde r got the big holeshot In the Modem 750cc cla ss a nd led the th und e ring herd into tum one , only to be quick ly cha llenged by the JGPhotos /Sadd leme n/D odge Brothers/A &A Ra ci ng TD3 Yamah a tw in of Rick Hocki ng . Afte r going high off tum o ne, Hoc king slid the screamer under M u lder off turn t wo fo r the le ad dow n t h e ba ck stre tch . Mu lde r t hen gra bbe d a ha nd ful of tha t XR power a nd jetted pa st Hock ing. Driving it in hard th rou gh tum t hree , Hocki ng e xite d und er Muld er a nd led in to turn one , w ith Muld er hot on hi s heel s. Th is was by far the best race of the da y. Hock ing won the duel to th e fini sh lin e. with Mulder second and Greg Wilburn third. Ri ck Ho c king took hi s Ya maha T wi n to Victory Lane once aga in in the 500cc Support cl ass aft er early rac e leader K eith B ra dfo rd lo w-sided c oming off tum t wo . Hoc ki ng was followed by J a mes Kee ler a nd Take Mits unori. Shane Pett is outl as te d Den nis Va ll t o win the 600cc Support cla ss . Ji m my Rosa c hecked o ut a boa rd the ultra fas t Tea m Reed Rotax and collect ed the lion 's sha re of the Pro 600cc winning s, followed by Da nny Perez a nd Keith Bradford .