Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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District 3 6/Moose Northern Cali fornia Championship Endur o S er ies District 36/Motul Northern California B/C Champions hip Enduro S er ies Rounds 6 /6: The Jackhammer Enduro Gu idinge r (Hon); S. Rona ld Hoyt (KTM). B OPEN : I. Robert eye (Hon); 2. Rick Rooney (Hon). B 4·ST RK: I . Todd Oagman (Ho n): 2. Mar k Denn y (Ho n); 3. Denn is Barone (Ho n); 4. Brian Janse n (Yam); S. Doug Mansfield (Hus) . B VET: I. John Filippi (Hon); 2. Jeff Shives (Hon); 3. Jason Dement (KT M); .... Paul Franck (KTM): 5. Greg Stefani (Hon). 8 SR: I . Andy Wi lcox (KTM); 2. Robb Th ompson (KTM); J.joel Sizemore (Yam); 4. Scott Rabeneau(KTM); 5. Russell Rips Up the Jackhammer! BY JILL ASHWORTH PATIERSON FOUTS SPRINGS, CA, OCT. 17 V TM's Billy Russeil utilized the skills he's I'ho ne d competing in the AMA National Enduro Ser ies to claim the overall victory at t he 34th annual j ac kham me r Enduro. The ev e nt, host ed by the Oakland Motorcycle Club, was held in Fouts Springs, California, OMC's Brian Jagger laid out a two-loop, 8Bmile course that offered faster speed averages, new trails and a really tight woods se ction challenging racers beyond their expectations. "T his was o ne of t he best end uros I've ridden in a long time! " Fo x/Ma xx is/FMFsponsored Russell exclaimed. Relief from t he even t's long-standing dust curse evaporated just minutes after the first of the 229 entrants left the start, when it began to Brian Butle r checks his scorecard ot the finish. He placed seco nd overall at raund six of the District 36!Moose Northern California Cha mpionship Endura Series. made just before the finish. The Kawasaki batt le betw e en Allen and C regg ended about a mile from the score tent , while the other batt le was between Gibson and Maschino . Gibson fought in third and fourth place for most of the race , unt il he mane uve re d into second place 100 yards fro m the finish . Maschino was trying to pass some lappers , and one of them moved out in fron t of him, giving Gibson his lucky break. Othe rs ride rs riding with a sense of "new hope " in Alabama included Robert Patt e rson , Emmett Cox and jared Smith. Riding a 10<250, Patte rson made impress ive moves for fifth place overall. After a bad fall the pre vious mon th, he came back with a renewed spirit and wo n the Vet A class twice in a ro w this season . Cox was riding hard in the Masters class. He pushed himself after a bad start and took the lead by the end of th e first lap. Two laps late r, he wo n. followed by John Giles, Do n Freeland, Wade Summers and Lonnie Watson . " Well. Emmett Co x be at me by two rain . Strong, gusty winds also added some other excitement to the race . " We totally lucked out, " said Gilroy Motorcycle Center/RenthaINFORCE-backed Brian Butler. "The weather gods smiled on us by storm ing allover us and making the trails great!" After the first 47 miles, race rs took a 30minute gas break, cleaned