Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 05 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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9116-17 Lakewood, CO 1011 8er1hooenox.AZ 11/ 1 1 LasVegas, /fII Info: 7601747·2509 or760/ 89-£990 4 MRAN Desert Series AIamo.NV Ca Iien1e. /fII Camp Valley. /fII Ely, /fII Southern illinois Hare Scrambles Se ries 5128 6/4 6125 712 7/9 7/16 7123 6113 001and0. FL Reddick. FL OCala, FL Dade City FL , Reddid<. FL 8120 Oo1ando, FL &'27 Dade City, FL 913 QcaIa, FL 9/10 Ok_ _, FL Info 3521242·2605 or : Performance Engineering Sunflower MX Series sn Merwin, MO 5114 Lyndon, KS 5/21 Baxter Spnngs, KS 5/28 Lyndon, KS 614 Lyndon, KS 6111 Merwin, MO Baxter Springs, KS 7/1 719 Lyndon, KS 7123 Baxter Springs, KS 8120 Lyndon, KS 913 Lyndon, KS 9110 Merwm, MO 9117 Lyndon. KS Info 785/842-8272 : 68 M AY 10, 2 000 ' 5/21 6/11 6125 7/16 6113 9110 lronman Hare Scrambles Series TBA Rawtmgs. MO Info 3011724-6738 : KORR Hare ScramblesSeries 10122 Wichita.KS 11/12 HII ~boro, KS 11/19 Wich ita.KS Marion. KS 1213 Info 3161942·652 : 7 KORR Spring Motocross Series 517 Hill boro, KS s 5113 Concordia. KS Wichrta, KS 5120 Beaver KS , 5/21 Inman, KS 6/4 WlChrta. KS 6117 Marion, KS 6118 Sterfing. KS 6125 Info: 316/942-6527 cue ' I c Muskegon, MI Hudsonville. MI Muskegon. MI BIg Rapids, '-II Muskegon. MI Charlotte. MI Marne.MI Haslings. MI Haslings. 1.11 Fowlervilte. MI Onekama. MI Hoiland. MI Monroe. MI Coldwater, MI 619 6111 Gayiord. MI Marshall, 1.11 6118 l1Jd.ngton, MI 9123 Ht.clsonviI1e, 1.11 6125 Muskegon. MI 9/16 Centerville. 1.11 9118 1010: 231/924-5778 _ 0. OK Cogar. OK Gruber, OK Anadarko. OK 913 Poolville, OK 9117 1011 Enck. OK , 10122 Stillwater OK 11/5 CooperIand,OK 11/19 Chandler, OK Info 4051390-5227 : 6125 SVRG New MilleniumSeries Gorman. CA, Rnd5 Cartsbad, CA,And 6 Gorman, CA. Rnd 7 Lake Willord. CA. Rnd 8 Glen Helen. CA. Rnd 9 9124 10122 Info 7601744-8052 : Info: 61 ~73 6125 7/9 7/1 4 7/15 7/19 7120 7121 7123 7125 7127 614 8120 Ctrnber1and Furnace, TN CIar1

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