Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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PHOTOS BY CLAY LIGHT Northwest Vintage & Evolution Motocross Championship Se ries Round 2 : Wood land Motocross Park Giboney Gets A Pair! By CLAY LIGHT WOODLAND, WA, OCT 23 . C Z-mount ed Washingtonian Brett Giboney scored a pair of overall wins at round two of the nine -round Vintage Dir t -sa nct io ne d Northwest Vintage & Evolution Motocross Championship Series at Woodland Motocross Park . Giboney. who rode an unusual ~ but very trick - 1970 CZ 250 GS. won the 2S0cc and Ov er 30 Int er mediat e classes during the Vin tage portion of the program, which drew well over 200 riders from seve ral states and Canada. The few riders to head Giboney all day long were all Expert-class r ide rs . includ ing Chris Clark, Joe Casey. and Andrew and Mark Sullivan. Clark , who also rod e a ez, was another of the day's dominant riders . Clar k he made the trek up from Oregon to top the Over 30 and Open Expert classes and join Giboney and several Evolution-class performers as doub le class w inners , including josh Waring, in the Vintage 125cc and Evo 12Scc Intermediate classes ; Mike Car uso , in the Vintage Fo urSt roke and Evo Four-Stro ke Intermediate classes : and Husky pilot j.R Cunni ngham . who won t he Over 40 a nd Un lim it e d Eva Intermed iate classes . Casey, riding a 1973 Honda CR2S0 . gated ahead of the firs t combined 25 0cc Expert!lntermed iate mo ta , but the fo rt yso m e th ing-ye ar-o ld O regonian cou ldn't hold bac k Andrew Sullivan for more than tw o laps. Andrew thumped to the win. Casey and Suzuki-mounte d Mark Sullivan rounded out the top three. Giboney, ridi ng the same machine that his father. Ric hard , ro de in the early 1970s while co ntest ing the Trans-AMA Series, wasn't far o ff t he le ad ers ' pace a nd won the Intermed iate portion . Vintage MX pioneer Casey got the best of Andrew 's trick four-stro ke Ho nda in mota two and wo n the Expert class overall, wh ile Mark (3-3) followed. Giboney 's mota-two win aided in h is 1- J sweep of the Intermediate class, trailed by Erik Sullivan (2-2). jeff Ne lson (3-3), Travis Anderberg (4-4) and Lorin Smith (6-5) . Andrew la t e r came back to wi n bot h Vintage Four-Stroke Expert motos. T his class has been dominated for the past two seasons by Penda r ider Randy Skiver. who churned out an incr ed ible win streak here last season, but he couldn't beat Andrew in eit he r mota and placed sec o nd overall , ahead o f BSAride r Dana Salsman in third place overall. Ho w ever, Skiver did capture the overall Over 50 and Pre -! 970 Expert-class wins , again pilot ing the Penton-framed , Honda-powe red mach ine . Sa lsma n w a s Skiver's closest competition , runn ing in his shadow for muc h of both motos . Another BSA rider, Ed Parsons, picked up a wi n in the adjoined Intermediate class , ahea d of Mark Baer and jim Cole. Bultaco jo ckey She a Patterson w as also among the day 's most successful riders . Patterson's 1977 2S0cc Pursa ng ran at the head of the pack in the 2S0cc Evolution Amateur and Open Amateu r classes . Patterson won all four motos he contested. Only Da le Richardson. Dale Price and jo hn Telford could stay at Patterson's