Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 11 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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S/MINI: I. Chase Gamb le (Suz); 2. MelisSlll Blliley (Kaw); 3. Don Gars ide (Hon ); 4 . Shell)' Crittendon (K4W);5. Derek Renahew (Kaw). SCHBY: I . Greg Lovins (Ya m); 2 . Dust in Thomas (Kaw) ; 3. Damon Prince (Suz): 4 . Lee King (KlIw). 125 A: I. Geof Travis (Han); 2. Damon Prince (Suz). 125 B: I. Chr is Brill (YlIm); 2 . Greg Lovins (Ya m) ; 3. J ohn Hutch in son (Ka w); 4 . Dust in Tho ma s (Kaw ); 5. Aa ron McDon iel (Kllw). 125 C: I. Josh Croley (Yllm): 2. J osh Sm ith (S uz); 3. Kevin Burkh art (Yam ); 4 . .JesonHorn sby (Ya m); 5. Mike Pollard (Yam). 250 A: I. M.urty Stin nett (Suz); 2. Gee ! Travis (Hon); 3. Ronnie Ray (Han); 4 . Budd y Akers (Suz); 5. Mike Brando n (Ya m). 250 B: 1. J ohn Ba rkey (Kaw): 2. Eric Powell (Yam); 3. Tom Debe s (Hun ). 2 50 C: 1. To by Kimb ro (Hon) : 2 . Ke vin Burkhart; 3. Reec e I..afo\;ty (YlIm): 4 . David Sores (KTM); 5 . Sco tt Harris (Yam). 16-24 : I. Gee! Travis (Hon): 2. Chris Brill (Yl'I ) ; 3. Josh Croley m (Yam); 4 . Toby Kimbro (Hon); 5. J ohn Hutcha son (Kaw). 25 +: J. Marty Stinnett (Su zl : 2. Ronnie RIlY (Hon): 3. Don Rice (Hon ); 4 . Paul Hena gM (YlIm) : 5. Brian Nelson (YlIm). 30+ B/C: I. Tom Debes (Hon): 2 . Greg Lehrm m (Yam): 3. Sco tt Slewa rt (Ya m); 4. Lee Mann ing (Suz ): 5. Dennis Woodruff (KTM). BEG: 1. Darby Futrell (Suz); 2. J ilrad Mangm um (Kaw); 3. Jere m y Mangm um (Hon ): 4 Jon Futrell (Kaw); 5 . Clint Myatt (Yam). r ~ c:: w III Z W -' ?Ii 5 r Q. laFou nta ine blas ted out in front of Harris, Esp os ito and Stephan Ca mde n to sta rt th e second sta nza . Esp os ito and Ca mden moved up qu ickly, and then Camden leapfrogged into second. Out in front , laFountaine ca rve d up the track with bruta l efficienc y. Stephan Cam den , his most likely c halle nge r, wen t down a nd th en s lo wly coa ste d ba c k to th e pits. Esp osito was cruising in second , but there was a du st-up for t h ird betw e en Harr is a nd Proven cher. On the white -flag lap , they moved in on Esposito to make it a th ree -way braw l for runner- up . laFountaine went on to win his second moto in a row and tak e home the BOcc (14 -16 ) trop hy. Es posito placed second overall , a he a d o f Harri s and Prove nch e r. Andra "Buggy" Ca mde n waltzed off with the aocc (gII ) crown, besting J ake Lace y an d Clay Cut ler. Re sults Path Valley Speedw ay Park Johnson Doub les Again at ST Fi nale By LEN B REECH SPRING RUN, PA, OCT . 14 For t he thi rd s tra igh t eve nt at Path Valley S peedway Pa rk, J a ke J o hnson won at least two classes on his De ptford Hon da/Yamah a spo nso red mac hines, th is tim e win ning the 250cc A a nd 600cc A c la sses . Th e ra c e mar ked th e e nd of th e season for the track an d Distr ict s 6 a nd 7 , a nd for Path Valley it was an extremely unusual day. For a change , the day wa s sunny, with temp eratures in the mid-70s. Tod d Kendi g too k full advanta ge of starting the 6 00 cc A final on the po le po sition, grabbing the lea d from Ricky Winsett , Jake J ohns on a nd Donnie Mullen . On the second la p, Mullen and J ohnson