Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 05 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Midway Rec reat ion Park Dungey Dashes to Midway MX Wi ns B y G EORGE ANO KA REN H ODKINSON KELlOGG, MN . APR . 9 Ryan Dung ey was the w inner of th e da y in both the 65cc cla ss and the 80 cc (7.11) class with flawles s 1- 1 victories in both. beating all cc cha lle ngers . including his brother in the BO (7 - 1 1) c on test. Approxima tel y 500 entrants made it out for the second event of the seaso n and the second co nsecutive event held at Mid way Recreation Park. Dungey was ted little ti me in the first BOc c (7 . I I) rn oto , as he grabbed th e holeshot o n his Suzuk i in front of his brother Jade. John Hein lein III, and Matt Ah lers . Th ese riders ran in those s po ts in the ea rly go ing a nd would finis h in exactly th at o rde r when the che ckered flag ca me o u t. even t hough Hei nlein c h a lleng ed Ja de Du ng ey at m o t o ' s end . Brett Nagel took fifth. It see med th e second m oto would be swee t rev enge fo r Ja de Du ngey. as he nabbed th e hol eshot and led m ost of th e race in fro nt of his broth er Ryan, who stayed on his back ti re the wh o le m oto . How ever , three co mers from the fini sh line, J ade' s ho pe for the overall win (a nd br agging rig hts for th e day) ended when he bo bbl ed in a co mer j us t long eno ug h to all ow Ryan by for the moto and ove rall win . Ja de had to sett le for seco nd, Heinl ein took a consistent th ird in the m oto , netting two thirds for th e day in the cl ass . Nagel m oved up t o fou rth for fourth overall . Ah lers took fifth . Form er Amateur N ati on al Women ' s Cha m pion Shell y K ann has returned to Minnesota, and she sho wed up at the eve nt to take the win in th e Wo men's class on her YZI25 in a field of eig ht ride rs. Tiffany Rum pca took second in both motos on her KXBO, and Semen tha Hogy was third in both o ut ings. Jennifer Brunett e was fourth and Kendra Hilmerson was fifth in both m otos. Spring Creek owner John Martin won the O ver 40 A class on his CR250. making the wi n look easy , as it seemed the former Can Am fac tory rider was to yin g w ith his fr iends an d fe llow r ac e r s en r ou t e to a two -rnoto swee p of the class . Dana Koenig took seco nd i n both motos for second ov e r all on h is CR250. after swi tch ing fr om KTMs in the off season. Je rry Sc hulz e and Roger Sc hell hamm er round ed out the top four in the class . Result s MICRO MINI (4 .8) : I. Andr~w Lethe: 2. Jordlln Kem~r~r: 3. Ale x Kffit: 4 . .Jeremy Lamonlcll : 5 . Bryce P terae . MICRO MINt {4·6}: 1, Blll ke Dung~y : 2. Tyler Beebe 3, J~r~my : Martm; 4, G_ SW l rtz; 5 , Kurt Endr es ol MICRO MINI (7-8): 1. Col~ Selllon ; 2, Dustin Overby: 3. Justin Reg~n5Ch~id : 4 . De vid Gebhtl rdt ; 5 . Chris Pecuke . 