Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 11 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Bat es secon d ; they traded pl aces in the Stock ra c e , w ith B a te s scoring t h e victory . Th e Expert 80c c GP rid ers put on an expositi on of speed a nd sk ill in their ra c e s, ta k i ng th e tr ack 's tight co rne rs two and three bikes deep . In both races, the lea d was swa p ped almost . co rne r by corner, k eep ing the spectators on their feet , but Rolando Q uintero prevai led both t imes out. A aron Hammel . Ja son Perez and Mitch Weis ber g all led at one time or anoth er and rode hard to a well -earned second , th ird and fourth overall , respectively . Re s u l ts STK BEG: 1. J--.x'I Bal": 2. Byron Johmon; 3 . Alan Mortenson; C,, ~II; 5. MIke D" y. STK AM: t . J ack O' Of'Il; 2. Jtt ff RUSMI; 3. Andy lfttz; 4. Chris C4rTlPOS; 5. Franc is Roco . STK EX: 1. J oson Perea: 2. Steve MlIyt'S; 3. LeeoerdMellgr m ; 4 J,,~ Mono 5. Rich y Heodlt')' ; . MOO BEG: 1. AI"n Morte nson; 2. Ja son Bat t'S; 3. Byron John . son: 4 . Ashlt')' C" ldwell; 5 . Bill GrOM. . MO D AM.: 1. Gabrit'l Suarez; 2. Skye Girard; 3. J im Tak " mot o; 4 Bleir Su llmg~; 5. Fronds Roc o. MO D EX; 1. Jason Perez: 2. Rkhy H~dJ~ ; 3. Jll50n Takamoto; 4. Leonard Mf!IIgn!o ; 5. Fronk Rodrig uez. 80 AM I. Larry Weisberg ; 2. Ed Simo n ; 3. Andy Lenz: 4. JOt' ; Olenic k; 5. Steve Shlmebuku 80 EX: I. Rolll ndo Quin t~ro; 2. Aa ron Hemmer; 3. Ja son Perez: 4 . Mit ch Weisbforg; 5. Leone rd Mf!lIgrf!n VET 1. Jason T4k amot o; 2. Leonerd Mellgr~n ; 3, Blair Sulleng er: : 4. Larry Weisberg ; 5. Phil Herrin. , SR: 1. Derek Mc Kesson; 2. Bill Lawless 3. Nick Tierno; 4. Bill Gross. 4. Ashl~ IAbove) Costa Mesa Spe edway : Ryan Fisher goes fly in' to the Handicap main-event win in Costa Mesa, California. (Right) Saddlebac k Race Parte Mike Robbins gives advice to his son Ryan (7), who would finish second in the Mini 50cc B class in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Mike also did well, winning the 250cc A, Open A IT and Open A classes. Las Vegas Motor Speedway Foster Freezes 'e m O ut B y D ICK G OO DWIN LA S VEGAS, NV, SEPT. 16 Rapi dly im proving 60 cc hotshoe Maxx Foster seems to get faste r with each outing. On Saturday night at Las Vegas Mo tor Spee dway, he displayed a measure of dominance in co nquering the combined Junior Cycle co ntest. Foster ripped the holeshot, ahe ad of 60cc St ock (6- 8) combatant Je na Ellis and 60cc St o c k (9 -11 ) c o m pe t ito r La n ce Ki ns hella . Fo st er immediately pulled away , w hile Ellis was b usy ho ld i ng off K in sh ell a and Robert Krause ba ttle d Andrew Iovino for fourth. Foster ke pt up the pace, win ni ng moto one by a large ch unk. Kinshella finally go t by Ell is on th e las t lap to tak e second . Io vin o wo n his duel with Krau se to finish afte r Ellis. Ellis improved o n her m ot e -on e start by one place , leadin g Foster, Kr au se and Kin shella to the fi rst tum in m oto two . Foster waited half a lap t o pounce. ta k in g over first an d immediat ely ope ning up a gap. Kin sheUa battled with Elli s until fin all y gett ing pa st fo r seco nd . Iovino led Kr au se . Rob er t Ca sp er and Tyler Coynel to claim fourth. Meanw hi le, Foster wa s fly ing out in fron t, unchall enged . on hi s way to a second strai