Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2005 08 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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a KTM 525 SMC also broke the previous record in an attempt to catch the flying Dymond. "I got lost a couple times," Dymond said. "It really was good, but it wasn't like it was yesterday, so it was different. All in all, it was good. I'm sure this is like epic conditions here and I lucked out. I can definitely tell you unless I'm not able to ride or I don't have a bike or I'm in jailor something, I will be back." Gary Trachy was the third rider' to go under the old course record in a new class for this year: Supermoto. His time was 2: 18.735 aboard a Honda CRF450. "It would have been a much more pleasant checkered flag if I would have seen my brother [Greg Trachy, who was racing 500cc Pro] up here as well," Trachy said. "It looked like he broke down about three-quarters of the way up. That's a real disappointment for me and my family. I'm real happy to break the 12:21 mark and to have a faster time than Davey Durelle in the 500 class. They've got 50ccs on me, so I'm real happy about that. This is just one of the places that we love coming to. We gear up for this. Our family gears up for this every year, because this is such a special event. It's a whole community of racers. The mountain means everything to them. That's what it's about at Pikes Peak: getting to the top of the hill, doing the best that you can and looking at this beautiful view. It's just awesome. You can't beat it." Other class winners included Anders Nilsson, who's Suzuki Sidecar only had the mountain to beat and broke the class record in a time of 13: 17.157. Mickey Alzola was the Vintage champion with a time of 14:28.140 on a Triumph. eN PIKES PEAK HILLCUMB COLORADO SPRINGS, COLORADO RESULTS: JUNE 25, 2005 250: I. Nathan Conley (13:00.651); 2. Jeff Steinberger (13: 16.172); 3. Mark Mm... (13, 18.149); 4. Jonathan Ba;rd (I ],36.792); 5. Kevin Mogne' (13,57.277). 500: I. Davey Ourrelle (12:22.191); 2. Greg Chicoine (13:05.ISO); 3. Mark Woodward (1],32.393); 4. Rick Oppe<1113O (IH5.573); 5. Doug Chennutt (14,14.285). 7S0; I. MKky Dymond (12,12.614); 2. Jeff G",ce (12;18.518); 3. Rick Gunby (12,59.924); 4. Joel T""luln (13;06.55 I); S. Jeff Alme' (13,10.100). SUPERMOTO; I. Gary Trnchy (12, 18.735); 2. Jimmy Robe.... (13,12.692); 3. Stuan Sinclair (13:14:422); 4. Tim Buhler (13:53.665); 5. Brian Scollon (14,20.111). VINTAGE: I. Mickey A1zota (14:28.140): 2. Michael Pearlman (15:42.599); 3. Dave Gibson (21:27.985). MlllVIW.M. 2005 COMFORT ZONE luxury SEATING NOW AVAILABLE!!! I DONNY SCHMIT MEMORIAL AMATEUR REGISTRATION FORM I Comfort Zone Luxury Seating Registration Form I I =-~l~~~~~~~L~=~:~~~~~.rJw· I r 01 ' M.SSfNGER$. YOU MAY RI)E '!'OUR RN:HlKE TO & ~ TtE aACE1lACIC N 1Sl GEAA ON.V /IJ A WAIJCN:> PACt.. TttS IS N>4 NM. EVafl. NItA MUSTIfPRfSEN'lAJO€CK 'ofT~ ' " ~ & 0 ~ AMA CAl[) IS RfQ.MB) & NAA..CJCIfd._S39&~IlI . tracl.If)'OU.yout . a:wd ~ wiI bt . . . . 10 bIIy a _ _. You will abo...t 0 &.c CDI'd i-om yow ~ .Hrid Q ~ roo- -. ...... Amount Endosed:$ _--.1_- CTadiI Cord , DfADUHf '011 COMFChtT ZONE JlCKUI 01 WH/LI "(KITS JASr. _ '$ AUGUST ,th, 200J ........, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cltr>' Stote:._Jlp;_ _ " - - ' _ " _ " _ Alron£nc:bed;$_ _ CAdiI Cord' _ _--.1_- CUSSES-------------......... DlADUNf loa COMIORT ZONE TICKETS II AUGUST JtII, 200' 011 WHllI n(ICETJ lAJT. MiCl'oModMu-al~wiflo 19'_~ -'-'" 500;7·11 12,S.2JOa: 12&", 5/JI;c0il~H .5OuOil~7-8 .5Oa:,.,..A-6 SOccP'twflia7-11 65c:c,,--,., ~12·151"dd 650:"--10.11 BSttMil'li7-11 8SoxMiniiI2-15 B5ttMitli'·!2 ~10:Scr;~ 12-15 .so.x12&up llt-UA 8 C 25+ A I C A. I C 4O+Senior A I C JOt....., 1lOc:c12&up 125 A I C 2.50 C A • I I I ::"--.5_'_I:::-IAJoI-,~:.=::'...... 7=."=0l=--===(N=r,---."N;);;c0ff00/==-........ _ _ bo ................... """"" NAME ,,"""""""....... i _ Mail to: Circulation Dept. Cycle News, Inc. CITY STATE ZIP 3505·M Cadillac Avenue • YIU Cln .111 ch.nge yeu, .ddrass .nlin••t 92626 ba sul1l111 include yau, na••ddrass .nd lid addrass in I1lqtllSl ADDRESS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CYCLE NEWS • AUGUST 3, 2005 67

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