Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 05 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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GO OD/i'EAR CALIFORNIA SU PER 9/2 4 Jean. TX 1018 La Murray, OK ke 10122 Decatur, TX Info: 9031297-4605 rr-sn ARS Super n Amencan Racing Series, Sou1l1west Championship, And I , : Rosamond. Into 949/76S4626 or lPIlIL S M T W T F S 2 3 7 I 11 11 12 13 14 15 1 4 5 I I 11 17 11 11 21 21 22 2J 24 25 21 27 21 21 3D M T W T F S 1 7 GEORGIASUPERCROSS _Speedway Pari< sxSwansboro. Into 9121237: o 0928 . " INDIANA MOTOCROSS- Steeltown MXClub, Ch risney. Into 8B8I957-RACE : or8OOI494-RIOE. MASSACHUSmS TRAI L RIDE· New England Tra Rider Association, il Bnmfield. Inlo: B6OI875-5757 or MISS OURI MOTOC ROSS- Sprout Patch MX, Billings lnlo: 4171744-2593. . MAY S GEORGIASUPEACROSS - Monroe Offroad Ranch. Mom>e. Into 77OI2fj7: 797 8 2 3 4 5 I I 1D 11 12 13 I " NEVADA MOTOCROSS- Zion Motocross Association Mesq , une Aa<:eway, Mesq UIte. Into: 4351673·1956 IW NOtS POKER RUN - Ridgewood CydeAssociatioo. Ryan's Pub, Frankfort. Info: 815/438-3396 or 81 5/46!l-3655. 21 22 23 24 25 21 27 21 29 31 31 JUNE S M T W T 4 5 I 7 F S 1 2 3 I I II 11 12 13 14 15 11 17 11 11 21 21 22 2J 24 Z5 ZI 27 ZI ZI JI " Oenotu ProPayback Fri, April 28 "CALIFORNIA MO TOCROSS - KB Racing Promotions, And 1, Saaamento Raceway Par1<. Saaamento.Into: 9161682-61 23or www.jps .netMlraang. - Alnt Bottom Rat Trad<. AintBottom Aa<:eway, Bunll9'on.lnto: 3191754 ' -6229 or7535371 o Ir::NIA SHORT TRACK OHIO MOTOCROSS· CRA. Patriot Pr omotions, night race, Wayrre County Speedway OMlle.lnlo: 3301948-4613 or , 3301682·7435 . o TEXAS HALF MlLE - Texas DinTra c!< Thunder, South Central AMA Amateur Nationals, Qeyjls Bow Speedway, Mesqune. Into: 940/683-4742. April29-30 CAUFORNIAMOTOCROSSInternational Oldtimers, Marysville. Into: 253/840-0466 or www.seane t.comI-russr. CALIFO RNIA MOT ROSS- Over The OC Hill Gang Nationab, Sierta National, Rnd I, Tu nocl<. lnto 5621941·1515. : 3389. PENNSYL VANIA TRIALS - Mid-Atlantic Vintage Trials Se ries. Pennsylvania Trial s Riders, William ort Inlo: 570 sp /494-2309. o MI SISSIPP MOTOCROSS - MX 886, S I Rnd 2. Pont toc. Info 6821489-8316, o : o MISSOU MOTOCROSS - AJ RI Wahlberg Motocross Promotions. MidwestExtremeParle. Merwin. Info: 816/779-5020. "TEXAS MOTOCROSS·Village Creek MX Parl<, nr ht race, FortWorlh. Info: g 817/572-n1 3 or 483-5028 or www.viJ o NEV ADAMOT OCROSS- OnTrac Motocross West SpringClassic, Rnd6, Silver State Aa<:eway, Carson COy. Inlo: 775/ 23-8228 4 TEXAS SHORTTRACK - Texas Din Tracl< Thunde<. South Central AMA AmateurNalionabShor1 Trac!<, Boyd Raceway, Boyd. Info: 9401683-4742. NEVADA MOTOCROSS - AMA Western 4-Stroke Na liona. And 2, Mesqune MX Pari<. Mesqune. Into 435/673- 1956_ : WASHINGTON SHORT TRACK - AMA, Oislnd27. Rainier. Into: 3601446-n12 or 3601446-2949. Su n , April 30 o ARKANSAS MOTOCROSS - Din Bi e k Mi e Promotions, Series2000, Mid-Sooth k MXChampionshiP Atkansas MOIosport . Par1<, OonaJdson.l nlo: 501m8-57 12or 870/342-5373. NEW YORKHARE SCRAMLBES NETAA, TIi·Stat Motoncycle Club, e Lembo Lake Pari<, Modena. Into : 9141566-4956. CALIFORNIAHARE & HOU ND- Vi~ngs MC, Distnct37, AMA. Luceme Valey, l Johnson Va lley- ' area. l1Jceme Valley.lnlo: 661/944-1517. CALlFONRIAENDURO - AMA. 0istricI 37 Enduro Series .l1JcemeValley. Inlo: 7601253-5119. o NORTH CAROUNA HARE SCRAMBLES - [)evil Ridge Hare s SCrambies Series, Sanlord. Inlo : 919 m6-1787 or CAUFORNIAMOTOR CYCLESHOW 10th annaul Paafic Coast Dream Machines, Hall Moon Bay Inlo: 6501728. 