Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 12 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Battle 01 Iro n w ood Part Two Round 7: ET Motopark Burns Burns Up the Trackl By JASON KERANEN QUEEN CREEK, AZ, OCT. 23 A sunny, warm day and clear skies gree ted racers att ending /'"'\sanle of Ironwood Part Two at ET Motopark. More than290 riders showed up to racethe well-laid-out and -prepped track. Aust in Bums won tw o classes at round seven of th e Battle at Ironwood. show ing his ri ding skills in every moto. He led the pack from tile start in moto one of the SOcc (7- 1I) clas wi th s. his fellow Kawasaki jockey Anthony Defazio trying to get by but unable to make the pass. Bum s pulled the holeshor in moto tw o and took the overall class w in. In the first Super mini mete, Bums again pulled away from the pack , with Yamaha rider Bobby Wo rt h in hot pursui t. D efazio and anothe r Kawasaki rider, Chase Thomas. rod e hard in mo to tw o but co uld not get by Bum s be fore th e end of th e mo to . T he Pee We e First-Timers le ft the gate o n 17 bikes, w it h th eir parents in hot pursuit (on Ioct), read y to help them out if necessary KTM jockey Joey Reyes picked up the overall . w in, though not wit hout a challe nge from Richard Metc alf, also on a KTM. Ho nda ride r Car l Roth and Kawasak i rider Gr ant Bolzan traded the lead seve ral times in the first 125cc Novice moto, but R oth pulled away by lap four to take the win. Yamaha jockey Jord an Luke and Bolzan battled for several laps in th e moto two , unt il Bolza n finally pulle d aw ay to ta ke the lea d and eve ntually the overall class win. Roth ran into problem s in mota two and co uld not catch up to the leaders . Suzuki pilot Penni Cyrus led the charge in mota one of the Women's class. followed by Y amaha-mounted Megan Menville and KTM rider Ambe r O wings. In moto two, Cyrus took the lead and never look ed back en route to the overall class win. Brent Davey, riding a Honda in the Big Bike Open class, and Kawasaki ride r Deve n Raper battled for several laps in mo to one until Davey chec ked out for the win. In mot a two, Davey left the pack behind. while Raper and Ho nda ri der Col in Ruth em battled for seco nd and thi rd plac e . W it h a co mfortable lead, Davey put on a sho w for t he crowd with some whips and heel-clickers be fore taking the checkered flag for the overall class win. The Battl e of Iro nwood Part Two continues with the final race on December I I at ET Motopark. Come out for the final round and watch the riders battle for year-end po ints. ~ ~ 8ITft NIO VB1' ~ a . O R CJ\L1...-r~ lNer t2' million tontr4!nty 3 cs.". af rmng .100 000 00 palRt fund -..t.ew flrenKrcBS Wortd lSCt .. 15DU ProfruiDnlf CIft'In; E.Jftreme ).amsJ Off Carrtes • Dash for tfth '1Mb ALL ....L ~ sac t.aD. 41 SOU totk 7--1 &sa 7'"! . I5tt J-15' tsa SupenNni • IlStt C;ChaalJoy hz- raJ' Z5Ct lnt«tMdItf l5'( 1'1DlMtf. l~ Beginner • (~ z4I. JSOCI: t er......l!!· 15°U l"kMu >!OCC . . . . . . . 0 - ZS' 0 - 30 "Owr 'Is ....... R ESULTS PIW FIT: I. Joey Reyes (KTM); 2. Richard Metcalf (KTM); 3. Coy Dugan (KI M); 4. Da nie l Ruiz (KTM); S. Bo b Evans (KTM). P/W (4 -6) : I. Je re mi Williamson (KTMJ; 2. AJ MellICk (Y ec am); 3. Buddy Wentworth (Pol): 4. Jared Kem pe r (KTM); S. Hayden Marlow (KTM). P!W (1 -8): I. Bryce Durb in (KTM); 2. Tanner Smith (KTM); 3. Carty Oyar (Yam); 4. Dylan Gree n (KTM): S. Haley Ki ser (Hus). PIW OPEN: I. Jerem i Wi lliamson (KTM): 2. Bryce Durbin (KTMJ: e 3. Alec Mellick (Yam); 4. Tanne r Smith (KTM); S. Jared Kemper (KTM). 65 BEG: I. Wade Patrick (KTM); 2. Hunter Pee k (Suz); l . logan Swane (KTM); 4. Jordan Kempe r (Kaw); S. luis Suarez (Suz) . 65 (4 -8): I. Anthon y Defazio (Kaw); 2. Cody Stanley (KTM); 3. Chauncy Mathis (Kaw); 4. Wacey Thorpe (Suz); 5 . Jose ph Zapien (Kaw). 65 (9- 11): I . Avril Ngo (Han ): 2. Robert Alexander (KTM); 3. Geoffr ey Hudson (Kaw); 4. Justin Spm cck (Kaw); 5 . Alec Vance (Suz). 65 O PEN: I. Anth o ny Defaz io (Kaw) ; 2. Alec Vance (Suz): l . l o gan Swan e (KT M); 4. Brandon Thrash (Suz): S. Gunnar Ric hardson (KTM). 