Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 05 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CAUFORNIA MOTOCROSS · CMMJttIe Okie Spnng Sones, Madera. Info: 5591673tlJS). GE ORGIA SU PERCR OSS- HighFalls nighI racing. High FaDs. Into: 7701358-1 482or>aacing.oorn. sx. , MISSOURI M01OCROSS - HLR Molorspor1S Spnng Series And 3. . MobeI1y, Into: 66OI263-C321 or www.mober1ymo.COll1/!lIr. MARYlAND HARE SCRAMBLES· f>JAA, DistnCl 7 ChaJn!ljonshlp Hare SaambIes Series. Rawlings. Info:301/759-3237. , OH IOMOTOCROSS · SpeetroOi at Ohio NIghI. eRA. MaIvem Motocross Pat1<, MaIvem. In1o; 3301262-4945. MICHIGAN ROAD RUN • AMAIMusl' : OHIOFLAT TRACK · lllOa:Vrttage FIaI Trad< Racing Series, Celna.Info: i 740/929-4229. May&-7 CAUFORN IATRAIL RIDE·TeamQual Dogs. Trails at Tejon, Lebec. Info : 8181701 ·1913 CAUFORNIA MOTOCROSS · CRC. Shamrock GP Los Angeles County , Raceway, Info 661/272-8889. : IDAHO MO TOCROSS · International OldbmOfS MX. Idaho Falls NoisePark. Idaho Fa Inlo: 253/840-0466 or lls. www.seaneI.ron;'-russr . KENTUCKY DUAL SPORT· AIoIA/Suzuki National Dual Sporl Trai Ride Series. l Daniel Boone. RaCOf Productions. Renfro Valley. Imo 304/284-0084. : OHIO TRIALS · M,d·AIIan1ic Vintage Tnals Series Toronto. Info: 72 . 4/8456018. OKLAHOMA DRAG RACE· IDBA.7Ih annual,Thunder ValleyRaceway Pat1<. _ . Inlo: 205/84!1-78B6 or PENNSYLVAN IACHARITYRIDE · The TlIrteen1h ArnJaIRode for Ute, York HarIey.QavKlson PIanI. York. Info : 215/773-l!O81. TEXAS ROAD RACE • Road Racing pert nnanceMeInc.•Rnd 4.Texas o WOI1d Speedway. WERA Info: !103I5093424 or www, . VIRGINIA MOTOCROSS - Voetory Sports, Pro Sport MX.Wy1tleYiIIe. Info: 4231323-5497 or www.vic:Iory·spor! 'WISCONSIN SHORTRACK/SCRAMBLES • f>JAA, llis1ricI 16 Beaver Cycle ClubInc. . , Beaver Cyde CkJbgrooods, Alwat.... Info : 92011l87·1469 or Sat, May 6 'CAUFORNIA SHORT TRACK· f>JAA, Dis1nd 36. Paulsen Motorspor1S. Stod<1on Motorcycle Club, Delta Speedway S.J County Fairgrounds. Stod<1on, Into 209/466-6781 or : httpJ/S lod<1onmc1orCyC1eduti,homepage, oorn. 'CALIFORNIAMOTOCR OSS · towesl Ra cing En!. Super Saturday Mo MX Series. Rnd3. Club-Mota Raceway, Livennore.lnlo: 41 5/587-8678. CAUFORNIA IT • Fresno Motorcyde Club. Caru1hels Fairgrounds. Caru1hels. Info: 5591224-5388. CAUFORNIA MOTOCROSS • R~OfSide OldTmers Sonnse Adelan1o, Info: . . 7141996-8327. CAUFORNIAMOTOCROSS · CMAlHanlord Spring Senes, nigh! race, Hanford. Into 559ili73-tlJS). : 'CAUFORNIAMOTOCROSS · West Coasl Molorsports Senes, Starwest MX PllI1<. Moreno Valley, Info: 9091657-6845 or909J943-4535. CAUFORNIA MOTOCROSS· CMXR _ OH IOROAD RACE • OYLRoadracing Series. CRPTrack, Camden. Info: 74W477-1626 orwww.llnght.neIH:rp. Fri, May 5 Spnng Series. And 3. Cartsbad Raoeway. Info 688IS5O-MOTO or : WWW.cartsbadmx.CXlfl1. os, , TEXAS MO TOCROSS - ViDage Cleek Motocross Pat1<. nigh! race. fori WDJAA, llis1ricI27, Rainie<. Inlo 360/446-7712 or : 360/446-2949. , WYOMINGFLAT TRACK · Gillette FIaI Track Racesand Gillette Slod< Car Association. Thunder Speedway. Gillette. . Inlo 307/682-3156 : Sun, May 7 NEVADA OFF ROAD· MRANN. Road Deser1 Race. Nightengale. Into : 775/424-2133. ' CAUFORNIAMOTOCROSS · Yakkey Racing, CompeIi1lon MX Pat1<. San Jacin1ll. Info 760/788-7065 or : • CAUFO RNIA MOTOCROSS ·Calrlornia Mini MOIorcyde Club. Barona Oaks. Ramona. Info: 760/752-6252 or www.barcnaoaks.o:m. CAUFORNIA MOTOCROSS · CRC, lblestown Sones, LACR. Palmdale. Info: 661/272-8889. CAUFORNIA MOTOCROSS· HarD Spring ShoOI Dot, Perris Raceway. Info: 9091657·7441. CAUFORNIA DUAL SPORT · AC T, Fea1hOf R ~er Country, Paradise. Info : 5301672-3672or88al etnews or a www.duaIspor1adYenlures.axn. 