Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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. ~,/_ ~~==::;:===~~~~L~_ ~ > Mid-South Winter Youth HS Series Cross Country Motorsports Championship Round 2: NATRA Ashburn Attacks in Alabamal By DEBBIE ALLEN NEW HOPE, Al, OCT. 17 T he Mid-South Youth took it to a whole new level as they met the Youth riders from the NATRA tr ail, With nearly 90 Youth ride rs on the starting line. Ne w Hope. Alabama. became a battleground (or the Cross Country Motorsp orts Champ ionship , The Pirell i T ire l Moose/Maxxis/American Patriot Getaways-sup- ported race featured batt les on two separate tracks in five different classes. The first race included the Junio r A and B divisions. Th e two cla sses le ft t he sta rt o ne m inute apart. traveling the three miles o f course. The Junior A class had the same podium as at the first round . Once again, Jordan Ashburn made all the right moves and manhandled his Kawa saki int o a no the r $ 200 wo rt h of co nt inge ncy mo ney. No t far from the finish. Ashburn crashed and lost his lead, He jumped back on his bike and for the next few miles gave it his all to re tr ieve his w in. Second place went to Honda-mounted Shane Pena, and Dylan Ritter claimed third . Ritter was about sixth off the start, and he tried to work himsel f up to th e front o f th e pack quickly but fo und tha t it was more d ifficult than he 'd expected, "T he track w as mostly one line and tight w oods," Ritter recounted. ''A few laps before the finish , I go t int o third place and tried to catch the next two rider s but couldn 't ." Off the start, Danie l Sullivan maneuvered his to< I00 into fifth and then moved into second for a w hile. After washing out , he went back to fifth and then batt led w ith Buddy Wall be fore eventually finishing fourt h. Wall felt good the entire race. He finished the course, making five laps in a little ove r 50 minutes, and claimed fifth place in Junior A. On the o ther hand, the Junior B class did a com plete turnaro und from the prev io us week 's race . Off t he start , Z ac har y Nas h got t he hclesho t , and he stayed in the lead fo r the next two laps until the cre e k got the bes t of him . While he landed in it, Tyle r Cart er and Jere miah Bowman got around him and got the checkered flag, coming In first and second , whi le Nash salvaged third place. The prev ious week, it had been Cart er who got th ird and Nas h w ho got first , with Bowman staying con sistent in second . Th e nex t division inclu ded t he Minis an d Pe e Wees . The first race was fo r th e Minis. Dylan Cox ro de into t he winners ' circle, and Cody Sc hoellmer a nd Wes ley Bo lton completing the pod ium. T hirty minu tes late r, the Pee Wees ra ce d and faced a bigger te st than the othe r riders had : an une xpected down pour. How ever, they handled it we ll, and all of them finished , making three laps or more. Tyler Bo tt oms, Ben Jones, loch Kirchoff. Allison Crain and Kenne th Wo lfe com prised the top five in the Pee Wee (4-6) class, wh ile Austin Smith, Cole Kirchoff. Co dy Le ac h man, Just in Lenard and Clint Wa tson made up the to p five in the Pee Wee (7-B) class, RESULTS P!W (4 -6) : I. Tyl r Bottoms (KTM); 2. Ben Jones (KTM); e 3. Zach Kirc hoff (KTM); -t. Allison Crotin (KTM): S. Kenneth Wolfe (Y am) . P/W (7 -8): I. Aust in Smith (KTM); 2. Cole Kirchoff (KTM); 3. Cody Leachman ; -t. Justin Len ard (KTM,; S. Cl int Watson (KTM). MINI: I. Dytan Cox (KTM); 2. Cody Schoettmer (Kaw); 3. Wesley Bolto n (Kaw); -t. Taylor Day ). (KTM); S. Trenton Hayes (Yam JR A: I. Jo rd an Ashburn; 2. Shane Perra (Han); 3. Dylan Riner (Han ); -t. Dan iel Sullivan (Kaw ); S. Budd y Wall (Kaw). JR B: I. Tyler Cater (Suz ); 2. Je re miah Bowman (Kaw); 3. Zacha ry Nash (Suz): -t. Rich ard Brew er (Suz); S. Cody Smith (KTM). AMA District 12 AES Promotions Crow Canyon Raceway Wills Chills the Competition By JOHN KREPS UHRICHSVilLE, OH, OCT. 17 th the beginning W,to windOhio motocross seasonstill staying down , the action was Jordan Ashburn annihilated the Junior A class a t the second rou nd o f the Mid-South Winter Youth Hare Scrambles Series in New Hope, Alaba ma. ho t as riders were loo king fo r t ho se last few championship points and also to go out on a good not e as the Ohio wint er closes in. Crow Canyon Race way closed out its 2004 racing season on a w indy and co ld October afte rnoon , but the racing actio n helped heat up the ride rs. Set against a backdrop of festive fall foliage. Vet racer David Wills was having his ho ttest day of the season. Wills has been con testing District 12 motocross all season long, and he was able to take his first victo ry of the season in the hotly contested Vet C class . This first win d id no t co me easily, tho ugh, as Bryan Hyndman jumped ou t to the early lead in the first moto lead on his two-stro ke Suzuki and was never challenged e n route to the mota Victory. Wills fought his way up to third , beh ind Ho nda jocke y Joe Fow ler, Th e second moto proved to be the key for Wills, as this time he was able to jump ou t front on his FMF-pipe d CR F4S0R. while bot h Hyndman and Fow le r strugg led wit h pro blems early in the mo ta . Wills ran away with the mo ta w in and the overall , pump ing his fist in the air when he knew his first victory was sec ured. The Norto n, Ohio , racer 's cele b ration w as short-lived. thoug h. as he headed straigh t back CYCLE NE WS • DECEMBER 8, 2004 47