Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 05 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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· See America's Best Prosl 24th Annua I AMA CHEVY TRU CK MOTOCRO SS NATIONALS 50 0 -4: 1. Nathan DeAndrea (Pol); 2. Bryant Humiston (Pol) : 3. Ryley Murphy (KTM); 4 . Forrest Olson (Cob) ; 5. Jake Jaco bs (Pol). 60 (7·9) : 1. Andrew Griego (Kaw); 2. Andrew VlIldez (Kaw); 3. Colter Dim ick (KTM) : 4 . Bryant Humiston (Kaw); 5. Ryley Murphy (Kaw). 60 (10 . 11): 1. Aaron MeCl inl ock (KTM); 2. Brett Preuss (Kaw): 3. Vincent Ramirez (KTM); 4. Beau Heggie (Kaw): 5. Corey Clawson (Kaw). 80 (7.11) ; 1. Logan Hixon (Suz); 2. Vincent Ramir ez (Hon): 3. Brett Preuss (Kaw): 4. Aa ron McClin tock {Suz]: 5. ll:l chary Larson (Yam) . 80 (12 . 13): I. Shane Willm s (Kaw); 2. Judd Larson (Yam): 3. Thomas Suman (Hon); 4. Garrett Un kus (Hon) 80 (14- 15); 1. David Hinton (Kaw); 2. Ja mes Clawson ( Han); 3. Ryan Huggenvik (Hen): 4 . Travis Bleidl. (Kaw); 5. Rich Ellstian (KlIw). S/MINI: J. David Hutton (Kaw); 2. Shane Willm s (Kaw); 3. Logan Hixon (Kaw); 4. Vincent ~ ami rez (Hon) : 5. Brett Preuss (Kow). YTH BEG; 1. Joson Labonte (Yom ): 2. Travis Stichter (Kaw); 3. Mike Musick (Hon): 4. Tyler Moms (Kaw): 5. Ryan Huggenvik (Hon). 16·24 : l. Mau x e rtsen (Yam ); 2. T.J . Russell (Hon): 3. Russ Kleensang (Kaw); 4. Brandon Tynes; 5. Sam Hopper (Yam) . SCHBY: 1. Adam Luhrs (Yam) ; 2. Ryan Bailey (Yam) : 3. Jay Lynch (KlIw); 4. Adam Featherin9i11 (Hon): 5. Devid HUlton (Yam) . 125 A: 1. Matt KlIrtSffi (Yam); 2. Doug Lell vilt (Yam) ; 3. Child l ulian (Yam ); 4. T.J . Russell (Hon) : 5. Todd Robertson (Yam). 125 B: I. Adam Luhrs (Yam) : 2. Aaron Wersinger (Yom); 3. 50 Kasper (Yam); J. Chuck l eck (Suz); 5. Brad Hendry (Yam). 125 C: 1. Ryan Bailey (Yam) : 2. Ad orn Feotheringilt (Hon) : J . Cliff Ladwig (Yam); 4. Tc nyve tdee (Ydm): 5. Hank Kindell (Kaw). 250 A: I. Andy Atkins (Yom); 2. Matt Karlsen (Yam); 3. Todd Robertson (Yam) : 4. Sam Hopper (Yam); 5. Craig Hasto (Yam ). 250 B; 1. Travis Mullins (Yom); 2. Jack Pankoll (Yam) ; 3. Seth Padillll (Yllm) : 4. Michael Russell (Yam) ; 5. Matthew Mebane (Hon). 250 C: l. Hank Kindell (Kaw); 2. Thoma s Moats (Yam): J. Greg Jobnson (Yam); 4. Jay Am (Kll w): 5. Corey Miller (Kaw). OPEN BEG: I. Ja mes Burry (Kaw); 2. Zachary Slvyter (Hon ): 3. Cody Simpson (Hon) : 4. Scott Campbell (Yam ); 5. Judd Coe (Yam). 25+ A : I. Andy At kins (Yam ); 2 . Todd Robertso n (Yam ): 3. Darin Gueme (Kaw). 25+ B/ C: I. Travis Multins (Yam ): 2. Jac k Pank off (Yam ) : 3. Chuck Zeck (Suz): 4. Ju stin Velder (Kaw); 5. Cory Stevenson (Yam ). 