Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 05 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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250 C; I. Jerem y HIli (Hon) ; 2. Nothdn Brown (K ow); 3 . Adam Wells (Hon ); 4. Mik e Woldr on (Ko w); 5. Jordo n Gollol'\er (Hen) . 250 0 : 1. Marthew Bake r (Yam); 2. C" sey Flo yd (Hon); 3. RYMI Adk ira (Suz); 4. .hoI Birdine ( Yom ); 5. Rodne y White ( Hon) . SCHBY; 1. Jacob Saylor (Yom ); 2. Man Blev ins (Sw: ); 3. Brad Goodwill (Kow ); 4 . John WiMnberger ( Y«n); 5 . Justin lowery (Hon) . 25. A : I. Kevin Wolk er (Yom ); 2. Richord Prether [Hon] : 3. Daniet Nebon (Han); 4 . K~in BIlIlock (Suz); 5. AlbM McCoy {Suzl. 25. B: I. Man SurnnM:n (Kew); 2. ROlt'ley WIse (Suz); 3. Jimmy Leodl (Kew) ; 4. Kyle Shoun (Han ); 5. Timothy Comp (Suz) . 25.. C; 1. AUen Brown (Suz ); 2. G4mt'tt Tuttle (Han); 3_ Martin ~Itt (Yom) ; 4 . BueI Slul" (Sw); 5. Donnie SUJgIe (Han) 30. A: I. Albert McCoy (Sw); 2. Kn'Wl Blolodt (Suzl ; 3. Todd Bailden (Sw); 4. Leslie Bekbrr (Sw ): 5. Mark Andenon (Yom). 30. B: 1. Marit Ashworth (Suz); 2. DaVid AJ bert J r. (Hus) ; 3. Jimmy lro<:h (Kow); 4 . Kyle Shoun (HoI'l); 5. T imoth y Camp (Sul ). 30. C: 1. Jon,a,than L.angwonhy (Yom); 2. Wade Gortond ( fuI w); 3 . Chad Viers (Yom ); 4. M.<:hod Robin!Ion (Stu) : 5 . Eric Wil 50n (Yern) . 35 ..: I. Ron Jon es (Sw ); 2. o4 vId Albert J r. ( Hus) ; 3 . o oVld Forris (KTM); 4. Jomn Gotn (KT M); 5 . Steve Jacobs (Hon) . 40. : I . Ron Jon " (Hon ); 2. Mark Ash worth (Sw); 3. Ctid Mahto (Kow); 4. DavKI Forris (KTM); 5 . Gary Baisden (SuI ). 48 ..: I. Gory Ba'sden (S w) ; 2. Jo hnny Gibson ( Yom); 3 . Ted ~ (Sw ); 4. Roy Word (Yom) ; 5 . Kf'My ~ (KTM) . oy 4·STRK BK: J. W~ McC (Vtf); 2. David Alben Jr . (Hus); 3 . Brandc:rt StoclMbuty (Yom) ; 4. Jtlm('SGoin (KTM) ; 5. ChadVIeB (ya m) . Ull AM : I . J.R. Carter (Suz): 2. Donn ie Adorn. (K ow ); 3. ~e Flynn (Hon) ; 4. Wilham Simmons (Han); 5 , J .T. Smith (Han) . UIL CID : I. J~y Hill (Hen) ; 2. Ryon Sto~ (lion): J . Nick Hoskms (Kaw) ; 4 _Domon Cox (Kow); 5 . Jorda n Gll llahl!'f (Hon). UIL MINI: I . Ch ns Tod d (Kow); 2. Ryen Powley (Kaw); 3. HOrTis " ltmn n (Kow); 4. Timothy L~ Hom (Kll w ); 5. Jert'rT'lySparks (Yam ). WMN : I. Rachel! Ecevoy ( Suz); 2. Shelby Rolen (KTM ). Fern le y International Raceway S imas. Gar r i son Split MX W est Spring C las s ic Wins By J OHN S ILVA FERNLEY. NV. MAR. 3 1 Jeff Sima s and Greg Garrison split the intermedia te-class wi ns at round three of th e MX West Sp ring Clas sic Mot oc ross Seri es, held at th e Fern ley Intern ational Racew a y , A fter ba t tli ng each o the r and m any of Nev ada 's o ther fastest amateurs. Si ma s wo n the 2 50cc Int erm ediate cla ss , w hile Garriso n wa s t h e t op 125cc Inte rmediate..c1ass racer . Nearly 40 0 racers battl ed in 26 events at what is arg u ab ly be coming t he " u noff ic ia l" Nev ad a Sta t e Ch amp ionsh ip . Rac er s ca me fr om all co rne rs of Ne vada , in clud in g Ren o and Las Vega s, as well as from Ca liforn ia , Utah an d O regon , re sulting in mul tipl e divi sio ns in th e Beg inn er and J unior cl asses and guara ntee ing a full da y of close rac ing . Th e 125 c c In t erm ed ia t es are al wa ys a good sho w , and th is wee k 's race was a real roostfest. When the gate dropped for the first moto, Drake McElroy hit the track wide open and n ever looked ba ck as he raced to a nar row win o ve r Garrison. The m ost in spired rid e c a me fro m J es se M c D o n a ld , w h o sta rt ed p oo rl y but used h is time o n the wi de san d track to wor k hi s way throu gh th e pa ck to an even tual th ird -pl ace finis h . McElroy absconded wit h the holeshot in the second moto as well . but he took a spill early in th e rac e an d lost the lead . restarting back in the pack . Thi s handed fir st to Garri so n, but McDonald was on hi m li k e a starv ing dog on a steak . A few seconds behind the lead duo. a tigh t pack of fast racers - led by Bobby Gar riso n, Sima s an d J ustin Phillip so