Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 11 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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60 : 1. Ch ri s Lawrenc e (Kaw ); 2. J .D . Bauer (Kaw); 3. J eff Brigham (Kaw); 4. Kyle Lentini (Kaw); 5. Doug Waif (Kaw). MINI JR: 1. Brandon Meier (SUI ); 2. Alex Sigismondi (Kaw) ; 3. Chris Lawrence (Kaw ); 4. J .D. Bauer (Ktlw); 5. Jeff Bri gham (Kaw). MINI SR; 1. Jaso n Do yl e (Yam) ; 2. Stephen Carlin (SUI ); 3 . Frank Bum s (Kaw) ; 4. Thoma s Addy ( Yam ); 5. Matthew Flint (Yam ). MINI COMB: 1. Jason Doyle (Yam) ; 2. Thom as Addy (Yam); 3. Stephen Carlin (SUl) ; 4. Brandon Meier (SUI) ; 5. FRInk Bums (Kaw) . SCHBY; 1. Brandon Kuhn (Yam); 2. Donny Will iams (Yam); 3. Kevin Wll il (Ymn) ; 4 . Caleb MiUer (Yllm); 5. Bri ne Crouse (KTM). 16 ·2 4 COMB: I. Nigel Marti n (Suz): 2. Matt Patteson (Yam); 3. J tlmie Robinson ( Yam ); 4. Mark Beehler (Hoe]; 5. Den P1llCek (Yam ). 125 BEG : 1. Mike Mill er (Yam ); 2. A .J . Fessenden ( Yam) ; 3 . Brien Arboglls t (Yam ); 4. Will ill m Wippermlln (Sw:); 5. Mlltl Mill er (Yam) . 125 NOV: 1. Andrew Sherdin ( Yam ); 2. Jasen Hill (Hon) : 3. Cmig Rodr iguez (Yam); 4. Jonathan Kriegbtl um (Kaw); 5. Shawn C.~ I ebrese (Yllm ). 125 AM: I. Caleb Miller (Yam ); 2. Donny Willi am s ( Hon); 3. Brenden Kuhn (Yam); 4. Kevin Waif (Yam) ; 5. Jeff Burdon (Kaw) . 125 EX; I. Jinvny Miller ( Yam) ; 2. Jamie Robinson (Yllm ): 3. Ed VanbaUegooyen (Kaw ). 250 BEG: 1. Derek Edmun d. ( Yam); 2. Chad Dill'll (Kaw); 3. s Douglas Houg h (Yll m ); 4. Aaron Morton ( Yam ); 5. Derek Baker (Suz). 250 NOV: 1. Je remy Stewart (Yam ); 2. Will iam Dahl (Kaw); 3. Scott Lesniak ( Yam) . 250 AM: 1. Nigel Martin (SUI); 2. Rylln Kaza ( Yllm ) : 3. Brien Brce dwell (Suz); 4. Ron Sanger (Hon ); 5. Brondon Martin (Yam ). 250 EX: 1. EelVanbaJlegooyen (Kaw); 2. Mall Palleson (Yam) ; 3. Robert Verkey (KTM); 4. Bart Lucas (Yam) . 25. A: 1. Ed Vllnb allegooyen (Kll W); 2. Robert Verkey (KTM). 25. B: I. Ryan Kaza (Yam ); 2. Ron Sanger (Hon); 3. Jt' ff Burdon (Kaw). SR B: 1. Rick Barrerti (Suz); 2. Mikt' Harasmisz (KllW); 3. Ben Atkin!lOrl (Yam): 4. Kevin Howe (Yam) . SR C: 1. Chri stopher Stahl (Kaw) ; 2. Greg Bettencourt (Kaw); 3. Paul Root (Han ); 4. Scott Lesniak (Yam); 5. William Rodrigue z (Yam ). VlNTNJDS: I. David Cenn en (Yam) ; 2. Ben A tk inson (Ymn ); 3. Jeff Ange (Kaw) . VINT/ EXHIB; 1. Mik e Harasmisz (Mai) ; 2. Bart Lucas (Hus); 3. Ben A tk in50ll (Yo!lm) ; 4. Devid Carman (Sw); 5. Ron Bragg (Yll m) . X. PELLETT 80 ( 12-15): 1. Cody Proctor(Yllm) ; 2. Eric Walls (Yll m) ; 3. Ryan S1inglo ff (Yam). 80 EXTRA I. Cody Proctor (Yllm) ; 2. Ryan Slingloff (YlIffi ); 3. : Eric Wall s (Yo!Im). 125 A: I. Devld Herb (Kaw); 2. Shaun Kuchler (Han) : 3. Jeremy Pnmmer (Yam) . 125 B: 1. Nick Cllrro ll (Ytlm ); 2. Dillion Rhoades (SUI ); 3. Wl"5 Boyd (SuI ). 125 C: 1. Dam on Shaffer (Yll m) ; 2. Jeremy Jonas (Yo!lm); 3. Tom Colli ns (Hon ). 250 A: 1. .Jescn wede (Hon); 2. Scott Kuchle r (Hon) ; 3. Matt Robinson (Han) . 250 B: I. Dill ion Rhoeoes (Suz); 2. Tommy Layma n (KTM); 3. Brennon Washel (Han ). 250 C: 1. Jerem y .Jcnas ( Yllm ); 2. Joh n Adk ins (Yo!lm ); 3. Joe Willill ms (Yllm ). SCHBY: I. Nick CIlITOIl(Ytlm ); 2. Andy Willard (KTM) ; 3. DIlmOf\ Shaffer (Yllm ). 16-24 : I. David Herb (Kaw): 2. Wes Boyd (Suz): 3. Tommy uy· mo!ln (KTM ). ·25 .: 1. Richerd Robi nson ( Hon ); 2 . Mo!llt Robinson (Hon); 3. Jeremy Primmer (Yllm ). 