Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 02 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Hollister"', CA. Februery 5--8. 2CX)O AMA National Championship Hare Scrambles Series Round 1 : Hollister Hills SVRA more fuel or something. It was fast; here the last couple cor- we were on the main jet all day long, ners - I got right on him, so I'm sure it was a combination of but it was a good ride by things. It's not a good way to start Paul, a real good ride. It's [the season]: he said, masking his going to be a long season, and it's going to be a tough disappointment. battle." The last couple laps saw Edmond- Edmondson son leading Watts, with Andrews slip- said, ping slightly in third, especially after "Indeed, Shane was really stopping for a splash of gas on the close on the last lap. He last lap. could've maybe taken me out, or anything, but he's a good sportsman. Like he "I got in the lead a few times and had a few problems and people got around me," Andrews said. "I just says, he's not coming here came here and did my best. I'm in to do things like that, so I appreciate that, but at the one piece, so that's the main thing. I end of the day, we were just came to get warmed up for my just racing flat out for the GNCC series, so I'm happy." last lap. He was awesome. As expected, Watts made a good It was really good. run at Edmondson on the last lap to "I've got a lot to prove, try for the win. As the pair came out and I don't mind proving it. of the hills and onto the old GP I've never doubted myself at all, but the last two years have been very diffi(Left) Fred Andrews used Hollister as a wann-up for the GNCC Series, which starts next month. Having to pit twice meant losing extra time, and he finished a minute back In third. (Above) KTM's Brian Garrahan also needed to pit twice for gas, but he rode quickly enough to eam fourth, with brother Patrick finishing fifth. cult, very difficult circumstances, to be honest with you. I've proved now that I've got what it takes to win. I've done it now two times, and I want to continue doing it. Shane, to me, was riding fantastic; Fred motocross course, Edmond- Andrews was riding really well, as son had his hands full, with well, so it's not like I had the win Watts trying desperately to handed to me. I had to work for it. stick a wheel past. The "I didn't really get tired out there; I just had a lot of fun. I'm looking for- British racer managed to keep the Aussie at bay, however, and won it by three seconds, 3:00:02- 3:00:05. "I don't know; maybe I got into their pace, because I was doing it pretty easy - it is always easier to follow," Watts said. "I thought, 'Yeah, I'll pass him on the moto track,' and it just never happened. I got close BRIEFLY••• Ryan Chamberlin took fourth Open C on his Honda thumper on Saturday. That might not sound impressive until you consider the fact that he rode a KX80 Big Wheel-framed XR 120R against bikes that were generally three to five times its displacement. Why? He arrived 10 minutes too late to sign up for the Formula 100 race in the moming.• Running with 500s. having a 100cc bike is kind of a disadvantage," Chamberlin admitted.• but little did they know that in the tight stuff you can make up a lot more time [on a small bikel. A lot of guys. you can see thet once they get into the tight stuff they slow down tangibly. Once they get on the fire roads. they're wide open. Other than that. it was a blast. Alii wanted to do was ride: I didn't care what class.- Open and overall C winner David FISh wasn't the only member of his family to go home with a trophy. His father. Terry Fish. scored third in Super Senior C. "My dad really helped me out setting this bike up," David said, "Phil Douglas at Aftershocks Suspension did my suspension for me, so I want to thank those guys; they helped me out a lot." Though it did rain during the Crace (the only race so affected during the weekend). the precipitation didn't playa major role, unlike the past few years. J.J. Alcantar overalled the minibike race and was the only rider to complete 18 laps. Colton Haaker appeared to be running away in the early laps until getting sidelined by a mechanical oversight, much to the embarrassment of his father, Senior race winner and former ISDE racer John Haaker. 