Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 11 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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AHRMA Rumble Oan J aekson ( Yam) . SPTSMN 500 NOV: I. Chuck De Ran (Yam): 2. Tim Swanson (Mai); 3. Eri c Schu ltz (Hus); 4 . Dan Fillio n (Cl) ; 5. Russell Crescen tin i (Kaw). SPTSMN 50 0 INT: I . Preston Cooper (Cl) ; 2. J.T. Southem (Mai); 3. Stan Newton (Hus); 4. Gary Grav es (Yam); 5. David Volgamore (Yam) . SPTSMN 500 EX; I. Graham Barber (Kaw): 2. Van Hic e (Mai) ; 3 . Dan Jackson (Kaw); 4 . Mark AHRMA Speed & Sport National VIIllage Trials Series Two Riven Racing Milliken. Col rado Results: September 15, 2000 (Round 14 of 191 Skarpohl (C2); 5. Alex Reid (Bul). SPTSMN TW NOV : I. Mik e Cholar (Yam) ; 2. W.R. Guc cin i (Yam) ; 3. Wayne Rantz (Yam ); 4 . Bill Rlanda (Tri). SPTS MN TW INT : I. Chad Mcintosh (Tri) ; 2. T y ler Gue ci ni ( Yam); 3 . Ry an Guc c in i ( Yam) ; 4 . Roger Ganner (Che ). SPTSMN lW EX: I. Bruce Dalton (Yam) ; 2. Tim BEG: 1. Ken n Bales (T n) . GIRDER NOV: I. Brad Kennard (H-D). GIRDER EX: I. Beno Rodi (En!) . RIGID INT: I. Dick Hedwell (BSA). RIGID EX: I. Mike Fenner (BSA) . PREM H/W INT: I. Clint Welsh (Mat ): 2. Ernie Stair (AJS). PREM H/W EX: I. Rodd Ughthouse (M). . Flynn (Yam) . WMN NOV: I. Gayle Neal (Hus). WMN INT : 1. Rob in Webst er (Mai ); 2 . San d ra Ross (Han ). 30 ... NOV: 1. Ma rk Ha mmo nd (Y am ); 2 . Bill J ac k so n ( Ka w) ; 3 . J erry Morrison ( Hon ) ; 4 . Er ic PREM LJW NOV: 1. AI Wenzel; 2. Ray Corlew (T ri) ; 3 . T ony Hagger (BSA ); 4 . J am es Li bsco m b (Tri); 5 . Howard Watts {Gre}. PREM L!W INT : I. Don Kelley (Gre) ; 2. Tony Schultz ( Hus): 5. Paul Jensen (Hon) . 30 ... INT : 1. J ohn Mc Cle lla nd (Yam); 2. Je ffrey C l a r k ( Han) ; 3 . B ru c e Patri ck ( B ul ) ; 4 . Joh n Lambrick (BSA ); 5. Mark HoJlwedel (Ho n). 40 . INT : 1. Jo hn McClelland (Yam) ; 2. Andy Blac kburn (Cl) ; 3. J effrey Clark ( Hon) ; 4 . Gary Graves (Yam ); 5. Steve n White (Pen ). 30 ... EX : 1. Gr a ham B arber ( Ha n) ; 2 . Da v e Li ndema n (Pen); 3 . Dan J ac kson (Yam) ; 4 . Ja m es Smith (C-A); 5. Todd Schiffer (Mai). 40... NOV: 1. Joe Hart (Hon); 2. Mark Ham m ond (Yam) ; 3 . Larry Will iam s (Mal} ; 4 . Dee n Meyer (Hus); 5. J am es Pa rk (Hus) . 40 . EX: 1. Br ad Lack ey (CZ) ; 2. Dave Lindema n (Pen): 3. Mark Skarpohl (Cl); 4 . Alex Reid (Bul). 5 0 ... NOV : 1. Russe ll C resce ntini ( Kll W); 2 . Eugene Waggoner ( Bul) ; 3. Larry Nelson (BSA); 4. Dav id Webster (Pen): 5 . Pete Sllve (Cl). Asni car (Gre); 3. Rob Stick ler (T ri) ; 4 . Dan Yitalettl (Gre); 5. Dennis Brown (Gre). PREM l/W EX: I. Bob Ginder (Jm s): 2. Mike Parsley (Tri); 3. Marty Paulson (BSA ); 4. Jeff Smith (Tri). cisc INT: 1. Bruce Ca rma n. MORN ClSC NOV : I. John Knapp (Yam); 2. Mich ael McPeters (SUI ); 3. Wayne Mount (Vern ); 4. Ray Dey (Oss); 5. Bob Gamer (Oss). MORN CLSC INT: I. David Boydstun (Yam) ; 2. Ste ve Do y le ( Yam ); 3 . Ja me s Sm it h ( Hon) ; 4 . Eugen e Waggon er (Bul); 5. Den nis Spenc er (Bul). MORN ClSC EX: I. Mik e Renth row ( Bul) : 2. Russell T odd (Bu l) ; 3. J im Sm ith (Suz) ; 4 . Ro bert Bor g (Mon) ; 5 . Dav e Lind eman (Hon). AHRMA Nalional Dirt Track Series Rocky Mountain National Speedway Denver, Colorado Results : September 15, 2000 (Round 14 of 151 50 ... I NT : 1. Ch uc k De Ran (Y am); 2 . Do m Dom inik (Hus) ; 3 . Kim A rms tron g (Mai); 4. Da niel Dobson (Mai): 5. Fred Brown (C2) . 50 ... EX: 1. Tom Boyd (Hus) ; 2. Wes Willi s (Hus) ; 3 . Joh n Sawazhki ( Hus): 4 . G.C . Ay res ( Han); 5 . Hubert Betzen (Pen) . _ 0 . N.OV : 1. Wayne Mount ( B S A ) ; 2. Jim 6 DINO : 1. Gary Dav is (Tri ): 2. Booker Po irier (H· D): 3. George Wills (H· O); 4. Craig Brecko n (Tn) ; 5. Beno Rodi (Enf) . e l s e 25 0 : 1. David Dean (Oss) ; 2. Howard Watts (War) . Cameron (BSA). 60 ... INT: 1. Leland Loper (0 55); 2 . David Dean (Cl ); 3. Jerry Sibley (Cl ). 60 . EX: 1. Jeff Smi th ( BSA) ; 2. Corky Root (Bul). CLSC 5001750: I . Gary Davis (BSA ); 2. Booker Poi rier (H· D); 3. Craig Breckcn (Tri) ; 4. George Wills (H-D); 5. lee Parker (BSA). SPTSMN 250 : I. Booker Poirier (C-A ): 2. Marty Cox (C-A); 3. Gary Neff (Kaw) ; 4. G.C. Ayres (Hen): AHRMA Progressive Suspensi on Histo ric Cup Road Race Seri es Mountain View Motorsparts Park Mead, Colorado Results: Septem ber 16- 17,2000 (Round 14 of 181 5. David Pierce (Bul). SPTSMN 60 0: I. Gig Hamilto n (Mai); 2. Mark Er ickson ( Hon ) ; 3 . Bill A nderson (BSA ); 4 . Gary Davis (Hon) . SPTS MN 7 5 0: I. Matt Burge (Yam); 2. Nick Ta ylor (Ya m); 3 . Darrell Bryant (Yam); 4 . J a m e s T um lin (T ri) ; 5 . Mic hael Sm ith (Tri) . ' 7 0 s Sal: 1. J ohn McC lell and (Ya m) ; 2 . T im Spi res (Hon) ; 3 . Darrell Bryant (Hon ); 4. Shane Arndt (Yam); 5 . Kevin Forre st er (Yam). VET: I. Mark Erickson (Hon); 2. Marty Cox (CA) ; 3. Bill Anderson (BSA) ; 4 . Gary Neff (Kaw) ; 5. David Pierce (Bu l). SR; 1. Gig Ham ilt on (Mai) ; 2. J im Challi ngswort h (Tri ); 3. Bene Rodi (No r); 4. Denni s Peterson (Yam) ; 5. Dave Cheney (Yam) . S / SR : 1. Dan Maloney ( Hon) ; 2. David Dean (Rok) ; 3. Ron Fenner (Bu l) ; 4. Curt leite r (Tri). PRE- 19 40: l. Will Har d i ng (I nd ) : 2 . Norbert Nickel (BMW): 3 . A rt Farley (Ind ) ; 4 . Doc Batsleer (Ind); 5. Beno Rodi (Nor) . CL-C HNDSHIFT: 1. Will Ha rd ing (Ind); 2 . A rt Farley (Ind); 3. Doc Bats leer (Ind). Cl -C FTSH IFT : 1. Norbe rt Nicke l (BMW ); 2. Bene Rod i (Enf) ; 3. Lon nie Hann on (Tri); 4 . Delbe rt Busche (BSA) . ClSC '6 0 s: I. Jo hn Cooper (BS A); 2 . Jeff Elings (Mat); 3. Rusty l owry (H·D); 4 . Fred Mork (Mat) : 5. Da vid Breetw o r (BSA) . 2 00 GP: 1. Paul Sc ho e n (BSA); 2 . Swiss Ni ederb er ge r ( Ae r) ; 3. Cr aig Cong leto n ( Be n) ; 4. Denni s Micalett i (Bul) . 