Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 12 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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ou t fro nt an d nying. Bar ro n was hol d ing o n t o seco nd but gett ing pressure from Mille r before bike tro uble put Mille r on t he side lines . T hat made t he to p five Maximo ff (w ho was blazing through the rough sandbox ), Barro n (r unning a lo nely seco nd ). C hris Lue t h. Trevo r Gund lach. and a hard-char ging C urry, making it a three-way war fo r t hird . T his wa s a 30 minute affair, and after spe nd ing the su mme r o n the natio nal circ uit . Maximo ff was on cr uise control out fro nt ~ a spo t he would own until the checke red nag new. Barro n was the day 's ru nner-up, but if the race had laste d much longe r, it might have been C urry o n the second ste p of the podium . Curry scratch e d and clawed his way all the way up to third by the e nd of the mota, and many fe lt he had the speed to challenge Maximo ff, had they made it thro ugh the first lap in sight of each o the r. Eric Miller wa s fo urt h and the first 250F to cross the line. laying down a super ride . Rounding out the top five was Lueth , who is a reg ular fro nt-runne r in the Over 25 class. Finish ing seve nth, Nat han Woodward got the $ 100 "head hunter" bonus from the Bulldogs by being the highest-placi ng ride r who had bee n w illing to start backward ! A big class of fast ride rs wasn't the o nly thing cool abo ut this day of mo ta act ion. More than $ 1200 went into the poc kets of De nn is Bige lo w. w ho ha s be e n a part of Michigan's AMA District 14 for a very lo ng time . Bige low was se riously injured in a road-bike ge t-oft last spr ing, crushing his spinal cord. Bigelo w was to ld then that he wou ld never walk again, but he wou ldn't hear of that and was at the races on this fine fall da y, standing at the fe nce , wa tching the sport he loves. RESULTS 50 (4.6 ): I. Jacob Williamson (Cob); 2. Bradley Esper (Cob); 3. Jacob Edison (Cob): 4. Bailey Knight (KTM): S. Peyton Molzahn (Cob). SO (7.8 ): I. Michael Wolfe (Co b); 2. David Munger (Co b); 3. Tyler Hitch (Ha n); 4. Logan Vanneste (Hon). 50 JR: I. Jacob Williamson (Co b); 2. Bradley Esper (Co b); 3. Jacob Edison (KTM); 4. Bailey Knight (KTM): S. Tristan Van Wieringe n (Cob). 50 SR: I. Tyle r Hitch (Co b); 2. Austin Dodd (Cob ): 3. JeffJackson (KTM): -t. zachary Hall (KTM); S. Troy Bloun t (Co b). 65 : I. [arert Pescr (KTM): 2. Richar d Gr ey (Kaw): 3. Damian Clarke (KTM); 4. Kyle Teagan (KTM); S. Tyler Carlso n (KTM). 85 (9- 13): I. Brad Kiester (Kaw); 2. James Moore (Suz); l . Eric Senk (Kaw) : 4. Dustin Tamminga (KTM): 5. Daniel Ayott e (KTM). 85 C: I. Ryan Th omas (Suz); 2. Maxwell Ellenberg (Hon) ; 3. Anthony Ridgeway (Suz); -t. Rodney Fleischmann (Suz): S. Chris Williams (Suz). 85 JR: I. Jame s Moore (Suz); 2. Jonathan Stude r (Hon); l . Dougie Moline (Hon); 4. Dustin Tamminga (KTM); 5. Jarett Pesct (KTM). 85 SR: I. Brad Kiester (Kaw); 2. Eric Senk (Kaw); 3. Brian Nelson (Suz). 125 JR: I. Jeff Thompson (Ha n); 2. Michael Williams (Suz); l . Just in Hardy (Suz): 4 . Nathan Neeson (KTM). 125 A: I. Nathan Woodward (Y am); 2. Scotty Thomason (Y am): 3. jamie Powers (Hon); 4. Eric Mill r (Hon). 125 B: I. Matthew Dum e am); 2. Bradley Dick (Hon); 2. Daniel Wamer (Kaw). 125 C: I. Adam Schuman (Y (Y am): l . C ra ig Reckker (Hon); 4. Mark McCarthy (Y am); S. Taylo r Cram bell /O (Y am). 2SD PEN A: I. Bre nt Miller (Hon); 2. Trevo r Gund lach (Han); 3. Thomas Barron (Hen ), 4. Ryan Tow (Hon): S. Ryan White (Suz). 250/0 PEN B: I. Chris Somers (Hon ); 2. William Harrison (Hon); 3. Brad Be njam in (Hon); 4. Daniel Hanse n (Y am): S. Ryan Watson (Y am). 250/0 PEN C: I. Jere my Ehlke (He n): 2. Loren Dockins (Y am): L Randal Simenez (Yam 4. Chr istian Schumake r ); (Hon); 5. Pe ter Hackley (Hen). 16-24: I. Ryan Tow (Hen): 2. Daniel Krick (Ho n); l . Brad Benjamin (Hon). 25 + : I. Jeff Curry (Hon); 2. Chris Luet h (Hon); 3. Scott Treichel (Hon); 4. jeff Plawec ki (Hon); S. TIm Clar k (Hon). 30 + : I. Matth ew Crown (Hon ); 2. Kre g Bigelow (Ho n); 3. Rich Shearing (Hon): 4. Alle n Woo d (Hon); S. Lee Fleischmann (Ha n). 35 + : I. Matth e w Cro wn (Hon) : 2. Lee Fleischmann (Hon): 3. Dan Vanthomme (Y am); 4. Geor ge Kelley (Kaw); S. James McKittrick (Han ). 4 0 + : I. Kreg Bigelow (Hon); 2. Wilfrid Hulton (Hon); l . Robert Lew is (Hon); 4. Jeffrey Bosr (Hon); 5. Gary Sara (Hon). 45 +: I. Michael Price (Yam); 2. Robert lewis (Hon); l . Gary Saya (He n): 4. Jeffrey Best (Hon): S. John Love (Y am). 50 + : I. Kelvin Travis (Y am); 2. Michael Robishaw (Yam l . Paul ); ); Hupcik (Kaw). NON -CU R: I. Robert Schulte (Yam 2. Der ek Alberson (Hon); 3. Allan Donet h (Y arn); 4. Lyle Fleischmann (Hon): S. Michael Robishaw (Kaw). MNY: I. Matt Maximo" (Hon); 2. Thomas Barron (Hon); 3. Jeff Curry (Ho n): 4. Eric Miller (Hon); 5. Chris Lueth (Hon). Th ird -p laced JeH Curry (left) , winner Ma lt MaximoH (center) and runner-up Tommy Ba rron (right) celebrate their Money-earning performances in front of the Red Bull arch at the Dennis Bigelow Benefit Bash he ld a t AMA District 14's Bulldogs' Mo tarcycle Club. AD DRESS _ CITY STATE ZIP • You canalsechange your address online at /addrelsiconlaclas p• beluretoIncludayour newaddrels andoldaddress Inrequell. Circulation Dept. Cycle News , Inc. 3 505·M Cadilla c Avenue Casta MesR, CA 92626 CYCLE NEWS • DECEMBER 8, 2004 65

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