2328. CAUFORNIA MOT OCROSS Ounestown Series, Edwa AF Inlo: rds B. 661/272-8889. ORNIA MO TOCROSS CAUF CMM-lanford Spring Series, nightrace , Hanford. Info: 559/673-8080 , CAU FORNIA DUAL SPORT - AC T. calaveras County, Angels Camp Info: . 5301672-3672 or 8881_ or www.dual s www.sunshinemx.axn. you havefirstclass experience with motorcydes. Share your extensive knowle with up-and-comingmechanidge cal professionalsat one of the nation's top motorcycle institutionslocated In Phoenix, P;z or Orlando, FL MMI is the onlyschool formally endorsed and supportedby: Track. Groomed De ily 5nect Be, Open De", • We etend BBQ Hlllh' Rldlnll • Rece. Com/nll 500n A. isbid 12 . OHIO HILLCUMB - AM O Pirate Promotions and Pirale MC East , 2004 N. Ramo.,. Blvd. S.n Jacinto. CA 9 2582 For Infol Eventhoughyoumarnat have prio teachingeXperience. r Palestine. lnlo: 330142&- 181. 4 Motorcycle~, CIarl< County FllIIQfllL'lds, Spong Field. Info 937 : 12639321 or . ISIS. PE SYLVANIA SHORT TR NN ACKPagoda Motoncycle Club. Blldsboro. Info : . 610/582·3717 VANIAMOTOCROSS - Racer PENNSYL Pr oductions Inc.• BrownsvilleLuzerne Par1<, Brownsville. Info 304/284-0084. : SOUTH DAKOTA MOTOCROSS- South H.rley Davld""n American Honde Motorcycle Mechanic Insttuctor. you're stilltop choice,because 0lyour5+ years othands- (90 9 - 6 5 4-2126) on experi nceas a motorcycle technician (3 years d MMI e graduate). Key responsibilitie are teaching others to s For .ncI P rt v . t . Partl•• Aak for Ron Turner __ ~ _ - ~ C Y CLE SERV ICE RACING 1244 N. Gertey St., 58n Plldro, CA 9073 1 _~,......,..._ (31O} 548-6874 Fatrication, QJStlim Machine Woric Cylinder Bering. Akm Welding. Suspension TLning Specir:di%ing in Desert & Enr:Iuro Preparations become qualified mechanics throughMMI classes, supervising shop act;vities and evaluating student performance in our state-ct-the-art facility . Those who can_.succeed with attract ive salaries, medical/dental/vision/ llfe insurance. 401 (k), paid vacations and holidays. Sendyourresume or letter of Interest to: un, Inc. 10851 N. Black canyon Hwy. Suite , 600, Phoenix, P;z 85029. Fax (602) 216-7606. Ema il Formore information caft (800) 859--7249 ext. 1735. VISit us at www·re an equal opportunity employer. Kawasaki MAlCO fBJl-kJsqvama ~ MO TO. C rc LIS Sales & Seryice UPS Dail www~ lillJd& 177Y *'b' May 14th Oak Hili MX Oak"""'owa Motocross Yanklon.Into , : 8051665-9121, Pla c e d isplay a d s by calling TEXAS CH ARITY RIDE - Rrde lor Kids, Houston. Inlo: 8001253-6530 or . '7 J4-'75J -'7433 o TEXAS n - TexasDinTrac!< Thunder, South Central AMA AmateurNational n , Boyd Ra ceway, Boyd. Into: 94OJ683. GEORGIAMOTOCROSS- Yamaha, CMR Racing, ParadiseMX Par1<, Macon, Info:757 /428-6782, TO TOCROSS· CMC WASHING N MO Squ isher Racing. Horn Aaprds OAV , 1837-3595. RIChland. Info: 509 "GEORGIA MOT OCROSS· AMA, Silver Dollar Raceway, Rnd 4, Reynolds. Into: 9121475-5711 or 476-8756. WIEST VIRGINIA HARE SCRAMBLES · Jacl

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