Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 12 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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PHOTOS BY JOHN BETHEA CMC Trans-Cal Nationals Fina ls Day I: E Street Track Whitlow's False Start and True Win By JOHN BETHEA MARYSVILLE, CA, OCT. 23 t was n't suppose d to rain but it did. and the re sulting slo ppiness eventually made it both dange ro usly slippery fo r the racers but also virtua lly impos sible for the lap-checkers to score pro pe rly, forcing C MC officials to cut the program on Saturd ay to the first motes only, giving credence to the advice given to the racers d uring the mo rning session to "race the first rou nd as if it were your second moto." Austin Howe ll was one of the big winners on th e da y, push ing his Fly/ Re nt hal/Sco t t/ Barnett-bac ke d facto ry Suzuki to wins in the Supe rm ini and 80cc ( 12-13) events. but the 12year-o ld from Re d Bluff, Califo r nia , made a blunder mo st vetera ns have e xperie nced at le ast o nce in the ir careers: He pulled o ff the trac k when he mistook the wh ite flag for the checkered one in the 80cc O pe n contest. He d iscov e re d his e r ro r imme dia tel y (aide d by yells from family me mbe rs), and he managed to scra mble back to a runner-up finish, behind Eureka, Californ ia's Thomas Elsea Jr.• w ho had spen t mos t of th e moto runni ng his FMFITJE Cycle Honda in a close se co nd . Without the ben efit of a sec on d mo ta , Ho we ll's bid for a trip le- win day was dashed. The very rar e trip le-tri ple d id occ ur in another minicycle gro uping. Th e trio of Kyle Tig e rt . Ant hon y Pa rk s and Sky lar G a rci a finished in that o rder in e ach of their t hree confronta tions, in the 60cc (9- 1I), 60cc O pen and 80cc (7-1 I) classes. T igert , an I I-year-old from Vacaville, Cal ifor nia. co llec ted his wins a boa rd a Prod igy/ MSR/ASY/ Fa irf ield Cy cle Cen ter KTM, w hile Parks, a 10-yea r-old from t he same ZIP co de , rod e a Suzuki o ut of the sa me shop. Riding in the ir wakes for t hre e thirds was Garcia, o n a Rea dy Filter /Fox/Garcia Con struct ion KTM. Th e day's racing was highlighted by several last -lap vic to rie s . The firs t was score d by Roseville, Californ ia's Brian Marion , aboa rd a Roseville Ya maha, in the secon d-largest class of I Sportsman SOOcc Expert motos. Jim Pomeroy got the holes hot in t he first O ve r SO Expert mota o n his Bult aco , but a hard-charging Doug Grant got by for the win on his AJS two-stroke. Placing third was David Goodhue, on a CZ . In the next moto, Goodhue got off the line first, but Pomeroy quickly went into att ack mode. In quick succ ession . Pomeroy and the n Gran t got by Goodhue , and the batt le from the first mota res umed . Late in the mota, Gra nt got off hard , and Pomeroy motored in for t he wi n. wi th Goo d hue in his wake . Maico m ount e d Br ad Lac ke y ca me ba ck fr om a disappoi nting eighth in mota one to place third in mota two fo r third overall. beh ind Pomeroy and Good hue. R ESULTS PREM l./W NOV: I. Ken Gurley (Gre) ; 2. Rick Wolff (BSA); l . larry Roberts (CZ ). PREM 500 INT: I. Timo thy Cicora (BSA). PREM 500 EX: I. Wesley Poole (Tri); 2. Kelly Shane (Che-An ): J. Robe" Poole (BSA). PREM OPEN TW INT: I. Randy Hall (Tri-BSA PREM OPEN TW EX: I. Ken ). 44 the day. the 80ce Beginne rs. Luckily. it . was the t hird event out of the gate - the track wasn't that bad yet - and it appeared ea rly on that Suzuki rider Ryan Fance tt was going to have clear sailing in the lead. But as trac k cond itions q uickly w orsened, he succumbed to Mar ion's late- race charge. The o ther last-minute lea d -taki ng cam e midwa y through the Be fo re Th e Hill ( 17- 24) clash between Uncoln. Califom ia's Ryan Mason and Upper Lake's Tyler Rai ner, both on Hondas . Rainer aced out Mason just be fore the chec kers . In that same eve nt, Beave r Creek, O rego n's Nath an Wh itlow inadvertently sta rt ed