34 FEBRUARY 23, 2000' cue I e ward to the rest of the year now." CN Hollister Hills SVRA Hollister, California Results: February 5-&, 2000 (Round 1 of 91 SUNDAY O/A: 1. Paul Edmondson (Kaw); 2. Shane Watts (KTM): 3. Fred Andrews (Kaw); 4. Brian Garrahan (KTM): 5. Patrick Garrahan (KTM); 6. Jason Dahners (KTM); 7. Shane Esposito (Kaw); 8. Craig Wesner (Kew); 9. Rob Zimmenmm (Yam): 10. Eric DuCray (Yam). AA: 1. Paul Edmondson (Kaw): 2. Shane Watts (KTM); 3. Fred Andrews (Kaw); 4. Brian Garrahan (KTM); 5. Pau;ck Garrahan (KTM). OPEN A: 1. Craig Chapman (KTM); 2. Michael Behrens (KTM); 3. Lance Mandarino (KTM). OPEN B: 1. Brian Barrington (KTM); 2. Kevin Ruffoni (KTM): 3. Michael Renner (Han): 4. Seane Callihan (Han): 5. Aaron Phillips (Han). 250 A: I. Shane Esposito (Kaw); 2. Damien Galford (Kaw); 3. Tim Stowe (Suz): 4. John Romanoff (Kaw); 5. Brian Sperle (Hon). 250 B: 1. Jason LaBare (Suz); 2. John Webster (Kaw); 3. Kevin Stanley (Kaw): 4. Joseph Bondad (Hon); 5. Paul Romanoff (Kaw). 4-STROKE A: 1. Mark Kerling (Yam); 2. Curt Wilcox (Suz); 3. Kubi Hucek (Yam); 4. Russell Pereira (Yam); 5. Craig Hayes (Hus). 4-STROKE B: I. Theron Miller (Han); 2. John Trabucco (Yam); 3. Jeremy Santoro (Yam); 4. Allan Zuckswert (Yam): 5. Spencer Weinstein (Hon). 86-200 A: I. Brian Butler (Kaw); 2. Travis Sluder (Hus); 3. Harold Hageman (Suz); 4. Matthew Wallace (Yam): 5. Robert Fouts (Hon). 86·200 B: 1. Kevin McGovern (Yam); 2. Mathew Teegarden (KTM); 3. Chris Valdes (Suz): 4. Steven Aguilar (Yam). VET A: 1. Pete Krunich (Han); 2. John Mason (Yam); 3. Eric Von Urff (Hon); 4. Tony Rutter (Kaw): 5. Jay Faulkner (Gas). VET B: I. Brlld Halcomb (Hon); 2. Kirk Fetter (Suz); 3. Chr;s Kana (Kaw); 4, Cra;g Lane (Yam); 5. Richard Jung (Suz). WOMEN AlB: 1. Heather Wilson (Kaw); 2 Heather Wagner-Jarregg (Kaw). Saturday SR A: I. John Haaker (Yam); 2. Eric Von Urff (Hon): 3. Dave Wood (CRE); 4, Ken Netto (Yam): 5. Duane Scott (Yam). SR B: I. John Wells (Han); 2. Wesley Kyle (Hon); 3. Michael Cook (Hon); 4. William Thomas (Yam); 5. Tony Kaminski (Hon). SR C: 1. Mike Amaral (Yam); 2. Eric Thompson (Suz); 3. Ted Ne;1I (Suz); 4. M;chael Schultz (Hon): 5. Calvin Amould (Hon). S/SR A: 1. Ed Egyed (Hon): 2. Bruce Kelley (KTM); 3. Fred Sumrall (KTM); 4. Fred J. Cameron (TM); 5. Peter Pritchard (KTM). S/SR B; I. Robert Engnsh (KTM); 2. Johnny Stevens (Kaw): 3. Charlie Stanley (Kaw); 4. Jeff Holtfelder (Yam); 5. Paul O'Ne;1 (Hon). S/SR C: 1. Don Chase (Yam); 2. Joe Butler (Hon): 3. Terry F;sh (Yam): 4. Bruce Webbon (KTM); 5. Brad Bird (Han). GENTS C: I. Bill Verbiscio (Yam). F-l00: 1. Craig Jelich (Han); 2. Frank Nye (Hon); 3. Brian Piercy (Hon). MINI SHIFT 80: I. wm Veyl (Yam); 2. Edd;e Veyl (Suz); 3. Scott Webb (Suz); 4. Douglas Olson (Han); 5. Allison La Roza (Hon). MINI SHIFT 60: 1. J.J. Alcantar (Kaw); 2. Peter Krunich (Kaw); 3. Travis Franklin (Kaw); 4. Timothy Von Urff (Kaw); 5. Ronald Wheelus (KTM). MINI AUTO 80: I. Caeton Roche (Hon): 2. David Kennedy (Yam); 3. Randy Takacs (Yam); 4. Kacy Martinez (Yam); 5. Brooke Hodges (Hon). MINI AaTO 50; 1. Parker Sm;th (KTM); 2. Garret Duarte (KTM); 3. Tanner Autry (NA); 4. Colton Glimski (KTM); 5. Brady Hoover (KTM). OPEN C: 1. David Fish (Yam); 2. Jeff Bauer (Hon): 3. Greg Patterson (KTM); 4. Ryan Chamberlin (Hon); 5. Nolan Brown (Hon). 250 C: 1. Evan Jessee (Yam); 2. Dan Melvin (Han); 3. Brooke Shaw (Kaw); 4. David Lowi (Kaw); 5. Gary Johnson (Suz). 86-200 C: I. BUly Jurevich (KTM); 2. Brent Dixon (Hon); 3. Billy Ray (Han); 4. Ryan Bird (Han); 5. Joseph Black (Han). 