Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 12 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ lJ In the Senior Int er m e diat e class , Je r ry Young, father of RMTA Expert rider Mike Young ~ and fo rm er Nationa l C hamp ion an d curre nt g: Sherco importer Ryan Young, was visiting from 0: back east and manage d to squeeze out a win, iil a. although he rode as an exh ibition rider. Riding w ~ smoothly through the unfamiliar te rrain, Young ¥ made it obvious that his boys inherited a lot of Q thei r tale nt. Russ Todd was the official winner of fC the day, though, dominating the class again and finishing with a total sco re of 18 points - exactly it 18 points ahead of runner-up Kerrie Brokaw, wh o has been AWO L most o f the seaso n. Walter Popp tie d Brokaw on points but was re legated to th ird based o n t ie-breaking cleans. The Novice class had a very healthy 16-rider field, w ith competition at the top of the pack being exceptio nally close . Brad Mize took the win with a perfect score of zero, but that wasn't necessarily e nough in itself. Kenan Jacobson also finished on zero , forcin g a rid e-off fo r t he a' 5: RESULTS so BEG: I. Maxwell Par ker (KTM); 2. Kody Rubright (KT M); 3. Klay Pha ger (KT M); -1 . Er ic Bayle s (Han); 5. Matth e w Fusco (Han ). SO ( 4- 6) : I. St e ph e n Gretche n (KTM); 2. Brady Patterson (KTM); 3. Robert Louie Reiche r (KTM); -1 . Austin Hyndman (KTM); 5. Brett Bell (KTM). 50 (7 -8): I. Joshua Boyd (KTM); 2. Jacob Skinner (KTM); 3. Evan Weekley (Pol): -1 . Darrin Y erian (KTM): 5. l evi l ynch (KTM). RESULTS JR A: I. Maggie Kunz; 2. Tyle r Pennington : 3. Kjele n Jacob son: 4. Ian Popp . JR B: I. Jake Mize: 2. Todd Bramblett : 3. Alex Dubois: 4. O liver Smith: 5. Rayen Jonke. NOV: I. Brad Mize ; 2. Kenan Jacob son : 3. Andr ew Sinks; 4. Andy Nett: 5. Katie Sonju. INT: I. George Pennington ; 2. [arrod Tilton ; 3. Sarah Duke ; 4. Tim Willbanks; 5. Kevin O 'Leary. A M: I. Mark.Jaco bson : 2. Gary Owen s: 3. Keifer Jacobson; 4. Wayne Mohler; 5. David Koerw itz. ADV: I. Kyle Deines; 2. Ryan Jonke : 3. Marty Kulick. EX: I. Mike Young: 2. Brian Koerwitz: 3. James Sinks; 4. Ste ve Deines ; 5. John Sinks . C 'SH IP: I. Keit h Winel and ; 2. Dustin Hedwall. VET: I. Ste ve Darro w; 2. Mike Buchholz; J . Frank Pet e rson . SR INT: I. Russ Todd: 2. Kerrie Bro kaw; 3. wah e r Popp ; 4. J. Sheets: 5. Ri k Loucks. SR ADV: I. Tom Thom pson; 2. Tom c Hedwa ll: 3. Tracy Ze nrs; 4. Alan Duke: 5. Ron Gard ner. Virg inia Championship Hare Scrambles Series Round 73: Peninsula 700 Classic Marc Monro e navigates his Honda to the Over 40-c1ass win at Oh io's Crow Ca nyon Raceway. to the starting gate to com pe te in the Ove r 25 class, in wh ich he finishe d a very res pectab le third overall. Moving on to th e Minis, local rider Kyle Ditcher took two class wins on his home town track. Ditcher took top honors in both the 85cc ( 12.15) and Supermini classes, winning all fou r mo tos . Matt 5to rk and Andrew Sachs batt led ha rd behind Ditch er in t he 8S cc (12- 15) contest , w ith Stork coming out on top with a seco nd-place finish in the seco nd mota. Jordan Skinner of Th orn ville, Ohi o , followed w it h a con sistent 4-4 sco re , with Suzuki rider Brad Dailey ho t on his heels. The Supe rmini class was much the same and ended with the exact same overa ll finishes for the top five. This time , howe ver, Stork was able to take seco nd place, behind Ditcher, in bot h motes. seco nd even t in a row. Both riders cleaned the Amate u r line be fore advanc ing to t he Intermediate line, where Jacobson fell to Mize, giving up a three to Mize 's two dabs. There was also a shoo tout for th ird, as Andrew Sinks tied wit h Andy Non on two points. The finish was much less dramatic, though, as Nott gave up the first point, allowing Sinks to finish third. 65 BEG: I. James Galloway III (5uz): 2. l evi Lynch (KTM); 3. Tim Matson (KTM): 4. Alexis McPee k (Ya m). 65 (7-9 ): I. Cade Clason (KT M); 2. Jordan Brewer (Kaw) : 3. Jaco b Skinner (KTM); 4. Tony Us ko (KTH ): 5. Aust in West e rn (!

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