Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 03 22

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Ocele, FL De Land. FL Bike Week's AHRMA Competitions Bit::hIO. FL CLASS C HAND: I. Blake Wilson (Ind); 2. Rusty lowry (Ind); 3. AI Knapp (H-D): 4. Doc Batsleer (Ind); 5. A. -Moon- Mullins (H-D). ClSC ;60s: 1. Josef Brenner (BSA): 2. Pat Mooney (Nor): 3. John Cooper (BSA): 4. Rusty Lowry (H-D); 5. Allan Johncock (Mat). BEARS: 1. Steve Maney (Nor); 2. Robert Goodpaster (Nor); 3. Glenn Campbell (BMW); 4. Rich Earnest (Tri): 5. Tom High (BMW). F-125: 1. Jack Seaver (Hon); 2. Bruce Clark (Hon): 3. Terry Gates (Hon): 4. Larry Peons (Hon); 5. Michael Schneider (Hon). F-250: I. David Wright (Yam); 2. Jerry Herman (Hon): 3. Kris Jepsen (Yam): 4. Billy Kennedy (Yam): 5. John Walters (Hon). F-500: I. Kyle Corser (Yam): 2. Robert Hurst (Yam): 3. Robert Bryson (Suz); 4. Jerry Herman (Yam); 5. Billy Kennedy (Yam). During AHRMA road racing in Deland, Kemp Archibald took the win in the Sportsman 250cc division. F- 750: I. Adam Popp (Hon); 2. David Fulkerson (Guz): 3. Steve Maney (Nor): 4. Jon Schultz (H-D); 5. Jean Basselin (Tri). F-VINT: 1. Gary Nixon (Hon): 2. Jean Basselin (Tri): 3. Will Harding (Han): 4, Kyle Corser (Yam); 5. Shin'ichi Yokoi (BMW). $PTMN 350: 1. Blake Wilson (Hon); 2. Kemp Archibald (Hon); 3. Scott Johnson (Han): 4. Gary Raff (Han); 5. Edward Sensenig (Due). SPTMN 500: I. Kemp Archibald (Hon): 2. Tim Stancill (Hon); 3. Ralph Auer (BMW); 4, Andrew Cowell (Tri); 5. Richard Herrington (Hon). $PTMN 750: 1. Geir Jacobsen (Ric); 2. Todd Welch (Tri); 3. Shin'ichi Yokoi (BMW): 4. Cliff Murray (Yam); 5. Ed Brill (Nor). S·MONO 2: I. Chuck Campbell (Yam): 2. Colin Fraser (Hon): 3. Randy Grove (Hon): 4. Mike Skrbin (Hon): 5. Bill Stoneman (Hon). S-MONO: I. Per-Olov Ogeborn (Rtx): 2. Tesfai Konig (Duc); 3. AI Charles (Due): 4. T. Bruce Brown (MuZ); 5. Bill Birchfield (MuZ). SOS 2·S: 1. David Podolsky (Hon). SKORPION CUP: I. T. Bruce B'own (MuZ); 2. 36 points, respectively. The top three finishers all rode Yamahas. Racing 197 ] Honda 750-4, went bar to bar for seven laps with Kyle Corser on a Yamaha RD400 in an exciting back-and-forth match in the Formula Vintage class. ·Then on the eighth time around, Nixon used an effective race tactic: "I just made that Honda real wide the last lap," he said, denying Corser any opportunity to get In a field of interesting motorcycles - a Moto Islo, a rigid-frame HarleyDavidson two-stroke and a Saracen the GRMs stood out. These rigid-frame machines, powered by small-bore two-strokes, are as unorthodox as they come. Yet both GRMs won their class- past. The Formula Vintage battle was the cherry on top of a near-perfect day of racing in AHRMA's pre-Daytona warm-up. Held under warm, cloudless skies on a temporary circuit laid out at Deland Municipal Airport, the event attracted nearly 400 entries. es, Bruce Carman taking the Classic Intermediate and James Ellis the lone entrant in Classic Expert. CN Hardrock Cycle Park Ocala, Florida Results: March 5, 2000 GIRDER EX: I. Beno Rodi (Enf), 26 pts. RIGID NOV: I. Brad Kennard (H·D), 44. PREM L/W EX: I. Bob Ginder (Jam), 2; 2. Mike Parsley (Tri) , 6: 3. Merlin BJausing (Tri), 22. PREM L/W INT: I. Steve Glinski (Gre). 