Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2005 08 24

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ Ho ••••I••• i. Mo'o" •• " •• Flipping Over Madrid Back Flips, Kisses of Death, No-Hander Landers... and a ton of Supermans: Twelve elite freestylers, 23,000 freestyle motocross fans and Spain's largest bullfighting arena, the Plaza de Toros de Las Ventas, make up the Red Bull X-Fighters, one of the world's most spectacular FMX events, which took place for the fourth time on July 21, below the night sky of Madrid. American Nate Adams joined fellow compatriots Kenny Bartram and Travis Pastrana as Red Bull X-Fighters winners at Plaza de Toros de Las Ventas in Madrid. Adams earned his victory with an extremely varied and difficult final ride, thus prevailing over fellow American Jeremy "Twitch" Stenberg, who finished second at the Red Bull X-Fighters event in Mexico City in April as well. Swiss newcomer Mat Rebeaud placed a surprising third. "He [Adams] and Twitch [Stenberg] were winning because they had demonstrated a back nip alongside the dirt-kicker," judge "Mad" Mike Jones said. "The decision was reached unanimously among the jury, and Nate really deserved it." Particularly striking about Adams' victory was that he mounted his bike only four weeks ago, after having suffered a hip/thigh injury that has sidelined him most of the year. "My therapists and my trainer said I can do it and will come back even stronger," Adams said, "and it really came true like that. And then such an incredible victory today... it's simply unbelievable. A dream has corne true for me." The molo,e,os weren't only cheered for in Las Ventas. The Red Bull X-Fighters were also broadcast worldwide via Tv, cinema and webcast, depending on the country. As 2005 Red Bull X-Fighters Mexico City winner Ronnie Renner commented: "The Red Bull XFighters are more exciting than the X Games." FiNAl RfSUlTS: I. N.", Adams (Us,o,); 2. lWitch Stenberg M., Rebe>ud (SUI); 4. RonReoner (us,o,); S. Dan; lOrres (ESP); 6. Robbie Maddison (AUS); 7. Andre Villa (NOR); 8. Kenny 8artr.Jm (Us,o,); 9. Eigo So'o OPN); 10. Sebast(Us.o.); 3. nie Ian Wolter (GER). (RIght) The Plaza de Toros de Las Ventas was the perfect venue for the Red Bull X·Fighters. King of Honey Lake We found this photo of former AMA National Motocross rider Larry Wosick, owner of Honey Lake Motocross Park in Milford, California, site of at least one of our annual Cycle News motocross shootouts each year. Wosick rode for the Fox Honda team in 1979 in the 250cc class and finished sixth overall. He then joined Kawasaki the follOWing season in 1980 and once again finished sixth in the points. This photo was Laken in 1985 when Wosick was contesting the South African Camel International Series. That year, he competed in the opening round of the 250cc Motocross World Championship in South Africa. Wosick finished I Ith in moto one and then suffered a flat tire and a DNF in the second moto for 16th overall. 84 AUGUST 24,2005 • CYCLE NEWS (From left to right) Mat Rebeaud, Nate Adams and Twitch Stenberg.

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