Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 11 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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AMA Gold Cup Series Round 1:6atorback Cycle Park Moto t w o 's holeshot went to Grey , w ho went on to w in the moto uncon tested . McGourty rode in the second spot, w ith Li eber in to w . Lieber was able to make t he pass to move into second, and M cGourty fo llowed him to the finis h, D o u bl e - cl a s s winne rs i n c l u de d Tyson Hadsell , who took the 12 5cc and 2 50 Pro c lass es aboard h is Grey Get s the Gold Fox/Scott/Pro -Circuit-backed Yama has, and Team G reen /Sp y /Pro-Actio n rider K yle Chisholm, w h o w on three out of four motos to take the overa ll victories in th e 80cc (1 2 - 13) and By PAUL PEREBINOS GAINESVIll.E, FL, SEPT. 24 A su bsta nt ial amount of riders from all over the Southeast floc ked to G a t o r b a c k Cycle Park for the f i r s t round of the AMA Flo rid a St ate Championship Gold Cup Series , and American Suzuki 's B rian Gre y wa s t he big winner, tak ing the o ve ra ll vi ctories in 125cc B a perfect It was Supermini classes . Team Green Ka wasaki' s Earl Ma y was the onl y tripl e -c la s s w i nn e r o n th e da y , taking th e O ver 25 , O v er 30 and O ver 35 cl asses . eN In seco nd -ro u nd action , how ev er , " f ast A ndy " Fortn er b la zed ov er t h e t o p o n his "Hondasaki" 750cc triple in 3.56 9 seconds, Adams Kart Trac k taking the cla ss win and setting him self up for his fourth fast time of the year. "Wild Wade" Schultz w as h is c los est co m pe t ito r with a 3 .6 79 -seco nd ti me on his Yama ha tw in , wi th Goodman runni ng third on his triple. Campbell had another chance. ho wev er . and took full adva ntage of it in th e Sen ior clas s. Provi ng that not all Senior riders are "o ld Caldwell Bests t he Big Boys By ROD GIRARD and slo w," Campbell grabbed a handfu l of throttle and held it. flying his Kawasaki over RIVERSIDE. CA, SEPT. 10 Ashley Caldwell fended off ail challengers in the first motos of the Beginners Modified and Stock th e top in an am azing 3.439 seconds for that class win, as well as the Fast Tim e award - his races of the Californ ia Moto rcycle Road Racing Associatio n's m eet at Adams Kart Tra ck . W arren (Cob); 5. Co Cabre (Cob). llin 50 (7 -S) : l. Michael McA urthur (Co b) ; 2. Tyler Moore (Cob) ; 3. Derek Hall (Cob); 4 . Robby Huss (Cob); 5. Levi Bufkin (Cob). 60 (7-9): I. Colten Maynard (KTM) ; 2. Lucas Crespi (KTM); 3. Max Rash (KTM); 4 . Damon Walker (Kaw); 5. Derek Hall (KTM). 60 (10-11): I. Kyle Keylon (KTM); 2. Blake Harper (Kew): 3. Ryan Anderson (Kew}. 80 ( 7 - 1 1) : 1. Davi e Mill saps ( Suz): 2. Ricky Renner (Yam): 3. Dean Dyess (Suz); 4 . Tyler Livesay (Yam ); 5. Kyle Keylon (Kaw). 80 ( 12- 13): 1. Ky le Chisholm (Kew ): 2 . Brya n John son (SUl): 3. Matt Bani ( Kew) : 4. Ky le Meeks (SUl) ; 5. Travis Weinbren ner (Yam ). 80 ( 14-15) : 1. Chris Cales (Ya m); 2. Kurt Dam ron ( Ka w ) : 3 . Blak e Koch ( Yam ): 4 . T y ler Noble s (Hon) ; 5. To ny A vill a ( Yam ). S/MI NI : I. Kyle Chis ho lm (Kaw) ; 2. Matt Boni (Kaw); 3. Dean Dyess (Suz); 4. Rick y Renner (Yam): 5. Chris Cates (Yam ). 125 SCHBY ( 12-15): I. Brian Grey (5Ul) ; 2. A ugie Leiber (Yam ): 3. Donnie McGourty (Yam ): 4. Clayto n Mart in (Yam) ; 5. Drew Kai n ( Yam) . 125 C: 1. Corey Fink (Yam ); 2. Rya n Warren (Ka w): 3 . Russell Clay (Su z) : 4 . Cl ay ton Mart in (Yam ); 5. Sid Boughton (Hon) . 125 B : 1. Br ian G rey (Suz) ; 2 . Rya n Da vi s (Kaw): 3. Augi e Lieber (Yam) ; 4 . Donn ie McGo urty (Yam) : 5. Paul Perebinos (Yam) . 