t heir gogg les and compared scores. Butler, Russell and series leader Jordan Brandt were battling for the lead with the ir respective scores of 5.257 , 5,268 and 5.270 , Chris Zito was next , with 6.266, followed by Dave Wood 's 6.288 , Greg Ruffon;', 7.300 and Co loradoan Scott Bright's 7.305, Loo p two began with a trip along Salt Ridge and Crackerbox Ridge. before the trail took racers to the biggest sur prise of the day - the dense Penny Pine tree section that doesn't usually get ridden until November's WFO Enduro , The chec k-in to the Ll -mne- lc ng tight tree test caught se ve ral racers arrivi ng early, so "burn" scores were added to their scorecards. "They got me off guard coming up the hill," said Pin It Motorsports/Faultline Suspension/ Broughton Fire Protection-supported Brandt . "I got caught at the top ," "I burned the same check Jordan did," said Mach I Motorsports/AP Racing/Fly Racing backed Zito. "We just looked at ea ch oth er like, 'Why did we do that?''' During the test in the thick trees, Russell's spee dy rhythm was interrupted when he heard some unusual noises. '" heard a loud kcchh, kcchh. kcchh almost ne xt to me ," Russell said. " 1thought maybe so meone' s bike was blowing up, so I looked over my shou lder. I saw a tree break from the wind and watched it fall across the trail right behind me!" At the end of the test, Russell scored best with 3.160. Brandt was second fastest with 3.176 , followed by Butler's 3.191. This year's ISDE silver medailist, Jeff Bauer, had 4.220, the quickest of several foe r-point scores that were next. sec o nds ," Giles sa id, "a nd he might have to catch a ride home with som e body else . beca use he rode up here with me ." Smith also felt good on t his day afte r placing second in th e 200cc C class. "That 's the best I've ridden in a long time," Smith smiled . R ESUtTS O/A: I . P.A. Allen (Kaw) : 2. Dust in Gibson (KTM); 3. John Maschino (GG); 4. Jeff Cregg (Kaw): S. Robert Patterson (Kaw); 6. John Robbins (KTM): 7. Alan Westerfie ld (Kaw); B. Greg Elrod (SUl.); 9. Chr is Bach (KTM); 10. Travis Gre en (Kaw). AA: I . PA Allen (Kaw); 2. Dustin Gibson (KTM); 3 John Maschino (GG); 4. Jeff Cregg (Kaw): 5. John Robb ins (KTM). 250 A: I . Travis Green (Kaw ): 2. Mike Sampson (SUl) : l . Josh Scott (KTM); 4. Jer e my Ketchum (KTM); 5. Steve Gordon (KTM). LT A: I. Harvey Whitaker (Kaw); 2. Dere k Br atche r ( KTM); 3. Weston Wallwork (KT M): 04 . m). 4-S TRK A: Michael Barnick (KTM); S. Robert Blalock (Ya I . Alan Westerfield (Kaw); 2. Jack Baile y (KTM); l . Jeffrey Welch (Yam); 4. Rusty lewis (KTM); 5. Kenny Judd (Kaw). VET A: I . Robert Patterson (Kaw); 2. Greg Elrod (Suz); l . Taras MAsse (KTM); 4. WyJesGriffrth (KTM): S. Jason Dickey y (KTM). SR A: I . Richard Ward (KTM); 2. Mark Guy (Yam ); l . Steven Middlebrook (KTM); 04. William Baker (KTM); 5. Kenny Satterfield (Ha n). 