'CAU FORNIA MOTOCROSS· AMP/GR Racing. And 3. HoIlist... Hills GPTrack, Hollislor. Info 2091650-9662 or : lIfllll'llong.oorn. COL ORADO ROAD RACE • MRA, And 2PP IR.Inlo: 3031530-5678. CONNECTIC UTMOTOCROSS · New En gland Sports Committee Central . Village. Inlo: 660/564·7995, FLORIDAMOTOCROSS · Prospor1S USA,Sunshine Slate MXChampionship Sones, MX01 Marion County, Reddid<. Info 352J242·2805 or : www.Sl.flShinemx.oom. 'FLORIDAMOTOCROSS · NDJAA, Fasl Track Ra . nig race. MOfCOf County cing ht Fairgrounds. Cellna. lnlo: 219/244-4234 70 MAY 10, 2000' eye I e n e vv s OHIOMOTOCROSS - DirtCounty RacewaY. AloIA. DistnCl11 . Biandlest.... Info: 51 31625-7350 Of WWN.5q uirt·ndirtCOfl\ldlrtOlUl1try. MISSOURI TRIALS · Missouri-Illinois Trials Assodalion. Pat1< Hills. Info: 6181362-0568. CAUFORNIA ENDURO · AMAID1SllicI 36. Moose NOlta1 Endure Senes, • CERA. Foots Gold Enduro, Mace MiD Staging Area. Georgetown. Info: 9251462· 6824 orwww.ama-JAA, MidwestSpong Series Championship, Rnd 4.Midwest MotospoIt, Kahoka. Info: 6flJ/7 27-330 1. NEBRASKA MOTOCROSS · Great Plains Promolioos. NMA qua lifier. While Sands Raoewey MXPat1<. Ashland. Into : 402J62S-2281 or4021597·8289 or ' IWNOIS HAlF MILE · f>JAA, MISSOLri MlJesMotor Club. American Legion Pat1<, .lOfSeyv;11e.lnfo: 3141921·2295. MI SOUR MOTOCROSS· SproulPalch S I Competition. Billings.lmo: 4171744·2593, , MISSOURI MOTOCROSS · RJ WohIllErg MXPromotions, M_ Extreme Pat1<. Sonllowet State Championship. Merwin. Info: 816/779- , ARKANSAS MOTOCROSS· Dirt Bike Mike PromoIions Series. Mod·Soulh MX Championship. Sherwood. Imo 5011633: 8B67 or8701342-5323 or www.dirtbikem GEO RGIA SUPERCROSS · Monroe Road Ranch. Spring Supercross Series, Monroe. lnlo: 7701267·797 or7701267· 8 4628 . MASSACH USETTS TRAIL RIDE · New England Trai Roder AssodaIIOl1, Foxboro. . Info: 660/875-5757 MICH IGAN TRIAlS· Benl Ftnl.... f>JAA, llis1ricI 14 Mt MomsRoad, . AustOng.lnfo: 81 01238-9100. , KA NSAS HARE SC RAMBLE S· Forward Motion Hare Saam!lles Senes. Sa ntaFe Trail Cyde Park, Cartlandale. Imo: 765/636-9171KENTUCKY HARE SCRAMBLES · AloIA. Ea Creel< MC Park. Mason Lane. gle Ow en1on, Imo: 6061472-3442, niel , KENTUCKY MOTOCROSS· Da Boone MX Park EBC Bra . kesMX Ra ce. And 2. Londion.lmo: 606/877·1364 or , MARYLAND MOTOCROSS· AloIA. Budds Creel< MX Pa Budds Creek. rk. Inlo: 301/994 ·9555 or on ' NEWYORK MOTOCROSS · f>JAA, _ TIOga Spans Center Inc., 8th amJaIThorn'arts UnfllTlltedNoI1heasl Classic MXSones, 8mghamlon. Info: 607/84~ or NEW YORK POKER RUN · AMA. Square Deal Riders MC CIlil, Square Deal Raceway. Harpo.rsviIIe.lnto: 60716932634 or77;.()770. NEW YORK MOTOCROSS · Pal MX, f>JAA, llis1ricI34. Raule 32._1nfo: 9141255-0935. , OHIO MOTOCROSS · Kenwor1!1ys GP Oub Inc., Troy. Info 937/335-4763 or: www.kenw' sunselr.lmblers.homepage.oorn. 'OH IO MOT ROSS· Ohio Motocross OC Productions. Scenic Highlands Motospor1s Pat1<. NewcomerslOWn. Info: 330/544-8444 or www.ohi o OHIO RU Bean Soup Run, f>JAA, N· Dis1ricl12 ofOh Motorcycle io Association. Country Choppers. Cygnet. Info: 419/833-3513 . PENNSYL VANIA IT SC RAMBLES· Pis tonPoppe11 MC Inc., AloIA. ParIJAA, Flying Dutchmen Mot rcyde CkJb Inc., o Pine Grove. Info 51tlI345-li34O or : 57Or.l45-lI734. TENNESSEE HARE SCRAMBLES -MidSoulh Hare SaambIes Sones, CtJnbettand Ftrnace.lnfo: 61511lS1-ll338 orWNW.msws.crg. TEXAS VINT EMOTOC AG ROSS· EYOSpans. Lyle l.oIiett Motorspol1:s. Fly' n Mo_ . Monlgomety. Inlo: 28112651412 ornc:k-hump/ , TEXAS IT • Action PrornolJons. Action Speedway, Grand Saline. Info: 9031962- 6623. ' TEXAS MOTOCROS · EYC Spans S Inc.. and Lyle lDveII Molorpsorts. FIyn MotoWOI1d, Montgorne

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