Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 11 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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to indulge in free m argaritas, beer and da ncin g w h ile so me ex traord i na ril y fin e wo men k ept th e ka raoke m achin e rocking . A ll of th e day 's and evening's festiviti es including the free bar - we re spo nsored 100 percent by T eam Full Monty and its founding m embers. Re s u lts CI A: I. Geoff Aaron (G-G); 2. Oli Thcrder scn (Moo). HEAT : l. .Jered Mcllmquist (G-G): 2. Anthony &mdoval (G-G): 3. Al bert Li<; ega (B ul) . h KB M otocross Foerder Nets the Overall B y AAR ON H ANSEL SACRAMENT O. CA. SEPT. 22 Despite the threat of rain, with on ly ten minutes rema ini ng u ntil th e gate dr opped for the first m oto of the fifth round of MC Co ncepts/Ca pito l Yam aha -spo nsored racin g , the weathe r was still hold ing up nicely. As th e racers started to line up . m arbl e-sized rai ndrops began peltin g the gro und. Peopl e waited und er umbrell as for an anno unce me nt . A half-hour and an inch of rain later, a cheer arose fro m the cro wd as ma nager B re tt E ckert a n no un ced t h a t t h e Ag ro Cycl e/Goodtimes M ot o rsp orts -back ed night would indeed co nt inue. In t h e first Ve t C m o to . . Mark F o erder streaked throug h the mud to tak e th e hoieshot , c hased by John Tr abu cc o , Fr anki e Salmen and Br ian Cha ck edi s. Foerder steadily plo wed through th e soup , not giv ing up any roo m to Trabu cco , who was was n' t backing off. Th e tw o pulled a slig ht ga p as th e battle fo r thi rd bega n to heat up bet ween Chacke dis . Salme n and Gar y J ohn son , who were ba ng i ng ba rs through the whoo ps . Finally Salm en began to pull away. leaving Chacke dis and Johnson to scrap for fou rt h . Bac k in the pa ck , Jeff Bal dw in and Ke vin Knight were wag ing their own battle for seventh. Th ey swapped positions cou ntless tim es. with Kn ig ht tr iumphing in the end . Mea nw hile, Foerder was still in the lead as he and Trabuc co went int o the fina l lap . Tr abucco wa s breat h ing down Fo erder's neck and a pplyin g some se rious p ress u re . Fi n all y Foerder cracked . and a small bobbl e allowed Trabu cco to c ruise into the lead . Trabu cco imm ed iat el y pull ed a ga p o n F o erd er a nd came up wi th th e che ckered flag . Foerder and Sal me n were next , followed by J ohn son , wh o took ove r fou rt h afte r an erro r by Cha ck edis . Chackedis ca me blasting o ut of the gate aboa rd his Cycle Pro-backed YZ426 F to take the holeshot in the second m oto, followed by Johnson, Fo erd er , T rabu c c o a nd G reg T all ez. Chack edi s an d J ohn son sta rte d pullin g away from the gro up and fought br iefly for first, but Chack edis was determi ned not to let Johnson by thi s time and shut the door repeatedly . Foerd er and Trabu cco were in a race for th ird, and Tr abucco gave Foerder a run for his m oney, but in the end Foerder was able to fend off Trabucco and ho ld o n to thi rd . Way back in th e pack, Honda pilot Dave Cook had gotten a lousy start but was work ing his way up