tou ch ed briefly, letting Jimmy Owens into th ird for a lap. Once he brok e free of Mullen, Johnson ma de quick wo rk of Winsett o n the fourt h lap a nd t he n blew by a slig htly tiring Ken dig on th e sixt h la p. For t he re m a in in g two la ps, Johnso n incr eased his ma rgin to a bo ut 10 yards . On the closi ng laps, Winsett went to the o utside of th e groove, trying to get a round Kendig but com ing up just a few fee t s hort. In t he 25 0cc A final , Jo h nso n qu ick ly ju m pe d in to t he lead over Raun Wo o d, Georgie Price, Sh awn Baer a nd Nick Armen t. After Chris Klinefelter too k over fifth 0:1 lap three , th e or de r rema ined th e same. Pric e ap peared to tire sligh tly on the closing laps, and Beer used the outs ide line to get by him off the second turn on the last lap. In the S portsma n contest, Wood quickly pu t his 250cc Hon da in fro nt of a pa ck of 600cc Rotex riders led by Ricky Winsett , Todd Ken dig and Shaw n Ba er . On the closing lap s , Winsett tried eve rything to ge t by Wood , from the outsi de line to do wn low, ho ping to intimi- Path Valley Speedway Pari<: In t he 600cc A co ntes t, Todd Kend ig (11G) leads Donn ie Mullen (29A ), Ricky Winsett (be hi nd Kend ig) and eventual winner Jake Joh nson (14U) in Sp ring Run, Pennsylvan ia. da te him , but Wood held on to win by a few feet. Ken dig slowed a bit, and Baer closed in o n him and used a be tte r dri ve off the fina l turn to just nud ge past Kendi g for third. J im Chapma n took the point position in the 500cc A Two-Valv e fina l, closel y fo llowed by Dalla s Baer and Dave Smith. Baer took the le ad at the en d of the second lap an d pulled awa y to a lO-yard margin by the fifth lap, but th en his engine ble w. O n the fo llow ing la p, Smi th slipped into the lead. Cha pman stayed very close to the end , finishing just a few feet ba ck . Bill Bora m led a close trio at the start of the 600 cc B final, with Scott Slad e and Travis Se nne tt right be hind him . The top three stayed the sa me but rema ined very close throu gh out the race, with Boram winnin g by less than a length . Cory Lon g was the first 125 cc B rider out of the second tum , closely followed by Trav is Sennett, J ohn Sas s am an a nd Zach Calcutt. Th e fron t t hree stayed a length apart, with Calc utt a few lengths back. On the fourth lap , Sa ssaman tried to ge t und er Se n nett , but he couldn' t hold on and slid out. Results 55 0IL ·INJ : 1. Bailey Spence (Yam ); 2 . Tyler Kidwell (Yam ); 3. Cam eron Tyson (Ya m ); 4 . Denney Colem an (Yam ); 5 . Eth an Allen (Yam ). 55 (4 .6 ) : 1. Btliley Spenc e (Lem) ; 2. Dere k Hersh (Cob) ; 3. Ca me ron Tyson (Lem): 4 . Max Hereet (Act) : 5. Brad ley v renkovrc (Actl . MUrTaY Supercross Track: Kawasaki jockey Ky le Dortch (34) took a nas ty tumbl e in the heat race and it looked li ke he was out for the ni ght. but he ret urned to take the vi ctory in th e main even t In Murr ay, Kentucky. 6 5: I. John Long (Ka w); 2. Joey Pa rks (Ka w): 3. Brett Pugh (Kow); 4 . R.J . Ha rt ( Ka w); 5 . Bry a n De Muro (Kaw). 85 (7 -11): I . John Lewis V (Yam); 2 . Jo h n Lo n g ( Ho n): 3. Ev an Bee r (Yam ) : 4 . Joey Parks (K08 w); 5. R.J . Hart (Hon). 