n - j ock ey ed for positi on . Th ese racers battl ed furi ou sly , but whe n the c hec ke red flag flew, th e or de r rem ain ed th e sam e, with Gre g Garr ison win n in g ov er M cD o n al d , B obb y Ga r riso n and Simas. Mc Elroy cl awe d h i s wa y bac k up through the pack to finish fifth . O ' Neal/FMF/N CY-spo nsored Sima s was plagued by poor starts in the 125cc Interm edi ate ra ces, but no suc h prob lem s occurre d in the 250cc Interm ed iat e contes t . "In the 125cc race. I got lousy starts. but I still got fourth overall because I kept charging until I caught the leaders: in the 250cc class. I won both m ot o s be cause I got gr ea t st arts ," said Sim as, wh o also said th at no t crashing wa s pa ramount to his suc cess. " It's pretty tricky out th er e. That sa nd c an get ya - yo u go tt a stay loo se. I'v e bee n practici ng on st ay ing smooth an d no t ma king mistakes, and it pa id off." As in the 125cc race. McE lro y and Greg Garri so n were alwa ys a t h r e at t o w i n th e 250cc Intermedi ate m ot os . They raced to sec· Hol e 1- PACE Motorsports u. :E u. >.0 "0 ... o (l) Al' •/ 7'-, Ho le 2- Race rX I NPG ~ ond and third place, respect ive- ly. both in the motos and in the iii z :I: Q o verall sco re. Re sults > 50 (0-7): I Trevor Yorio.. ( KT ""'): 2. Ke'th lD Adorn s; 3. Kyl~ Col ombinl (KTM); 4 _ GoelrrlP't! RetehrTWIn (KTM); 5. Johnny HqIlill (KTM). :I: 50 (8.); I. John VoJlerio (L.em); 2. Joke C. Maga (KT ""'); J . Rou N~l y ( KT""'l: 4 AuMm s.-n (Hll5); 5. TreYlX' OeRu.~ ( KTM). 60 (0-9): I , T yler York ( Kaw); 2. Bubba Mnon ( Kaw): 3. J .J . Br o .... ( Kow); 4 . Ke ith n Adorn s (Kow); 5. Jorrod Spano (KTM). 60 ( I O.); I. Kyl~ O 'Brien (Kow ); 2. John Vl1O Turner (lion): 5. RYMIMcElfish (Yom). H"nt-'y (Suz ): 4. TItr1 Dyl!l" (Hooj. 250 INT- I Jrif Simas (Yom); 2. Droke McElroy (Hen); J. Greg 40. JR; I. Mike HlImel (Yom); 2. G- PicclrJIril (Han) ; 3. Ji m Gomson (Hon) ; 4, Dono ~Ion (Hon); 5 . Gr"'9 Cha~1 (Kow) Scotl (Hon): 4 _George HllltS (Suz ): 5 VIC1'\orsha1l (Hon). 25 . BEG; I , .14y Heying (Han): 2. ~ ~ (KTM): J. Joe 40 . INT : I. Stan Sm ith ( KT"'); 2. "'Ike Ell,. (Hon l: J . ~vid Cncorelli (Hen ); 4. Rex H,bdon (Hus); , . lhornns ~ (Sull. RumbItugh (Ma,); 4 Allen (G· G); 5. MkhMl Jacobs (Mai). 25 · JR : I. JlIm~s Sch Oll (Hen); 2. Chu ck EVllns (Hon ) ; 3. 40 .. EX: 1. Gilbert: ChICk (Hen); 2. K~vll'1 DeR~ ( Yarn l: 3 . Joe Domon Sturgeon (Yam): 4 . Hell th Bogle (Hen): 5 . Bryan Landaburu (Hen). IrvnMJ (Hen); 4 Robert Hansen: 5. Scott Suttef . 25. I:"IT; I. o.sna [kIron (Han); 2. Poul Ermnon (Han ); 3. T im 50. : I. RUM ($uz); 2. Clclyton Ross (Suz): 3_Torn GMd· Wolker (Suz) net (Suz): 4 . Gary ~buru (Hen): 5. RichMd Koll)t:!t (Hon). o s Hol e 3- Tow er Records ~~ Chafity erOIt Tournament Hole 4- Mech an ix Wear t\ckets noW spectator a"anab\e 00 each\ tor I/) c:: $20 • ::I: o CD C'l • l> 3 CD ::::!. o :::s III o Kids under 10 get in for free! ::I: en (w it h adult superv is ion) :::s I/) ORDER NOW! Cll Tickets are limit ed o 2 week advanced ticket order gets you a free barbecue lunch! 0- ... - - () :s:: tickets avail able at Chaparral u 0- III C} o I/) o o o .... (") o Fo r T ic ket in fo r m a tio n : I/) « ::I: For more infor mation, plea se contact Donna Groves at: Cll c:: C (l) I """" Z Tournament Information >- c:: • Eac h team will fe ature a to p m o tocro sser, road racer. p a st cham pi o n or well -known ind us try personality. o ::I: • The remain ing posit ions available on each team will be filled th rough an onl ine-only b idding process at www.Glenhelen .com I IX) ..... (l) o CD m o III I /) ::I: H o le s po nso rsh ips available ::I: c:: .0 S hot g un start. a. I/) III • Tee time is l Oa m, pl aying B e s t B a ll . Cll o CD 909-889-2761 x48 0 or DG900SSS P2@aol .c om • Fo r Non Players : 36 c a rt d riv e r posit ions a re avai la b le. P le a se in q ui re . o CD CO I >< e a. I O!1I13 ::>8 -6 aloH cu e I e n e .... s MAY 1 0 . 2000 63

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