Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 12 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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wh ile Yorks ( 2- 2) had to se tt le fo r a disappo inting second place finish. jeff Reed (4-3) ~ took th ird, Dustin Lafave (3-4) finished fo urth , Q and Dustin Martin (6-5) took fifth. ~ T he Women 's class was d om ina t ed by ~ fo rme r top W MA co mpe titor Traci Fleming, iii w ho showed that she hasn't lost muc h spe ed, ~ going unconte sted to a I-I ta lly and the win. 0... Desp ite some early signs of be ing able to hang w ith Fle ming , Sha nno n Cotter and Sampth r Petr ich fell off Fleming's pace . Cotter (2-2) too k second , and Petrich (4-3) finished third . One of the younge r riders o ut there, Sierra Bragg, held he r own against riders three times he r age to take fo urth with a 3-4 score. Rounding out the top five was Honda CRF250X pilo t Krist ine Wright (5-5). Wood land veteran and former Mini star Tyter Fick showed up afte r a fo ur-month break from racing and dusted off the cobwebs quite well, destroying the competit ion in both motos of the Rob Locke Jr. was the man in the Expert classes, taking second overall in 250cc Expert class. Finishing secon d was David the 12Scc cla ss and fir st overall in the 2S0cc class at the second annual L1apitan (5-2), as the O ve r 30 rider put o n an Parts Unlim ited U.S. Dealers Cha lle nge at 3 Palms Ex tre me Sports Park. inspiring ride against some of the younger riders. T hird wen t t o Lafave (4-3), an d after a Jo hn Murp hy (Cob) ; 5. Dalto n Vrana (KTM). 5 1 (7 . 8) : I. determined Williams. N ear th e end o f the long Andrew Pierce (KTM): 2. Co nne r Pearson (KTM): r. Austin disco uraging fall in the second moto, Zach Fl ming e moto, Wi lliams went (or a pass to take second Andrews (Cob); -4 . Bre n nan Be c kett ( KT M); 5. Austin (2-6) finished fourth overall. Martin squeaked into when Marshall suddenly found another gear and Zvnora (KTM). 65 (7- 9) : I. Caleb Dow ell (Kaw); 2. Bea u the top fivewith 6-5 moto scores for fifth. Baldw in (Kaw) ; I . Ezra Angelle (KTM); 4. Bryce Doz ier zoomed past the leader. Locke . Williams also W ~ II: got past Loc ke but then fell on th e penulti mate lap, losing valuable time to Marshall. Going into the hole shot corner on the last lap , Locke slowed u p , allowing his b udd y Williams to slide by on the inside, kno w ing that William s was still in pursui t of the fr o nt -runn ing Marshall. Howeve r, by that time , The Ou tlaw had checked out. Marshall cruised to an eas y second-moto w in fo r t hird overall. Locke was sat isfied with th ird , knowing th at t he ove rall was in the bag. It was a sweet victory for Locke , who o nly rece ntly returned to racing after a short layo ff, Locke won a moto at this race a year ago but had tro uble in the first mo to and lost that champ ionship. This year, the Highlands nat ive made sure that he went home with the big one: the overall 250cc Expert