30 +: I . Richard Robi nson (Hon) ; 2. Keith Matheny (Hon); 3. Marc Beumenn (KT M). 40+; 1. Rick Russell (Hon); 2. Rupert X. Pellett (Kaw) . Gomez Drives ' e m Wild CARLSBAD , CA , OCT. 14 day in Sugar Grove . The Kawasaki-mounted s peed demon took fou r moto wins and con - CMX R A utumn Series. Th e bigg est clas s of the quere d two classes at th e Central Oh io Com - leading the pa ck for most of both motos was Tony Gom ez, who took the overall on the da y . A s th e Vet Ove r 40 Novice racers filled the 125 cc A cla ss, He rb wasted no time in establishing co m mand in the pa id-performers d ivis io n. Fast Sha un Kuchler took off in pur suit, with Jeremy "Fireboy" Primme r in third, but Herb ran away from the stalk ing duo to take the chec kers first. Moto two was much the same , with Kuch ler in the runner-up spot and Primmer th ird. In the 16-24 age -group division , an ev en .more dominant Herb laid waste to the healthy thro ng of com petitors, riding bri lliantly for th e wins. Wesley Boyd, on his Cham p ion Suzuki - spo nsore d RM125 . turned in co ns iste nt 2 -2 po stings fo r second. Tom m y " Big bo y " Laym an came home third on his flashy 200 I KTM 520 SX. Oth er d ou b le -cl a s s winne rs inclu d e d "King " Richard Robinson, who took the Ov er motos . J a m es Mo rr ison abs con de d with the holeshot in t he fi rst Open Mo ney rnoto, over Br ent Ca rro ll an d Pana ma Ci t y , Fl orida ' s Kevin Knight . Before the first lap wa s o ve r, Kn ight had t ake n ove r the lead . Hei sl er go t rolling on lap two and moved into third. Then he doubled pa st Morr iso n on th e fro nt straight . Kn ight held a co m fo rt able lead until the last lap , when Heisl er closed in . A t the fi nish . it was Kni ght's CR250 leadi ng over the Yama has of Heisler, Morrison and Carro ll . Jon Sa nder s had a st rong se co nd-m oto holeshot , whic h was nullified by a bla ck -flag rest ar t. O n th e secon d t ry , He is ler got th e jum p on Morrison a nd Carro ll. On the seco nd lap , Carro ll put a perfectl y timed out side pass Dixie MX: Joey Bruer came out of an 11-year reti rement and sw apped mot o w ins wit h Jim Owens In the Over 40 cl ass In Ozark, Alabama, Bruer fi nished second overall . As the race wore on , Gom ez had the race in the bag. but he could not cruise to the finish because a raging battl e betwe en the secondand third-placed riders mo ved them up close day was the Vet Over 40 Novice division. and gate , it was difficult to find a de cent starting position . As the full gate of com petitors bar reled into the 180 -degree first tum, Yamahamo unt ed Randy Burns took th e lead. Behind hi m were Gomez , And re Stowe, J ohn O'Grady and Sco tt Johnson. As th e pac k ran th roug h th e trees and up th e long uphill, th ose at the back of the pack were trying to avo id the roost off the lead ers ' rear whee ls. When the p ac k d ropped ba c k into t he infield, Bums was leading , with Gomez right behind him . A coupl e of seconds ba ck , Stowe and O'Grady battled for th ird . Burn s made a mistake and Gomez railed his Honda into the lead a nd bega n to dist ance himself from the pac k. Yamah a-mounted Eri c Carr work ed his way up fro m a m idpack sta rt in to f o u rt h , behind Stowe. Johnson had moved into fifth and was still loo king to clim b the ladder even high