Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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CMC Trans -Cal Nationals Finals Day 2 : E S t r eet Track A Demonstrative Davis Dominates Decisively! By JOHN BETHEA MARYSVILLE, CA, OCT. 24 otocro ss teacher Scott Davis decided to M give a demons tration of how t o win decisively, sweeping to three Pro -event wi ns on the final da y of raci ng o f t he C MC Tr a ns- C a l National Finals at Marysville 's E St re e t riverbottom facility. Th e 26 -year-old Davis of Uncoin , Californ ia, rode his SD MXI O ' N e il1 Maxxis-backed Kawasaki to easy 12Scc and 250cc Pro sweeps, showing why he is currently o ne o f th e area's leading professio nals. Me anw hile , 48 -year -old Dan iel Turner of Sacramento. California, showed why he was one of the area's best 30 years ago by topp ing both the Over 30 and Over 40 Maste rs classes for the second day in a row . With coveted Trans-Cal Series championships being decided , most o f the lead ing finishers from Saturday's rain-soaked ro und enjoyed sunny and clear conditions on Sunday, and in mos t cases , rain or shine, talent rose to the to p. Denied a triple win on Saturday, Austi n Howell powered his FIy IRenthaljScott/B amettbacked Suzuki to three class wins , topping the BOcc (12-1 3), 80cc O pe n and BOcc Supermini ranks . Denied on Sunday was Saturday 's tr iple winner, Kyle Tigert , who d id re peat his 60 cc (9- 1 I) and 80cc (7- I I) victories , but fellow Vacaville re siden t and fellow Fairfie ld Cy cle Suzuki rider Anth ony Parks sque ezed out the o ve ra ll in the 60cc Ope n co nt e s t to end Tige rt's streak. Repeat ing as a w inne r was V-Forcel661 lNo ToiljGaernelSm ith-backed Suzuki rider Nat han Wh itfow, in the 125cc Intermediate ra nks. but the star of Saturday 's Schoo lboy class w as beset with pro blem s in Sunday's finale and had to bow to 125cc Junior-class winner and fellow O rego nian Erik Meusling, who finished seco nd in eac h mo to . A cra sh t hat left him fo urt h in the first moto wa s th e de c idin g fac tor for Wh itlo w. Me us ling w as mo re th an ha ppy to third ove rall. C had Benesh staye d co nsiste nt on the day w ith a 2-2 ta lly but co uldn't match Pixley's speed. The do ughboy, Brad Bern ier, took his ProAct ion Yamaha straight to the fron t of the pack in the seco nd moto for the overall w in in the 2S0cc Op en class. RESULTS so OI L-IN) ST K: I. Ty Smith (Yam); 2. Wesley langford (Yam); 3. Mason Davis (Yam): 4. Zacha ry Martin (Yam); S. Dawson Cantu (Yam 50 STK (4- 6): I. Christopher Salter ). (Lem): 2. Austin Winslow (KTM): l . Co le Campbell (KTM); -4. Alec Lapel (Co b); 5. Grayson Graham (KTM). 50 STK (7-8): I. c.J. Greaves (Co b); 2. Joh nny Mo rris (KTM); l . Corey Balko (KTM); 4. Bod ie Co lange lo (KT M): 5. Noah Woods (Co b). 65 (7- 9) : I. Nathan W irth (KTM): 2. Jett Johnson (KTM); 3. Clifford Sanders (KTM): 4. Cameron Town (KTM): 5. Kevin Stee le (KTM). 65 ( 10-1 1): I. Kyle Goer ke (Suz); 2. Marcus N ilse n (Yam): l . Kory Keylon (KTM): -4 . Cody Gitzen (KTM); 5. Jona than Parke r (KTM). 8 5 (7 . 11): I. Michael Clarke (Ho n): 2. Kyle Goerke (SUl ): l . Just in Starling (Suz): -4. Justin Hall (Han); S. Malcolm Stewart (Kaw). 