w ith th e fi rs t wav e , quickly re al ize d his e r r o r and rejoined his Schoo lboy class back at the line in time to make a legitimate start. whe reupo n the Simpson /Taylo r Synt he t ic s/P r omo t io n Suspension /Action Motorsports Suzuki ride r ran away with the victory. T he s pa rse Pro turn out w a s swep t by Y amaha-mo unted Tony Sherman in th e 125cc and 250cc money events. Fo rme r Pro sta r Daniel Turner showed how he'd become Northern California's first 100cc Pro eve nt winne r back in the '7 0s as he rode a Jo hn Freanks en try to w ins in both t he Ve t (Over 30) and Old-Time rs classes . eN The E Stree t Track's first tu rn was a " slip ' n' slide" affair for most of the day. The races were ca lled after the first set of motos. 50 BEG: I. Marcus Nims (Pol) ; 2. CoJ Trend (KTM); J . . layne Cole (lem); 4. N ola n Mcintosh (lem) ; 5 . Damon W inn (KTM). 50 (7 -8 ) : I. Tyle r Burge ss (Co b); 2. Josh Ticknor (KTM); l . Cody Sloan (Cob); 4. Kinser End icott (lem); 5. Tate Henderson (l em) . 60 BEG: I. Blake Oeg (Kaw); 2. Calvin Peterson (Suz); l . Kody Paste fl (Kaw); 4. Austin lee (5uz): 5. Nat e Goodman (Kaw). 60 (0 -8) : I. Kinser Endicott (lem); 2. Cody Sloan (Cob) ; l . Caleb Trace (Kaw): 4. Tyter Burgess (Kaw); 5. l uke PasteJl (Kaw). 60 (9 II): I. Kyte Tigert (KTM): 2. Anthony Parks(Suz); l . Skytar Garcia (KTM); 4. Kelsie lywandowsky (KTM); 5. Dalto n Zahrt (Suz). 60 OP EN : I. Kyle Tigert (KTM); 2. Anthony Parks (Suz); l . Skylar Garc ia (KTM); 4. Nick Willey (Yam); 5. CalebTrace (Kaw). 80 BEG: I. Brian Marion (Yam); 2. Ryan Fance tt (Suz); 3. Jason Becker (KTM); 4. Michael Nims (Suz); 5. Travis Rosario (KTH). 8 0 (7 -11): Kyle T ige rt (Yam); 2. Anthony Parks (Suz): l . 5kytar Garcia (Suz); 4. luke Pastef (Kaw). 80 (12 . 13): I. Aust in Howell (Suz); 2. Th omas Else a Jr. (Hon); l . Robert Duggan Jr. (Yam); 4. Jessy Art hun (Ho n); 5 . Robert Noftz (Yam). 8 0 (14 . 16) : I. Ryan Rowe ll (Yam); 2. Ste fan Wilters (Hon) ; l . Jimmy De Alba (Hon); 4. Colby Kintz (Suz); 5 . Conle n Ha rd ing (Ya m ). 80 OP EN : I. Thomas Elsea Jr. (Hon); 2. Austin Howell (Suz); J . Robert No ftz (Yam); 4. Jimm y De Alba (Hon ); 5. Robert Duggan Jr. (Yam). 80 S/MIN l: I. Austin Howe ll (Suz); 2. Colby Kina (Suz); l . Robert No ftz (Yam). 125 SCHBY: I. Nat han Whi tlow (Suz); 2. Erik Meusling (Suz) ; l . Ga rrett Jones (Kaw); 4. J.T. 5alo (Hon) ; 5. larry Azevedo (Han) . 125 BEG : I. To b y Garz a (Kaw); 2. Sha ne Benson (Ha n) ; l . Mars hall l o pe z (Hon); 4. Jord an Martin (Hon); S. Casey Proctor (KTM). 125 Jft.: I. Erik Me usling (5uz); 2. A J. Maul (Suz); l . KelYlY Ingalls (Hon) ; 4. Kody Hunderman (Yam); 5. Garrett Jones (Kaw). 125 INT: I. Nathan Whitlow (5uz); 2. Chad Anderson (Han); l . Chris Bud d (KTM); -t. West o n Arthurs (Han); 5 . Steven He mbre e (Yam). 12 5 PRO : I. Tony Shennan (Yam); 2. Carson Meye r (Hon) ; l . Michael Gord a (Han ); 4. Jame s Searchawk (Hon ); 5. Devin Wiltson (Yam) . 25 0 BEG: I. Cale b Rice (Hon) ; 2. Daniel Higareda (Yam) ; l . Pre sto n Fran klin (Yam): 4. De nny Alves (Yam); 5. Pat Scott (Suz) . 15 0 JR: I. Jerry Skaggs (Ho n); 2. Garrett Mac Don ald (Ha n) ; I . Der e k Arc huleta (Yam); 4. Ro bb ie Narramore (Ho n); 5. Erik Meus fing (Suz). 250 INT: I. Cha d Anderson (Ha n); 2. Chr is Budd (KTM); l . David Mumm a (Ha n). 250 PRO : I. Tony Sherman (Yam); 2. Beau Judge (Hon) . 500 AM: I. Miles Hansen (Hon); 2. Jon Hall (Hon ). 4·ST RK: I. Weston Art hur s (Ha n); 2. Ste ve n He mb ree (Yam); l . David Robenson (Ha n). W MN : I. Jessy Arth urs (Hon); 2. Krystie May (Yam); l . Kathy Palfy (Hon ); 4. Kelsie Lywand ow sky (Kaw) ; 5 . ja ne ssa l abo uye r (Han). BTH ( 17-24 ): I. Tyler Rainer (Han) ; 2. Ryan Mason (Hon ). 25 + AM: I. Kirk Ridgley (Yam); 2. Brad Sc.hultz (Yam); l . Mike Ryer (Yam); 4. Garrett MacDonald (Hon) ; 5. Mat A1mendariz (Han). 25 + MST R: I. Jon Zahrt (Kaw ); 2. David Zahrt (!

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