25 0 GP: 1. Dan Boon e (Due) ; 2. Larr y Pe on s ( D uc); 3 . Sw iss N i e d erb e r g e r (Ae r) ; 4. Joh n Haberbosch (Mon). 350 GP: I. Craig Brec kon (Due); 2. Steve Brown (Han) ; 3. Bru ce Yox imer (Due); 4 . Devld Ch rone (Due) ; 5. Tim Mings (Han) . 500 PREM: 1. Peter Hom an (Han) ; 2. Jeff E1 ings (Mat); 3. Brent Hensley (Han ) ; 4 . Ken Ligh th o use AHRMASpeed & Sport National Vintage MJ( Series Twa Rivers Racing Milliken, Colorado Results : September 16, 2000 (Round 13 of 161 PREMl/W NOV: I. W.R. Guccini (Hon). PREM l/W INT: I. Dan Vita lett i (Cot) : 2. Tony A sni cer (Gre); 3 . Stan ley Tru loc k (AJS); 4 . J erry Sib ley (Eso) ; 5. Nelson Burrell (BS A). PREM L!W EX: I. Allen Wenzel (F-B) ; 2. Brad K ennard (Duc) . (BSA): 5. John Cooper (BSA). BEA RS: I. Glenn Campbe ll ( BMW) ; 2. Gary Slaba ugh (Nor); 3. Dave Todd (Nor) . F·125: I. Tim Sheedy (Hon) ; 2. Steve Br own (Hon). F-2 5 0 : 1. Jeff £l ings (Yam); 2. James Dall arosa (Yam). F-500 : I. K yle Co rser (Yam ): 2 . Robert Hur st (Yam ); 3 . Michae l Verdug o; 4. Ja son Colon (Yam) ; 5. PREM 5 0 0 NOV : I. David Ch rone ( Due ); 2. Carroll Mcin tosh (Mat) ; ). Clint Welsh (Ric ); 4 . J im Cameron (BSA) . PREM 5 00 INT: 1. Rob Stickler (Ric ). PREM 500 EX: I. Jeff Smith (BSA) ; 2. Claude McEl vain (BSA ); 3. Corky Root (BSA ): 4 . Terry Pratt (BSA); 5. Brad Kennard (Vel). PREM TW INT; I. Nelson Burrell (Kaw). PREM TW EX : I. David Wil son (Tri) ; 2. Dave J an iec (AJS); 3 . Brad Kennard (T ri); 4. Beno Rod i (Nor) . CLSe 125 NOV : 1. Paul Jensen (Hon); 2. Wayne Ora l Molden (Yam ). F-7SO: 1. Adam Popp (Hon ); 2. Glenn Campbell (BMW) ; 3 . Brian Fila (Yam ); 4. Gary Slabaug h (No r); 5. Dave Todd (Nor). F -V IN T : I. Robert Hu r st ( Yam) ; 2. Br ian F il o (Yam) ; 3. Kyle Corser (Yam ); 4 . Matt Bur ge (Yam); 5. Craig Murra y (Tri) . SPTSMN 350: 1. Tim Sheedy (Hon); 2. James Pearson (Hon) : 3. Gary Swan (Hon) ; 4 . Robert Ki rk Rantz ( Ho n ); 3. Pat Ho lmes ( Pen) ; 4. John Webb (Pen); 5. Tom Brosius (Pen ). eLSC 125 INT: I. Andy Blackburn (Cl) : 2. Tom Roach (2un): 3. Nelson Burrell (H-D). eLSC 125 EX: I. Robert Borg rcz). eLS C 250 NOV: I. Eugene Crawford (AJS); 2. (Hon); 5. Rod Teqeris (Due). SPTSMN 500: 1. Paul Schoen (BSA) ; 2. Daryl F o st er ( Hon) : 3 . Scott Miller ( H a n ) ; 4 . Ken Wayn e Rantz. Lighthou se (BS A) ; 5. Gary Davis (Hon) . SPTSM N 750 : 1. Matt Bur ge (Ya m) ; 2 . Cra ig Murray (Tr i); 3. Rodd Lighth ouse (Tri) ; 4 . Raym ond Farrell (No r); 5. J ame s Com stock (Nor). PROD L!W: I. Scott Miller (Hon); 2. Deb Lower CLSC 250 INT: I. Terry Gates (Oss) ; 2. Harry Wy nns (Mon); 3. Kerry Caraghar (Cl); 4. Phil Grundy (Tri) . CLSC 250 EX: I. Mark Skarpohl (C l) ; 2. Dan Johns (AJ S). ClSC 50 0 INT: I. David Dean ( BSA ); 2. Don Ke lle y (Ric) ; 3 . Da l Smilie (Cl); 4 . Denn is Br own (O re ); 5. Michael Becker (Yam) . ClSC 500 EX: I. James Smith (BSA) ; 2. Dan Johns (AJS). SPTSMN 125 NOV: I. Bill Huff (Yam) ; 2. Larry Wil li am s (S uz) ; 3 . Ma r c Pap e (Ho n ); 4 . St eve (Right) M3 Racing's Adam Popp (1) shredded h i s Honda eR7S0's first gear on the start and the n gave the rest of the field a hug e head start as h e s lipped the clutch , b ut by la p three he was i n the lead. M cNew ( Hon ) ; 3 . D ick F is h e r ( SUI ) : 4 . Bruce Monig han (SUI ). SOT : 1. Jonatha n Glae fke ( Su z ) ; 2 . Don Lawrence (Suz); 3. Rick Westcott (Tri) . AHRMAH&H KTM Vintage Ha", Scrambles Series Twa Rivers Racing Milliken, Colorado Results : September 17. 2000 (Round 7 of 101 PREM NOV: 1. Tim Even (Hon ). PR EM IN T : 1. Tom A sni car (Gre ); 2 . Ne lson Bur rell (Kaw) . PREM EX : 1. Co rky Root (BSA ); 2 . Beno Rodi (BSA). ClSC NOV: 1. Pllul J en so n ( Ho n ); 2. J am es Ptasek (Hon); 3 . David Brown ; 4 . J oe Pinney ( Sac). ClSC INT: I . Dan vitelettl (AJS) ; 2. Don Kelley (Ric) ; 3 . Denn is Brown (Gre). CLSC EX: I . Mark Skarpohl (Cl) ; 2. Robert Borg (Cl); 3. Dave Wilson (Hus). SPT SMN NOV : 1. Scott Willia ms (Bul ); 2. Steve Hclt erbeck (Suz); 3. Terry Beeken (Cl) . SPTSMN INT : 1. J ohn McClelland (Yam) : 2. Bruce Patric k (B ul ) ; 3 . John Lewis ( Hus) ; 4 . T yl er Gucc lni (Yam) ; 5. Glenn Neal (Bul). SPT S M N EX: 1. Va n Hi c e ( M ai); 2 . D a v e Li ndem an ; 3 . J am es Sm it h (C- A); 4. Bruce Dalton (Hus). 50 ... NOV: 1. J im Came ro n ( BSA); 2. Willia m Gucci ne ( Yam). 50 ... INT : t . Bill O rth (Mai) ; 2. Rob Stic k ler (Ric) ; 3. Sta n Tru loc k (Han). 50 ... EX: 1. Jeff Sm ith (C-A) ; 2. Dennis Spence r (Bul). BRIEFLY. •• Execu tive director J ac k Tu rner revealed at A H RM A 's S ep t. 14 board meeting th at he's been app ro ac he d about a Ste amboat/Pa rk C ity·type even t in two U tah resort areas, and there are reports that other W estern towns have expressed interest as well . Such an event probably w ou ldn 't happen before 2002, so plans are to come back to the D env er area for 2001 . Two R ive rs Racing . ju st outs ide Johnstown. Colorado. hosted the Rumble 's motocross. tri als and hare sc ra mb les events . and it could serv e as a m od el for plenty of other tracks . Run by An n Leah y and her sons . Pat and D avi d . Tw o Riv ers is neat and well-kept. and has an office wellstoc ked wi th rea s onably priced accessories . good spectator accommodation s . a challeng ing track that somehow manag ed to stay almost dust-free on a 9 5 -degree day , indoor flush toi lets. and p lenty of well-placed signs. The 1983 World 5 00c c M ot oc ro ss Champion, Brad Lackey , raced just about every b rand of motorcycle in his pro fessional ca ree r . and he now ca mpa igns a nice 1974 CZ4oo. However. he ' s never co mpeted on a M aico, and he' s thinking abo ut trying that marque next season, bec ause M aic o s seem to run at the fr ont in many c lasses. At Tw o Riv ers . Lac key too k the win in the secon d Over 40 Expe rt mo to w hile test -riding J .T. Sou thern 's 197 3 M aico 440. (Dub); 3. Craig Wright (BBM). ing. Roger Felty (Dub); 5. Bill Dyer Jr. (Hon). 50S 2-STRK: I. Sean McNew (Hon); 2. Chuck Shett slin e (Yam ); 3. T.G. White (Hon ). SKORPIO N : I. K ev in Br own (M ul) ; 2 . Gary Davis (Mul). BOlT F·1 : 1. Jo nath an Glaefk e (A pr ). BOTT F-2 : 1. Jo hn Staske (Kaw); 2. Dic k Fi sher (Mai); 5. James Park (Hus). SPTSM N 25 0 INT : I. Jeffrey Clark ( Hon); 2. (Suz). Stan Newton (Hus) ; 3. Hubert Betzen (Pen); 4. Ray e Sportsman 125cc Expert victo rie s . A ft er the fiasco at M ou ntain V iew M o to rs po rt s Park . A HRMA officials w ere lo o kin g over S e c · ond Creek Raceway , next do or to the Ro c k M o unt ain N atio nal S pee dway fac ility that ho ste d th e wee kend 's dirt t rac k . as a po s sib le lo cati on for next year' s Rumble In Th e Ro c kie s roa d rac - S ~ MONO 2 : I. No rm a n Le s to vic a ( BBM); 2. Daryl Fo ster ( Hon) ; 3 . Dom in ic Me di na ( Ho n) ; 4 . SPTSMN 250 NOV: I . Joe Hart (Hon): 2. Paul u Expert, Sportsman Expert and SOOcc (BMW); 3. Bruce Bille (Suz). Jensen (Hon) ; 3. J erry Morri son (Han); 4 . Pat Holm es c (Above) Graham Barber (7 6L), here passing Todd Schiffer (3 ), was a triple-cl ass winn e r, taking the Over 30 PROD H/W : 1. Todd Brockmeyer (Suz): 2. Mark McGrew (Hon) ; 3. James Robinson (Law) ; 4. J am es Britt on (Hon) : 5 . Tom Pruett (Han) . S·ft\O NO : 1. Kevin Brown (Mul); 2. Roger Felty Holterback (SUI) . SPTSMN 125 IN T : I. Patri ck Dav is ( Hon ) ; 2. Carl Richey (Hon) ; 3. By ron Blend (Hon) . SPTSMN 125 EX: I. Graham Barber (Hon); 2. J am es Sm ith (C-A ). NOVEMBER 1 , 2 0 0 0 ' the Rockies Winward (Mai): 5. Tom Brunholtz (Cl). SPTSMN 250 EX: I. Dave Lindeman (Pen): 2. Thund er , Ka w as ak i-mounted John Staska in Battle of the Tw ins Fo rm ula Tw o and Formula Three, and Kevin Brow n in Super Mono and the Sk orp i on Cup . CN 40 In BOTT F - 3 : 1. J ohn St a sk a ( K a w) ; 2 . Seli n I e n e VIl's The AHRMA hoard rece ived a com p re he nsiv e proposa l fo r a set o f road racing c las se s ten t ativ e ly ca lle d " S u p e r Production ' t hat w o uld e mb rac e th e next generatio n of cl a ss ic ra cers . A HR M A ' s c urre nt v intag e c utoff is t he 19 72 m od el year , and Su per Pro duct io n w ould take t hat up to 1980 . wi th th ree dis placement -ba sed cl ass es . The look o f th e mach ines would be v ery much lik e th e eariy A M A S uperb ike s . wi t h an emp has is on parity be tween J ap ane se and Euro pe an mod els . Th e clas s w on' t be imple me nte d for 200 1. M3 Racing 's M ark M cG rew and J erry Berret h p ut to g ether the proposal.

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