Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 12 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m 5 I 0.. Co rey Poulsell had a great day at Log Road MX's fina l race of the season, w inni ng the secand mota a nd the averall in Ca lle g e b a y a ction. also, Peyton had his hands full, as Ron Smith was trying to get out front after a poor start. Moto two saw Fishe r get anothe r holeshot and run away with the win. Smith gated better a nd c hase d Fishe r all moto lon g t o finis h second. Peyton rounded out the top th ree , and everyone' s seco nd-mote finishes also matched their overa ll results. RESUL TS 50 (4-6) : I. Ashton Hayes (C o b); 2. Mitc hell Harrison (C ob ); J. Zachary Deniso n (Cob): 4 . Byro n Prisock (Han ); 5. Logan Juday (KTM). 50 (7 -8) : I. Cody Madsen (KTM): 2. Brock Ste llne r (C o b ); 3. De sir e e Betts (KT M): 4 . Jorey Lambright (KTM); 5. Cora vrsger (KTM). 50 JR: I. Ashton Hayes (KT M); 2. Mck inz ie Ed w ar d s (KT M); 3 . Tre nt o n Upshaw (Pol): 4. Christophe r Kruger (KTM); 5. Broc Wright (C o b) . 50 SR : I . Set h Ha rn ishfeger (KTM ); 2 . Jar r e d W illiams (KT M); 3. Mitc h Ostafm (C o b) ; 4 . Jo e y Paug h (KTM); S. Michael Manga (Po l). 65: I. Nicholas Velie (KTM): 2 . Tyler Fr e se (Kaw ): 3 . Kyle Frese (Kaw) ; 4 . Se th Ham ishfeger (KTM); 5. Jarred Williams (KTM). 8S (9-13) : I. Kyle Regal (Yam): 2. Billy Larsen (Suz); 3. Adam H icks (Hon); 4. Cameron Martinez (Suz); 5. Kenne th Bass (KTM). 85 C: I. Tyler Grossheim (Yam); 2. Lucas Brumm (Yam); 3. Cody Payne (Suz); 4. Ryan Worchuck (Kaw); 5. Jaco b Epling (Suz). 8S Jft: I. Kenneth Bass (KTM): 2. And rew Bro ssia (Kaw); 3. Kyle Stra ube (Su z); 4. Br ia n G ibb s (Su z ); S. Zachary McC art hy (Kaw). 85 SR: I. Kyle Re ga l (Yam); 2. Adam Ho tchkiss (KTM); 3. Billy Larsen (Suz); 4. jerem iah Stewart (Yam); S. Alasdian Stewart (Ha n). 12 5 JR: I. Phillip Harris (H a n); 2. Gregory D uri vag e (Han) ; 3. Adam Beh ri nger (Ho n); 4. Daniel Black (Yam); S. Jesse Marshall (Y ). 125 am A : I . Phillip Harris (Ha n); 2. Kyle Kohler (Hon) . 125 B: I . Gregory Du r ivage (Hon) ; 2. Jo sh Rad i (Ya m ); 3 . Adam Beh ringe r (Ha n); 4 . Daniel Blac k (Yam): S. Jo sh Baldw in (Ho n). 12 5 C : I . C harles Blo o me r (Kaw ); 2 . Brad He ss (Yam); 3. Ro ry Short (Yam ); 4 . Franklin Smith (Yam); S. Corree Baughan (Suz). 2S0/0PEN 8 : I. Josh Radi (Yam); 2. Nickolas Boley (Suz); 3. Josh Baldw in (Ha n). lSD/O PEN C: 1. Thom as Castle (Yam); 2. Don Patterson (Hon); 3. Franklin Smith (Yam); 4 . Tho mas Taylo r (Han); 5. David Spaw (Han ). 16-14: I. Co rey Paulsell (He n): 2. Anthony Do ble (Ha n); 3. D e re k Sigler (Ya m); 4 . Ryan Me r e d it h (Yam) ; 5 . D avid Schamberger (Ho n). 25 + : I. Jaso n Ernsberge r (Ha n); 2. Chad Leonard (Yam). 30 + : I. Jason Fletche r (Han ); 2. Jim Brown (Han ); 3. Douglas Ferg uson (Yam);.of Dam ian Swigert . (H a n); S. Matt hew W. Kiser (H o n). 35 + : l . Jim Bro w n (Ha n): 2. Scott Currie (Ho n); 3. Matt he w Kiser (Han); 4 . Ron Smith (Hon) ; 5. James Smith Jr. (Ha n). 40 + : I. Shay Fisher (Hon) ; 2. Ron Smith (Ho n); 3. Philip Peyton (He n): 4. Jam es Binde r (Hen ): S. Scott Stewart (Hon ). 4 5 +: I. Scott Currie (Hon) ; 2. Philip Peyton (He n): J . Jame s Binder (Ho n); 4. Billy Wedemeyer (Yam). 50 + : I. Larry Stewart (Ha n). N ONCU R: I. Lane Brum m (Suz). lead in the final 12Scc Amateu r moto, followed by R.J, Reynolds, Che ney and Stanto n. Just after the start of the secon d lap. the top five running order changed to Wallace , Reynolds, Stanton, Zabro wski and Che ney. Wallace quickly pulled away from the rest of the fro nt-run ner s and had a very re spectable le ad 0 f six se co nds by th e start of lap fou r. Zabrow ski closed the gap on Stanto n on lap four, but it took Za browsk i at least tw o pass attempts before he finally got by Stan to n for good, Sta nto n was relegated to fou rt h. Za b rowsk i th e n set hi s sights o n Reynolds and got within a couple of bikelengths o n lap five bu t bobbled a nd fell bac k again, Wallace took t he c he ckered flag w it h a 10seco nd a dvan tage . Re ynold s , Zabro wski, Che ney and Stanton rou nded out the top five. Wallace top ped t he pod ium with a pe rfect I- I tally. Stanton's 3-5 score was good enough for runner-up. and Zabrowski ro unded out the podium with a 6-3 tally, Wa llace was almost as co nsistent in t he Collegeboy division, where his 2-2 tally netted him second overa ll. RESULTS so P!W: I. Tyler Col achino (KT M); 2. Sco tt Stodwnas (KTM); J. Dea nna Hicks (KTM); 4. Cody Troast (Kaw). 50 (4-6): I . Schae Tho mas (KTM); 2. John Shea ffer III (KTM); 3. Sea n Knoll (KTM); 4. Linco ln Bro o kens (KTM); 5. D e nnis Wilson (KTM). 50 (7-8): I. Bet hany RuM (Co b); 2. Kayla Boo rom (KTM); 3. Dan ny Colachino (KTM). 6 5 (7 -9) : I. A.J. Krueger (Suz); 2. Kevin Hicks Jr. (Kew ): 3. Be thany Ruhf (Suz); 4. Kayla Boo ro m (KTM); S. Lu ke Palo nkola (!

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