85 (1 2.1]): I. Cody Cleveland (Suz): 2. SUIlflY Dra ke (Kaw); 3. Nick y Drcvra (Suz): 4 . Co dy Joh nso n (Kaw): 5. Robby Renne r (Yam). 8 5 ( 14- 15) : I. Josh Talmadge (Hon); 2. Dalto n Yingling (Ho n); 3. Br e nda n Wh ite (Suz) ; -4 . Alvin Lope z (5uz): 5. Mark Flanders (Suz). 85 JR MINI (9- 1] ): I. Malcolm Stewart (Kaw) : 2. Tyle r Moore (Kaw) ; l . Justin Starling (SLa); -4 . Hunter Unk (Yam); 5. Michael Clarke (Hon). S/MINI IDS ( 12-15 ): I. Shawn Weec h (SUI); 2. Cody Cleveland (Suz): J. Josh Talmadge (Ha n): 4. Je sse Freeman (Suz); S. Sunny Drake (Kaw). 125 YTH (12 ·15): I. Kyle Tobin (S uz): 2. Jonathon Camp {Kaw] : 3. Kyle Keylon (Hen ): -4 . Ric ky Renner (Yam) ; 5. Chris Belcher (Hon ). 125 A: I. grve his Y oshimura sponsors a victory. Perhaps the day 's finest race was betw ee n Trevor Meag her and [e rrad Fishe r in the first O ver 25 Pro m oto . Trailin g Davis' runaway p e r formanc e , the pa ir see me d ho o ke d toge the r by the pro ve rbial bungee co rd all the way to t he final turn - w hich is w he re t hey co llided and bo th went down . Meagher pushed his KX acr oss the line fo r se cond, and , after re mo unting slow ly, Fishe r rode in third. After winning the first BOcc Beginne r mo to , Travis Rosar io of Highland , California , had to fight his way back in the sec o nd sta nza. When he passed Vacaville 's Dere k C lark in the final tum of the sec on d mota to take thir d, that still left him tied for the overall w in w ith Saturday's ace , Brian Marion . who again got the bigge st trophy aboa rd his Roseville Yamaha. Wo rst luc k o f th e weeken d w a s t hat o f Santa Barbara's Garrett MacDona ld, who we nt down in th e firs t tu r n in the 250cc Junio r co ntest, hidden from view of the starte r, who moments late r sent the second wave of 2SOcc Beginne rs off the line . MacDonald was hit and sustai ne d seve ral bro ke n ribs and had to be t rans porte d t o t he ho sp ital wit h possibl e inte rnal injuries . Yamaha rider De re k Arc huleta went on to win bo th Junio r races. eN E STREET TRAC K MARYSVILLE CALI FORNIA , RESULTS: OCTOBER 24, 2004 ( D AY 2) 50 BEG : I . Coll in Wh it ne y (KT M); 2. Layne Cole (Lem); 3. Marcus Nims (Po l); 4. c.J. Trend (KTM); 5. Nolan Mcintosh (Lem). 50 (7 . 8): I. Kinser End icott (Lern); 2. Josh Tic kno r (KTM); J . Cody Sloa n (Cob) ; 4 . Tyler Burg ess (Cob) ; 5. Tate He nde rs o n (Lem) . 60 BEG : I . Sha ne Mcintosh (KTM); 2. Blake Cieg (Kaw); 3. Calvin Peterson (Suz) ; -4. Austin Lee (Suz); 5. Anthony Gamino (KTM). 60 (0-8): I. Kinser Endico tt (KTM): 2. Cody Sloan (Co b): 3. luke PasteD (Kaw) ; .of. Josh Ticknor (KTM): 5. Tyler Burges s (Kaw). 60 (9·11 ): I. Kyle Tigert (KTM); 2. Skylar Gar d a (KTM); l . Ant ho ny Parks (Suz): 4 . Kelsie Lywa nd ow sky (ICTM): S. Dajrcn Zahrt (Soz ). 60 O PEN: I. Anthony PMiu (SLa); 2. K Tigert (KTM); 3. Skylar Garda (KTM); 4. Caleb yle Trace (Kaw). 8 0 BEG : I . Brian Mar ion (Y ; 2. Travis am) Rosario (KT M); l . Tylyn Saucer (KTM); 4 . Jer ry Burne y (Kaw): S. Jason Becke r (KTM). 8 0 (7- 1 1): I. Kyle Tige rt (Suz); 2. Antho ny Parks(Suz); 3. Skybr Garcia.