0; 2. Dennis Brown (Gre), 5: 3. Rob Meadows (BSA), 14; 4. Dan Moriarty (Tri), 26. PREM LjW NOV: 1. Ray Corlew (Tri), 19; 2. Ian Most successful among the large international contingent was English Kerr (Gre). 19. PREM H/W INT: I. Ron Winget (BSA). 50. CLSC EX: I. James Ellis (GRM). 39. Norton specialist Steve Maney. Aboard a 1968 750cc twin, Maney bested class champ Bob Goodpaster who was riding another Norton in the BEARS class, and he beat a field of current machines with his 32-yearold mount in Battle of Twins Formula 2. He rounded out his day with a third in Formula 750 behind a blisteringly hot Adam Popp on the M3 Honda CR750 and David Fulkerson on a Moto Guzzi. elSe (NT: I. Bruce Carman (GRM), 49: 2. Daniel Boone (Sar), 64: 3. Richie Baulch (lsI), 69. MOD elSe EX: 1. Harry Heilemann (Yam), 14; 2. Dan Brown (Yam), 30: 3. Charlie Roberts (Yam). 36: 4. Ryan Davie (Bul). 45: 5. Keith Dunlop (Yam). 50. MOD CLSC INT; I. Randall Bailey (Hon). I: 2. James Smith (Hon), 8: 3. Gene Brown (Suz). 19; 4. Scott Dowler {Bul}, 20: 5. Robert Brown (Mon), 26. MOD elSe NOV: 1. David Ellis (Yam). 1: 2. Greg Gillum (Yam), 4: 3. Michael McPeters (Suz). 4: 4. John Knapp (Yam). 6: 5. David Reynolds (Hon). 6. BEG: 1. Ben Stevens. 14: 2. Ken Bales (Tn). 19: 3. nmothy Bard (Yam). 19: 4. Bill Martin (Suz). 31. AHRMAlProgressive Suspension Historic Cup Series: Round 1 De Land Airport Among the domestic crew, West Virginian Blake Wilson had a pair of wins and a second-place finish on three very different machines. His first victory came in Class C Handshift on a ] 940 Indian V -twin ahead Nixon's the lDan of Rusty lowry on another Indian. In Sportsman 350cc, Wilson came out atop an excellent battle with Kemp Archibald, with Wilson on a '68 Honda 350 and Archibald on a '69 model. Wilson's second-place trophy was earned in the Skorpion Cup, on a '69 MuZ Skorpion single. His bid for four trophies ended when a cylinder Bv MATT BENSON DE LAND, FL, MARCH 3 G ary Nixon still knows how to win races. The two-time AMA Grand National Champion, riding an M3 58 MARCH 22, 2000' eye I eo ne'VVs broke off another old Indian as he chased the Pre- ] 940 leader, BMWmounted Ralph Auer. The Classic Sixties race was a scorcher, featuring Swiss rider Willi Rutenacht on a Matchless G50, Josef Brenner on a Gold Star and Pat Mooney on a Norton Manx. Mooney Blake Wilson (MuZ); 3. Craig Hunley (Mul); 4. Bill Birchfield (Mul); 5. Alex Mclean (MuZ). BOT F-3: 1. Steve Maney (Nor); 2. John Staske (Kaw): 3. John Ryti (Lav): 4. Guenther Weickert (Suz): 5. T. Bruce Brown. BOT F-2: 1. Mark Galbauch (Due); 2. Russell Aylward (Guz): 3. Paul James (Bue): 4. Karl Kegel (Bue); 5. Guenther Weickert (Suz). BOT F·l: 1. Jonathan Glaefke (Suz); 2. Scott Webb (Suz); 3. Rolf Knecht (Due); 4. David Podolsky (Apr): 5. AI Charles (Due). BOT 2-5: I. Eric Saul (Bim): 2. Glen Christianson (Yam): 3. Kevin Brown (Yem); 4. Gilles Hampe (Arm); 5. Michael Wild (Rtx). LAVERDA CUP: I. John Ryli (Lav). INTL 2-5 GP: 1. Gilles Hamp (Arm): 2. Michael Wild: 3. David Wright (Yam); 4. Thierry Binoche (Yam); 5. Thierry Tchernine (Yam). SND OF THNDR: 1. Jonathan Glaefke (Suz); 2. Per-Olov Ogeborn (Rtx); 3. Scott Webb (Suz); 4. Rolf Knecht (Due); 5. David Podolsky (Apr). ran off the course around mid-race, and never quite got back up with