er. on Morrison th rough a hig h-ban ked swee pe r. Heisler led from wire to wire , with Carroll taking second, just ahead of San ders. Morrison 's 3- 4 sco re earned third ove ra ll. Vete ra n s do m i nated th e Over 4 0/ 250cc C/ D cl ass. In race one , J im Ow ens took the sta rt on a KX5 00 , ahead of Joey Bruer and Rhett Peel. Bruer caught Owens off guard and s lippe d undern eat h him in th e seco nd tum. For the rest of the race , Bruer turned in a brilliant de fensive ride by co ntro lling the ins ide line and somehow ma naging to stay ahea d of Owens' big-bore machine on the stra ights . David Moon , Jason Cross and Be au Pie rce t o t h e leader o n t he w h it e-flag l a p. Wh e n Gomez pa s sed th e chec ke red flag , he was B y KIRK C HANDLER The rac e actio n was hot and hea vy at the third round of the MotoPro of Oc eanside -sponsored derful fall day. . W it h o nly t h ree rid ers c o m pe t i ng in t he dise fo r the half -time drawing. SSC Racing put up th e holes hot money for each gate in both Re s u lt s SUGAR GROVE, OH, OCT. g Rockb rid ge , Ohio's Davi d Herb had a good pe tition Riders club motocross in centra l Ohio, whe re more tha n 200 racers enjoyed a won- Co m pe titive Edge Spo rts and Yama ha of Troy provided g ift certificates and merch an - of the 250cc Novi ces. hand il y wi nning both m ot o s. Cod y Pro ctor ru les at thi s l eng t h y tra ck ; he sailed his YZ80 to overall wins in th e 80 cc Ex tra and 80cc Senio r (12-15) classes . Ca rlsb ad Raceway B y R UPERT picked up three holeshot bon uses . cla ss, while Jeremy J onas took the measur e Ce ntral O hio Compe t it io n Riders MX Herb Just Peachy in Sugar Grove of Montgomery YZ250 to a 2 -1 overall victory . In the 125 Mone y class , Heisler rode a Simpson Racing KX 125 to fir st plac e. Heisler also 25 and Over 30 classes, and Nick "Wild Child " Carro ll , who struck gold in th e Schoo lboy and 125 cc B classes. Dam on Sha ffe r was k in g of the 125cc C cl osely followed by Bu rns and the n Carr . As the pa ck raced thro ug h th e first two battle d three- wide at one point for fourth po si- tu rns in mota two. Gomez was once agai n at tio n befor e Cross went down in the whoop s. Bruer won ove r Owens, a come -from -behind the fron t of the pa ck. Th is tim e, Drew Im m iti wa s se co nd , followed by Rand y Irwin, John Cle me ns a nd Burns. Go me z was a lready a J ames Step hens , and Peel. O w en s p i c k ed u p h is sec o nd h ol esho t coup le of sec o n d s i n t h e l ea d wh e n h e rea ched the to p of the uphill, and by the lime bo n us in ra ce two , with Moo n , Pie rce a nd Bru er fo llowing. By the end of the fi rst lap , he cross ed the finis h line at the concl usio n of lap one he was ah ead by a large ma rgin. Irwin was q uick to p o unce on the fa st-sta rti ng Bruer had moved to second, and he began to close on Owens . On la p three, Cross wa s on the m ov e an d he took th e th i rd spot. Bru er div ed inside of Owe ns in a slick clay tum and sli d out. He did n't stall his CRI 25 but he lost Im m iti and took second befo re the end of the sec o nd lap. Bur ns was a ls o on the m ove, pa ssing Clemens early in the mota , and then setting himself up to pass Immiti and Irwin on co ns ecutive lap s, only to find Gomez was long gon e . As the race was nearin g the cl im a x, the two leade rs were cruis ing th e tra ck a nd th