30+ A: I . Denn Guerrie (Kaw); 2. Dee Haight (Yam) : 3. Bob m Ashleigh (Hon ); 4. Kurt Dim ick (Yllm): 5. Jell Quenzer (Yam) . 30+ B; 1. Cory Stevenson (Yam): 2. Bruce Jones (Yom ); 3. Dan Jackson (Knw); 4. Gregory Corns (Suz); 5. fo'\arv in Romkee (Yam) . 30 + C: 1. Corey Mill er (Kaw); 2. Sieve Lacey (Hon) ; 3. Dan Murdough (Yam ); 4. J udd Coe (Yam) ; 5. Robert Stric kland (Suz). 40+ A: 1. Dean Haight (Yam ); 2. Kurt Dim ick (Yam) : J . Brian Sharp (Hon) ; 4. Bruce Jones (Yam ). 40+ B; I. Mar k Stice (Suz): 2. Dale Schocke (Hen]; J. Ti m KleenSll g (Kaw): 4. Larry Lynch (Kaw); 5. Dale Winaewski (Yam). n 40. C; l. ,M., k Laser (Hon) : 2. Mark Barnes (Yam); 3. Kurt Lerr son (Yam ): 4. J im Fecht : 5. Gary Smith (Kaw). 50+: l. Nick Murv hy (Yll m); 2. Roy Gibson (Suz). OPEN 4-STRK: 1. Jeff Quenzer (Yam): 2. Langdon Rosemeter (Yam) ; 3. Hans Marschler (Yam ): 4. Christopher COK (Yam). WMN A: I. Layne Gibson (Suz). WMN B: I. Kelly Longwell (Yam) : 2. Cynthia Bennett (KTM). WMN C: I . Noelle Guerrie (Ka\ll). Daniels Ridge Supe rcros s Roberts Ru les t he Fin ishing Order B y TAMMY STEWART TAYLORSVILLE, NC, APR. 8 At the fi rst race of th e Da nie ls Ridg e Sup ercross sum m er ser ies , the tr ack wa s in ver y good shap e, t han ks to th e effo rt s of owner Richard Clip pard . Th e weather was wind y and co ld , but t he rid er s persevered , giv ing th e spectators some very exciting bu t safe raci ng act ion . A ll an Wh i snant ret urned to racin g after being sidelined for th e past several month s by a very serious head inj ury. Whisnant said his health was fin e and t hat he wa s glad to be bac k racin g . His d ream is to be a Pro rider , and if his fi rst race back was any indi cation of th ing s to come , the rest of the riders had better look o ut : Wh isna nt too k hom e th e fi rs tplace 125cc D trophy . Chr is Hayes took the win in the 125cc C class . Ha y es h ad bee n rid ing i n t he 80cc cla ss, and it look s lik e he m ade a goo d cho ice by moving up . T he Sen io r Min i and Supermi n i cl as ses sta rte d o ut wit h Brett Bu tl er ( who rec entl y moved from 80 cc D cl ass to th e Sen ior and Sup erm i n i clas ses) gelli ng t he ho le shot in eac h race. Butle r's lead was sho rt ened very qu ickly by the relentl ess Cly de Roberts and Br andon Maxw ell , wh o ove rtook Butler and did not look ba ck. Roberts took the lead , with Ma xw ell dogging h i m fro m secon d pla c e . Robert s wo n both cla sses due to hi s excellent ridi ng abili ty and determination to w in. Re sult s 50 SHAFT; 1. Taylor Crew (Yam). 50 (4·6 ): 1. Cameron Abernathy (Hon): 2. Pete Foster (Suz). 50 (7-8) : I. Brandon Rowell (Kaw); 2. Storm Stephens (Hon). 