Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 03 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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1999 WMd SupttIIia SerIes IltwiIw • 1999 BlIrJ GP 5110 SerIes IltwiIw ~: CIt! FogIIIy o!llr tll8ar· '99 ~ SerIes IltwiIw CnlIIy 2llOO •The IIeII/ IMIIIIIiIIn • MdIdIiId 1999 h»or WMd Trills ~ • 1999 Il'lrif Triafl SerIes ....... 1999 US SpeIdwIr NdonII CIumpionsIip 0 1999 AIIMII s,.dlny Il'lrif 0UIIIIrI 1999 AlIA s,.dlny I*IiDIwIs • 2SlnlIot Cold SmcoltI: 2 80m fl7 Ride 0 SIalNQs m .l/XVII (11aId 12) World'. ~ BIIrJs '1999 ElIIllptIIrI Slurrt IIidIng ctUlIip;OliUp lis Vegas E.mmes • Gary 8IiIey /IX VIdI!os (12056) This Is Advancad Motorcycle Trials MOTOCROSS : (#141) Legacy : JoIn Roger 0tC0aIr. BcC Hannah. Jell Ward nI Ad Jotmon as Iley,..,.... • aboutlhw eat.-S and epc: _ _ as Nlim heads Ils wtftJ ~ fie f'I'OIl.I. • lion a4 rnotlc;tclI.$lrom lr, toots ll'I" earty 70's m!he SlaI-slJdded 90's. No Il'I.Ill motoetoss Ian should be wiflOUI N \IIdIo. 70 IlWIJl8S Irom X.f"acaor $34,95 ('7) The Evolution 01 Motocross Gam""""''''gI>I>a.GIen =...~_~~.~~~!'~._.... U/lla IIQ W'lII...u::MtlI. _ " ....-. . .' ............,.-Ifo lM1Ien, and. ::" ~ ~_~~1h8 ~ ~!hI_~ -,. . . . trom IJIn&9; Iron. S24.J5 . .-' . orHracIl "'''''''.52 _~"""'_ ...... ..... _ _ Encia<>_ ~ o • TRIALS : (*2043) Th,. Is Motorcycle Trtals • PIcked 'IofIh advice b beginners from maestros Sa~ Miler and S&eYe Coley, Ibo of hisloty andllleresting illo for developing nd8f'I. 60 minules from wtiIe • SlarJOukfl Vid9o.S34.t5 : u Call to Order Today! (714) 751-7433 9am-Spm PST Prices subject to ~ " pIeue U8tI CIUI'fItIt adwrti--.t . . your guide. CaMomla residents add 7.25% S&Jes Tax NI/lpft1lRad _ VIIS, " . allhIpp/nfI" IImdIIngchatDft from CycllJNews I'rodut:m. Ordels not accepted 110m outside the continental US. • Allow ... WMIcII for delivery. ('132A) Moto-xXx: 2: Hellraisers OUIdmDown...... _ PWC _ Shona _ _• Oz ('37) Gary Semics MX Techniques 43: ...., , _ .......... _ ~ ........ 'lIIt\oopI, Teaches iIIJlplUildl speed. r8Il' tnke lXlflllU, Cllfl1)IfISIIll & IItx:uld, ckIIch & ItwoItIe comlTJl., ~ ITlCIV'MnIflt. and Ioot~. 40 mruIIIlrom Gary _ ...........95 (438) Gary Semics MX Techniques 114: Difference Between Amateurs & Pros The Jeflwny McGrath's personlllr8lioer. Gary 5emics. uses his "stllp viOIo process 10 teach you lhe nol·always-obYious tit1erenees between 1M btll riders· and ever;ooe else, Feel\lring Ioolage shoI in earty '96, ~t"11 see where Jefemy and olhltlop riders train during Ihe winter. Whelheryou plan 10 make "IX a fun hobby, or become a M1-on pro, lhe main objeclive of this video is lO make you 1 belte, ridef. 60 ninuIes from Gary Semic Video. $42..95 (#39) Gary Semlcs MX Techniques #5: What To Do On Race Day· 6fealcs down & dncIiles how 10 prepn ~ !hrotJl,tl race day. how to loclJs your If'lfJfgies. wnal hablls 10 deYeIop 10 youl be ready to racUinenh gala drops, and how 10 IIeep yoorseII in !he 19I1I&al8 of _10""""""....._ OO"""'""""'GartSanaVidoo.