Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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• 'lJ!jI Mot0cr0s5 des NatiOl'lll
• '9':4 Wo 500rx MX R~w
• 'W Workl15Oct M.X R\..I,ow• '99WtlI'ld 125tt MX R
• Set :Ttw Hard Way · M.){I'·~X lr. 4:Up in Ra1Trl
• MXVidoo M.-igwnt'l3· 2IXlJSheffiddArmaTrial
• GroffAaron's Ba
lanriDg Ad 2 • "9'J World 600Supt'r.lrort Review
• Tl!:am X-tJeem: Masten.of Ma
yhem • J11'2·Star Buy7 FumdOut · (~ Thmttk
(#8) .Castrol History 01Motorcycle
Ttne-'ICIUnI_1Iom !he DIW:l Wood arctweI d WOl1lk:IIII
1nOIl:lfCydI1OMl~ , VOUI'II I: l10IJI AIBIgIn I h TTl62 rnilUlel):
VaUnl 2: 8rlh d !hi GP & IN
ArrMI' (73rnn-.); VoUne3:
(#1564) Fast Riding the Roberts Way
A ~ NIl1ltno .. 1tImf RcbItII T...-ag ~ in ElarceKnI. St*I
.,.. "IndRandy MamoII.~thebnIItI d ~tJer
upII1II'CIonlel"flChodl~ 6S,..... born.,.
StatJuq VIllIo SJUS
(#106A) 50 Years 01 Day10na
(#5904) Champion: Barry Sheene
(#213)The Roads 01Colorado
Act&lIll cdlljJl ul llll!Jlll=-cl l'll8Olandpora; d .,... twougto.lI CaIorado.
TNa 'lidlo rnMel lfl ldllll llXll lor ano,o'1l pllrrWlg .lIIOlOlt'Ydt~
(#5942) Champion: Carl Fogarty
The. . . . . 'IidIoIli::llPllhY~BrIllin
' ll:Igg8IIblcng tlllo. snlllll _
Arnencen *- Mia .... Takel youInIm IiIMlty ~1D1liI tour\tI
CaiIorrIa leJgendaryHlo1-y 1 ildone at!hegrellc:llallel'Vellof"
IlreIt d1Q tlOorcydiIl TNandI . . youfromthe Golden Gall BrOge
ltJrouItI lOITle atthe moel~ sndIe8Il: pqlUlBled _ 1n
ClJItornl.~ dI joumIIiIl: Charles EWlIll.Wlftl Speedway~
Bn.I08 Penllal II1d0thet8lrom SI n Fmrd8a:l oo lllllth1hroultl the lWlslies
UJng H9Jway " eo I!WklIeIII'l:ITI PMOf Stan" Procb:bonI S24. lS
(#231) Ride America: The Million Dollar
Expenence the woodefand beauty ofColorado's M Dollar HitjIway In
the ooloI1Il&l &8lIson .pten ~ ue., blot 5ki8l1I'ld dean crisp air
youaI youI1IIIdnorth01'1 the 130 mile!Ide!rom Durango 10Telunde
Join 80tllIy UI'68f Bruoe Penhal, Malcolm Smrth, WallyDalenblchand
tnends ' 11Il8'f ride• vanely 01BMW'I th!Ough tilt hBlIIt 01 the San Juan
Mour1lllim.IlO ~OI!rom Pliler SlaIT Pfotlut.1lon8. S2U5
(#1763) Route 66
~ .Iong
Amencll'1 bekMJd 11IgtIway, born
~ to l.oI ......... upoIir'lg IhIl now ""dckln' Amencl1tIallOOdlm
"",,,y liOltfl _
lllI, o.x--..ny Ihlll . llIChgrlllt m rllll in
restoMg INplICfI d Atner'aIlI. 105 mnJlll8 fromwtvII Slarltluke
RAZV1cleo. S2U5
(#1 069) Classic Racer Experience
Here" yoJI c:twu lei jail Clit¥e Raper...., IN WI atMIn TTlJ/M: lII'I
(#5950) Champion: Barry Briggs
....,.: IIalrW'G htnJr:tIcJn110m lI'lCIIDn::yde perlomwlr;e....,.
....... 050 wGI.. . . dIIIic:........... on. . tigtrIgIL
:II ITIIU8Illam WIlleStar.'WIeVldIlI. S2U!i
- .,....
(#230) Ride America: Highway 1
Thilnos1aIgIc program talulI l
(#170) Sweet Spot Video library Set
(#1034) V-Four Victory
'II'rolql 1lleAadIIeI. 90 rNnUIM from LIMProcU:Iiln.S2t.llS
Wlftl ~ cro-n.
AIlII1OUIIy Idllc:1ro't ................ WlIlIdlClnIn:lm . . "13\Js11rGP
endHandI'II. Suzuki "lNgIbQ' dlIIIngt. plus. dIIIIC ~
11;1 ullhl TTc:ane "'.My Dlriup, 50 ~ 110m WIItt sa.rtD:*I
(#1086) Best 01British: Triumph
Triumph II one of the gll".1 namelln Brlt'" rnolotCyClt hiIIory,
withlegions 01en\tluslallS 5PlIlId throughout the world. Thlt lull
(#5902) Champion: Giacamo Agostin i
Sta r!Du Vld.o. SJU S
IIOfY on the brlllldlrompilI 10preHn\. 7S mlnu lromWtliIe
A.goslii. 75mioolll8 tromWhtlI SlarJtAN Video. $34. lS
(#1087 Best 01British : Norton
(#5900) Champion: Mike Hailwood
Nonon II anaof the mosl eYOClIM I'IemMIin!hi history d 8tlII1h
1lllIloItyding. and !li$ videO loh 1lMl whole storyatthe ~nd rnattlU• . 75
1T'ftJI00lromWhIle Star/Ouke VIlIoo. S3 S
A profle at the IlIl21g ClI1Mlt' at legendary BIitilhchafl1)iOn WIll 11le Bike
Haiwood. eo rninuleIlromWhleSlarl1)ukl Video. S3U5
(#1088) Best 01British: BSA
(#5956) Champion: Phil Read
AproIIed theIIIdng car- at legerIQary PhI Road 70mirlllllS Irom
wtna~ Video S3U5
(#1 540)Cutting Edge Bikes
FOIfIllW lICefMatOxllly IllslB lht ~ GP nctw1Il8 01'9ot
I'QIdIIg - ' I)ol:lMn'15Ollclc HanOI. BilW'I 25O::c ~ II1dSaUta',
125ccIlcDy Aplk nlllRlle5 IlumWtllllStaotlutt vlllIo , $34.J5
AtIhatn:lattheSO'a IlO CQI11lllIIY in!llll wor'j_ 1eIIlgmor&
rnoll:llqdn lhDn Brttm BSA Group. T~ .,..,.,. ilter. 1N oM
oonglorneIIIIWlloul d bulinllsl. cfclpIedby ~. bId
IT\IfI9men1 andIa of If1V8IlrnaI1L Ths~ viOeo tek lhe wtlDle
storyIn:lm itSbIgmIlo!I inlhe ~ InIdad the 18lhClnulY
1tJroI.91IN'i«'tYflll"rAWl)IIdmotortycle rnllQl dornr-.bOfl, IOlhehl
800)' '*nix. 70"..,.,. tromWtwle StarJOukt VIdeo. S3U5
........ - . "....
(#1070) History ol lhe Isle 01Man TT
A ~Ml "' 3i*l "'ClilO '-*"Y at "'MlIlcl'I1IlOIIl 1lrnoul
~""III*»IY~IfO'Il Dm:lWoocl
__ wwe
lIIIMrIIlil~~ ....... · lrsiIllndand
. . . CIdICIn!ooll9IfO'1l lie .,.., rn:_
snl.-y IVWlIIrorn1920
b 19116. A:HIpI c:dIcton...., TTWl Ml chntlb' ...-slDalII1I
(PIrll:TheEll'lyY . . . I 907" P1lIl 2: The ~ y... 1!M7·
7e.: PMJ: fftlIII5n>glrI1eI StrwQr! lm-v6! , 216mn-.1IlIIl, m...