80 BEG: I. Drake Halloc k (Hon ): 2. Matthe w Mielke (So'l); 3. Ian Keller (Hon); 4. James Metcalf (Yam); 5. Anthony Samora (Ho n). 80 (7- 11): I. Austin Bums (Kaw): 2. Anthony Defazio (Kaw): 3. Cody Gaupel (Hon ): 4. A1K Vance (Suz): 5. Robert Alexander (Suz). 80 ( Il-Il): l. Bob by Worth (Yam); 2. Kyle He nry (KTM); 3. Garr ett Maxwell (Suz); 4. Hunter Nelson (Kaw); 5. RJ McCauley (Hon). 80 ( 14-16): I. Owe Thomas (Kaw): 2. Aaron Mielke (Suz). SlM IN I: I. Austin Bums (Kaw); 2. Bobby Worth (Y am); l . Chase Thomas (Kaw); 4 . Anthony Defazio (Kaw); 5. Kyle Henry (KTM). 125 BEG: I . Kurtis MIllet' (Hon) : 2. Dale livenedge (Sut.): l . Man Laber (Y am); 4 Dallon H ubbard (Han): 5. Kenny Ellsworth (Ho n). 115 NOV: I. Gram 80Izan (Kaw ); 2. Du."" """" (Suz); l . H""" (Su,) ; 4. [cedan Luke (Yam) S. Cvl ; Roth (Hon). 115 IN T: l. Deven Raper (Kaw ): 2. Colin Ruthem (Hen) ; 3. Ryan Hare! (Han); 4. David NorWga (Hen) . 115 PRO : I. Brent Davey (Hon). 150 BEG: I. Brandon Sanden (Yam); 2. O ayto n Graham (KTM); 3. l eland Dan tel (Hon) ; 4. Dallon Hubbard (Hon ); 5. Mark licos (Y am). 150 NOV: I. Grant Boh'" (Kaw) ; 2. Chad Lu....' (Y om); l .)onbn Luke (Hon); 4. Cvl Roth (Hon); 5. Danjee Hos et' (Ho n). 150 INT: I. lupe Aguayo (Ho n); 2. Brad HoffrTWl (Han ): l . David Noriega (Hon) ; 4. Todd Shawver (Sot). BlBK OPEN: I. Brent Davey (Hon); 2. Oe ven Raper ( Kaw); J . Col in Ruthem (Hon) ; 4. Chad Laswe ll (Y am): 5. George Cyrus (Sot). WHN: I. Pen Cyrus (Sot); 2. Megan M.1irm ni lle (Yam): 3. Britanie lopez (Suz); ... C~ N unes (Yam); 5. Marissa Hea ter (Hon) . SCHBY: I. Grant 80Izan (Kaw); 2. Dani~ Kelty (Y ;un): J. Mike Seaver (Kaw); 4. Tony Johnson (Y am); S. Dylan K~yon (Sot). 30 + BEG: I. Rick Miller (Hon); 2. Jeff Ramsey tHan ); 3. Keith Dailey (Hon): 4. RayObokwicz (Yam); 5. Robert Hoyt (Y . 30+ NO V: I . Rex Keller (Hon ): 2. Bryan Cline (Yam): l . lance 'Nhite am) (yam); 4. Garo RoInlk (Hon); S. Cory Roybal (KTM). ) 0+ IN T: I. Kelly Olson (Hon): 2. JIm McCollum (Yam). 40 + AM: I. Rob Coates t Han ): 2. Marir; Allen (Yam); l . John Calkins (Y am); ... lee Cr osby (KTM); 5. Mike McGee (Yam). • ~ ~ fIIIOit &sc 10- IJlIte 'as« 7 I T1IIte 12/412004 11 :3O AM 12/412004 8:00PM 12/412004 9:00PM 12/512004 5:00PM :00PM 121712004 12 121712004 1:00PM 121712004 8:00PM 12/812004 4:00AM 12/1 112004 11 :30AM 12/1 112004 8:00PM 12/ 112004 9:00PM 1 12/1212004 5:00PM 12/1412004 12 :00PM 12/1 412004 1:00 PM hen! MotoWo~d Speedway World Cup- Eastbourne Speedway WorldCup- Eastbourne Canadian Motocross - Regina FIM Mo tocross - Flanders FIM Mo tocross · Spain American Thunder Canadian Motocross - Regina MotoWorld Speedway WorldCop- Poole Speedway Wo~d Cup - Poole CanadianMotocross - Midhurst FIM Motocross - Port"9al FIM Motocross- Netherlands Network lJlIle Spike 12/1412004 Speed 12/1 512004 Speed 12/1 512004 Speed 12/1 612004 1 Speed 12/ 612004 1 Speed 12/ 812004 Speed 12/1912004 Speed 12/1 912004 Spike 12/2112004 Speed 12/2112004 Speed 12/2112004 Speed 12122/2004 Speed 1212312004 Speed 12/2512004 T1IIte 8:00PM 4:00AM 3:30PM 3:30PM 4:00AM 11:30AM 3:00PM 5:00PM 12:00PM 1:00PM 8:00 PM 4:00 AM 3:30PM 4:00AM Ennt American Thunder Canadian Mo tocross· Mid hurst Best of Arenacross Arenacross· Denver Arenacross• Greenville MOloWorld AMA Grand Nat'l · DuQuoin CanadianMo tocross · Moncton FIM Motocross - Germany FIM Motocr oss- Ne therlands American Thunder Canadian Mo oss- MoncIon tocr Arenacross• Denver Arenacross - Denver Notwork Speed Speed Out oor d Outdoor Outdoor Spike Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Outdoor Outdoor s:a; ;1I'li~:I'Ih;:n ·.~e'E;,ie;n~ 'ES;H~ ~S~;l: Co~~:ni(~17o~; :nd S;';d" i~l~; ,,ie :b'O;'~ SaO: i d 0;, Dell~ N;tDt:s ~~.~ ~~ ~.~ tcaicabte ~~ ~ _~da lesarOllmes . ESPN2 • Seals Communications· 770.631.5300. and Speedvision - 203.406.2500 Cycl e N e w s is not respo nsible fo r changes i n sched u ling . CYCLE NEWS • DECEMBER 8, 2004 59

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