4-STRK C: 1. Wes Thomas (Yam); 2. Scott Martin (Yam); 3. Chris Wilcox (Hon); 4. Rich Ventura (Yam); 5. Thomas Baxter (YlIm). VET C: I. Gary Hoover (Yam): 2. Tim VlIn Dezweep (Yam); 3. Marc Cassina (Yam); 4. Robert Wells (Hon); 5. Mike Norton (Suz). WMN: 1. Cindi Roberson (Yam): 2. Darlene Sumrall (Yam):3. Lisa Connolly (Hon). Motocrosser Brad Williscroft borrowed a KTM 250 from fellow Aussie Shane Watts in order to try his hand at both racing a three-hour event end racing in America. Despite feeling the effects of the flu. he ended up 11th overall. "You definitely have to be fit for the three-hour format," he said. "It's a bit like you have to have a plan. too, like. which laps you want to go fast on. Ifs a good experience, I think. We're actually having a three-hour format back home this year: thafs why I wanted to come out and do a couple here. because I've never done them before. so ifs just to get a bit used to it." Williscroft plans to ride round two of the series at Wilseyville, California. next weekend. too. Paul Edmondson. on the other hand, will be jelling back and forth between contments. as he contests some of the European and World Enduro Championships. as well as the AMA National Hare Scrambles Series and GNCCs. "When I first came over here. I knew what I had to do to win and that was to race a lot,' he said. "Everybody knows thatI'm not like the biggest trainer on the planet. but I love riding my motorcycle. With Team Green. I can ride my motorcycle every day of the week. so to me thaf s the best training. I've proved now that I've been doing my homework. and ifs paying off for everyone [on the teaml. not just me." Former pro motocrosser Mike Pascarella has been giving woods racing a go and enjoying it quite a bit. so he decided to race the Heart On Classic to see what a National Hare Scrambles would be like. "Ifs unbelievable. These guys go really fast, end the amazing thing IS they last. It says something wheQ you go that speed. In motocross. it may be a lillie easier to read the terrain from lap to lap where here, 150 riders go over the line before you [gell back through there. and ifs amazing how fast [the top guysl will go through that section. And believe it or not. they keep picking up speed every lap. I've got a lot of respect." Pascarella rode the AA class and finished 12th overall, about 19 minutes behind winner Edmondson, After running out of gas while running comfortably with the lead pack. Doug Blackwell said. "I'd like to thank Todd Wagner; he's the one who gave me some fuel to get me back in. He passed me when I was pushing then waited on me up the trail a lillie bit, pushed his bike up on the bank and helped give me some gas. It saved me pushing the last two miles. " Asked if he'd be crossing over the Atlantic to ride the World Enduro Championships in addition to GNCCs as he did last year. Shene Watts replied, "No World [Endurol Championship. just GNCC and enduro, National Enduro, National Hare Scramble - I'll do the Six Days at the end of the year, but thafs it. I've got 30 National events here in America. so it's a pretty hectic schedule from now until November. " nevvs Team Green desert racers Brian Brown and Shane Esposi· to both raced Hollister. AMA National Hare & Hound Champion Brown rode a KX125. as he did at last years ISDE in Portugal. and finished 19th overall. Esposito made the drive to Hollister with Team Green off-road coordinator Reid Nordin after getting sec· ond in the Pro race at the Adelanto Grand Prix. At Hollister, Esposito entered the 250cc A class and ended up the first A and seventh overall on his KX250. despite a pair of badly blistered hands. "I've never done any [NationalJ hare scrambles. just some local stuff. nothing like this. This is way different," he exclaimed. "I'm going to ride more of this series."

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