(#1722) 1998 Bike GP 500 Series
WI*~VIllIo.. SlSU5
RIIwIIhI wry t.l ulthe '88 FlU wmt C'Stlip 500GP IMSOl'l n 1M
FeaturMaI ullN top -=tion on h trKt. frolIl
IhIl .... and lII'IlhIl tloket. no.VIdIoc:.pturw IN tIOtY d IIlOIher
Iegeir'IWy Doohen tellIOIl. nowlt1I MlXlnd moll SUClI*5IuI GP racer
_ be/'lincIltaIIen IIgM1 G/ecorIIo AgoIln. 180 rnnula trorn WIldI
olIk:*. 3-houf ,......,
(#1097) 1948Isle 01Man TT
~ ..h
IoUTTlIm procU:«l lftlr WWll,. . ,....,. cllIc:owef8d
lImWlJl\"~Ior.""""' pl'OducIIl"SlrnCc:Ms. Thniam
lIO\RI"hl"' ~ Gtltwn W"'. ~ ..
tht~ICMlII" ~IeI . . ..,... n Gr..:l Pmde . 36
S1IrItIU VIllIo. $M.JI5
ITWIftI 110m _
Stan'Dukl VlOlIo. $34.15
(#1055) Golden Mountain
(#ln3) 1999Bike GP 500 Series
1961 _. wonOef!uI
l'ICOI'llclhcillnWlg TT~ Y . cIItU. IN lll13S1tiorTTcMI
W!lIn relpIg CNJl1)Illll t.IidlDooIlan Cl'IIMdeertyII It'e 1IISIDn , I
IookIdlike.. theGPSentI' .~ W8Ipoe . to • SlilI UnIcl eM lei
beClIlI olthe bell . . . . II mrs II AIeJl CtMIaI0Il10 hlQp WId
AmIran ycu'lgSler~Rotler1lI cNIenged tIllOOl1JCU. 180 n'W'M1l8
tramWNleStar!Cklke VIdeo $J4.I5
~¥S.HItlle &RMdinlheilll:rJaydilys ulNo!1on.MIdc:NIaI.
AJS...52 nww..- bornWIiII StanWcI VdIo. S3U5
(1296) Mad Sunday: The Fans' TT
oIIIll'''d thillIIlgic IIdOrcydt 1eIbv8l, trempItla to bMlds.1ItIMI
~ And ~ CUI rnaetI.end IoCs ITIOII.
eo IT'ftJ& IIu:nWllIt8
(#1704) 1998World Superbike Series
StarIt)uQ VI*L $34.llS
Threehours ollldlon WIdI88Illll hlg~ onand 011 the tract. Thebesl
d the raang,equipmInt.personakbes andtradcsIhnlUghoUIthe season
whenQucltl' Kilo CallFogarty 0I1CfIeglIn I9ignacI supreme 180minutes
110m WtvleStarIOukl Video. S34.9S
ThllWlyl rlIIlIyloolultromthl fIOo(seyeYlllw IIIOUfIllheeyeat
1Nn...llIoody Irighleningl FIIIln8 Iorltltt firstllI'na,on«l8tll'I dBtll
togging. 5caryendlDlllly~ ·_fOf)'OUlsall whythe rri&.
rDIlI rllCllikl IlOOlher. 89minule8fromWhile Staro'tlukl Vdao. $34. 5
(#1800) 1999World Superbike Series
(#1608)1999Isle of Man TT
Bigevents,big noise, and peflClrlli ~ies - tho wscllatt III lIveeaI Carl
Fog arty Cl~ 1lII 0uc:atI 1o " U!lp rece