(Suz); 4. Luke Pastel! (Kaw). 8 0 (12.1] ): I . Austin Ho we ll (Su z) ; 2. Thom as Else a Jr. (Ho n); l . Rob e rt Dugga n Jr. (Yam): 4. Shaun Skinner (Suz); 2. Ryan Davis (Kaw ); l . Tim Bishop (Yam): 4. Robert Brady (Yam). 125 B: I. Matt Bon i (Kaw); 2. Jonathon Camp (Kaw): l . Kyle Keylon (Ha n); 4. Kyle Tobin (SUI ). 125 C: I. Chris Pixley (Kaw): 2. Chas Benesh (Y am); 3. Jimmy Page (Suz): 4. Scott Garr itson (SUI ); S. Jon Boydston (Yam). 125 PRO : I. Shaun Skinner (Suz); 2. Michael Steveson (Hen) ; 3. Ryan Davis (Kaw): 4. Francrs Lumpkins (Yam); 5. Tim Bishop (Yam). 125 OPEN (N O A RIDERS ): I. Kyle Tobin (Suz); 2. Roger W illiams (yam); L Cameron Doyle (Yam) : 4. Cate Flage (Yam); S. Je re miah Brighto n (Yam). 250/500 A: I. Shaun Skinner (Suz); 2. Ryan Davis (Kaw); 3. Dale Kump (Yam); 4. Bill Brighton (Y am); S. Andrei Boloni (Suz). 250 /500 B: I. Man Boni (Kaw): 2. Dean Dyess (Suz); l . Waylon Maloy (Yam); -4 . Forrest Smith (Yam); S. Nick Depalo (So2). 250/500 C: I. Billy Nelson (Y am); 2. Stephen Uppe r (Yam l . Justin Williams (Kaw); -4 . Cody Neff (Yam):S. ): William Rineho ld (SUI). 250/ 50 0 PRO: I. Shaun Skinne r (Suz); 2. Dale Kump (Yam); 3. Ryan Davis (Kaw); 4. MichaeJ Steveson (Hon); 5. Jarrett TIpping (Suz). 250 OPEN (NO A RIDERS): t. Bradley Bemier (Yam): 2. Trey Ridgeway (Yam); l . Billy Nelson (Yam): -4. Matthew Anton io (Yam); 5. Barrett Smith (Yam). 4- ST RK: I. Kyle Tobin (Suz); 2. Dale Kump (Yam): l . Co le Stud still (Yam); -4 . Paul Pereb ijnos (Yam); S. Tyler Tiffa ny (Ya m) . WMN : I . Kirsten Banka (Kaw ): 2. Cassandra Hale (Y am) : 3. Alyssa Roscoe (Ho n); 4. Haile y Reichert (Yam 16- 24: I. Matt Bani (Kaw); 2. [esse Richards ). (Kaw); 3. Waylon Maloy (Y am): 4. Bill Bright o n (Yam): 5. Michael Schwartz (Yam). 25 + : I. Jarrett Tipping (Suz); 2. Ronn ie Renner (KTM); l . Keith Oelerich (Yam); 4 . Shaw Dunkle (Suz): S. Jason Baker (Yam ]0 + : I. Keith OeIe rich ). (yam); 2. Steve Dumond (SUI): l . Ronald Mensforth (Hon); -4 Robert Po pe (Han) : 5. Billy Burns (Yam) . ] 5 + : 1. Jo h n Greaves (Ho n): 2. Keith Oelerich (Yam): l . Steve Dumo nd (Suz); 4. Ronald Mendo rth (Han); 5. Jo hnny Ross (Ho n). 40+ : I. Mike Me zie (Hen ): 2. Joh nny Ro ss (Hon ); 3. Mike Badalament i (Ho n): -4 . Rodney Joe ll [Kaw]: S. Steve Rejda (Yam) 45+ : I. Mark Thomas(Yam); 2. Steve Rejda (Y . am); l . Tim Ealy (Yam -4 . Mike Caiazza (Hon ): 5. Pete Zarcone (Suz) ): PHOTOS BY JOHN BETHEA Raben Nom (Yam); 5. Steven Filter (Hon). 80 ( 14-16) : I. Ryan Rowell (Ya m); 2 . Colby Kintz (Su z); 3. Jimmy De Alba (Ho n); 4 . Stefan Waters (Han); S. Co nlen Ha rd ing (Y am). 80 OPEN: I. Austin Howe ll (Suz); 2. Thom as Elsea Jr. (Hon): 3. Robert Nc tn (Y am) ; 4. Jimmy De Alba (Ha n): 5. Ste ven Filte r (Hen). 8 0 SlMIN1: I. Austin Howell (5uz): 2. Colby Kintz (5 uz) ; 3 . Robert Noftz (Y am); 4. Bryals Coon (Ho n). 125 SCHBY: I. Erik Meusling (Suz): 2. Nath an Whirlow (Suz); 3. J.T Salo (Ho n) ; 4. Adam Ylinen (Ho n) ; 5. Nich ol as Sw artzend rube r (Kaw) . 115 BEG: I. James Olinger (Kaw); 2. Shane Be nso n (Ho n) ; 3 . Kris McBride (Ho n); -4 . Mike Robinso n (Yam); 5. Alex FOl'" ristall (Han) . 