Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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6 Mike Howenlceker Jr. (Ha n); J . Colton Davie (Yam); 4. Blane Maso n (Han) ; S. Kev in Prime au (Yam). 25 0 C: I. Jaso n Potter (Yam); 2. Julio Rios II (KTM). 25 0 0 : I. l uke Echols (Yam): 2. Brando n Sclease (Suz); 3. Reuben Blc (Ha n). Ull e AM: I. Jo seph Villa tico (Kaw); 2. Eric Getz (Ha n); 3. Blane Maso n (Han); 4. Julio Rias II (KTM): S. Kevin Primea u (Yam). YT H: I. Kendall Mason (Ha n); 2. Patr ick Harris (Yam); 1. Matthe w Mc Kin ne y (Ha n) ; 4 . Hun ter Walt er s (Kaw); S. Co lton Davie (Yam). 16-24 : I. jos hua Wo o ds (KTM); 2. Chase Bo rders (Ha n). 25 + A: I. Davey Dupr e! (Ho n); 2. l ee Tatham (Hon ); 3. H ike Hutte nlocker Jr. (Ho n); 4. Stefy Bau (Han ). 30 + A: I. l e e Tatham (Hon); 2. Davey Duprel (Han). 3 5+ A : I. Paul Bryant (Yam). 4 0 + A: I. Robert Joh nson (Hon) . 4 5 + A: I . Ronnie Ray (Hon ); 2. Mike Taylo r (Hon ): 3. Re ube n Bice (Han ). Sunday 4 -ST RK NATL MOTO I: I. Joshua Woods (KTM): 2. Matt Walker (Kaw) ; 3. C had Ward (Ha n) ; 4. Clark St iles (Han) ; 5. Chad Charbonneau (Ha n); 6. Paul D. lamb (Yam): 7. Dash lyle (Ha n); 8. Ch ad Albritt on (KTM); 9 . l ee Tatham (Ha n); 10 . ArIdre Pe ne (Han ): II. Ronnie Ramiscal (Han) ; 12. Jo nath an Wes t (Yam); 13. C hase Bo rde rs (Hon ): 14. Bre nt Brush (Han) ; IS. David E. G ravette (Yam); 16. Zach lawler (Yam); 17. Eric Goe tz (Ho n): 18. Rya n No lan (KTM) ; 19. Shane Mills (Yam); 20. Jaco b Saylor (Y am). 4- STR K NATL MOTO 2: I. Man Walker (Kaw); 2. Josh ua Woods (KTM ); 3. C had Ward (Han); 4. Ch ad C har bo nne au (Ha n); 5. Jaco b SaylOl'" (Y am); 6. Dash l yle (Hon); 7. Cha d Albritto n (KTM): 8. Chase Bo rd e rs (Han); 9. Paul D . lamb (Yam) : 10 . Bre nt Brus h (Ha n); II . Andr e Pene (Ha n); 12. Ro nn ie Ram iscal (Ha n): 13. lee Tatham (Hon); 14. Jonathan West (Y ); 15. am Ryan Nolan (KTM); 16. Zach lawler (Yam); 17. Eric Goe tz (Han): 18 . David E. Gravett e (Yam): 19. Just in Pries (Yam): 20. Clark Stiles (Hon ). 4·STRK N ATL O/A : I. Matt Walker (Kaw) ; 2. Joshua Wood s (KTM); 3. C had Ward (Han) ; 4. Chad C harb on ne au (H en) : 5 . Dash l yle (Ho n) ; 6 . Cha d Albr itto n (KTM); 7. Paul D. lamb (Yam); 8 . Chas e Borders (Hen): 9 . Andr e Pe ne (Ha n); 10 . l ee Tath am (Ho n) ; I I. Ro nnie Ramiscal (Han); 12. Bre nt Brush (Ha n); 13. C lark Stile s (Han) : 14. Jaco b Saylor (Yam); 15. Jo nat h an We st (Han); 16 . Zac h Lawler (Yam); 17. Ryan No lan (KTM): 18 . David E. Gravett e (Yam); 19. Eric Goetz (Hon); 20 . Just in Prie s (Yam). 3 0 + SUP: I . Keit h Gu iden (Ha n) ; 2. Paul Bryan t (Yam); 1. Davy Duprel (Hon ); 4. Bill Matt he ws (Hon ); 5. Jo hn Davidson (Han ). Johnson, Rashke Top OTHG Nationals A fter some a ut umn r a ins . Gle n Hel en /""\churned and 'dozed a smooth Mini National tr ack form ation follow ing the last rou nd of the AMA Pro Nationals, and 240 Ove r The Hill Gang me mb er s fro m four ch ap te rs ca me t o show off the ir skills. In th e O ver 4S Nov ice class , Bob Bla ke decided tha t if the inside gate spot was good eno ugh for Re , then it was goo d e no ugh for him. However, Blake's big 450's wheel spun off the gate , and it was "exit stage right." Murray Ar mst ro ng p ulled t he ho les ho t , w it h Jim Holman carving on the inside of the first turn . Dale Mathe rs, Holman and Armstrong battle d until Blake charged back thro ugh t he pack to capt ure the moto w in. In moto two. Holman kept up the pressure on Mathe rs, who then stalled. Blake and David Blosser passed Holman. Eventually, Chr is Talbot too k t hird. his best mota finish. Blosser was untou chable in motos t hree and fou r, sh o oti ng to hug e le ad s ear ly o n an d holding off challenges from Blake for the ove rall win. Blake edged out Armstrong for second by one point. Pire lli-backed Arnie Davis was in his usual form, nabbing holeshots in three moto s in the Over 38 Intermediate class. Dean Adkins came back from a disappo inting first mot a to win the = working his way th rough the field of Over 38 Expe rts with precision to win moto three . Mota fou r wa s similar to motos one and two , with jo hnso n out in fro nt a nd Rashk e leading his class , be hind Baur. And to t hink Rashke began the year in the Beginner class! RESULTS B EG : I . Kyle Gome z ; 2. Walt va n O ld e n; J. Da vid Zetterlund: 4. Rick Heine. 38 + BEG : I. Kim Kinslow : 2. Jack Goodwin; 1. Dave Stark ey; 4. Randy Hone ycutt . 4 5 + BEG : I. Steve Rongstad; 2. Duane Qu ick; 3. David Dressle r; 4. Rod Wheeler. NOV: I. Andy King; 2. David Zamora : 3. Everett Grossman; 4. Aaron Lunsford . J 8 + NOV: I. Robert MRAN Grand Prix Series Round 4: Groundshakers Me Wray Wins the Over The Hill Gang South Nationols Glen Helen Raceway Park By CHRIS CUMBO SAN BERNARDINO, CA, OCT, 23·24 > ... last two mo t os . Eric Barr p ut t oge t he r a n o utstanding we e ke nd , losing only thos e two mot os to Adkins. Barr comb ined to p-five starts and smoo th, clean riding to take the to p hono rs in the class. W ith grace and style, Kim Kin slow top pe d th e O ver 38 Beginne r class , ahead o f Jac k Go od w in. Dave Sta rk ey reall y improve d on Sunday with two moto wins. In the Expert class, Lance Johnson darted o ut o f th e gate first , bu t at t he e nd o f th e straightaw ay, it was Kon Baur ou t in fro nt of two classes. Over 38 ExperL Michae l Rashke tuc ked in behind Baur; johnson moved into first by the end of the first lap. Rashke cont inued to lead his class, beh ind Baur. Mike Giem caught up to Johnson but couldn't pass. Dan Lawho rn ca ught and passe d Rashke , but Rash ke cam e right back for the mote win. Mota two saw Joh nson ta king the ho les hot aga in. jo hnso n looke d like he was having a blast leading t he pack a ro und t he fast t urn . Baur was in second . Gie m and Ma rk Ste ven passed Baur. Rashke again ke pt pace with Baur for the mo te win. In rnot o t hre e , Rashke cam e o ut o n fire ; coming down the hill, Rashke and anothe r rider w e nt fo r t he sam e sand y berm at th e sam e time, on ly in slightly different directions . Both stalled , but Rashke kept kicking and finally took off. Rashke had already clocked some strong lap t ime s, b ut in t his moto he o utd id him se lf. eall Y Nevada, played host to the fourt h , round of the MRAN Grand Prix Series. Lots of hyp e surrounded th e even t, wit h MRAN re turning to the historic to wn after a five-year abse nce . As this is known to be a very tou gh and rough area , the Grou ndshakers Motorcycle Club designed a physically challenging course aro und the town of Beatty. and that proved to be perfe ct recipe for a great turnout. The st a rt of t he 125 c