$34.95 ('40) Gary Semics MX Techniques 16: Io_.. .""""'__ - Eliminating Ann Pump TtIIOOg me&hods & SIr8&8gies b rac:Wlg wiIlltlWlgltl &Inlinnce in ytAX arms. nell _..., ..mI ......: lMm .... InctJd8s adYice on pre-fK8 WIIfTTIl4I &f!'IISNll', n lIII & IUppIIment __, Borustoolage at 8X!nlf'IlI aeri8tswilh McGratl, HtqlII& Mttzl)lfin So(AI. 21 minJIeIlrom Gary S«nics VdIo. $2.U5 ance. (#42) Gary Semics MX Techniques '7: • All About Cornering Ora you know allhe basic Iec::tri:lt* b CClfT*lf'lQ Iltld bnlIQng ir. ime IIlIa1m n:t pIICIk:e!he melhods lW'Id SlJal8gies Icu1d ll'I ~ VdIa rI. lliIw:iIo .. _""", " " , - . . " , , - , , - , _ _ .. . JPIICI n eot*OL &andlwl.JesserNn is .. IIaIlnd _, , _..... . ~- ~ -~-, ~ _ ......... "_In>mGaly - • 0 0 • Vidao.S3U5 ""'Jm ................ "'.95 ('1OC) Crusty Demons of Dirt: 4 "God BIesa!he Freaks"_The most~lCUldIrac:tlMll'bIcks Iht '98 elilion d fie Mri8s lhIl SWled ~ aLIJCOIie orHoca&ion lootagI tom Colla Rica. P.-.ama.IIaty, France, plus Cobado, Utah. Las vegas. and New Jersey. 40 rMJles """' _ _.129.95 ('100) Crusty 2000 "The Metal MilIeMun". Joil theaeative learn of Jon Freeman and Dana Nictmon ~""""'fI- (#142) Full Po_ Trip THOflIladng'._.997_ .. FuslonF......._ " " " _ T.""."""'""lMa._._.T........... VIdeo. $2A.J5 ('150) Vldiols Anonymous _ ................... """' ............ and RIcky CatTrEhMII. &4*"..r. ReId. JohMyAitiml, and fTl(Q wtup IOfl'I8 sen. ousIy tdl: ai" in til 'l'IdoIic II1IlISC 'l'ideo. ParenIII AlMsory (Expicill~). 3O!rIO' U811rom Thrusl Pmdur:liclrc. $2U5 ('154) Mini Warriors This video JElalUrM lIOITlII offle nation's I~ mink;ycI8 ~ ranging Irom 4 1015 years old. Thest kkI:s show lheworld why lhIIy are !he full.lre crop of moIOCtOSI Emog, ... _ . _ _. 0 =;:-:.... :."i.m~:.:"""-"''''''' _8191:"'..... (".~) Gary Ba,'ley's Tra',1 Riding Tips ~ For ~ Md1g 10 Ieam man ablU wheaieI. . . . doMiIII, ru&s. most at !he obs&Ides BrlClUlIered on ttaiI, pilla body posioninQ & iun1ls. Abo.1OI'I'lll ~ dassic ~ shots at OM:! BaiIev & JohMy 0'Mara. Pn:lOJced ll'I '85; 60 _tromGBMX_.....95 ('404) Gary Bailey's Cornering 2 0 'Whal lP1l ~ nl pracIic:e. Pkls see lop pros illll)pes at CClfr*"'ll JItuaIIllns: III • ~ Nlled. sand. berms. of! carters Jnd rrucL PYoducad 11194; 60 miUlls troM • GBMX ...... $52.95 (#405) Gary Bailey's The Art 01 Jumping 2 .lmpng tBsmadt Ihe I1'IOIt dmticchange ll'I ~ in 1hI1a110 F1CIIl riding on !he balls at the _lulling the bb lor mort lorw/II'CI morMtlILn'I &conb'ot. 10 bing & eIirrning problems. Y00118am the pn:IpIl'WIY 10 do IIlYI* at jl.mpa. ,,,,,,~-,,-_.,,,,,,,,,._ ...... ,,,,,."3096; 6D miooles from GBMX VidBo. $52,95 ,_"w.··"""'--.............._. body..