e battle was for third, between four riders: Irwin, lrnmitl, Johns on and Ca rr. In one la p, Irwin fell to se venth , while Ca rr was once ag ain mak ing a late -race push , which va ulted him from se v- pos itio ns to th e c ha rging duo of Cross a nd Ste p hen s. Ow en s was fi rst, wit h Cross , Step he ns and Bruer c ross ing t he line in freight-train formation . Suzuki riders Hunter Wa lte rs a nd Luke the last tw o laps to tak e fifth. Davie led the fi rst 12-rider 80cc D heat, only to lock up ove r a do ub le and go down . Th e sp ill gave Brantley , Alaba ma's Derr ick Mi lle r t he lead, wi th brothers J am es and Bra ndon Devilbiss in tow . J ames Dev ilbiss grabbed th e lead from Miller on lap two. Walters shook off his fall and foug ht th rough the pa ck. Ja me s Dev ilbiss saw th e checke rs firs t , ove r Mi ller, Res ults Brand on Devilbiss an d Walters . ent h to thi rd . At the fi nish, Gomez was fir st, followed by Burns, Ca rr, J o hnson and Steve Hughes, who ma de three critica l passes during Walters held the point the ent ire di stanc e 80 BEG; 1. Cody HaYl"5 (Yll m); 2. Neih en Dunn (Han) ; 3. Trevor Green (Yo!lm) . 80 NOV: 1. Kellen Kerbs (Y.Ilm ): 2. Jim my Anderson (Yll m ). 125 BEG : 1. Ji mmy And erson (Yam) ; 2 . Johnn y Fran dsen (Han ): 3. Tlff.llnYHollmlln (Yam) . 125 NOV: 1. J ustin Henmann (Yam ); 2. A.J. Stembech ( Yam) ; 3. Eric Rizzo (Yo!lm) 250 BEG: I. Ryen Hughes (Yam ); 2. Ricky Anderson (Hon); 3. Sal Berber (Han). 250 NOV: L. Ben Clit es (Y.Ilm); 2. Jason Dudley (Yam): 3. Tim Lyons (Yam) . 250 1N J. Ki rk Chandle r ( Hon ): 2. Dav e Jen ki n s (Suz): 3. T: Jimmy Robinson (Han ). OPEN BEG: 1. Sendy Sta nese e (Hon). OPEN PRO/ AM: 1. Pete Murro!ly (Suz); 2. Lee Bacon (Kaw). VET 30. BEG: r , Tim Gill ard (Yam) ; 2. Sco t! Larson (Suz); 3. Colin Ford (Hon). VET 30. NOV: I. Bnen Bayer (Ytlm); 2. Ti m Lyons (Yam); 3. Russ Pri or (KTM) . VET 30 . INT: 1. Vic Walker (Yo!lm ); 2. Woody Carlson {Suz]: 3. Roger Seem ( Yo!lm). VET 40. NOV: 1. Ton y Gomez (Hon ); 2. Randy Bum s (Yam); 3 . Eric Cerr (Yllm). VET 40 + INT: 1. Robert Zingg (Yllm); 2. John Taylor (Yll m) . VET 40. MSTR: I. Pllul Needles (Yllm): 2. Rich Bcneec (Kaw) 3. D.R. Clement (TM). VET 50+ NOV; I. Ed Rodzach (Y.Ilm ). VET 5 0+ INT: 1. Dennis Rosenberg ( Yam ); 2. J o!lck Goodhue (KTM); 3. Bruce Cornell (KTM). VET 50 . MSTR: I. Dennis Middleton (KTM): 2. Tim Daily (Kll W); 3. John Knight (KTM). WMN; I. Shannon Millan (Suz); 2. Ti ffany Holtman ( Yam): 3. Mllrian n Hobbs (Yam). in race two. Montgom ery. Alab ama 's Kendall Maso n wa s s ec o nd . 0 11 th e la st la p , Dav ie pa ssed Mi ll er for third in a fast right-hander to set up a first-ever Suzuk i Mini swee p of the top three mota finishers at Dixie. D ixie MX Heisler Heists Dixie Wins B y H UGH G ATUN Carlsbad Raceway: No Fear-sponsored riders Kirk Chandler (17) and Dave Jen kins (21) battled for the overall win th rougho ut the second 250cc Intermediate moto In Carlsbad, California. Chandler took the win . Sunset Ramblers: Craig " Th e Crate " Thomas flies his CRSO over the Sunset Ramb lers SO-foot tab letop in Galion, Ohio. OZARK, AL, OCT. 14 Darry l He is ler wa s the big winner a t Dixie MX's first -an n ive rs ar y ra c e . In th e O pen Mo ney cl ass, Heisler took hi s Honda /Y am aha c ue ' e n e wv s NOVEMBER 22 , 2000 49

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