125 A: 1. T roy A d am s (Su z); 2 . J e re my Shuttlew orth (Hon) : 3. Forrest Lane (Kaw ): 4. Forrest Butl er (Hon): 5. Michael Stevenson (Yam) . 125 PRO: Tyson Hadsell (Yam) : 2. Ky le Farnell (Suz) ; 3 . J erem y Shu ttl eworth ( Yam) ; 4 . Fo rrest Butle r (Hon); 5. Michael Stevenson (Yam ). 250 C: 1. Sam my Pen sk i (Yam ) ; 2 . Fr an c o Raschi o (Kaw) ; 3. Will iam Stud sill (Yam) ; 4 . Kenny Well s (Yam ) : 5. Corey Fin k (Yam ). 250 B : 1. Ryan Da vi s ( Kaw ) ; 2 . Dre w Kai n (Ya m ) ; 3 . De rri c k Kain ( Yam) : 4. Ka rsten Bu tl er (Hon) ; 5. Qu inton Bigalow '(Kaw). 250 A ; 1. Ja son Fi nk (Yam) ; 2. Mike Brillinger (Yam); 3. Denni s Bourqu e ( Hon) ; 4 . For rest La ne (Kaw); 5. Ronnie Renner (Yll m) . 250 PRO : 1. Ty son Hadsel l (Yam ) ; 2 . Buddy Duffy (Suz); 3. Ronnie Renner (Yam) : 4. J ason Fink (Yam) : 5. Ricky Carm ichael (Kaw) . 16-24 : 1. Karsten But ler (Hon); 2. J ason Baker (Yam ); 3. J esse Richards (Yam); 4 . Damo n Powell (Yam) ; 5. James J oiner {Yarn} . 4-STRK: 1. Shaw Dunk el (Yam) ; 2. Derrick Kain (Ya m) ; 3 . Tim Ed ger s ( Ya m ) ; 4 . Ga ry Em er son (Yam ); 5. Lee Fore ster (Yam) . WMN: 1. Dyanna Conner (Hon ): 2. Ap ril Hodges ( Ka w) : 3 . J essica Patt erso n (Kaw); 4 . A ma nda Thomes (Hon); 5. Bridget Kelley (Yam) . 25 . : 1. Earl May (Ka w): 2. Forrest Butl er (Hon ): 3. J eff Lam pe (Kll W): 4. Shew Dunkel (Yam ); 5 . Mark Beamer (Suz) . 30.: 1. Eeri May (Kaw); 2. Steve Dum ond (Suz); 3. Mark. Beam er (Suz); 4 . Lee Mci lvain (Yam ); 5. Tim fl a g came out , Gr ey h ad alr ead y m ad e his way to the front, fo ll o we d by 2 000 Loretta Lynn 's 2 5 0cc B c hampi on Ryan Davi s, ab oa rd his Te am G reen Kawasaki. The third spot, how eve r, was up for grabs, as Lundy was being pursued by an other 2000 250c c B c ha mpion - this time from Ponca C it y: Pa u l Perebinos, on h is B S Yback ed YZ 125. Pere binos was ab le to make th e p ass at the to p of the elevato r j u m p and r i de to third , b e h ind D av is an d moto w in n er G rey. I n m o to tw o , Gre y g ot o u t to a much bette r s ta r t a n d b r a ved th e roug h second -moto tra ck c o n di t ion s to take t h e v ic to ry onc e again and the overa l l. Th i s tim e o u t , h e wa s pursu ed by BSY' s Augi e Li eb er , w ho put in a fl awless rid e to fi ni sh sec ond , j ust ahead of a nother BSY ri der, Donni e M cGourt y , who w a s al so m aking h is 125cc d ebut at Gatorback. As the Sch o olboy class took o f fo r th e ir fi rs t m o t o , Lie be r to ok the holeshot and le d G rey , Dan T rum an , Edge" (Yam). 35 . : 1. Earl May (Kaw): 2. Ala n And reu (Yam ); 3. Tim Edgers (Yam ): 4 . Mark Beam er (Suz) ; 5. Lee Mcil vain (Yam) . 40 . : 1. Al an Andre u (Yam) ; 2. Tim Ealy h (Yam) ; 3. Flip Page (Hon); 4 . Lee Bum side (Hon); 5. Barn ey Ferrel (Suz). Drew Ka in , Lundy and McGourty into t he in famous Gatorback drop-off. B y th e e nd of lap one , Grey wa s putting pressu r e a ll o ve r Li ebe r as the two C entral Illinois Motorcycle C lubgrounds b eg a n to c hec k o ut from th e re st of the p ack . T ruman wa s th en invo lve d in a crash with Lun dy tha t le ft both riders si delined fo r t he d ay. When t he c hecke re d flag w a s th ro wn , it wa s Grey w ith the win, follo we d cl osely b y Lieber. M cGourty made a pass to f inish third , and fourth went to Ka in . cue . Trosper put his CR500 over the top in 3.772 seconds for third. followed by Monty Roberts and Mark Goodman Jr. 50 SHAFT: 1. J ason Coscia (Yam ); 2. Serrata Gonzalez (Yam) ; 3. T yle r Meyer (Yam ); 4. Dakot a Coscia (Yam) ; 5. Spencer Sprague (Yam) . 