65: I. RYolIn Dung ~y : 2. John H ~inl~in III: 3, Child Schmidt: 4. Alex Martin: 5. Nick J ltCkson. MINI JR (7-11): 1. Ryan Dungey ; 2. Jade DUll~Y: 3. John H~in· lein; 4. Brett NlIQri; 5. M.1lt AhleB . MINI JR (9.12): I. Jact. Dungey: 2. Jesse Aanerud; 3. ..Jorda n fo\olIrl in: 4. Sa m Th~is ; 5. Josh Woods. MINI SR ( 12· 15): I. J" emy Girard: 2. J~remy Slulare: 3. Matt H~ ~ 4. Ja ke FO!rI ~g: 5. Jon St4dsvold. S/.MINl: I. .krrmy Girard: 2. Jon Stlsdsvold; 3. .!.lke FogelbPfg: 4. ~ Meyer: 5. ...IffiId Zwart VTH: I. Jak e Cottas : 2.. Malt &e; 3. Jonathon Hentges: 4 , BrllCl Guetter; 5. J~ Johnson. 16-24 A: I. Brian RClUSSefow: 2. Tony Robmson: 3. Josh Cart· ton; 4. Eric PlIdetford: 5. Rich4rd Kissner . 16 -24 B: I. Levi Quandahl. 2. Jesse Goodnch; 3. Jed O'Connor ; ; 4, Shelly Kann: 5. JeremWlh Johnson. 16-2'" C: I. Mike Berning: 2. Bill ~h : 3. NICk Bf1~ 4 AolIron Bmson: 5. Jason Miller . 25. A: I. Craig Schwllrtz : 2. ChllCl Duhnan; 3. ChM R"uet: "' , Cody Bennett; 5. Richord Bums . 25. B: I. Jeff Cruhtk e; 2. Eu9- Miller; 3. Tim MItchell ; "' , Tnt Cal1atllln; 5. Kurt Torben son. 25. C: I . Rob Ok onek ; 2. Scott Stl« ; 3. RK k Miller; 4, J~ BotthlTWln: 5. Don Schrmdt VET A : 1. Scott St~inJe: 2. RIChard Bum s; 3. Chock Thom pt.en : 4. Todd Lentz ; 5. Dan Skallet . VET 8 : I. Eugene ft; 2.. Tim Call atwm; J Tim Mllchell . 4 . 1 Alan f"ioyomy: 5. Phillip KlIlTIit VETC: 1. MarXGregor; 2. Dmnck UndquISt;3. MIke Lyndorff; 4. ~ T~ter: 5. Todd Jackson . SR 40. A; I. .John Mart1O; 2.. Dana Koen ig: 3. Jerry Schull~ : 4. Roger Schellhllmmet' SR 40. B: 1. Todd Rypk a; 2. Jon Hodapp: 3. larry M ien; 4. /'\ik e QuIYl; 5. Mike Saunders. SR 40 . C: I. Dan Juku!en; 2. Andy Riley; 3. G~ Valth: 4. Tnt Bore: 5. R)chard Van~. so.: S/SR I . Mike CulM; 2. Richard Van Be emer. WM: I. Shelly Kann; 2. Tiffany Rumpc,, ; 3. Samantha Hogy: 4 Jmmler Brunett : 5. Ket'1dra Hilmenon. e 125 A: I. Jab CiottM: 2. .Jesse Johnson; 3. Tony Robertson: 4 Jom Carlson : 5. Cody Bennet:I:. 125 B: I. U!v t Quandahl: 2. Nick Goodman; 3. J~ Goodnch ; 4 Jon Hmlges; 5. Eric Hese hne . 125 C- l : I . MIke Berning : 2. Nick Betcher: 3. Mik~ Boltolt:Kln ; 4 Ben Kropp: 5. Jason Wendt . 125 C·2 : I. Dan W~inwaaf; 2. Marsh ll &kkm; 3. Jason Miller ; 4, Aaron Bmwn; 5. Olin Hetle ksoo. 250 A: I. Craig Sch werte: 2. Scolt Steinle; 3. Brian Rousselow; 4 Eric Padelford: 5. Jescn Klu ~n , 250 B: I. JeH Gruhlke; 2. Brian McCarthy ; 3. Jed O'Connor ; 4 Tim Mitchell; 5. Molt Bee. 250 C: 1. Rick Mme r; 2. J~ff Fox ; 3. Scott Stier; 4 , Aa ron Beueske: 5. Robert Carroll. las Vegas Moto r Speedway Partridge Claws to the Win J unior Cycle action was fast and furious as well. wi th several national -calibe r race rs on hand. Simi Valley. Califomia 's Trent Pugmire led KTM pilot Shawn Hays . Alaska 's Ben LaMa y and t he re st of t he c o m b i n ed field throu gh the first few tu rn s, Arizona ' s K yl e Be hli ng, local ace Ronnie Goodwin and Bi sh op, Califomia's T yler Krasel were also in th e hunt. soon to be joined by Cod y Tlthof. wh o was fightin g his wa y forward . Pugmire and Hay s started to in cr ease th eir lead until th ey had t u rned the ra c e in to a tw o- man affair. Pugmire topped Hays at the finish . with laMay lead ing Behling and Goodwin acr oss th e lin e some di stance behind. A much -anticipated sh owdown betw een Pugmire and Hays fai led to m at eria li ze, as Pugmire suffered a vicious ge t-off in the Open division and di dn't answer the bell for th e second half. Ha ys took im m ed iate advantage or Pugmire's absence and nailed the holeshot, in fro nt of Uta h hot shoe J aegh er LaFounta ine and laMay , California's T ith of was the ma n on the move early on. q uickly fig hting thro ugh int o second pla ce . Hay s was riding comfo rt ab ly in fir st, but a m ajor -leagu e scrap for sec and was being waged between T ithof, laMay , Be hli ng and Goodwin. Hays rod e off to a big win and th e ove rall 60cc (9- 11) c row n . ahead of Be h li ng and Good w in . LaM ay su rv ive d t he d ogfight and c ro ssed the li ne in second . ea rn ing the first ov erall 60cc ( 6 -8 ) title. besting laFountaine and Tony Caputo . Re sults PfW srx ("'·6): L l.evii Hall (Cob); 2. BroGt~ Boallhcohl (Cob ): J . Ene Byington (Cob): 4, Cody Thornm. (Cob ); 5. J«ob 8«chiNI (Cob) . B y DICK G ooOWlN P/W STK (7- : I . Tommy Aq uino (Cob ); 2. Zachary Fuuell (Cob); 3. JolIke MItchell (Pol): 4 Justin Davey (KT M): 5. AustJ Se er n LAS VEGAS. NY . A PR. 9 W ith t h e World M ini Gran Prix r apid ly approachi ng , a fin al tu neup race was held at th e Las Vega s Motor Speedway. Suzuki -spo nsored K yl e Partri dge was in top form . bringing his - A - game to the co m bined 80cc ( 12- 13 ) and ( 14- 16) contest. He shot to the early lead in m ot o one, just ahea d of Temecula , California's Kevin Breid and A orida sensation Davi Millsaps. His fellow Floridian Bryan Johnson. ra c ing i n the 14- to 16- year- old d ivi si on . qu ickly muscled his way ' int o the second spo t. A bob ble tem porarily dropp ed J ohnson off th e pace, and Millsaps ca me up to skirmish with Partridge. Soon. Millsaps ran int o troubl e and the race , for-all inte nts and purposes. wa s over. Partridge went on for an easy win . leading a re covered Johnson and then J o sh ua Grant, Breid and Robert Memoli across the line . Race two showcased another Partrid ge holeshot, as he showed Johnson and Breid the short line to the first left . Mill saps soon cam e up to cha llenge for the lead. and Partridge. John son and Millsa ps pulled away from the rest of th e field . A s they flashed around the co urse, a thr ee-w ay pho to fin ish looked po ssible until , two turn s from th e finish. secon d- placed Bry an J ohnson ' s bike suffered a m ech an ic al m elt dow n; it had to be pu shed off th e cou rse. Partridge edged Millsaps for the win and captured th e ove rall 80c c ( 12- 13) title. ahea d of seco nd overa ll Memoli. Mill saps and Oak Hill . California's Randall Hall . Breid was the first 80cc ( 1416) rider across t he line, t a k in g the class overa ll . with To ny Westb ay and Stephan Camden filli ng out the other podium spots. 1

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