win. "Kyle is a de ar frie nd o f mine, and I was tiring a bit, and I knew that I had the overall in the bag and Kyle w as still tryi ng hard , so I figured w hy get in his way and spoil th ings for him?" Locke ex plained. Second gave Williams fou rt h overal l. The win sho wed the local fans that Loc ke is back o n top, and judging by t he roa r of the crowd as he went by, there are a lot of people happy to see Mr. Loc ke back w here he be longs. RESULTS SO OP EN EXH IB: I. Andrew Pierc e (KTH): 2. Conner Pearson (KTM); l . Bre nnan Becken (KTN): 4. Austin Drive r (Pol): 5. Hunte r Hdtcn (Cob) . 5 I (4·6): I. Paytoo Turbyfill (Cob): 2. Hunte r Hilton (Cob ): l . Kanlyn Morr ow (KTM); 4. (Kaw ); 5. Ashton Thie lke (Kaw ). 65 ( 10 - 1 1) : I. Beau Hudso n (Kaw): 2. Klay Ste phe nso n (KTM): l . Kevin Rrcs (KTM); 4. Richie Manke (Kaw): 5. Brian McAdam (Kaw). 65 OP EN: I. Beau Hudson (Kaw); 2. KlayStephenson (KTM); l . Be au Bald w in (Kaw); 4. Caleb Do w e ll (Kaw): 5. Rich ie Matz ke (Kaw) . 8 5 0 : I . Allen Meador (Kaw ): 2. Ryan We ichel (Yam); l . Joseph Hae nelt (Suz); 4. Dustin Te ske (Yam): 5. Yancy Y ork (Y am) . 8 5 (7.1 1): I. Ryan Ep pe rs (Ha n); 2. Dillo n Van Way (KTM); l . Brandt Medlin (Kaw); 4. Bryce Doz ie r (Suz); S. Cameron Snedeker (Kaw). 8 5 ( 11 .1 3 ): L Blake Wharton (Suz); 2. Cha.z Ho lladay (Yam): l . Chase Spears (Suz); 4. Estefan Du Plessis (Y am); 5. Rodolfo Fernandez (Yam). 85 ( 14- 16) : I. Tyler Wharton (Suz): 2. Richard Wh ite ( Ka w) ; l . Todd Amos (Yam) ; 4 . Taylo r Deche rd (Suz); S. Nick Kalinoski (KTM). 4-ST RK MINI : I. Daymond Mayhall (Hon ): 2. Tyler Schovajsa (Hon ); 3. Zach Parrott (Ha n): 4. Rease Kin (Ha n): S. Phillip Pett y (Yam). g SlMIN I: I. Blake Wharton (Suz); 2. Chaz Ho lladay (Y am); l . Ronnie Goo dwin (Kaw); 4. Chase Spears (Suz); S. Je re my Domingue (Hon) . 125 0 : I. Jacob Ke ith (Yam): 2. Michael Cook (Suz): J . Justin W illiams (Ha n); 4. Casey Bruce (Yam): 5. Jonathan Mikus (Hon). 15 0 0 : I. Michael Curtis (Kaw); 2. Michae l McDan ie l (Ha n); l . Kyl Redmond (Ha n); 4. Sean e Brimberry (Yam): S. Ronald Helm (Hon ). 4-STR K OP EN: I. Se an Hackle y Jr. (Kaw); 2. Austin Mille r (Ha n); l . Du st in Manuel (Kaw): 4. Colt Ste phen s (Yam); S. Max Swain (Yam). WM N OPEN : I. Lind u y Mye rs (Suz) ; 2. Eliza bet h McFarland (Kaw): 3. Angela Keith (Yam); 4. Akxah Pears on (Yam): S. Dan ica Metz (Suz). SC HBY: I. Sean Hackley Jr. (Kaw ); 2. Ro nny Jac kso n (He n): l . H. McMillan (Suz) ; 4. Steven Ball (Kaw): S. Cody Stark (Kaw). 25 + A: I. Austin Squires (Kaw): 2. Todd Dow ns (Kaw); l . Jimbo Monon (Suz); 4. Ch ris Mar e k (Yam); 5. Mike Bolive r (Yam). 15 + B: I. Keith Co m mande r (Yam); 2. David Grice (Ha n): 3. Tra vis Th o mps o n (Kaw) ; 4 . Mike Moye (Han) ; 5. Glen n Youu (Yam). 1 5 + C: I. Do nnie Ho lco mbe (Han) ; 2. Je ff Ga nn (Yam): l . Co le Stockwell (Yam); 4. Keith l ynch (Yam); S. Dennis Haue r (Kaw). l O+ A: I. Aust in Squires (Kaw): 2. Todd Downs (Kaw); l . Jimbo Monon (Suz); 4. Shaun Mart in (Han) ; S. Mic hae l Clem ent (Ya m) . 30 + B : I. Keit h Commander (Yam): 2. David Gr ice (Ha n); l . Todd Miller (Ha n): 4 . Travis Thompson (Kaw) ; 5. Joey Har d in (Kaw) . 30 + C: I. Donn ie Ho k om be (Ha n); 2. Michael Spain (Yam): 3. Rex Bomar (Yam); 4. De nnis Hauer (Kaw ); S. He rman Teale (Hon) . Woodland Scrambles Series Round ,: Woodland Motocross Park WOODLAND, WA, OCT. 24 The Woodland Scrambles Se ries kicked off I with such a large crowd th at they had to cut dow n mota laps just to squeeze all the rac ing into o ne day. De spite so me sou py co ndltions early in the morning , the weather cleared up and the trac k became wha t it is famous for: wide-open, deep-sand conditions. Former Mini star j.j. Niem i showed up on a shiny YZ2S0 F, and the rest of the riders seemed to see a target on his back , as he was the rider to beat . 62 50 BEG: I. Justice Sather (Hus); 2. Chase Young (KTM); I . Brooke Shirley (KTM); 4. Abby Weile r (KTM): S. Baile y J.J. Niemi rails a berm en route to a 1-1 tally in the Over' 6 class at the Woodland Scrambles Se ries opener in Woodland, Wa shington. MX West Nevada Sta te Championship Series Rou nd 9: Stead Raceway Sjogren, Harvey Take Three Apiece in Stead By ROBERT BEAUPRE Niemi Scrambles to Victory! By JUSTIN WHARTON R ESULTS Niem i got his first taste of com pet ition in the 12Scc Expert class, as he, RickyYorks, and Nick and Chris Holum all battled fiercely for the lead. Yorks had the better luck, as he stayed ou t of trouble in both motos to take the overall win on a I- I tally. Nie mi struggled and dropped back, giving second place to Chris (2-3), while Nie mi (5- 2) had to se tt le for th ird . Nick (3-4) took fourth , and Steven Mitchell (4-5) finished fifth. Niemi got his revenge in the Over 16 class. He got faste r with eve ry lap, pulling away from everybody. Nie mi went I- I for t he victo ry, DECEMBER 8, 2004 • CYCLE NEWS Reed (Pol). SO (4-6): I. Warre n Higgins (Cob ): 2. Hunter De La Grange (KTM); 1. Tre nt Pre he im (KTM). 50 (7-8 ): I. Jacob Carpenter (KTM): 2. Sennet Ferris (KTM): l . Kolton Phillips (KTM): 4. Cody Smith (KTM); S. Jess Johnson (KTM). 65 BEG: I. Jesse Hancuff (KTM}; 2. Cody Waters (Kaw); J . Tyler Carte r (KTM); 4. Brynt Ho lt (Kaw): S. Logan Laney (Ha n). 65 ( 5·8): I. Wyatt AgUirre (KT M); 2. C han ce Blackburn; l . Garret Christo ffer (KTM); 4. Jacob Carpenter (Kaw): S. Matt Cra ig (KTM). 65 (9- 1 1): I. Devin Harrim an (KTM): 2. Hayde n Cordell (Suz); l . De van Moore (KTM); 4. Man Shirley (Kaw ); S. Tanne r Be rry (KTM). 8 5 BEG : I. Garr et Christoffer (Suz); 2. Nea l Burr e s (Y am) ; 3. Mason Ho lt (KTM): 4. l ucas Lafave (Hon); 5. Jake Ripley (Kaw). 85 (7 - 11): I. Mike Pont ious (Suz); 2. Ben Baldasano (Ha n); l . Julian Doane (Kaw); 4. Jess Johnson (Yam); S. Devan Moore (Suz). 8 5 ( 11- 15) : I. Nathan 'teet (Suz): 2. Matt Colman (Suz): l . Mitch Dunn (Yam): 4. Jeff Pontious (Suz): S. Tommy Moore ( Ka w) . S / M IN I: I . Nath an Te e l (Suz ): 2. Matt Colman (Suz) : I . Mike Po nt io us (Suz) ; 4 . Be n Baldaaano (Hon ): S. Kyle Phillips (Kaw). PIT/BK: I. Travis Wallis (Han ). 115 AM 0 - 1: I. Kevin Ro be rts o n (Yam) ; 2. Na than Te el (Suz); l . Mike Passarge (Y am); 4. Richard Peraacca (Kaw); S. Kevin Flynn (5uz). 11 5 AM D -2: I. De re k Campbell (Yam); 2. Rya n Skinn er (Yam); 1 . Brand on Pilo t (Yam ): 4. Joey Rumine r (Y am); 5. Ryan Snow (Yam). 11 5 EX: I. Ricky Yorks (Yam): 2. Chris Holum (KTM); l . J.J. N ie mi (Yam); 4. N ick Ho lum (KTM); S. Steve n Mitchell (Yam). 250 AM : I. Matt Bra uer (Hon) : 2. Derek Campbell (Yam); l . Je rry Hend ershot (Yam): 4. Brandon Pilot (Yam): S. [on Blake (Hon ). 250 EX: I. Tyle r Fick (Ha n); 2. David Uapitan (Hon) ; l . Dust in Lafave (Han); 4 . Zach Fle ming (Han ): 5. Dust in Mar tin (Han) . W MN : I. Too Fleming (Yam) 2. Shannon Cotter (Han); l . ; Sampth r Peritrich (Yam); 4. Sierra Bragg (Yam); 5. Kristine Wright (Ha n). 16 + : I. J.J. N ie mi (Yam); 2. Ricky Yorks (Yam): l . Jeff Reed (Y am); 4. Dustin Lafave (Han ): 5. Dustin Martin (Han). ] 0+ AM: I. Todd Burchardt (Yam); 2. Clark Moo re (KTM): 3. Tim Shirley (Yam 4. Traci Fleming (Yam); ): 5. Matt $chweiher (Hon). 30 + EX : I. Doug lange (Ha n): 2. David Uap itan (Ha n): l . Tim Wiles (Hon) ; -4 . Scott Fritt s (Ha n); 5. Do nny Pr o ct or (Han ) . 4 0 + AM : I. l ynde ll Raphael (Yam); 2. Tim Joh nson (Yam);l . Joe Ganisin (Kaw); 4. Rick Jo hnson (Hon); 5. Gordage Howe (Yam). 40 + EX: I. Ted Holt (Yam 2. Tim Wiles (Hon): l . Rusty Luft (Yam). ); STEAD, NV, OCT. 24 D acing three classes in a day is no ea sy feat. I'b ut Brian Sjogren and Aron Harv ey each too k on three classes at roun d nine of the MX West Neva da State Champio nship Serie s - and won every one of them! Sjogren too k victo ries in the 60cc Inte rmediate, Super 60cc and 80cc Junior classes , and Harvey claimed wins in the 125cc Intermed iate , 250cc Inte r me diate an d Schoo lboy ranks . Sjogren faced challenges in the 60cc classes fro m Jesse Masterpool, a ride r small in statu re b ut e normous in he a rt a nd aggr e ssio n. Masterpool led Sjogren occasionally, putting up a tremendo us figh t each time , bu t Sjogren 40th Anniversary eve ntually put his KTM 65 on top in both classes wi th pat ience and a de ce ivingly smo oth style. Masterpool took second overall in both divisions. Sjogren scored his 80cc Junior win with less of a challenge , as he glided to both mo te wins aboard his YZS5. Sjogren was re laxed eno ugh after the second mo to to joke a bit when asked wha t he has been doing to improve. "We ll, 1just got a new helmet," Sjogren said. 'And I've been practicing a lot the last coup le we e ks o ut here at Stead, whic h is my hom e track. I'm feeling pretty good." Harvey, who ha s recent ly do minated the Intermediate ranks in the series, cont inued o n as t he ma n to be a t a board h is Yama has . Harvey used great starts and effortl ess form to

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