125 JR: I. Erik Me usling (Suz); 2. Kody Hunderman (Yam) 1. Dustin Wilde r ; (Yam): 4. Miles Hanse n (Ho n); S. N ic k Bise l (Yam) . 125 IN T: I . Nat ha n W hi t low (Suz) ; 2. Kir k Ridgle y (Yam): 3. Weston Arthurs (Hon); 4. Chad Anderson (Hon); 5. Steven He mbree (Yam). 125 PRO : I . Scott Dav is [Kaw) : 2. Je rra d Fishe r (Kaw) : l . De vin Wat so n (Yam): 4. Jame s Spa r hawk (Ho n). 250 BEG : I . Pr e st on Fr a n klin (Yam) 2. Danie l Higare da (Yam): l . ; Kenny Wolco n (Hon) ; -4 Pat Scott . (Suz 5. Bryan Marshall (Kaw). 250 ); JR: I . De re k Arch uleta (Yam) ; 2. Erik Meusling (Suz): 3. Tyler Rainer (Hon): 4. Miles Hansen (Hon): 5. Ro bb ie N ar ra m or e ( Ho n) . 25 0 IN T: I. Chad Anderson (Hon) : 2. Randy Pekare k (y",,). 2 S0 PRO : I. Sco tt Da vis ( Ka w ); 2 . Trevor Me agh e r (Kaw) ; 3. Jerrad Fisher (Kaw). 50 0 AM: I . Miles Hanse n (Hon); 2. Jon Hall (Hon ). 4-S TRK: I. Weston Arthurs (Hon) ; 2. Steve n Hemb ree (Yam); l . luke Campbell (Hon). W MN : I. Je ny Ar t h urs ( Ha n); 2. Krystie Ma y (Yam) ; l . Kel sie Ly w a nd o w sky (Ka w); 4 . Stephanie Bake r (Yam); S. [ane ssa Labooyer (Hon). BTH ( 11.24), I. Pres t o n Fra nklin (Yam): 2. Tyler Rainer (Ho n); 3. Ryan Mason (Hon) . 25 + AM : I. Kirk Ridg'ey (Yam); 2. Da llas Smith ( Hon) ; 3. Je ff H a ll Nathan Whitlow (511) leads Erik Meusling (536) in (Hon): 4. Mike Ryer (Yam): 5. James the Schoolboy class in Marysville, California. G ra st y (Hon) . 25 + MST R: I . Da vid Za hrt (Kaw) : 2. Jon Zahrt (Kaw): 3. Dam ien Littre ll (Yam) . loren Turner (Hon) . ]0 + MSTR: I. Daniel Tumer (Yam): 25 + PRO: I. Scott Davis (Kaw); 2. Trevor Meaghe r (Kaw); 2. Jo n Zahrt (Kaw): 3. David Zahrt (Kaw} 40 + AM : I. . J. Jernd Fisher (Kaw). ] 0 + BEG: I. Gary Joh nson (KTM): 2. Kevin Hunderm an (Yam); 3. Mat Alme ndariz (Hon); 04 . Steve Palfy (Hon); 2. Gary Maho ney (Ho n): l . Don Pastel! Gerardo Cuevas (Yam); S. Jon De Rocc (Hen) . ] 0 + JR: I. (Yam): 04 . Kevin McBride (Hon ); 5. Jim Moe (Hon ). 40 + Chuck Penny (Y am); 2. lim Moe (Hon); l . Dan Jones (Kaw): MST R: I . Daniel Turne r (Yam): 2. Jim De Alba (Han): ] . 04 . Jere my Grasty (Yam); 5. Jeff Je nsen (Hon) . ]0 + INT: I. David Zahrt (Kaw); 4. Jon Zahrt (Kaw): 5. Bill Rubly (Hen) . South Fork Appreciation Weekend Day 2: So ut h Fo rk Dir' Rider s Bowman Hits l~j!!i!a~II'S-E=, TAYLORVILLE, IL, OCT. 17 T he seco nd day of the Sou th Fork D irt Ride rs Ap preciatio n Weekend was a day or fun and games, w it h a whole t rai ler loa d o f pr izes give n away, incl ud ing many items from all the local sho ps, a half-dozen BMX btkes a nd ev en th e tra ile r itself! Als o , So uth Fo rk awa r ded Mary Kay p r iz e s to every woman present . T he re was ev en a " Ho me co ming King" on ha nd : 2S0cc B rider Justin Pinckard . (A lot of peop le had fun w ith th at.) At inte r m iss ion , everyo ne wa it ed w it h bai ted br ea t h as nam es were d rawn fo r th e many prizes , s uc h as new Thor co at s - bu t everyone wan te d th at trailer! Finally, Leroy Harris announced the winner, and Sou th Fo rk v Ronnie Renner made a rare motocross appearance at round five of the Engine Ice Florido Gold Cup Series. www.cyclenews .com CYCLE NEWS • DECEMBER 8, 2004 4S