c Four-Stroke Unlimited (3OOcc and up) and the Four-Stroke lim ite d (0 -300 cc) co nt es t saw motoc ro ss hots hot Monte Montague grab the holeshot and lead the field int o th e de se rt po rt ion o f th e cou rse . On e thing he didn't expect was some de sert racer passing him in a tu rn , but the young gun from the desert sce ne, justin Wray, made a textboo k pass on the mot ocrosser and began to check out on the field. Wray gained 10 secon ds per lap on the field, which helped him e arn his first ove rall in th e Expe rt class an d earned him t op hono rs in t he Fo ur -St roke Unlimited class. Rex Mike scored a hard -fought se co nd ove ra ll and Iirst in t he Fou r-St ro ke Unlimited class. Jesse Canepa battl ed hard all race to finish first in the 12Scc class and earne d a respectable sixth overall. After dom inating t he Fo ur-Stroke class, Wray ret urn ed o n Sun d ay wi t h a ne w bo o st o f co nfide nce to co ntest the Ope n a nd 250 cc Expert and Amateur rac e. Matt Go sn ell reminded the young rider why he's MRAN's top rider, jumping on the holeshot and leaving the field behind. Wray settled in and began his bail ie B Bynoo ; 2. jim Wentz; J . Peter Mayfo rth ; 4. Steve Garlington. 4 5+ NOV: I. David Blo sse r; 2. Bo b Bla ke ; J . Mur ray Armstr ong; "'. C hris Talbot. INT: I. Bernard Daily; 2. Bill Marshall; J. Do n Turne r; 4. Steve Brou ssard. 38 + INT: I. Eric Barr ; 2. Dean Adkins; 3. Dave Fee ney; 4. Rick Tatlow . 4 5+ IN T: I. Rudy Chave z; 2. Ch ris Cu mbo ; 3. Mark Mart in; 4. Mar k Norhauser, EX : I. lance Johnson; 2. Mike Giem; 3. Mark Steven ; 4. David Hasse ll. 38 + EX: I. Michael Rashke; 2. Dan Lawhorn ; J . David Fajardo ; 4. Alan Bum . 45 + EX : I . Dan Ste e le ; 2. Jeff Blix; J. Marty Wes t er man ; 4. David Hasse ll. PRO : I. Mike Hort o n; 2. Jaso n Larso n; 3 . Sven Stillmoc k; "!. Scott Stillmock. 38+ PRO: I . Mike Joh nson ; 2. Ed G uajardo . 45 + PRO: I. Matt Tedd e r; 2. Paul Needles; 3. Danie l Fontes ; 4. Randy Law. SUP: I. Garrett Law; 2. Max Ada ms; 3. Jake Scallan; 1. Dan ie l Me nde . KIDS SUP: I. C hris Barr; 2. Billy l ea; 3. Matt Torres: 4.1vt Flores Jr. with jason Goime rac. Wray and Goimerac past eac h o t he r a total of 12 times before Wra y made the final pass to finish second overall and first 250, with Goimerac hot on his heels to ea m second 250 and third overa ll. "The Groundshakers designed a fun co urse and made it a grea t weekend," said Wray, who add ed that his biggest thrill was earni ng his first overall against such high-quality com petitors. RESUL TS 50 AM: I. Daylo n Reese (KTM): 2. Noah Ayers (KTM); 3. Jake longtime (Hus). SO EX: I. Hunter Tyler (KTM). 60 NOV: I. John Harbauer (Kaw): 2. Bryan Anderson (KTH); 3. Jerem y Sabey (Kaw). 60 AM: I. Ryan Mc Manus (KTM); 2. Pie rce Ho ltfre te r (KTM): J. Eric Thyr (Kaw). 8 0 NOV: I. Mri Silva (Hon): 2. Je ff Thyr (Kaw): 1. Chris Davis (Yam). 80 AM : I. Taylor Benshoo f (Han ); 2. Tallon TaylOl'" (KTM); 3. Ed Kotoc h (Kaw). 80 EX: I. Just in Wallis (KTM); 2. C urtis Bradley (KTM); 3. Zach Watson (Yam). 12 5 NOV: I. De nis Farr is (Yam): 2. Jeremy Jo nes (KTM): 3. Kipp Syme (Yam). 125 AM: I. Adam Kusak (KTM); 2. Bre ndan Turnage (Yam); 1. Danny C hurch (Sll%). 125 EX: I. Jesse Canepa (Kaw); 2. l evi Jo ne s (KTM): 1. Bryan Martin (Yam). 25 0 N O V: I. James Smith (KTM); 2. Sean McDaniel (Suz); J. Tony Korkow (Yam). 