250 B: 1. Jake Young (KTM): 2. Thomas Mitchell(Suz): l . Greg Rumery (Yam 4. Lucas Soule ); (Kaw) : S. Seth Summers (Kaw). l Oa 4·STRK B: I . Cod y John Fitzpatrick (Y am). B 515R: I. Ross R. Ross (KTM): 2. Joe Floyd ( H o n); 3, larr y Gr eene (K TM); .... Scott A few miles later, at the finish, a final tally of th e scores showed t hat Russell's 8.428 was good fo r a victory. Butle r's 9.44B placed him second, and Brandt followed in third with I 1.446 . Ruffo ni's consistent riding put him fourth with 12.558, and Zito rounded out the top five with 13.521. "They used every good trail this place has to offer," said Moose/Enduro Engineering! Aftershocks-sponsored Ruffoni, "This was a true l enduro - I loved the downhil< at highspeeds!" eN JACKHAMMER ENDURO FOUTS SPRIN GS, CALIFORNIA UNOFFICIAL RESUL TS: OCTOB ER 1 7, (ROUNDS 6/6) 200 4 McC or mick (Yam); S. Jim Peacoc k (Ho n). 8 GEN T: I. Ha yden Ritchey (KTM); 2. Grant Gustavson (KTM). COlA : I. Sean Wh ite (Yam); 2. H ick Gr undy (KT M); 3. Gre g Campbel l (KTM): 1. J d SUtJ;ff (Hon): 5. M..-k Ra. 1 (y",,). are C l OD: I. Rkardo Jacut in. C 250: I. Sean Wh ite (Yam); 2. Brandon Henning (Yam): l . Keith Seder (Yam); -4 Brendan . O' Reilly(Han); 5. Stephen Clarey (Hon). C OPE N: I. Greg Campbell (KTM); 2. Gary Winnie (KTM); 3. Peter McCoy (Hon): 04 . Kirkwood Young (KTM); S. Scott Riechen (KTM). C 4·STRK: 1. Hick GF'\lndy (KTM); 2. Jared Sutliff (Han) ; 3. Randy Jackson (Yam); 4. Pet er Hamilton (Han) ; 5. Glenn Hoo re (Y am). C VET: I. Mark Rael (Yam); 2. Fitch Pitney (KTM); 3. Robert Smith (Hon): 4. Mike Johnson (Han); S. James Roe bling (KTM). C SR: I . O liver Weissen be rger (Hus); 2. Richie Mendez (KTM); 3. Mike Leitchman (Hon); 4 . Chase Jiannalone (KTM); 5. Gordon Mort ensen (KTM). C 51SR: I. Dave Rocha (GG): 2. Rick Rinks (KTM); 3. Wayne Manhall (KTM); 04. Ron Zibulka (Y am): S. Gordon Hum (KTM). C W M N: I . Patti Henning (KTM); 2. julie Werne:t (Kaw) . E CL: I . Don Werney (Han) ; 2. James Howell (Kaw) ; 3. Thomas Rayas (KTM) ; 4. Mark Maddox (KTM) ; S. Anthony Andrade (Yam) . O/A: I. Bill Russell (KTM); 2. Brian Butle r (Yam); l. y PHOTOS BY JILL ASHWORTH PA nERSON jordan Brand t (KTM); 4 . Greg Ruffon i ( Han) ; S. Chris Ztrc (Yam) . AA: I. Billy Russ e ll (KTM 2. Jordan Brandt (KTM); ); 3. Greg Ruffoni (Ha n); 4. Dave Wood (Suz). A 1 00: I . Dave Peel (KTM); 2. Ryan Gould thread (KTM); 3. Dan Melvin (Suz). A 1S0: I. Bria n But ler (Yam) ; 2. Ch ris Zito (Yam); 3. Jeff Baue r (Suz); 4. Scott Bright (Kaw); 5. Kevin Ruffoni (Kaw). A OPEN: I. Joe Silva (Yam) ; 2. Graham Hinsda le (KT M); 3. Andres Ruggiero (Ya m). A 4·ST RK: I . james Ptarcinski (Han); 2. Gary Robinson (Husky); 3. Ron Wigington (Han) ; .... Br o dy Borgogno (KTM); S. Ryan Powell (Yam). A VET: l . Kevin Wiley (Yam); 2. Ro b White (Kaw ); l . Chris Wagner-Jauregg (KTM); .... Shawn Blac k (KT M); S. Kevin Lo pe z (Yam). A SR : I. Duke l a mb ert (KT M); 2. C hr is von Kleist (Kaw) ; l . l am e s Curry (KTM); 4 . Mike Carlo (Yam); S. DavKJ Moser (Han) . A S/SR: I. 11m O sterda y (Kaw ): 2. Mike Ste rling (Han); l . Richa rd Adan (Hon); 4. Hugo Zwe tslcct (Hon): S. Pete r Pr ichar d (KT M). A