Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 09 06

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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-Shirts CN Girls "B"b ydoll " . $ 14 8lctck · Size _ M _ White - see _ M _ l __ . TOUt! l _ _' Total CN Gi rl s " Ta nk Top " 0 $1 4.Gray - Slze _ M _ l _ _ .• . TCJt8I Whlte - SIze _ M _ L _ _. . .. .. Total Miscellaneous uceree Plate Frames 0 2 for $ 5.m •••••• ,_ Team Smitty Comic Book 0 $2," . , Total Total CycleNews Stickers 2 FREE with S.A.S . •.. Total ,E Cycle News HaI;8 !It $19.~ •• . .•• .. •• , • • '" Tota l Motorcycle Champions Artwork B y Lee B ivens Mick Dooh an Unsigned 0 $ 75 .<0 ••. Scot:t Au..... . ...• _Total Signed 0 $ 95."' . Artist Proof Signed. $ 15 5 .00 Un&gned 0 $ 50. 00 • • • • • • . Total . . Total ••• . ... Total ferTacci & Polen Ufl6I9Oed 0 $ 75 .m •••••• . Ed Kreb' - Iran M ..,- Sigllfld 0 $6S.CIll . . . An.lst PrOot 0 $ 1 10 .00 Unsigned C $ 3O,m. . . Total . ... . . Totef _ • Total • . Total _ Limited Ed ition Prin ts By I.,,' Gu ndla ch Thirty Fiv. and the Volcano Arti 5t-signedPrint 0 $150: (> .. • ...• ••• Total _ B u lllvan t Ga ll e ry Aisurrez:ione Artist Edition 0 $345."', , ••.•. , •..•.•. Tota l SognaN en Aoaao lDr.amlng in Red ) Dueati 996 Poster Pnnt 0 $5 7.m ••••• • Tota l HairY Miller Fine Art Pr ints THE UGlJlDS ScottPa_ r_ unsigned only 0 $:J().- . . . Ste>e M _ SfQOed D $105.m/ unstgned 0 Gary Ni.on $30.(11 ••• Total signed G $105,ill;unsignad 0 $3O,tII, , . Total Jay Spnngsteen signed 0 $105.Ul / unslgned D $30 .00 , . , Total Buobe Shobert P signed D $1055 / unsigned a $30.'1)" , Total Bart Marke l signed 0 $105 ."'/ unslgned 1IJ $30,00" , Total Carrol l gesweber signed D $ 105.m /unsigmtd 0 $3O,.xJ , , Total , ams Carr signed a $ 105.(Jl U06lgned a $JO.w , , , Total / Mert lBwMIl signed it $105.oo uns lQned a $3O,m.. , Total / RIcky Gr8ham SIgned 0 $ 1 05.~/ unsigned 0 $30.00" Totat """"""Fams sagned a $ 105"'/ unstgned 0 $30."' thoEu_ Wetter ZeU er • Total a $55,U:-/ unSigned a $30.00 . , Tota l signtKl GoIdstar $55 m/ unsigned lD $3Q.w " , . Total SIgned a In Th e Wind Together The 20's signed g $55,oo/ unajg~ G $30,"'" " , Tota l The 30's signed G $S5 .''''/urlsigll\ld D $ , ,. TOtal The SO's signed 0 $55,'X>/unsigned C $30,00" , . Tota l The SO'8 signed G $ urtSlQncd 0 $30,00 " " Total / P ine boa rd R.ce _ · 1 9 1 0· 1 9 3 5 HonomThomson &gnAd O $5S.oo/ unsagned 0 $30."" Total Hammond Spnngs Slgned . $55 .oo/ ~nttd 0 $30,t11 •. Tot8I Gene Walk er signed a S55.00 uosigned 0 $ 30. eu / Total Bob Sirtcegian signed 0 $55,tI'J/un sig ned 0 $3Q,w , Total Red Parkh urst & Fred Ludlow signed D $55 .al/ unsigned 0 $30.m , " Total Gene W alker signed 0 $S5.(Il/unsigned D $30.00, •• Total Jo e Pl'ltrallil signed 0 $5S ,m/ uneigncd iJ $30."' . " . Total HaN)' G!oo n Signed (t $55 ''''/unsignfld 0 $30.'(> • , ' . Total Joe Wolte r SIgned 0 $ unsigned 0 $30. 00 , , Tot8f Don Johns signed 0: $55,oo unStgfled D $30.'" . , , , Total / Eddie Bnne Signed 0 $5S.oo un&igned 0 $30."'" / , TatBl Migu el Du Hamel ArtIst SIgned a $84 ,· Ben Bostrom ArtIst SIg ned a $84 ,11II . Books Wayne Rai ney H is Ow n s tory ByMie hoel Scott it $21 ,~ ($5.00 minimum for charge orders) , , . Total , ..• Total , , , , , , , , , , , , Total Send order t o: o Money Order (sorry, no COOs) Ka th er ine M iller Fi ne A rt Prints Cardholder 's Name Card # _ 1-------------.,...--------1 Exp. Dat e S u b s c r i p t io n s _ Cy cle News Products Dr Subscriptions P.O. Box 50B q. Costa Mesa. CA 9262B-50Bq 2'1 HR FAX Order line (charge orders only please ) (71 '1) 75 1-66B5 T O L L F R EE ... · 8 0 0 83 ... · 2 22 0 SUBSCRIPTION CALLS ON LY Total CA residents add 7.25% sales tax U.s. Sh ip pi ng and handling incl uded n no charge Foreign orders add 515.0 0 shipping and handling Order Total o Bill Me 2 EZ Payments of $22.50 One year (50 issues ), 2nd class Canada or M exico and all other fore ign countri es $92.00 (US Funds). 1st class and airm ail rates available upon request. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Zip 1

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