-.._ r-s. ('406) The New Rider Technique ~~~~~~~=~~en:~=~~M =~PJso~=~ne==:~~~~=,:O-=:ude tmphasIza key points. ThIs video helps provide locus lor your ll'aining & practice :::~=rts~~~:~:'~=.R:;~~~~=:se::=. ~' Ronnie FaIsst, Lany Linkogle, Mike CR!mars, TIVYCW VkIes, Mike Jones, 'rom MX Ams. $29.95 CliflordAdoplanle, Bubba and many mor8. 00 mlnules!rom Aeshwound Films. $29.15 ('120) Terrafinna The original big air lreestyIe Fox video lealUring..nd anlica by Doug Henry, Em Lusk. Aobbia Reynard. Ricky Catn'*:haeI, TrlWis Paslflnl, JarneII SI8Wllrl, and !hi King ol Rock n' RoI. Scudrack by Pemywise,AIice., ChaN, l.ucy's FII'Coal, FUIln Sooodsollcndon and SolrdIox. 351T1f'l1t8S from Fox VdIo. 524.95 ('120A)Terralirma2 In:rdlte IoolIga of Jeremy McGm&h. Doug Herwy. SlIM Lamton. Robbia ReynIId. Mike Meagar. John Oowd. EDa l.usk. Ricky CamIc:hHl. PUn GanzaItz, Ifld tlI . . Oonny ...... _ .. _Saasao,F. . "F... Comloion. _.andSpMg_. " ...... """' ... _ . 129.95 ('1208) Terralirma 3 T«raIinnI • ~ you'd ~ n hs Sllrias and llM)REI wen Iac*n. ridIn ..._ _•_ _ ~"""_1licHgan. ('154A) Mini Warriors 2 TfIIYeI across the US as you _the best klds and yotng adults In htX-.1he next genelllian of pros, ChecKout Travis PasHana's urDlliMble 2W ~I lR::Iudes ac:Iion ~..IoMson.NIct Wey, Robbie Reynard. Guy Cooper, 8Iodl SeIarOs and 1TIOt8. Produced by Shephetd F«ns; 60 ~!rom "IX F*ns. $29,95 ('1793) Eve! Knievel's Spectacular Jumps c..,m,E"'-_"'_............_ _ _ nt From Ihe !egandlryCalsl(. P*,crash k)'*n mpouibIeall8nllt II SnIkt Rnr tMs g8II8sl ~ his bont-breaIlilg dIIuIs WIll . . tpIICtIaW coIacion at breaIl&llIlIl9 mdl:llcyda~' J] mn....ln:lm WtlIet ~ Vk»o S1U5 Ewl__ (111792) Eve! KnieYe!: Last 01 the Gladialors Tho ""'~ ........ _ _ _ _~.""'conuy_ lOll """'''''''....... VIdso.S2U5 (12501) Crash Kings MX ::~.==.~=~~~ ~me:,oa~==r:::asct»olbcrfMX.iano""safI? 55 Over ~ IIWI.8lrom Fox Vld8o. S29.95 ('12OC) Terralinna 4 ('143) 5th Gear p,'nned PTocU::edby fftl'M1Ill Sl'lO'IItloan:lIirTmaker Mite HalcheU.lmldal""localien In QlIa ar.:J e-dI. Olher s& ildude Worana. WastqIan, t.. vega, _ _ CaIb'Oa,.- ..... Bay -. : _. _. nl NOt BowyIr. WI.- bf Tes&arnIWll. 1.1>. 45, nI Pmu. 35"... from foil _.129.95 • 90 IIWlIt8S iom....-...n ProcU::tioIw. S2U5 Coo"""""" $29095 IrmI Gary Stma VdIo. $42.J5 ~._._ ('401) Gary Bailey's Rider Technique 2 Amn;a's I1lDI& IIrIDIJIIIrBl inSrudDr in ~ MX liIl::twIQI* ... lJom . . 10 hstI whIIlhe IopplOS cb k)go Ias&& W1111Ca 8111~, DIg poIiIion. ~~~ ~ whoopa, nt men. Prolia::.:l (*214) Malcolm Smith·. 6 Days of Baja : """'_..... Faumg"""~........... ............. ".",_.Sam ...........H ....... CO'l"""* and 0lherI. ~ oIt1elclc8tioM IlcIude O!'alge, CIarInoe. Bandine, Cokl, S1ocIcm. and CaIIaI. Also 8Otn8 crazy musIC '" Pro-Pa.!, CtIameI zero Souls II "" ... _~"""""""41_"""""""' ...... 129.95 ('131) Disturbing the Peace SMP prgsents. 11m by Pal Solomon which incIlides Seth Enslow. Jeff EmIg, Brian Manley, Mila Jones, UITY UnkogIe, Tm Feny. Anlhony PocorotlbI and more, with bizarre ctaymalion scenes~. Soundtrack incIllde9 SuIcidal Tendencies, Bad Rrigion, NOFX, SiilIime and mora. 35 m1nules from X·F8CtOI, $29.95 (*132) Moto--xXx The debut Yideo'rom Ouidc FIX FIlms lealuring Mi/(e MelZger, Kyle Lewis, Tommy CIowefs, Brian Deegan,..Ieft Emig and a whole cast of sick monkeys, MosIe by Lagw_.SooII.GoodR""""".NOFX.Stru_and""~. explil:illanguage and situations. 30 minJtes by QlO Fill FIlms from X.Faaor. _ FlEE IIDiNG & CWHES ('10) Crusty Demons 01 Dirt """-. T_c..., : (1250) t998 National Enduro Series (t110) Dirty Deedz • Chad< mIU!l5 fn:m WhIlll SlarJn.b Video. $34.15 • Aidll will heleglndlry Mak:c*n SmiIl on lie Il'lOiSI ftetes&ng IIIis I:wol9l tis YIl't• IItlIlg tnlnliIr. ildudes ...... d riOIrs along III t.;hes.1hn:ujI fie Boojlm nt : P*- Fcns&s. ac:rDII III ~ Baia SiInIIDlU'Qin ra'lgI,lClOSS «y" • bedI., nI ricIng 10" lip at ~ 0I0W 1Dl miles WI II. 1:1l mIUIIs lrom lAM : VIdeo. S2U5 E_""'._._... '*" Covets .. !he fIllOl'liIIlt 1llCtlniques& shows how Io~ Shows qlpIOS n race ICU'I. Slow rnoliClfllnCl SlOP acDllTll6lllt..., 10 _end l.IldlwslMd. 33 nntIiIln:lm GIry SIma VIdIo, S32.95 UWIg lIMe ~ f:l=e~=~:~~'~slNlqhls~ ~:==:~-:a~=-~a:':: ~":=:.'~O:::'=~~~:.~=. (lf2016) 1999 Indoor Wortd Trials C'Ship : (*162B) '91 AMA Nat'l MX Season Review o (*126) Wrathchild Ule. borlIertx:keI ~ il mom's gas tank, WralhCt*l obIiIerMII to. CGl'Mlf'IbCln-' ~ norml Fox R.ang·s,..,. '99"" IS i SIdIIn9Y bMlaifIj madUrI 01 inIlnIe rdng......, Md ~ tnOilCrOSl ps:yc:no. SJ*WWlQ lht .... 01 (435) Gary Semics MX Techniques *1 Wortd ~ Ted1nIqulJs are d8m0nstraled Illd explmed by 1997 Tnab: des NabOnS Wll'I!'I8f Sieve Coley II'lCiuOOg l8O-degrM tums. bacIt·WhHI bal· ll'UlQ and other advanced moves 62 minutes Irom wtwte StarlOuke VIdeo ""_ _ _. (1I12OD) Terraflrma 5 Mille HIIr:hea '""" wetlht stide at .. art in" Ttn*ma s..; stloI-......tu Sm~ ._~ on 1&mm 1~' -.olin '98 b '9!1 t8ea5e.1Mlns 1 vIrieey at rdng styles (MX NaIonIIs.InIIa. te:ITCI, USSX & FnlerilIng), 1IrnJin,Iocdicn (c:.n.s.. US, FfItlCI), chaIIInget. tIpflmWIts and ~ Q".....from foil VIdeo 129.95 ('121) FlY 1M spring '96,....ln:lm Fox..JeaIlI'ing FOIl: slars McGtath, BrIdshaw, Metz98r, ......,.-._.and ..... ' " - . _ .. IIpllceshlhtPnnlAnlhml ~ GIaIris O\nas. SecralHondl T811 TrBCks, WIlle Sands. 0C0IiI0 WeIri ard Galortlack. MusIc by Single Gun ~~:~~.&=.SproogMriey,SNFU,NoFX,MdShel\a'. 35nWlultS ('122) Air Raid '.·hatdconlloollgl"""'OClOSS,_.•_. Tho'............ BMX andll.W1llg ever~ none vKieo. Air Raid II. jarn-pIdladasaaun 01 tree ~~":. -Vou..:.~.95 ... _ ~ .... "' ........ """"'... 35 ".. ,,,_ ..-.. "" (#123) Jeremy McGrath I Steel Roots """"'.. _w. US._ ··_"'wa, ow .. _ , _ ,. • H~-.·~-.·.~_~'M_· .nd~_ .. '~ • • ¥~. ' ' ' ' 'look'""e-.. ' ~ McGnI.. '997. '" <:ips ~ along wilII .... Jmmy lla"""" ... la1larty.ndKTIA_cl1~I~'" RandO, IIlay "" ... '''''IOY. "'1nIng and " " - ~ Endllro ri

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