ght victo ry and th e ove rall 60 cc (9·1 1) crow n . Kinshella fla shed across in second , wrapping up second ove rall in the 60 cc (9 - 11) cl ass. ahead of Iovi no and Krau se. Ellis was th ird acro ss the li ne and first ove rall in the yo unge r divi sio n. with Coyn el and A ustin Scarlett cl aim ing the pla ce and show po sitions. A surprise visitor showed up to race in the 250cc Pro class Carey Hart, the l-ce n-fltp-rny250- without -landing -on- my-head freestyle icon . Before Hart was a fam ous freesty le rider . he was a very fast m otocrosser. Just to rem ind everyone. he smoked everybody in his only outing. A lth ou gh nobody could m atch Ha rt 's to rri d pace, there was some fast and feroc ious racing going on behind him. Brent Klein m an and Je ff Murphy had battl ed off the line for second , but Joh n Leddy, racing in the 125cc Open division of the co m bi ned race. came through to ch al lenge Klei nman for second. John Stafford and Jimmy Chamberlain were also fighting for positi ons. A ft er a rela tively poor gate, Ma rk Herma nn fought his way into fourth, then thir d, and finally second by m idrace. Kleinm an and Leddy were han g ing close to Hermann. Hart roared across the finish first with Herma nn a solid second . Kleinman just held off Leddy for thi rd . Herm ann nailed the mote-two holeshot, just ahead of No vice rider Stafford and the n Inter m ediat e rid er Kleinman. who qu ickl y took over the lead . Leddy and Boe Krahe nbuhl were m ix ing it up with the lead grou p. On lap four, Kleinman took a big ·tim e soil samp le at th e freeway approach , leaving Herm ann and Ledd y to duke it o ut for the wi n, At the chec ke rs. Herm ann capt ured th e wi n to cl aim the o ve ra ll 25 0 cc Intermediate title, over Chamberl ain and Glenn Weid man. Ledd y' s very close second earn ed him the overall 125cc O pen tro phy, whil e Kra henb uh l sho t ac ross the lin e to take second ov erall , a hea d o f Kr i s Higd on a n d Casey Tob ias. Stafford was up w ith the front -runners. dominating the 250cc Novice cl ass. > Results PfW STK (4 .6 ): 1. Dalton DaVIS (Pol): 2. MJdulei LaCha se (Pol) : 3. Tommy Kr aUSt'(Pol) . P/WSTK (7·8), Uad""" F""" (Cob): 2. .abort c.."...., ("", ): 3 . 6Ilott Proctor (KTM) ; 4. Joshua Byrogton (Cob): 5 . DylanStahl (Pol). PfW OPEN (4 -8) : t. Joshua Byingta'l (Cob): 2. [)(I/ton Dovb (Pol); 3. Bn!tt Proctor(IIT M); 4, DylanStN1I (Pol); 5 . Robert Campbell (Pol). 60 STK (6-8); 1. Jena Elli s (KTfl\ ); 2. T yler Coynel (K.II ...; 3, . ) Austin ScorieU; 4. !'\tI re ~ (K.....). 60 STK (9- 11): 1. Mau Fost« (l{.,w ): 2. ~ KmheUa (Pol) ; 3, Ar-tdrtwIovino (K-): 4. RobertKr~ (Yam ); 5. RobertCa5Pt'f (Ito ..... ) 60 OPEN (6- 11): 1. Austm Scarlett; 2.1t\an F05lIef (Kll .... . ) ) 80 STK (7. 11); I . B .J. Cloy (Ka....; 2. Clay Cutier (K" w); 3 . A lell MattMOrl (Suz ); 4 . BronsonAngulo (SuI) ; 5. Andrew Iovino (YItrTl). 80 STK( 12- 16); I. ftW:::hoeI Partler (Yom); 2. Tc:ny Esposlto(Sw: ); 3. Anthony Han (Kaw); 4. R~ ~ (Kaw); 5. ..Ittson Ellis (Yllm). 80 BEG: 1. .Jamon Henderson (Yam): 2. Ronn~ KrllUSt' (y " m ); 3. Anthony Hmdenon (Yam). 3. 80 OPEN (7 · 16 ): I . Anthony Hart (I{.,w); 2. Tony Esposito (SuI); (Kow ); 4. B.J . Clay (Kow); 5. Clay c~ (I{.,w). R~ HI{'fNI~z S{M1NI: 1. MichoeIParker(Yam). 125 BEG: 1. Kris Higdon ( Yom ); 2. J.IIson C.II'1hem (Hon) ; 3 . l Chad Gelb (Yam) ; 4. Jchn Knott; 5 . Andy Arnold (Hon). 1' 5 NOV : I. Joh n Stafford (Yam): 2. JllcoO Kotch ( Yom) ; 3, 2 Br ian Lopez (Hon) ; 4. Br andon Roper (Suz); 5. J eff Page (Y4rTl) . 125 INT : 1. Mark Hermann (Hon): 2. 0f'rdI Costella (Sw ). 125 PRO: I. Josh Taylor (Hon ). 125 OPEN: 1. Joh n L.Ndy (Hon); 2. Boe Krahenbuhl (Suz): 3 . Kris Higdon (Yam) ; 4. C~ Tobias (Yam) : 5. Brian Lopez (Hon) . 250 NOV: 1. Jo hn Stafford (Hon) ; 2. Ch ris Sll ium (K"w ): 3 . (Kaw); 4. Adam Hugt - (Hon ). y 250 INT ; 1. ,M,ari( Ht'fTI\Mn (Han); 2. JllTIrTI ChIlrn~ln (Han); 3 . t'l1'1lT1M (y 4rTl): 5. Jeff Murph (Hon ). y Glenn Weidnon (Sw); 4. Brent K1 250 PRO: 1. CllIrey Hort (Hon ). MSTR 25 + BEG : I. Dave Coynel (Hon); 2. SkidmarT (Hon): 3. Paul Barker (Yam ). MSTR 25 + NOV: I . Chns Selum (Kaw). MSTR 25 . INT : I. Brent Kleinma n (Yll m) : 2. Glenn Weidmen (SU 3 . T odd Kutcher (Hon): 4. Jeff Murphy (Hon). I): M5TR 25. EX: I . Matt Hermaon. SP'TSMN; I. Duncan Camp bell (Hus): 2 . Bill Eeri e (Han ): 3. Rk:k Polson (VOR). Th e LCQ had Venegas on the pole, w ith Castro in two and Schwartz and Oxley in four and five . Venegas exploded out of the gate an d was gone. Schwartz ran second for one lap. and the n Castro too k over for two. The wi n went to Venegas. Oxley took second. Larsen dr ew the pole for the Scratch ma in , with DiFrancesco in two and Venegas in three . Erm o lenko loaded into four . with F isher aga inst the wall in five . The fir st red fla g cam e o ut when Ven eg as caught the tape with his vi so r. On the next try. the ref felt the start had been antic ipated and called the field ba ck . On th e third try, th e tapes wer e broken and Venega s and DiFrancesco were sent to the 20 . Th e fourth try saw everyone get away ok ay , and Larsen went on autopilot, hugging th e PVC and leav ing no passing room on the inside. Ermolenko went to wo rk out in the dirt. taking the long way arou nd . but he cou ldn't catc h La rsen and had to set tle for second . Fisher was a soli d t h ird , with Ve negas a nd DiFrancesco rounding out the fiel d . The Handicap m ain had Br ad Sauer on the 10-yard li ne . Gary Ackroyd was o n the 30 . Castro , Fisher and Bart Bast sha red th e 4 0 . Erm olenko . Sch wartz and Venegas were on the 50 . It only too k Ackroy d one lap to run down Sauer, and he held off the field for th ree lap s before Fish er, Venega s, Ermolenko and Bast all go t by. Veneg as pressu red Fisher, but F isher gave as good as he got and held on to co llect the gol d. Venegas was second , with Errno lenko and Bast th ird and fourth . Schwa rtz, Ackroyd . Castro and Sauer completed the field. Costa Mesa Speedway Results Larsen, Fisher Got Legs at Skirt Night SCR: I. Josh Larwn (GM); 2. Duk ie ErmoI enko (Jo w): 3 . Ryan F"lSher(J aw); 4. Chari it' Vm t'gas (J " w); 5 . Rondy Di Francnco (J ow). ) HOCP: 1. RyClTl F"W1t'r (Jo .... ; Cho rtie Ymegos (J"w); 3 . Duki e ErmoIffiko (J aw) : 4. Bart Bast (J aw) : 5. Bobby SchwlU'U (OM) . SDCR: 1. 8i11!'\t1t~lDale Leede r ( Yern): 2. John Mather aonI Jac k Straw (Yam) ; 3 . Stuart Glass/Deton Stokt'S (Due): 4 . Steye B y Ei..AJNE J ONES Morrow/Chrts Cha pman (Suz) . COSTA MESA, CA , SEPT. 16 It was a wann nigh t at Costa Mesa Speedwa y, which was a good thi ng , considering it was Skirt Night. Whoever wore a skirt , man o r wo ma n. got in free, and th e leg s on display were something to behold. The racing was also hot. J osh Larsen and "Flyin" Ryan Fisher put on qu ite a show while winning t he Scratch a nd Ha ndicap main eve nts, respectively. The first Scratch semi had Fisher o n the pole , with Bobb y "Boogaloo" Schw artz in two and " Dukie" Ermolenko and "Fast" Ed Castro in three and four. Th e gate and the race went to Fisher. but not without a serio us challenge from Ermolenko, w ho c hased hi m hard for fou r laps and too k seco nd - good eno ugh to transfer to th e m ain , alo ng with Fisher. Cast ro and Sc hw artz would get anothe r sho t in the last -ch an ce qu alifier . In th e seco nd Scratc h sem i. the pole went to Randy "The Rock et" DiFran cesco . Cha rl ie "The Ed ge" Venegas was in two . with La rsen in three and "Rad" Brad Oxley in fou r. O n the first try . Ven egas got into th e tap es and was sent to th e 20-yard l in e. Th e second ti me, everyone go t away clea n. Larsen hit the cor· ner fir st and nev er looked ba ck . DiFrancesco locke d in behind him, and these t wo woul d move on. O xl ey and Venegas woul d be back in the LCQ. SUP: I . Randy Skinner (J aw); 2. David Lynch (J aw); 3 . Mark Hitchcock (J aw); 4. Se" n /l\cDouga1 (Jaw); 5 . Seen lNmed (J aw). 1 SUP B: I . Johnny UJpo (J aw): 2. Howard l.arIon (J aw) ; 3 . /'l\onte f'\cKeon (J ll W); 4 . Rod (Jew); 5 . Ed Martinez (J ew) . I J R: I. J ust in Boy le (J e .... : 2 . J .T . !'\abry (J aw ); 3 . Krystll[ Cramer (Jaw): 4. Miles Calvin (Hon) ; 5. Rick y Well , (J tl w). P/W 0-1 : I. T.J . Wilson ; 2. Joe Truj il lo; 3 . Fnank ~d1ing; 4 . Ray Trojillo. PfW 0 ·2 : I . RICky Valdez; 2. Phdhp Hartnl'IUuk; 3. T)1er Odom ; 4. Austin Black. Sadd leback Race Park Results Robbins' Revenge B y BRAD lETCHER SIOUX FALLS, SD . SEPT. 15 Afte r losing points to Scott Gerates a week pr ior. Mike Robbins vo wed reve nge. Robbins dominated th e evening , w in ning all three A classes. Robbi ns mi ssed th e holeshots in the 250cc A an d Open A IT m ain eve nts and ran second on th e first laps, but he led all ot he r laps on his way to wins in th e 25 0cc A , Ope n A IT and O pen A classes at Saddl eback Race Par k . Rob b in s also co ac hed his so n , Ry an Ro bbi ns, to a second- place fini sh in th e Mi ni 50 cc A class. T he Neig hbor-Hood Pump Se rv ice/C hr is Hood Landscaping/Mick T yrrell -ba c k ed Rob bins' night start ed with w ire-to -w ire wins in all th ree hea t races. cu e Th e O pen A TT m ain eve nt started off with Pala ce Motosports ' Sco tt St ude r stealing th e ho leshot in fr o nt of Robbins and Ch ris Buo l. Studer led lap one, with Robb ins in tow. Buol and Gerates battled for th ird . On lap two , Studer's fro nt tire lost traction. Robbins took over the lead, while the fall en rider slowed the battling Buol and Gerates . Robbins had a co mfortable lead at the end of lap two . Buol charged after Robbins. closing the gap as the laps ran down , but Robbins took the victory, foll owed by Buol , Gerates and Studer. Buol took the 250cc A holeshot, followed by Ro bbins and Chu ck Bevi ng . A slight miscue by Buol on the second lap allowed Robbi ns to take the lead . Gerat es had completed lap one in sixth, behind Ashley Barbee and T ro y Pfeifer, but he moved into fifth on la p two. Buol was working ha rd to keep Robbins close. but he was losin g ground each lap. Mea nwhile. Gerates passed Pfeifer and set his sights on Beving, but it too k him five mo re laps to cap ture th ird. A t the line, Robb ins won his seco nd main of the night, follo wed by Buol , Gerates, Beving and newcomer Dave Stamp. In th e O pen A class, Robbi ns was look ing for th e sweep . Bevin g and Robbin s ba ttle d for most of th e fir st lap befor e Robbins sec ured the po sit ion . Dennis Melc her bega n to apply pre ssur e to Beving , an d Stamp cl osed in on th eir battle. Stam p fell in tum one on the second lap, and a stuc k throttl e ended his nigh t. Di ck Veenk er and Mar k La mb rec ht were battli ng fo r fi fth wh en th e c ras h occur re d. and t h e y b oth mo v e d u p a po si t i o n . T h e d uo swapped positio ns seve ra l times throughout th e fir st fou r laps. Melch er m ade a run at Bev i ng, a llowi ng Ro bbi ns to stre tc h hi s l ead. Melc her dropped Beving to th ird . Meanwhil e, Dan Schwebac h joine d th e battle between Veenker and Lambrecht for fo urth. La mbrecht held fourth at the beginning of th e sixth la p , but Vee nker and Schwebach bo th slid by . Melcher co uldn't m ak e a dent in Rob bins' lead . A n enthusiasti c Robbi ns took the wi n. making it a sweep of all th ree hea t rac es and all th ree m ain eve nts fo r the night. Melch er held o n for second , ahead of B e v i n g , Veenker and Schwebach. Ro b bins had again stretc hed hi s p o in t s leads in all th ree classes with th e end of the season in sig ht . n MINI 50 A : L Brady Reink le (Suz) : 2. Ryan Robbins (KTM); 3 . Rebecca Westr a (Hon) . MINI 50 B: I. Tyler Mt'Uger (Yam ); 2. Jacob Berg (V4rTl); 3. Shel by Vt't'flker (IITM): 4. Grant Dougherty (SuI): 5. Gurner Barbee (KTM) . y MINI 60 : 1. Seth U1l1e (K" w); 2. A1e1l Jorgenson (Cob ); 3 . Jt'S$t' Frost (Kew ); 4 . Riley Johmon (Kaw): 5 . KoIbey Hll rshf~ (Kaw ). MINI 80 A : I. ~rik L&ddusaw (Kaw) ; 2. J.non Pt'trff (Yam ): 3 . Tony Bis~1I (Suz) : 4. Jacob AhI (Suz). MINI 80 B: I. Colton Trendt (Kew): 2. Tyler Johnson (Hon) ; 3. ~ Lall~ (K.!l ... ; 4 . A1ellJorgensen (Ke\ll) S. Gfeg Dougherty (K" w). . ) SM ENG: L Ton y Bissell (Sw); 2. Brill n Steinho ff (Hon); 3 . lukie Lam~t ($uz) : 4. J acob A hl (Suz) : 5, Tim ReU (Kaw ). s 80 TT : I. Ja.!Ofl Petree ( Vem ); 2. Colton T~de (Yam) ; 3 . Nick Laddusa w (Hon) : Jll cob Ah l (Kaw ); 5. Tony Bissell (SuI ). 250 A : 1. Mike Robbins (Kaw); 2. Chns Buo! (Suz): 3 . Scott Ger· .lilt'S (Yam); 4. Chuck Bt' ving (Hon); 5 . Dave Stemp (Yll m) . 250 PRO: I. Sheldon Wenl ( Yam) ; 2. C.J. Beving (Hon ); 3 . Bred Letch~ (Hon) : 4. Chil d Joh nson (Yern) ; 5 . DenielJe Bt' vin g (Hon ). OPEN A TT : 1. Mike Robbi ns (Kaw) ; 2. Chri s Buol (Suz): 3 . Scott Gerates ( Yam); 4. Scott Stud~ (Yam) ; 5 . A shley Barbee ( Yam) . OPEN A : 1. Mike Robbma (Ka w) ; 2. Dennis Melch er (Han); 3, Chuck Beving(Hon) ; 4. Dick Vt't'flker (Hon): 5. Dan Schwebach (Hon). OPEN PRO TT ; I. Brad Letche r (Hon): 2. Mik e Johnson (Yern); 3 . Chad John son (Yll m): 4. C.J . Btoving- (Hon) . OPEN PRO : 1. Sheldon Weoz (Yom) ; 2. Pce1.e TlI~t'Il (Hon) ; 3 . C.J . Beving (Hon) ; 4. Roger Wasson (Hon ); 5 . Mik~ Lall~ (Han ). eVIl's NOVEMBER 1. 2 0 0 0 67

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