pace. Richardson placed second to Patt e rso n in the Open class (2-3). w hile Telford trailed Patterson in the 2S0cc class via 3-2 finishes. eN WOODlAND MOTOCROSS PARK WOODlAND, WASHINGTON RESULTS : OCTOBER 23, 2004 (RO UND 2) Vinta ge XR7S AM: I. Brian Adams; 2. Jake Sullivan; l . Chris Conway. XR7 S INT: I. Daniel Roberts ; 2. Mitch Newt on; l . Alex Feaster. XR 75 EX: I. Jake Ow ens . PRE · 1970 AM: I. Gary O sbo rne (Mai); 2. Tom McAllister (C Z); l . Gary Meads (Hon ). PRE- I 970 INT: I. Ed Parsons (BSA 2. ); Mark Baer (CZ) ; l . Jim Cole (Qle.Tri). PRE-1970 EX: I. Randy Skiver (Pen); 2. Dana Salsman (BSA). 100: I. N ick Chapman (Hod) ; 2. Th ai Ander son (Hod) ; l . Bra d Stagg (Ya m ). 115 AM : I. Bra nd on Schul z (Ho n); 2. Axe l Ande rson (Ho n); 3. Erik Schulz (Ho n). 115 INT: I. Josh Dan De Roller topped the Senior Bond Over 25 B classes a t ro und 27 of WNYMA action in Hun t, New York. 38 DECEMBER 8, 2004 • CYC LE NEWS CI -mo unte d Brett Giboner. won two classes at round two of the Northwest Vintoge & Evo ution MDtocross Chompionship Series. Waring (Hon); 2. Nick Cha pman (Hod); l . Chris Kerber (Ho n). 150 INT: I. Brett Giboney (GS); 2. Erik Sullivan (Han ): 3. Jeff Nelsen (Han) . 250 EX, I. Joe ea,.., (Han) ; 2. Andrew Sullivan (Ho n); l . Mark Sullivan(Hon). OP EN AM: I. J ~y Ne lso n (H on) ; 2. Patrick Nadean ; l . Vern Von Dr ace k (Hus) . OPEN TNT: I. AI Anderberg (Bul); 2. Travis Anderberg (Bul); l . Tom Ol son (Hus). O PEN EX: I. Ch ris Clark (CZ) ; 2. Dirk Mur phy (Hus): l . Bill Grub in (Hus). 4 -STRK AM: I. Erik Schulz (Hon): 2. Brad Price (Hon) : l . Reid Sta nton (Hon). 4 · ST RK IN T: I. Mike Caruso (Ho n): 2. Joe Stagg (BSA): l . Chris Kerber (Hen) . 4-STRK EX : I. Andrew Sullivan (Hon); 2. Randy Skiver (Pen); l . Dana Salsman (BSA). 30 + AM: I. Ryan Landon (Yam) 2. K1ayton Kuzminski (Suz): l . Aaron Collier (Yam) ; . 30 + INT: I. Bre tt Giboney (CZ). 30+ EX: I. Chris Clark (CZ). 40 + AM: I. Pat Jaco bson (Kaw); 2. Ed Russell (Hus): l . Peter St e ilberg (Kaw). 40 + INT: I. Bryan Anderberg (Bul); 2. Mark Williamson (e Z) ; 3. Erik Sull van (Hus). 40 + i EX: I. Mark Sullivan (Suz); 2. Dirk Murphy (Hus); l . Bill Grubin (Hus). 50 + EX: L Randy Skiver (Pen). 60+ AM: I. Richard Sullivan (Ho n); 2. Gle nn Finne rin (C-A). 60+ INT: I. Ross Roberts (Bul); 2. Ed Parsons (BSA). Evolu tion 125 AM: I. Brandon Butler (Suz); 2. Scott Hasenkamp (Hon); l . Charlie McAllister (Suz). 115 INT: I. Jos.hWaring (Hon); 2. Mike Boersma (Hon); J . Steve Jurchin (Y am). 1 50 AM: I. Shea Patterson (Bul); 2. Joh n Telford (Hon); l . Casey Rutter. 250 INT: I. Cole Cabler (Hon ); 2. Chris Walther (Hon); 3. Geor ge Down (Ho n). 250 EX: I. Dan Cun ha (Yam). OPEN AM : I. Shea Patte rs on (Bul); 2. Dale Ridardson (Yam); l . Randy Larson (Y am). OPEN EX: I. joe Brockwa y (Y am): 2. Jay Lae! (Suz) : l . Ben Sullivan (Hon). 0-40 AM: I. Dale Richards.on(Yam); 2. Paul Richards (Y am); l . Scott Hasen kamp (Ho n). 0 -40 INT: I. Chris. Walthe r (Hon); 2. Scot McAllister (Mai); l . Randy Buder (Hon). 