250 AM : I. Wesley W hipple (KTM). 2 50 EX : I. Justin Wray (Yam); 2. Jaso n Goimerac (Kaw); 1. Zac h Gosnell (Yam). 4·S T RK LTD 0-300 NOV: I. Cale Lamoreux (Yam). 4 ·STRK L TD O-JOO AM: I. Michae l Cornelison (Yam): 2. Jacob Bowman (Yam). 4·STRK LTD O-J OO EX : I. Just in Wray (Yam); 2. Mo nte Montague (Yam); 3. Je rry Parso ns ( Ka w ) . 4 -ST RK U / L 30 0 + NOV: I. Matthew Bo yd (Ha n) ; 2. W illie Ryan (Yam); 3. Scott Kichline (KTM). 4· STR K U/L 300 + A M: I. Kirk Strong (Hon ); 2. Isaiah Del fs (Yam). 4·STRK Ull ] 00 + EX: I. Rex Mike (Yam); 2. Jason Jacobso n (Yam); 3. Sam Jones (Yam). OPEN NOV: I. Willie Ryan (Yam): 2. Sun Jone s (KTM): 3. Roger Ostendoff (Ho n). OPE N AM : I . Adam Kusak (KT M): 2. Raymond Heil ig (Kaw): 3. Jame s Oleson (Kaw). OPEN EX: I. M, Gosnell m (KTM): 2. Scott Wilson (Y am): 1. Je rry Parsons (Kaw). W MN NOV: I. Krista O' Hara (KTM); 2. Caroline Santoro (Han ): 3. Sara Nie lson (Yam). ] 0+ NOV: I. Mike Fow ler (KTH): 2. RK:hard Loveie n (Ha n). J O+ AM : I. Russell Jo hnson (Yam). 30 + EX: L l o nnie Wh ite (Suz); 2. Todd Abratowski (Yam); J. Todd Gou ld (Suz). 35 + NOV: I. Stan Jone s (KTM); 2. To ny Markow (Yam). 35 + AM : I. Joh n Sabey (KTM); 2. Dav id Mart in (Yam) ; 3. Jo e DuB uc (Yam) . 35 + EX : I. William O 'Hara (KTM); 2. Curtis Moon (Hon) . 40 + NO V: I. Jerry Ely (Han): 2. Craig Hui (Yam). 40 + AM: I. Dave Wolf (Suz); 2. Warren Mitchell (Yam); 1. Gary Scriven (KTM). 40 + EX: I. Cory Ayers (He n): 2. Marc McManus (KTM); 1. Dea n Bake r (Ha n). 4 5 + NOV: I. Gr eg Bo yd (Ha n); 2. James Smith (KTM); 3. Duncan Campbell (Hus). 45 + AM: I. Jo hn Stro ng (Kaw); 2. Kevin Parsons (Yam); 3. W illiam McDaniel (Suz). 4 5 + EX: I. Gle nn Warre n (Hon ): 2. Brett Marshall (Kaw). Parts Unlim ited U.S. Dealers Challenge 3 Palms Ex lreme Sporls Park Locke and Loadl By Doc Mmoy CONROE, TX, OCT. 23·24 T Lance Johnson (4B5) leads the Experts en route to the overall class win at the Over The Hill Gang South Nationals at Glen Helen Raceway Park. he se cond ann ual Parts Un limit ed U.S. Dealers Challenge we nt down on Octo be r 23 and 24 at 3 Palms Extre me Spo rts Park in Conroe, Texas, with Mother Natu re once again threaten ing to ste al the show. Howeve r, unlike last year 's inaugural event, th e light rains did little to dampen the enthusiasm of the ride rs and spe ctato rs, as mor e than 570 riders lined th e gate s for th e two-d ay e ve nt . Thi s yea r produced a new team winner, as jM Racing to ok the ove rall De ale rs championship troph y over se co nd -p laced K's Motorspo rts a nd thir d - placed Highlands Kawasak i, w hose te am was led by 2S0cc Expert champion Rob ert Locke Jr. James "The O utlaw " Marshall had tr ouble in th e first 250 c c Expert mo ta aboard his K's YZF450, finishing a disappo inting fifth, behind a su rpr ising Aust in Squir es in first , Lo c ke in second, HHR's Adam Chatfield in th ird, and K's Mot or sports' Kyle Williams in fourt h. Mar shall got things togeth e r in the second mota and won going way. However, ea rly in the moto he had Locke and Williams pushing him every lap until the last one , when he finally pulled away for the mota win. Loc ke, who nee ded only a top-three finish to take the overall, led the first part of the mot e . foll o w e d close ly by Mar s hall a nd a CYCLE NEWS . DECEMBER 8, 2004 61