Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 12 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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I Yamaha Triple Threat: Ty Davis (1), Russ Pearson (3 ) a nd Nathan Wood s (7) lead the way off the sta rt. Briefly... KawasakiTeam Green's Destry Abbott did not have a great weekend in Idaho. On Saturday, the recently cro wne d Nat ional Hare & Hound Champ ion injured his foot and hobbled to the start line for Sunday's Pro race . Unfortunately, the pain was too muc h for him, and he pulled out early in the race. The WORes Season Finale Awards Banquet was he ld following the race in a high school auditorium in town. