Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2005 01 26

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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(#02001 ......................................G1obal Addiction DVD (#01251 ............Children of a Metal God: Trilogy DVD 90 minutes from Impact VJCIeo. S29.85 (#0 144C) ..The Great Outdoors II: Special Edition DVD (#0 146A) ....The Great Outdoors: Special Edition DVD (#01468) The Great Outdoors II DVD 70 rnnAes from X-Faclor. 129.95 100 mn.leS IromX·Faclor. $29.95 100 mirUes from X-Fadof. $29.96 (#0149) MX World Championship 2003 DVD leo rTW'"IJteS from Kl.IlerM'h1e S\arVldeo. $34..95 SUPERCROSS Over 85 minutes of pure adrenaline trom X-Factor S3ll95 (#165) ..............................................................RideMX (#131) ........................................D1sturbing the Peace 40 mlOUtes from X-Factor. $29.95 35 minuteslrom X·Faetor. $29.95 (#0132) Moto-XXx: The Series 1-4 DVD Approlamately 200 minules from Impact Video. $39.95 (#1320) Moto-xXX 5: Free for All 40 minutes from X-Factor. $29.95 (#1341 Organ Donors 40 minutes by Pal Solomon lor FUSIOfl F~ms. from X-Factor. $29.95 (#0325M) ....................................Bar to Bar 2004 DVD (#0 142A) ....................................................Rellsh DVD 207 ml"kJles from ImpaCl Video $34.95 40 mirLces rHO from 1tl'\'8Cl Vdeo. $24.95 (#01681 Mlni Moto SX DVD 105 rrioJles DVD from II'fllllCl Video. $24.96 (#142) Full Power Trip 30 minutes from X·Faclor Video. $24.95 (#15) Adrenaline Fix 35 monutes Irom X-Factor. $29.95 (#16) 35/01 My Trip - Mike Cinqmars 50 minutes Irom X-FaClor. $29.95 (#016) 35/01 My Trip - Mike Cinqmars (DVD) From X-Faclor. $29.95 FREESTYLE & CRASHES (#0162) 50 Frenzy DVD 60 ffiruntes from Impact Video. $24.95 (#080) (#080A) Lensmoto Volume 1 DVD 60 rYW"lAes from Video. $24.95 00 ITnJtes Imm ~ Video. $2U15 (#016n Mlni Mayhem DVD 35 (#010H) ~ Lensmoto Volume 2 DVD rrrutes from \mpacl Video. $29.95 ..................................Crusty Demons of Dirt "The Crusty Years" DVD 4 hours from Aeshwound RIms. 564.95 (#010E) ...... Crusty Demons 6: "The Next Level" DVD 50 rTIrIAeS from Aeshw::ll.nI FWr6. S34..95 (# 1OF) Crusty Demons: the 7th Mission 50 min.J1es from FlosttwoI..ncI,. $29.96 (#01 OF) (#100) Crusty Demons: the 7th Mission DVD (#0100) Crusty 8: the Eighth Dimension DVD 76 mirutes fforn Fleshwound Fbs. $34..95 Crusty 8: the Eighth Dimension From F1eshwol.l1d F*'ns. $29..95 From Fleshwound Films. $34.95 (#0101) Crusty Demons: Nine Lives DVD 50 minutes from Fleshwound $34.96 (# 1298) No Fear's Chapter Two 30 minutes from X·Fador $29.95 (#01298) No Fear's Chapter Two DVD 40 mlllutes from X-Factor. $29.95 (#0129C) No Fear's Chapter Three DVD 45 (#144) m;nutes 'rom X-Factor. $29.95 Goodtimes with Carey Hart 60 minutes from X·Factor. $29..95 (#11) Seth: The Hard Way 40 rrunutes from Impacl Video. $24.95 (#011) Seth: The Hard Way DVD From Impacl Video. $29.95 (#0123AI ........ Jeremy McGrath: Steel Roots 2 (DVD) 45 rrunutes from X-Faclor. $29.95 (# 199) Travis Pastrana / Revelation 199 45 mlnUles from Impact Video. $29.95 (#0203) Dare the Devil DVD 70 mtrlules from X Factor. $24.95 (#0130) Crush DVD 40 (#0199) M~es from Impact Video. $24.95 Travis Pastrana / Revelation 199 DVD From Impact Video. $29.95 (#0199A) L ..::::=;::;;'I!!!!!!!!!!!ill!====:".J (#200) Travis and The Nitro Circus DVD 50 lrinutes from X-Factor. $29.95 G1obal Addiction 60 ffilnutes from Impact Video. $24.95 (#01631 ..................................................50 Nuts DVD SO minutes from X -tactor $24.95 (#0166) Third Gear Pinned DVD 28 minutes from lmpad Video. $24.95 (#0170) Throttle DVD 4S mil'lUtes from Impact Video. $29.95 (#01) ................................Inside x: ESPN X Games IX 60 lTWIUte5 from Impact Video. $24.95 Maniacs (#m ..........................................HomegrownX-Factor $29.95 35 minutes from (#157) Freestyle Insanity with Trevor Vines 35 ITIIOUtes 110m X-FactOI'. $29.95 (#0145AI Tomcat: "The Experience" Vol. #2 51 minutes from Impact Video. $24.95 (#14n Mad Mike's Mayhem 46 ffiloules from Impact Video. S29..9l5 (#014n Mad Mike's Mayhem (DVD) 46 minutes Irom Impact Video. $30.95 (#01641 ........ Flipped (#158) Out "Evolution of the Backflip" 50 mlll\JleS from X-Factor. $24.96 Eargasm 60 ninutes from ~ Video. $24.95 (#0151) Ryan Capes: My Way to the Record (#0175) AII American Freeride DVD From Impact Video $24.95 30 fTlIflutes from Impact Video $29.95 (#152) Flying Metal 42 minutes from Impact Video. $24.95 (#159) ..........................................FreeRide Revolution 40 rNl'lUles!lom X-FaClor. $29.915 (#1793) Evel Knievel's Spectacular Jumps (#01793) ...... Evel Knievel's Spectacular Jumps DVD 30 minutes from While StarlOuke Video. $19.95 From White Star!Duke Video $24.95 (#1792) Evel Knievel: Last of the Gladiators 100 minutes from Whlte Star/Duke Video. $24.95 (#5260) Bike Havoc 55 minutes from While StarlDuke Video. $24.95 (#5276) Millennium Havoc 60 mllll.Jtes Irom WhIle StarlDuke Video. $24.95 (#2501) Crash Kings MX 55 minutes Irom White Star/Duke Vioeo. $24.95 (#5279) ........................................Crash Kings Bikes 3 60 mInutes Irom 'Nhile Starr'Duke Video. $24.95 (#326) Rode to Ruin 30 mInutes from Impact Video. S19.95 (#143A) Fifth Gear Pinned 2 45 fI'IlnIJles Irom X-Factor $29..96

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