the leaders aga in. Brenner passed into the lead late in the race and man- BRIEFLY••• aged to hold off Rutenacht's advances until the checkered flag. After the race, however, it was determined that Rutenacht's bike was ineligible for the class, and he was AHRMA's Battle of Twins Formula 3 is a place where new meets old. The class is open to push·rod machines up to 850cc, removed from the results, giving Mooney second. Mooney then got an outright win in 500cc Premier on another Manx, keeping fellow Norton pilots Stu Carter and Jay Richardson at bay. Auer was fourth on another BMW. overhead cam machines up to 6S0cc, Harley-Davidson 883s with stock bore and stroke, and BMW 900s. As with all of AHRMA's Sound of Singles and Battle of Twins categories, there are no age restrictions. In addition to current machines such as the Suzuki SV650 and Kawasaki EX500s, BOT F-3 attracts the occasional vintage racer looking for more track time. At Deland the class winner was Brit Sieve Maney on a 1968 Norton 750. and Frank Shockley ran up fmn! With his '70 Triumph 750 twin until pmblems Sidelined him. In AHRMA's modern-bike classes, Suzuki rider Jonathan Glaefke doubled, taking Battle of Twins Formula 1 and Sound of Thunder. The latter was a close one, until on the last lap Glaefke turned up the throttle on the TlJ 000 and blew past Swede PerOlov Ogeborn on a Rotax 660cc single. CN Oe Land Ail1lort De Land, Florida Results: March 3, 2000 200 GP: 1. Vic Nowak (H-D): 2. Dennis Poneleit (Hon): 3. Johnny Demoisey (Tri): 4. Bob Barker (par); 5. Charles Sexton (Bul). 250 GP: 1. Dean de St. Croix (Due): 2. Jay Richardson (Due); 3. Charles Sexton (Bul); 4. John Stephens (Due): 5. Robert Bryson (Bul). 350 GP: Jay Richardson (Due): 2. Johnny Demoisey (Tri): 3. Charles Sexton (Bul): 4. Edward Sensenig (Due): 5. Lee Trotter (Suz). 500 PREM: I. Pat Mooney (Nor); 2. Stuart Carter (Nor); 3. Jay Richardson (Nor); 4. Ralph Auer (BMW); 5. Rusty Lowry (H·D). PRE-40: 1. Ralph Auer (BMW); 2. Norbert Nickel (BMW); 3. Alex McLean (Nor); 4. AI Knapp (H·D); 5. Beno Rodi (Nor). CLASS C FOOT: 1. Carleton Palmer II (Vin): 2. Alex McLean (Nor); 3. Norbert Nickel (BMW): 4. Willi Benlsch (BMW): 5. Ed Fisher (Tri). All eyes were on two·tlme AMA G,and National champ Gary Nixon as he took a decisive victory in Formula Vintage. and there was much disappointment that for· mer MV Agusta factory rlder Gianfranco Bonera was a no·show in the SOOcc Pre- mier class on the Made-In-Eumpe MV. Relatively unnoticed on the track was another racing legend, dirt tracker Ronnie Rail. a contemporary of Nixon's who was out hav- ing a blast in the His ninth-place diminutive Ohioan a wide grin under goggles. 250cc Grand Prix class. finish didn't eam the a trophy, but he did have his dirt track helmet and Deland had a huge contingent of overseas entries, and a lot of them placed quite well. Unfo,tunately, an imperfect understanding of English saw some of those performances nullified as riders entered the wrong classes or ran equip- ment that was ineligible fa< their class. One was Swiss rider Willi Rutenacht. who crossed the line second in Classic Sixties on a 1960 Matchless G50 that was modified beyond the class' allowances and should have

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