Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 11 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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GFI Racing Fa ll Series South Round 4: Per r is Raceway to claim second p lace , ahead of Armstr ong an d David Zahrt . The 250cc Intermed iat e class has com e under the stran glehold of Rich ie O w en s t h ro ug h out th i s ser i es, and t o d a y w a s no ex c ept i on . T h e PPG/ T M S/Noleen /D rag on / Tro y Lee D esi gn s- backed Yam aha r id er was unt ou ch able in both m o to s . Josh Bagge tumed a couple of good starts into 2 -3 fi n ishes for second overall , topping the 4- 2 score of Richard Albach an d t he 3-4 score of Juan Diego Saffon. , Owen 's luck turned sour in the first 125cc Interm ediat e moto when he slowed with apparent bike p roblems and dropped to a 14th-place finish after leading the first couple of laps . Steven Ha u g h el st i n e gladly acce pted the top spot and the fi rst moto w in . Shane Ke ll ey f in ished a clos e second , follow ed by Patrick Te rry , Sergio Ponce D e L eon and Mickey Griffin. B Y GREG R O BERT SO N PERRIS, CA, OCT. 22 o u n d fo u r o f the GF I Ra cin g / Go at Eyewear /Wiseco/ Pro Cir cuit-s p o ns o re d Fa ll S er i es Sou t h heade d b ack to Per r i s Rac ew ay, where Honda -mounted Michael Bran des walked away with the 125cc and 250cc Pro class wins. When the gate droppe d for the one-sho t , 20 -minute 125cc Pro moto, M ike Slee ter a bscon ded wi t h the holeshot , followed by Brand es, Auggie Rodriguez , Justi n Bu c k elew and J ak e Elkins. Within a la p, Bran des had the lone Honda in the field out front and was starting to pull away from Sl eeter. Buckelew was up into third place, and he sliced unde rneath Sleeter on an uph ill corner to move int o second by lap three. On lap fiv e of what would eventu all y be a 15 -lap race , Brandes had five seconds on Buckelew, with Buck - R RM8 0 -m oun t ed Just in K e e n e y post ed do u b l e m ot o w in s i n t h e Sup erm in i class . Nathan Co lli ns bo unc ed ba ck fro m a cra sh early in m o t o o n e t o go 3 - 2 f o r sec o n d ove ra ll . Cas Swift came from out of the p ac k in both rou nd s to go 2 -4 for th ird , o ver Justin Noble and Ty Morrow. Coll ins and Mor row would b o t h return to pick up ove rall wins of th eir ow n . Co lli ns s p lit moto wins w i th Keeney for the 80cc O p en / E x p er t -cl a ss overall honors, while Suzuki-mounte d Morrow was p erfect in the 80cc Intermed iat e class with I -I finishes . Larry Reese Jr. went 3 -2 to edge out the 2 -3 tally of (Above) Shane Kelley flew to the Schoolboy and 125cc Intennediate victories at the fourth round of the GFI Racing Fall Series South. (Left) Justin Keeney topped the Supenninis and was runner-up In the 80cc Open/Expert class. (Below left) Cobra tamer Dakota Gamer won both the 50Cc Stock (7 -8) and 50cc Open classes In Perris, California. Don (Cob ): 5. Nigel Johnson (KTM). 60 FIT : 1. Cody Espudo (Ke", ): 2 . Carlos Do n (K~w ) ; 3. Daniel Overton (Cob) ; 4. K~ le b Pa lmbach (KTM ). 60 BEG : I. Jake M end enhell (KTM): 2. Ju.tin Pischke (KTM) : 3. Kenny De lozier (K TM) ; 4 . Brooke Campos (KlIw ). 60 NOV : 1. Michae l Leib ( KTM): 2. Marcus Carrill o (Kaw) ; 3 . Bryce Stewart ( Ka w) ; 4 . Dako ta Ga rner (Kew) . 60 INT : 1. Choppy Fiene (KTM); 2. Webb Mo.sey (KTM ). 60 OPEN : 1. Mich eel Leib (KTM); 2. Webb Massey (KTM ); 3 . Marcus Cemllc (Ka w). 80 FIT : 1. Chris Bourgeois (S uz). 80 BEG: I . Choppy Fiene (SUl); 2. Dena Dreier (Vern); 3. Don Gree n (Kow) : 4. An thon y Ron don (Ko", ); 5. Cory Costa (Yam) . [Above) The 12Scc Pro class la u n c h e s off the Perris Raceway start line. M ichael Brandes (2 7, far right) went on for the win, over Justin Buckelew (158) an d M ichael Sleeter (2 7 , far left). Kelley came out sm ok in ' i n th e second m oto on his Temecu la Motorsports -backed YZ125 and went wire to wire to sew up the overall on a 2 -1 show ing. Terry used cons istent 3 -3 rides for second overall. Haughelstin e ran as high as second place before a bobble dropped h im to a fi ft h- p lace finish and third overa ll , edging out the 6-6 score of Albach. Ke lley and Haugh elstine weren 't through with each othe r yet. They traded the lead back and forth during the o pening Sc