50 ( 4- 6) : 1. J ustin Sta rli ng (Cob ); 2. Jo hnn ie Garga no (Co b); 3. Mikey Morello (Cob ); 4 . George When t he ga te fe ll , Zack Lundy got the jump into th e fi rst t urn and to o k the ho lesh o t. Unfo rtun atel y , Stew art ' s da y w as cut short rig ht t here when he wa s in vo lved in a first -t urn crash t ha t le ft h im wi t h shou lder inj u ries. Gr ey had h is wo rk c ut o ut fo r h im. He beg an to carve h is wa y to th e front after a medio cr e start. Wh en th e w h ite N O VEMBER I , 2000 ' but Butch f ett ers came close on his K awasaki with a seco nd-round 3 .6 80 -sec ond run . Randy SR: I. Doug C amp~1l (Kaw): 2. Rand y Tros per ( Hon ); 3 . Kevin McKa y (Kalil); 4. Lenny Bochholz(Ya m ); S. Cliff ~ (Yam ). PSHRD: I. Walk Sc hultz (H· D): 2. Sco tt Sheets J r. ( H·D); 3 . Butch Fette rs (H· D): 4 . Bob Fisher (H·D ); S. Sieve Shaf er (H.D). OPEN: I. Walk Sch ultz (H·D) ; 2. Scott ShHo J r. (H. D): 3. Mike ts Kes se l (Kalil); 4 . Bulch Fetters.(H· D): 5. Ste ve Shafer (H. D). 400 STK: t. Bill Kinge ry (Ka w) : 2. Andy Fort ner ( Ho n); 3 . Richard AII~ (Hon ): 4 . Doug Cam pble (Yam) ; S. Matt Peters (KTM). ll OPEN STK: I. David Pierson (Yam ); 2. Sc ott Pett y (Han ); 3. Steve Shaf er (Kalil); 4. Kf'VlnWeaver (Hon). FAST llfo\E; Doug Ca mpbell. 3. 439 (Kaw). Gamrback Cy Park cle Gainesville, Florida Results: September 24, 2000 (Round 1] both the h igh ly contested and Schoolboy cla sses w ith four -for-four moto ta ll y . a nybo d y' s guess as to who would co me out on top i n the f irst 125cc B m oto , as a ll the F lorid a hot sho es w ere in attendanc e , in cl u di ng m in icycl e se nsa t io n Ja mes Stew art. 66 class on his first ride. topping the 140-foot hill in 3.609 seconds on his KX500. No one was able to match that time in the class all night. Campbell Can Do By BUD NOR THRUP NEOGA,IL. SEPT. 16 Doug Campbell was a double-cla ss winner as well as th e fastest rid er o f th e night as the Central Illi nois Motorcycle Club wrapped up th eir hillcl imb season on Septemb er 16. Campbell set a very fast time in the 600cc e n e vv s Adams Ka rt Track: Ashley Caldwe ll (93) leads Jason Bates (6) and Tom Kirk (724) on her way to one of two moto wins in Rive rside, Califo rn ia. Unfo rt unate ly, she met some mechanica l grem li ns in the second set of motos. second of the year. He paid for the win painfully, however. crashing hard over the top. and he The 12-year-old was quick off the line in the first Beginners Modified moto and had the lead couldn 't make it to the line for his seco nd ride in th e 400cc Sto ck cla ss - but . in his words , dropping into the firs t com er, with Ale x Veqh, Josh A verson and Byron John son in hot pursu iL "no pain. no gain." Randy Trosper grabbed second place on his Honda in 3.701 seconds, with Kevin McKay running third on his KX500. The competition was tight throughout the field Dav id Pierso n and Wad e Schultz were also do uble-class winn er s. Pier son stre tc he d hi s poi nts lead in the 40 0cc cl ass with a 3 .759 second run o n his 360c c Hu sk y , w ith Steve Dougherty running second on his KTM 380 in 3 .91 6 seco nds . Pierso n's seco nd w in cam e in the Open Stock class on his YZ426F thumper with a 3.984 · second first-round ride. Scott Petty stopped the clock in 4.071 seconds on his CR500 for second place. S chu ltz cla im ed tw o w ins o n his h o t Harley. The first was in the Open class - but it wasn 't easy . Scott " Scooter" Sheet s b lasted hi s Sup er ior Cycl e spo rts te r over the top in 3.684 seconds to take the first-round lead. but Schultz came from behind in the