85 (12· 15): 1. Cory Long (Hon) ; 2. Jeff McManus (Hon) . 100 MOD: 1. J ohn Lewis V (Hon) ; 2 . J oe Dohm ( Hon ) ; 3. Mik e J e ns e n (Hon ). 100 STK.: 1. Joh n Rlvetro (Hon). 125 B; 1. Co ry Lo ng ( Hon ); 2 . Trevis Sennett (Hon); 3. Zac h Ca lcutl (Hon ); 4 . Ben Ludlow (Hon); 5. Rich ard Ptenders (Yam) . 250 A: I. J ilke Johnson (Hon); 2. Reun Wood (Hon); 3. Shewn Beer (Rtx); 4 . Georgie Price (Hon); 5. Chris Klinefel ter (Hon) . 250 B: I . Doug Reinert (KTM); 2 . Ray Ued (Hon): 3. lach Calc utt (Ktlw); 4 . J oh n Sl!IuarTllln(YlIrn); 5. Ryan Arm strong (MtIi). 500 A 2 -VALVE : I . Dave Sm it h ( Yam) ; 2. J im Chapman (Ya m): 3 . Michael Headm an (Ya m ); 4 . Delles Bee(Yam) ; 5 . J a mes Paden (Yam) . 600 A: 1. JlI ke Jo hnso n (Rtx); 2. Tod d Ken dig (Rlx ) ; 3. Rick y Wins e ll (W- R) ; 4 . Do nn ie Mull en (W -R ) ; 5 . Jimmy Owen s (Ra ). 600 B: I. Bill Bo ra m (Ya m): 2. Scott Slade (MlIi); 3 . Trav is Sennet t (Yam) ; 4 . Micha el Headme n (Yllm): 5 . John Riveiro (VlIm ). 750 A: I . Mike Keane (Yam) . 30 +: I . Dallas Beer (Rlx) : 2. Dave Smith (Yam) : 3 . Bruce Miller (ATK); 4 . De mre n Koc ovinos (Hon ); 5. Ed Hyde (W-R). 4 0 +: I . Steve Re is er (Ya m); 2 . Mike Keane ( Hbg) ; 3 . Jo h n Davia (Hon ): 4 . Bob Hil ebra nd ( Hon ): 5. Ce rd men Vi5llili J r. (Yam ). SPSTMN: 1. Ra un Wood (Hen ): 2 . Rick y Winae tt ( Rtx) ; 3 . S h a wn Beer (Rtx): 4 . Todd Kendig ( Rtx): 5. Dillon c eve (W·R). las Vegas Motor Speedway Kutcher Catches the Cup By D ICK G OODWI N P/W STK (4 ·6) : 1. Michal"! LaChase (Pol); 2. Tom my Krause (Pol). P/W STK (7 .8) : I. Robe rt Ca m p be ll (Po l); 2 . Bre it Proc to r (KTM); 3. Dyla n Sta hl (Pol). P{W OPEN (4. 8): I . Robe rt Ca m pbell (Po l); 2 . Bret t Proc to r (KTM): 3. Michae l LaChtlse (Pol); 4 . Dyla n Slah l (Pol). 60 STK (6- 11): 1. .Jeeqher Lef cunteme (KTM): 2. Se an Thompson (KTM); 3. Anthony Giuliano (Kalil). 6 0 OPEN (6. 1 1): 1. J e ag he r la Fo u nt a ine (KTM); 2. Se an Thom pson (KTM); 3 . Anthon y Giuliano (KlIw). 80 STK (7 · 11): I . Andra Camde n (SuI ); 2 . J ak e Lace y (Ka lil); 3. Clay CUller (Kaw); 4 . Sha ne Kojll (Kaw); 5. B.J . ClllY (Yam ). 80 STK ( 14- 16): 1. Josh laFou nta ine (SuI ): 2.. Ton y EspOsito (S UI) : 3 . We sle y Ha rris (YAm) ; 4 . Pat rick Prove nc he r (SUI ); 5 . Steph an Camde n (Kaw). 80 BEG: I. ChrisDillingham (Yam ); 2. Randy Guzman (Kaw); 3. Cory Ande rlohr (Ya m) . 80 OPEN (7 · 16 ): 1. Josh laFounta ine (Suz ); 2. Tony Esposito (Suz ); 3. Wesley Ha rris (YlIm ); 4 . PAtrick Pro venc her (Su z); 5. Sha ne Koja (Ka w). 125 NO V: 1. Nick Bulloch (Hon); 2. Tim Pa rsons (Hon). 125 lNT: I. Mark Hermann (Hon). SCHBY: 1. Kyle Partridge (Suz) . 250 NOV: 1. Aaron Byrd (Yam): 2. Chris Sa lum (Kllw). 250 INT: I. Glen n Weidman (Suz) ; 2 . J eff Murphy (Hon). MSTR 25+ NOV: 1. Chris Sa lum (Kaw): 2 . J eff Pride (Kaw); 3. Bobby Hunt (Yam ). MSTR 25+ INT: I. Todd Kutcher (Hon ); 2 . Glenn Weidman (Suz): 3. J eff Murphy (Han) . MSTR 25 + EX: I. Mall Hermann (Hon) . SPTSMN: 1. Mich a el A pplebeum (Hon) ; 2. Bill Eene (Hon) : 3. Glade Hoo ley (KTM). LAS VEGAS, NV, OCT . 