Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2005 03 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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This series continues through March 19, when high-point series trophies will be awarded. Several riders injured during the series will also be honored and wished speedy recoveries. A full program of karts and quads runs every Saturday morning. RESULTS 50 BEG: I. Dennis Erickson; 2. Thomas Rush; 3. Matthew Kimball. 50 STK I. Chase Hoffman: 2. Monte Valladolid; 3. Trevor Benter: 4. Cody Fyffe: S. Tyler Hammond. 50 MOD A: I. Kevin Alcorn. 50 MOO B: I. Brandon Crawford. 65 A: I. Bronson Bauman. 65 B: I. Dusty Nunes; 2. Nathan Howard; 3. Kevin Alcorn; 4. Brandon Crawford. 6S C: I. Cole Crowley. 85 A: I. Briar Bauman: 2. Christian Hickman: 3. Justin Pea:. 85 C: I. Cole Crowley. 85 YTH MNY: I. Briar Bauman; 2. Christian Hickman. 100 STK A: I. Rkky Diaz. 100 STK C: I. Dunin Hayes; 2. Logan Lohemeier. 100 MOO A: I. Briar Bauman. 100 MOO B: I. Danielle Diaz. 100 MOD C: I. Cole Crowley; 2. Frankie Britt. 100 YTH MNY: I. Briar Bauman; 2. Christian Hickman: 3. Kevin Alcorn. I SO A: I. Briar Bauman; 1. Justin Pen. I SO B: I. Joey Santos; 2. Rod Halstead. I SO C: I. Dustin Hayes; 2. Jack Hayes. 250 A: I. Austin HelWig; 2. Franko Hannah. 250 B: I. Rod Halstead. 250 C: I. Brandi Monasmith: 2. Ricky Diaz: 3. Danielle Diaz. 250+ MNY: I. Henry Wiles; 2. John Olmstead; 3. Mike Besemer: 4. Marshall Lapp. OPEN 4-STRK: I. Briar Bauman; 2. Bronson Bauman: 3. Christian Hickman. OPEN A: I. Chris Canepa; 2. Henry Wiles: 3. Mike Besemer: 4. John Olmstead: S. Joe McCoy. OPEN B: I. larry Clover: 2. Dillon Allen: 3. Steve Eddings: 4. Rick Diaz Sr. OPEN C: I. Cody Bergen: 2. Steve Henson: 3. Brandi Monasmith; 4. Rkky Diaz. VET A: I. Steve Hill: 2. Steve Hall; 3. Marshall lapp; 4. Mark Biscardi: 5. Mike Besemer. VET B: I. Rick Diaz Sr. VET C: t. Ronald Hoff; 2. William McCants. SR B: I. Rod Halstead; 2. Ray Diaz. SR C: I. Jack Hayes; 2. Steve Runnels. OfT A: I. Mark Biscardi: 2. Rick Cremona: 3. Johnny larson. Orr B: I. Steve Eddings: 2. Darol Fishman: 3. Ray Diaz. orr C: I. Doug Cohon; 2. Donnie Copeland. VINT A: I. Johnny larson; 2. John Frank. VINT C: I. Cody Bergen; 2. Will McCants; 3. Steve Runnels; 4. Jack Hayes: S. David Fishman. c: Salem Arenacross Pit Bike Night It's like he's only racing himself.. Forster Livestock Povilion DiBrino Da Winnerl By JUSTIN WHARTON SALEM, OR, FEB. 12 P OFFICIAL WEBSITE OF SUPERCROSS Live Webcasts, Ticket Info &Much More. Photo by Bruhn o Name o _ Address _ YESI Start my subscription immediately to Cydc News. I re.ul 50 issues for $45.00. (am be bilh.'d 2 monthly piI)'menls) Every we<... k for two y~ for $8(UXJ) f.,J Six Olunths se<:ond class {2S issues for S23J}O} City . Zip, Phonc Sti'lte _ o _ Order Datc P.O. Box 508..t Costa Mesa. CA 92(:)28 5084 4 Toll Free Subscription Hotl.ine (800) 831-2220 24-hour FAX Order Line (714) 751-6685 • E-mail: Subscribe@cyclenews.colll Signature MC/Visa# ,,- 60 MARCH 30, 2005 • CYCLE NEWS o Nt.'w Subscription U Rencow.11 _ Send t o : ~Inc. "nlisi!' a o o o rh~.l5t! bill me I paYOl\!1l1 of $45 mil 2 payml'nts of $22.50 Endost.:d i" my ch•.,'('k or mDney ord\:'r Charg.: my ..J Vi:>

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