second round to post a 3.666-second time, just edging the Sparland teenag er fo r the win. Sheets ' Harley tr ied to self-destru ct on his second rid e. with one cy linder rising upward o n the case studs. Schultz had to take only one ride to win the Pushrod cl ass. turning a 3.805- second first-ro und time. Sheets finished second again, with a 3.976-second first-round time. but he was unable to get his Harley repaired for a seco nd rid e. Re sults 50 AUTO: 1. Donn ie Robb ins (Cob ); 2. Dylan Brad y (Pol); 3. J ake Hunsa ker (Pol): 4. Holly Ha yes (KTM); S. Chris Petf'D (KTM). 65 J R MINI: 1. Mi k ~ Popham (Yam ) : 2. Steven JOt'.' Wea ve r (Kalil); 3. Randy Williams (Kalil): 4. Dr~ Daniels (KTM): 5. Bobby Senn (Kaw). 85 SR MINI: 1. Nick Mayo ( Hon) ; 2. Jaco b Ta ckitt (Yam ); 3 Damon Mayo (Han): 4. .JeredHayes (Kalil); 5. CIutd Cox (Han) . 200: I. Ja red McKay (Kalil); 2. J acob Tackitt (Ka lil): 3. Paul Hart (Hul ); 4. Kevin Ryan (Kalil); 5. Brent Warfel (Hon) . 230: I. M4rlt Goodman Jr. (Kalil): 2. Bill KingE'ry(Ka lil): 3. Mati Peters (Han ); 4. Torn Trosper (Su.r. ): 5. Jon Creek (Hon ). 400: I . David PIerson (Hus) ; 2. Steve Dougherty (KTM) ; 3. Doug Cam pbell (Yam); 4 . .M.atl Petef'l (Han ); 5 . Steve Shafer (Yam) . 600: I. DougCam pbe ll (Kaw): 2. Butch Fetters (Ka lil): 3. Randy Trospe r (Han); 4. Manly Robern. (Hen); 5. Mark Goodma n Jr. (Hen) . 750 : I. Andy Fortn e r (Kalil); 2 . Wade Sch ultz (Yam ): 3 . Mark Cioodmen J r. (Kaw); 4 . Torn Danial (Yam ); 5. Lane Schu ltz (Yam) . on th e first lap , with everyo ne dicing for posi- tion. Vegh charged Caldwell as they crossedthe stripe on lap two. but Caldwell held him off diving into tum on e. A verson tried to pa ss Vegh, but the two collided; Vegh went down and Averson sustained fari ng damage that wou ld later cau se him to dr op out . A lan Mortenson and Jason Bates moved up to join the fray. Up front. Caidwell steadily pulled away, riding smooth. consistent laps with a po ise that belied her age as she co mma ndi ngly took her first win . John son pla ced second , with Bates and Mortenson stepping up to third and fourth. Caldwell then mounted up for her second race of the morning, Beginner Stoc k . She dived into tum one with the lead once again, with 17 riders hot on her tail. In perhaps the fiercest race of the day, Caldwell's newfound skills were put to the test. On lap two, Mortenson grabbe the d inside line into tum five, getting unde r Caldwe ll , but in a cla ssi c h igh -low move , Caldwell rega ined the lead. Johnson was putting pressure on Mort enson , with Bate s shad ow ing the three leaders. By lap five. Johnson had gotten around Mortenso and was challenging Caldwell for the n lead. On the next lap. Johnson got a good drive down the main straight and pushed for the lead into tum one, only to get the door slammed in h i s face . Nea r t h e end, backmarkers we re becom ing a factor - to Caldwe ll's adva ntage , as . she m ov ed ar ou nd them, choosi ng the best lines. Caug ht in traffi c, Johnso n co nti nued to chase Caldwell to the checkers. while Bates and Mortenson traded places back and forth, with Bates getting Mortenson for third at the line. In the afternoon . Caldwell found herself plagued by a severely slipping clutch and was unable to put together a charge off the line. Although Caldwell showed tremendous composure in the way she handled her ill-perform ing bike. th e best she could m uster was a pair o f fi f t h s . In two cl os ely c o n t e st ed races , Mortenson too k first in the Modi fied race , with

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