65: I. Clayton Maxwf>1I {KTMJ: 2. Brandon White (Kaw): 3. Brendon Rowell (Kaw): 4. Jo sh Trivette (Kaw); 5. Jeremiah Driscoll (KTM) 80 D: 1. Cbed Evans (Yam); 2. Corey Gaines (Yom ): 3. Jeremy Reick (Hon): 4. Stephen Sm ith (Yam) ; 5. Jonathan Pope. JR MINI: 1. Shay Lafone (Yam). SR MINI: I. Clyde Roberts (Kaw): 2. Brandon Maxwell (Yam ); 3. Brett Butler (Hon) . S/MINI: I. Clyde Roberts (Kaw); 2. Brandon Maxwell (Yam ); 3. Brett Butler (Hon) . 125 C: 1. Chris Hayes (Yam) . 125 D: I. Allan Whisnant (Yam ): 2. Kenny Drum (Hon); 3. fo'\a tt Campbell (Suz). 250 C: 1. Malt Movielie ld (Kaw) 250 D: \. Jonathan UttJe (Yom ). NON·CUR: 1. Chris Hayes (Hon): 2. Marshall Lawrence (Hon): 3. Riley Donford (KTM). UIL: 1. Jason Shook (Yam ). 30 +: I. Ralph Dill/ is (Hon ): 2. SIeve Allen (Hon) . 40+ : I. Ralph Davis (Hon) . J~ff J e> h n HIGH POINT Ernig [:::>e>.....,...,d Se ba.s-c i e n Ie>rc:ell i .........., i k e La RCt c c e> Greg Kev in p..,lbe~n ~i n dh a.,......... R i c k y C a.rm ichael t-1 i c k a e l P i c h o n Dou g H e n ry ~C:EVV.A..."V' La. r ry 'VV"a r d Ezra. L usk ""o un" ""orris, Pennsylvania t-1 i ke: J c> n es $30,000 PURSE fM P G $20-0, 0 0 0 RID ER PO INT F UND Sunday May 28 , Memorial Day We e k end " ~T eam Green W eekend t. 'S chedule of Events If§%! FRIDAY, MAY 26 Amateu ign-up: Bam rS Race Format O long mota ne ider R Fee: $20ALLCLASSES Adm.$50 (F aUSun riIS .Ticke Refund) t;No SATURDAY, MAY27 Amateur Sign-up:7am Race Format One long mota RiderFee: $20 ALL CLASSES Pro Practice:3 :30pm Adm. $40 (S U u .Ticke R d a Sn t;No efun ) ~ BOSCH SUNDAY, MAY 28 A m 25 d ,$ 1 5 cc Pro N a MX C p ips 25/2 0 ation l hamionsh Qalifiers 10:30am u : ainE t: p he M ven 1 m-Rain orS in & IO;lIIC3· "4" N on-Alcohol ic Spectator Ar ea Re st r ictions : No Pets No Glas s Bottles N o Fireworks N o Scaffo ld ing Restricted camp fire area INFORMATION: 304.284·0084 DIR.ECTle» . .S : 1 - 7 9 __ PA. E~i_ .. , g _ E_s_ 3 . . .11_s Thursday: Any parking before 6pm is$25 additional per vehicle, Amateur S ign-up 8pm - 1 0pm Begins 6pm Thursday:Weekend camping available for AMA members and families (Fees charged per vehicle) MORGANTOWN, 'IN M LS (7M OTE i.South) Ramada Inn (304) 296-343 1 Econo Lodge \Westover) 296-8774;Comfort Inn296-9364; ;. Holiday Inn599-1680; Econo Lodge (S City) 599-8 181 ; Days Inn598-2 120; Hampton Inn599-1200; Euro Suites 598- 1000 tar WAYNESBURG, PA MOTELS (1 i. North): Comfort Inn(724) 627-3700; Econo Lodge627-5544; Super 8627-8880 4M Slit: erst) For 2 free Cycle NelNs stickers, send a selfaddressed, stamped legal-sized envelope to: Cycle Ne\Ns Free Sticker Offer P.o. Box 5084 Costa Mesa, CA 92628-5084 "act ua l size c u e I e nevvs M AY 10. 2000 59

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