Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 09 06

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Ho rse Arena in D el M ar , Cali fornia , on Oct ober 7, according to M ulde r, C ast ro I Ho nda ' s S hinya T a k e is h i ' s seaso n of misery came t o an end Tue sd ay w he n he a nd Castrol Honda ag reed that he wo uld withdraw from the W orl d Su pers po rt Cha mpio nsh ip with three of 11 rounds remaining, In a Castrol Honda press release, team manager Neil Tuxworth said: ' It' s bee n a difficul t year for Shinya. This has been his first time racing outs ide Japan and chasing one of the closest fouq ht world titles in motorcycling and adap tin g to life in Euro pe has been to ugh on him. " The 32-ye ar-old rider from To ky o has scored points in only t w o ro unds t his yea r, , 1th place finis hes in Japan and San M arino , and sits 22nd in th e champion sh ip , U nt il sig ning o n wi t h Castro l Honda t his year, Take ishi had spe nt his ent ire career racing in his horneland of Japan, For the past six ye ars he's raced in the Japanese Superbike C hampi ons hip, first for Honda , where he finished a career best second in 1995, and then fo r Kawasaki, w here he'd spent the previous fo ur years , " S hinya has also su ffered a number of injuries this year wh ich have not allowed him to show his fu ll pote nti al," added Tuxwort h, " The most rece nt cras h at B ran d s Hat ch was a heavy fa ll an d F rc ed him o ut of the event.' Australian o hotshot Chris Vermeulen wi ll join regular team rider Pere Hiba for the remainder of the 2000 championship, Vermeulen, 18 , is in his F irst year of raci ng in the British Women's School of Motocross w ill be holding schools on the fo llow ing dates : M X Schoo l (Adelanto, C alifo rnia) - Septem ber 9 : Cro ss Country Sch ool (Muenster, Texas) - September 16; M X School (Ho llister, C alifo rnia) - Septemb er 23 . For more info rmation, call 949/ 837 ·22 06 , The 2000 AMA Fall C lassic/Four· Stroke Nationals w ill kick off Sept ernbe r 9 -10 at Bud d s C re ek in La Plat a , Maryland , The six ro und series w ill run through Oct ob er , co nclu ding wit h a rou nd at M udd y C r e ek in Bl oun t v ill e , Tenne s se e , O c t o be r 14 -1 5 , Ba llze e an d Husqvarna are spo nso ring the series . Motocro sser Bla ke Keeton has been chosen by th e Arkansas A ssoci ati on of Chi e f s of Po lic e as a ..C ivi lian o f the Year . " Keeton rescu ed a classmate who had drive n her ca r into a lo c al river in Jun e , He w ill be ho nored at a banquet on September 21 in Hot S prings, Arkansas, The Sou thern C alif orn ia Flat Track A ssociatio n wi ll join Eddie M ulde r in co -promot ing t his year's S k ip Van Leeuwe n Vintag e Short Track at the D el M ar • • Show Preview Interm ot , Europe's important motorcycle show, is com ing up mid-Septemb er in Munich, Germ any , and an array of new mot orcycle models from all over the world are expected to make their debut. The sheer quantity' as well as quality · of these bik es underlines the current worldw ide bik ing boom . The follo wing manufactu rer-by -man ufacture r breakdown is j ust a selection of each company ' s expected new m odel highlights: Aprilia : Falco-based V-twin sports tourer; SuperPegaso Vtwin tarmac trail bik e (may be held back For Bol ogna , It aly' s Mot or Sho w) ; var ious 50 cc t wo -strok e scooter models empl oyi ng the company' s new DITECH fuel- injection technology. Bimota: Drak o 900 naked roadster (see last week's "Eurofile") . BMW: RI 150R with six-speed gearbox . Cagiva: 650cc Raptor; re-sty led versio n of the 1000cc VRapt or, in keeping with creator Miguel Galluzzi's prom ise to come up with a new look for the V-bike each year. Ducati:: S4 SuperMonster with desmoqua ttr o engine; display of the prot otyp e I 02cc -bore engine for the all-n ew 999 cc Championships and is lying sixth in the Brit ish Supersport Cha mpio nship and third in the British Superst ock Ch amp ionship . W ere you one of the thousands of people who logged-o n and attempted t o buy a D ucat i MH900e at just after midnight on J an uary 1, 2000? If yo u were , you may be interested in the new bo o k ju st release d by Ducati called ' Aooh! C h'e 's to net? Man name ' ri a rnoto !" (' Hey! Wha t's all this net stuff? Ju st g im me a bike!") The book is a co l!ection of e-mails from D ucat i fans around the wo rld who at te mpted to buy a copy of the first new mot o rcycl e ever so ld ex clusively o n th e Internet. It is an interesting co llec tion o f cyber-messages fro m those who w ere lucky enough to purc hase one of the coveted bikes , to those who we ren't quite so lucky . and those who sim ply admi red the bike from afar. The boo k also has a ton of beauti ful color co ncept drawin g s pe nned by Pierre Terb lanche, the designer of the bike . If you're a big D uc at i fa n, 90 to and pick up a copy, but just like the bike itse lf - the book is only ava ilable on -line . Off -road racin g legend Malcolm Smith w ill be revisiting Patago nia t his wi nter and he' s lo o king for riders to go with hi m. Smith i s return ing to t he site of t he National Geog ra ph ic s pecia l t hat he helped create last year to host a d ualsport ride through the An des of Southern C hile and Argent ina , usi ng KT M fou r- He re are the teams and ride rs w ho have qua lified to represen t t he U nited Stat es at t his year's International Six Days End u ro in G ranada, Sp ain, October 3 1N o v e mb e r 5 . Wo rl d Trop hy : Randy Haw kins , Fred Ho e ss , D e stry Abbott , B rian G arrah an , Patric k G ar rah an and Russ Pearson . Junio r W orld : D avid Pearso n, C o dy M ast in, J ohn Beal and Kurt C aselli. Salt Fo rk Dirt Riders: Scott Hofma n, Tim Taber and Troy Sm ith . Red R iv e r R id e r s : Na t ha n K ni ght. N ol an Kn ight and M att Stav ish . Team Io w a : David C ampbell , Lonnie Ross and Den nis M urphy . Little Bu rr M .C .: M ar k Adkins , M art Geary and G lenn M art inson . Gerrit Hami!to n M emorial Club : Jaso n Dahners, Brian Bennett and Brian Sperl e. Merced D irt Ride rs : Curt W ilc o x , Ron Law son and Jo e C artwrig ht , N et Leased Cl ub : Paul Krause, Steve S ilve stri and Luca Tru ssardi. Team Sen io r: A lan D eyo , Jeff Fredette and Randy M astin . Dayto na D irt Riders: Mike M onroe , A lex M cElyea and Richard Laff erty. Bo ise Ridge Riders: Ron Schmelzel , M ark Steven s and Stave Va nZ ant . This year's Tea m U SA Su pport M anager w ill be Rick "Gu nny" Claypoo le, and the USA Ju ry Represent ative w ill be Hugh Fleming . eN Superbike which will be launched at the 200 1 Milan, Italy , Yamaha : RI -based sports tour er; XVS IIOO DragStar-engined YamaMonster to be built in Italy by Belgarda: YZF250 show. Honda: 180 0cc six -cylinder Gold Wing: VT100O V-twin J four -stroke MX bike; 400cc Majesty maxi -scooter single: Monster; Fuel-injected update on current CBR600 ( no t a 500cc T -M ax mega -scooter twin ; TDM-derived 75 0cc lim ited- edition SP performance version) . ' retrobik e. Husqvarna: 250cc four-strok e off- road range. . And those are j ust the ones we know about.. .... ! Kawasak i: New ZX,7R ' may be with fuel injection? : ZRX-1200R retro bike rival to the Yamaha XJRI300, fitted with ZX, 12R motor. lta ljet: 250 cc maxi-scooter. KTM: 8 00cc LC8 75 -d egree V -tw in : 250cc four-stroke off- road range. Mondial: Relaunch of the marque with the new Piega (see " Eurofile" of Issue #30. A ugust 2). Moto Guzzi: No new m odels - yet. MV Ag usta: 750cc Brutale nak ed road ster; FI40 power-up version of the F4. MZ : Proto type 750 -900c c para ll el -twin (though not the supercharged version. now set asid e) ; RT1 25 ·ba sed street enduro. Suzuki : Fuel -injected GSX·R600 based on c u r rent GSX -R750 ; all- n ew GSX RI 000 based on the same bike. Triumph : All -new born -again Bonneville 800cc roadster twin; 955cc Tiger, Vox an: V-twin tarma c trail bike; produc - Yamaha's VZ250F: One of many bikes to debut at the upcoming tion version of the Scrambl er. Intermot show. ( ) iT o casl yo ur vol e , log on 1 0 tl e ne ws .co m. reader poll question of the week on Ie strokes . The total cost of the two-week adve nt ure is $63 90 per p ers o n a nd inclu des bike rental, ho te ls, roundtrip airfare , grou nd and luggage transfers and some meals. Fo r mo re informatio n, call 909/275-0455 , nevus

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