15 As it wa s co m peting with t he U.S. Open of S upercross, t he tu rnout for t he Las Ve g a s Motocross Club's Saturday racin g was und erWillow Springs Half M ile sta ndably light, but that didn't sto p the race rs who did sho w up from puttin g on a d ispla y of hard, fa st ra cin g . Hond a-m ounte d T odd Kutch er , racing as an Intermediate in the co m bine d Masters race , wa s the sta r of the night , de fea tin g eve ryo ne else in th e ra ce for th e ove rall victory . By J IM GRANT Expert Matt Hermann stole th e holes hot , ROS AMOND, CA, OCT . 15 le ad ing Inte rme d ia te Gle n n We id m a n and More than 10 0 rider s sig ne d up for the fina l Novices Chris Salu m and Jeff Pride . Kutcher round of Eddie Mulder 's Willow S prings Half picked off riders right a nd left, lan ding in third Mile to ride the perfe ctly groo med ova l. after one lap and se tting his sights on fellow In the Supe r Senior class, Guy Duck ett go t Intermed iate Weidm an . Two laps lat er, Kutch the jum p on th e field. On lap two, Mars ha ll er pa s sed Weidman in the pit-b o ard area's J enni ngs slid his ultrafa st Yamaha pas t Duckha irpin tum for second. Hermann took an easy ett, with Ron Go uld in hot p urs uit. J ennings win. Weid man stayed third, ahead of Sa lum, lo w-sided and ga ve Go uld the lead an d the Pride and Michael Ap ple ba um . win, with Duck ett second a nd Ba ker sfield' s Kut cher d id a co mplete t u rna ro u nd in moto two , leadi ng the pack from the ge t-g o. Fred dy Berger th ird. Fan s were trea ted to some goo d old hard Hermann and Weidm an were on his tairtight . Kutche r and Hermann went at it big time and ta il rigid racing. Co ntesting the cla ss for th e soon pu lled away from t he rest of the field . La p after lap , Herm a nn dogged Kutche r, tryi ng consta ntly to find the line to pa ss, but Kutcher nev er cracked , and he edge d out Ex pert winn e r Matt He rm an n for . the overa ll and first Maste rs Intermediate . Weid man ca ptu red third and sec o nd Masters Inter mediate , while Sa lum and Pride claimed first a nd se c o n d Ma ste rs No v ice , resp ectively. J osh laFountaine lit it up in the com bined a occ bash. Ton y Esp osito , new to the BOcc class , ste ppe d o ff s ma rt ly to lead 'e m o ut. La Founta ine wa s rig ht there , a nd We sl ey Harris wa sn 't far behi nd. LaF ounta ine quic kly e lbo wed his wa y in to first. Step han Cam de n ra ged h is Kawa s aki up into th ird a nd th en s eco nd . No o ne c o u ld m atch LaF ountaine' s pa c e . but Camden wa s giving it a prett y goo d t ry unt il a bo b ble d ropp ed hi m bac k. laFountaine stayed in front, but as the white-flag lap bega n, it wa s to o cl o s e to ca ll b etw e en Esp os ito and Camden. Harr is and St ephen 's you nger brother And ra Camde n, who was leadin g the 9 ~ to t l -ye er-old s , were battling ju st a c o up le of bi ke le n g t h s behi nd . La Founta ine contin ued o n to win Willow Springs Half Mile: Jimmy Rosa (59E) carries the first half. A m iscu e by Ca mde n the checkers after winning the Pro 600cc class in drop ped him back , leaving Es posiRosamond, Califo rni a. to, Ha rris and Pat rick Provench er to claim s pots two throug h four. Rosa Gone in Rosamond c ue . e neVIl's NOVEMB ER 22 , 2000

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