and m an aged to pass both Terry Biackford and Larry Mull oc k to end up in eighth p lace. As th e checkered flag waved, Chacked is flashed across the finish line in first, followed by Johnson, Foerder, mote-one winner Trabucco and Salmen. After the final lap was over and the mud had dried . Foerder and Tr abucco had netted identi cal sco res, bu t Foerder wen t ho me w it h the overall du e to hi s hi gher seco nd -mote fi nish . Chackedis and Jo hnson had also li ed . for third . with Chackedis edg ing out Joh nson than k s to a conv incin g seco nd -m ote vic tory . Sal men and his Kawasaki roun ded out the to p five. Alth ou gh t he raci ng was extre mely wet and slo p py , it st ill t urned o ut to be a g reat nig ht of exciting raci ng. Results: 50 SHAFT BEG: 1. Dustin Kenshalo (Hen); 2. JlI!TleS Sadler (Hen); 3. Jordan Miller (Hen); 4. Jesse Broedley (Hen) : 5. .Jecc Locks (Hen). 50 (4 -6 ) BEG: I . Zac hery Van MeIer (Hus); 2 . Connor McF arland (Hus): 3. Gage Ponta relli (Hus ): 4. Ta ylor Blackfo rd (Pol): 5. Ky le Fre- rtes (Cob ). 50 (7·9) BEG 0 -1; I. IanMurruy (Cob): 2. J ared Th inger (Cob): 3. Michael FOS (ATK ); 4. Dillon Pavelchik (Cob); 5. And y Taylor (Cob). ler 50 (7 -9) BEG 0 ·2: l. Blake Balla rd (KTM); 2. Otue Ham s (KTM ); 3. Reny Ayers (KTM ): 4 . Taylor Watson (KTM); 5 . Devin Aros (L..em ). 50 NOV: 1. Grayson Swift (Co b); 2. Z~ch Fredrickson (Cob); 3. Mike Carpenter (KTM): 4. Jered Ney (Cob ). 65 BEG: 1. Joel Fittro (Kalil ); 2. Taylor Domschot (K.nv); 3. Grayson Swift (KTM ); 4. Mason Womack (Kaw): 5. Josh ua Mcfllerson (Kalil). 65 NOV: 1. Brian Foster (Kaw ); 2. O.J . Ney (KTM); 3. Buck Ford ( K ~w). 85 (8. 12 ) BEG: I. Ky le Hansen (Suz); 2. Rick y Adams (Suz): 3 . Joshua Muell er (Kalil ): 4. Ramsey Canham (Kalil ): 5 . Sean Stommel (Yarn). 85 (13 · 16) BEG: I . Randy FIelds (Yam) : 2. Tyl er HalTison (Suz) ; 3. John ny Kerslake (Hen ); 4. Kent Snyder (KlIw); 5 . Dan Krekelberg (Hon). 85 NOV: 1. Beau WiegMd (Sut) ; 2. Joey Harris (Kaw): 3 . Vincent Guidande (Y~m); 4. Ty ler O'Hara (Suz): 5. Stenson Womac k (Kalil). SCHBY BEG: 1. Beau Wieg and (Suz); 2. Bill y KUth ( Yam); 3. T revor Ricoli ( Suz): 4. Brian Ell iot (Hon): 5. Kevin Mundt (Su z). SCHBY NOV: I. Don ny Storemel (Yam ). 125 BEG 0- 1: 1. Trevor Ricoli ( Suz); 2. Ja son Mitchell (Suz); 3. A .J . Cav~gn~ro (Hon) ; 4. Jason Dooves (Yam ); 5. Kevin Mundt (Suz) . 125 BEG 0 -2: 1. Corey Raider (Suz): 2. Sean Gamma (Yam); 3. Casey E'.mrnenon (Hen); 4 . f>\att Sullivan (Hon); 5. J onn EckM rdt (Yam). 125 NOV : I. Danny HdITis ( Y~ m) ; 2 . Shawn AJ aw~y (Hon ); 3. Donny Stommel (Yam): 4. Shawn Watkin s (Hon); 5. Casey StondeI ($uz). 125/25 0 INT: I. Nick Bainbridge (Kow); 2. Beau J udge (Kow) . 250 BEG: 1. Kenny Link (Hen ); 2. Chad W~rton (Hen ); 3. Mark Foerder (Hus); 4. Adam Hansel (Hon): 5 . A aron Honsel (Hon ). 250 NOV: I. Patrick Neredo (Yam ): 2. Jo se Hernandez (Yam ): 3. TIm Brook s ( Yam ); 4. Don John son (Hen) . II PRO-AM : 1. Nick Belnbridqe (Kaw); 2 . Bea6'Judge (Kaw ~. ~ John Moore (Yam) . 25+ BEG: 1. Joh n Trabucc o (Yam): 2. Brian ChllCke

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