GENT: I . Donald Chase (KTM); 2. Bill Craig (KTM). B O/A : I . Ro be rt Cye ( Han); 2. Todd Dagman (Ha n); 3. Russe ll Alle n (KTM) : 1. Iv>dyWikox (KTM); S. John Filippi (Han) . B 100: I . Joey Pascarella (KTM); 2. Ken MaJpus (KTM). B 1 50 : I. Russell Allen Billy Russell claimed the ove ra ll victo ry at the 34th (KTM); 2. Chris Darman (Yam); l. Don Chamblee (KTM); 4. Cra ig annual Jackhammer Enduro. , ; MIller(Suz): 2. Ryan Creas er (Kaw): 3. Eric Chappell (Yam) -t. Don Giles (Kaw); S. Billy Clark (Kaw). O PEN 4·STRK B: I . Chad McClamroch (KTM); 2. Brad Bradley (KTM); 3. Ricky McCoy (KTM); 4. Randy Steel e (KTM); S. Trent Lemaster (Yam O PEN B: I . Jeffrey Holland (KTM): 2. Jeremy Haws ). (KTM); l . Jason West (Ha n); -t. Eric Gill (KTN) ; 5. Adam Bush (Kaw). 100 B: I . Geoffrey Venn ilyea (Kaw); 2. Philip O 'Dell (KTM); 3. Jacob Patterson (Kaw) ; -t. lewis lamb (KTM); S. Eric Hone ycutt (KTM). VET B: I . Brent Jones (Y am): 2. Danny Coultas (Yam); l . Danny Peacock (KTM); 4. Jeffrey Underwood (Yam S. Eric Bowman (Hon). SR B: J. ): David Smithson (KTM); 2. Jim Sorrels (Suz); l . Ron Dilback (KTM); 4. Pete Bouelli (Suz): S. John Glaus (Ya m). S/S R: I. Paul Miche ls (KTM); 2. larry Still (Kaw ): 3. Leon Parker (Y am); 1. Chuck Rhoten (KTM); 5. Dona ld Gand y (KTM). H STR: I . Emmett Cox (KTM); 2. John Giles (Hon); l . Don Free land (GG); 4. Wade Summers (Ha n); 5. lonnie Watson am); l . (KTM). 150 C: I. Joel Knox (KTM); 2. Kevin wets (Y Kyle Wisdo m (Yam); 4. Steve Lambrun o (Y ); 5. Derek am Fishe r (Yam) . 200 C : I . Michael Foster (KTM); 2. Jared Smith (KTM); l . Robert Rogers (KTM); 4. Dillion Phelps (KTM); S. Dere k Tucker (KTM). lOO 4·STRK C: I. Chase Bisho p (Yam 2. Brad Nicewinter (Y ); am); 3. Loupie lambruno (Y ); 4. Robert Braun (Yam); S. Chance Mullins (Han). am OP EN 4 · ST RK C: I. Jas on Burton (KT M); 2. Weston Childers (Kaw); 3. Andrew McCluskey (Yam 4. John Davis ); (Yam) ; S. Kelly McDonald (KTM). VET C: I . jeff Gree n (KTM); 2. Eddie Cra in (Kaw); l . Paul Pannell (KTM); 4. Todd Hunte r (KTM); S. Christopher Wilson (KTN) . SR C : I . Da niel Ne wcomb (Ha n); 2. Chris Summ er (Han) ; 3. Joe Ferguson (Kaw); 4. Edward Thomas (KTM); S. Greg Tucker (Yam BEG: I . Shannon Lawrence (Ha n): 2. Jason Stamps ). (Yam l . Bradley Helton (Yam). ); WNYMAlnc. Round 27: Hunt Moto Park D e Roller Rolls In First By LARRY WOOSTER HUNT, NY, OCT. 17 neWest Clothing's WN YMA Fall Series' e ight h ra ce w as co -sponso red by DP Brakes and Spect re Oils and was held amid the awesome fall foliage. This old-school track has undergone some slight ye t impressi ve layo ut changes, and Hunt Mota Park may just become th e 2004 WN YMA Track of the Year, adding to its ste llar list of past Track of the Year Awards! Misty precipitation kept t he ride r count down a tad , a nd perspiration an d th e allimport ant tire selection we re going to be key on th is day for ride rs in every class, including the dozen or so Senior B riders anticipating the O CYCLE NEWS • DECEMBER 8, 2004 37