0-40 d rop o f the sta rti ng gate fo r the ir first moto. Tom Cox pinned it wide o pen and won the d rag race to th e ho le shot co rner, b ut it w as jared Bierly w ho ex ited tu rn one with the lead . Dan De Rolle r, 7-5 Cycl e Suppl y owner Ron Br agg , a nd W NY MA po ints keeper Ben Atkinson were rubbing knobblies in the batt le fo r third. These guys were using a co mb ination o f horsepower and mu d-racing ex perience to th r ill the big crowd with bar-t o -tank-to- bar action all mota lo ng. Bie rly was racing smart, as he extended his lead over Co x, Bragg, De Roller, Dan Morgott and Da vid C ar me n. Wi th t he precipitatio n picking up so m ew hat , m ultiple lines were appearing and then disappearing just as qUickly. Battl ing for second , Bragg and De Roller ran Cox down until Bragg stalled when he went down while cornering. De Ro ller had two laps to try to pressure Bierly, but he couldn't even get close e no ugh to sniff his roo st . Bierly was solo at the che ckered flag, with De Roller, Co x, Bragg and Ben Atkinson etching top-fives. Fo r some reason , Bie rly didn't answer the call for mote two , and b usiness was about to pi ck up . Bragg gra bbe d the secon d - m ota holeshot, over Cox, De Ro lle r, Carme n, David 40th Anniversary Bryan Anderberg topped the competitive Over 40 Intennediate cla ss aboard a 1974 Bultoco Pursang at Woodland Motocross EX: I. Blake Undon (Yam); 2. Joe Brockway (Y am). 40 + AM : I. Rob Watson (Y m); 2. Brad Price (Suz); J . Ken a Hoe hn (Yam). 40 + INT: I. J.R. Cunningham (Hon); 2. l yndel Raphael (Mai); l . Mark Mitman (Y~m) . 40+ EX: I. Ray Crawford (Mai); 2. Jay Lael (Suz); l . Dan Cunha (Yam ). 4 -S TRK AM : I. Mike Bon ocini (Kaw ); 2. Tim Be nt ie n (Y am); l . Hans May (Yam 4·S TRK INT: I. Mike Caruso ). (Y am); 2. Mark Mitman (Yam). U/l AM: I. Jeff Newman (Y am); 2. Randy [o bnsc n (Yam); l . Erik Schulz (Hon). Ull INT: I. J.R. Cunningham (Hus); 2. Scott McAlli ter (Mai); l . s L ynde! Raphael (Mai). Ull EX: I. Steve Clark (Yam ). jackso n, Mike Stau de r and the rest of the herd . De Ro ller was n't co asting when he blasted th e rhyth m secti on, passing Bragg for the lead and leavi ng a th re e -b ike batt le beh ind him. Bragg had a fistf ul o f t h ro tt le and a tight gri p o n second, bu t Co x, C arm en and jackson were tr ailing by less t han ha lf a hea rt beat. Co x was w haling t he c us hi o ns, w h ile Carmen wa s bra king with tight inside line s and ge tti ng back o n the gas fast . Staud e r was making a st ron g ru n fo r a to p-five finish, as he battled it out w ith jackso n for several laps on th e big. naturally hilly trac k. De Rolle r checke d o ut up fro nt. Bragg was stil l gro und -poun d ing his way fo rw ar d , w hile C o x and Carmen went at it bar to ba r over th ird. De Ro ller (2-1) ro lled in th e quickest fo r first overall. Bragg (4-2). Cox (3- 3). Carm en (7-4) and Jackson (8-5 ) earned to p-five finishes. R ESULTS SO (4 -6): I. Dakota Wheat on (Ya m); 2. Dalton Phillips (Yam); l . Zach Hard ing (Yam). 50 P/W (4-8) : I. Colt on Camp (KTM); 2. Louis Saxby (Yam l . Nick Monachino (Suz); ); ... Dakota 'Nhea ton (Yam 5. Dalton Phillips(Yam 50 (7 -8): ); ). I. Angelo Komuda (KTM); 2. Kory Fogarty (KTM); 3. Louis Saxby (Y am); 4. Nic k Haw kins. (KTM); 5. Michae l We lles (Yam) . 6S : I. Chaa C linge rman (KTM); 2. Harriso n Kay (KTM); 3. Rodney Rue hrwein (Kaw); 4. Craig Mullett (KTM); 5. Eme rso n Conner (KTM). JR MIN I: I. Brandon Bardo