ho o lbo y moto , with Kelley eventually prevailing. Terry was also b ac k , finishing th ird , ahead of An thony Bru scell a and Chad Gaum er. Round tw o was all Kelley 's , as he elew an equal distance ahead of Sleeter . Leig h La Reservee overtook Elkins for fourth , wi th Rod riguez, Zeb Arms trong and B r a n d o n Morgan argu ing over sixth j u st a coup le of seconds back. Buckelew s low l y c hi p ped awa y at Brand es' lead and closed to with in two seconds, and he stayed there fo r the fi nal few laps to earn the second -place money. Sleet er crossed th e fi nish som e 10 second s beh in d B uckel ew for third . L a Re serv ee k ept Mo rgan at bay for fourt h. Brandes returned with an im pres siv e perfo rm an ce in the singl e 20 m inute 250cc Pro moto. He grabbed the lead on the opening lap and never looked ba ck. Tim Beatty got around a fast -starting Sleeter ear ly in the rac e 30 NOVEMBER 22. 2000ยท cue kept Haugh el stine at b ay to go the distance for his secon d class victory on th e da y . T erry again fi nished 3 -3 for th ird , wi t h B rusc ell a (4 -4) an d M at th ew Pro c h na v y (6 - 5) rounding out the top fi ve. I e n e .... s Noble for second overall in the Interm ediates. Mi ch a el Le ib and h is Malcolm Sm ith Motorsports -sponsored KTM won three out of four motos entered for overa ll wins in the 60cc Nov ice and Open classes. Ma rcus Carrillo was runner-up to Leib in the Novice class; Webb Ma ssey di d the same in the Open class. Another double-class winner was Dakota Garner, who strung together four perfect motos for the 50cc (7 -8 ) Stock and 5 0cc Open vic tories on his Cobra. Dy lan Schmok e claimed the second -p l ace trop h ie s in b oth classes . I:N Perris Raceway Perris, Califomia Results: October ZZ, ZOOO (R ound 4J 50 STK (4 -6); I. Jacob Pischk e (Cob) : 2. Carlo s D on ( Cob ) : 3 . M icha~1 Ara na (C ob ) : 4 . Dani el Overton (Cob) : 5. Blo ke Compos (Cob ). 50 STK (7 -8 ): 1. Dakota Gerner (Cob); 2. Dylan Schmo ke (Cob): 3. Nigel J ohnso n (KTM): 4 . Kol eb Polmba ch (Pol): 5. VICki Golden (Hon) . 5 0 O PEN : I. Dak ota Gom er (Cob ) ; 2. Dylan Schmoke (Cob ); 3. Bryce Stew ~rt (Cob); 4. Carlos 80 NOV: 1. J on "t h "n A ra na (Yam ): 2. Chad Gore. (Sua): 3. Aaron Breid (Yem) ; 4 . Drew Colli ns (Yam): 5. Philli p Bruscelle (Yllm). 80 INT: 1. T y Morrow (SUl); 2. Larr y Reese J r. (Ka w ) ; 3 . Ju stin Noble (Kll W); 4. And rew Petrie (Ke w}. 80 O PEN/ EX : 1. Nathan Colli ns (Yll m ): 2. Ju stin Keeney (SUl); 3. Cas Swift (Suz); 4 . Zac Wray (Yam) . S /MI NI : 1. J u st i n Keen e y ( SUl ); 2. Na t ha n Collins (Yam) ; 3 . Cas Swi ft (SUl); 4 . J usti n Noble (K. ",): 5 . Ty Morrow (SUl) . SC HB Y : 1. Sha ne Kelle y (Ya m) : 2. Ste ve n Hau ghe lstine (Y am) : 3 . Pat rick Terr y ( Y15 m): 4 . Antho ny Bru scelle ( Ho n); 5 . Metthew Proc hne vy (Kaw). 12 5 BEG: 1. Sean Cox (Yam) ; 2. Jo sh Stewart (vern) : 3 . Daniel Sha w ( Yam) ; 4. Ch ris Sampson (Ke",): 5. Devid Kun kel (Yom). 125 NOV ; I. C.J . Moho n (SUl) : 2. Jell Veughn (Kaw) ; 3 . J eff Herr is ( Yam); 4 . Spe nce r Mein eke (Yam) : 5. Justin Herrm ann (Yam) . 125 INT: 1. Shane Kelley (Yam ); 2. Patri ck Terry (Yam); 3 . St eve Haugh elsti ne ( Yam); 4 . Ric hard Albach (Hon); 5. Anthony Bruscelle (Hon) . 12 5 PRO: I. Mich ael Brande . (Hon); 2. Ju. tin Buck elew (Yam); 3. Mi ke Slee ter (Y"m); 4. Leigh LaReservee (Yam); 5. Brandon Morga n (Yam). 250 BEG : I. Neal DeGarmo ( Hon) ; 2 . Phillip Isabel (Kew) . 250 NO V: 1. Ja son Myhren (Han) ; 2. Bill y Clifton (Kew) ; 3. Mike Pinedo (Yom ): 4 . C.J . Moho n (SUl); 5. Justin McC oy (Yam) . 250 INT: 1. Richie Owens (Yam); 2. Josh Bll gge ( Ha n); 3 . Richard A lb ac h ( Ho n): 4 . Ju an Diego Saffon (Hon): 5. Nick Foster (Yam ). 25 0 PRO : 1. Mi ch ll el Brand es (H on ) ; 2. Tim Beatty (Yam ): 3. Zeb A rm str ong (Yam) ; 4. Dav id Zehrt (SUl ). . 25 + BEG : 1. Mich ael Ry er ( Ho n) ; 2 . Sh ane Milst elld (Suz). 25 + I NT : 1 . Bret Mila n (Yam ) ; 2. Bra ndon Milstead (Suz). 30+ BEG: 1. Peter Golden (Hon). 30 + N O V : 1. Robby Mu eller ( K a w) ; 2 . Ken Lurcook (SUl): 3. Dean Herrero (Suz). 40 . NOV : I. D on Sm ith ( Ho n) : 2 . Stan l ey Norwoods (Hon) : 3. Cory McConnen (Yom): 4. Jim Bogge (Hon) . 40+ EX: I . Brent Battin (Hon).

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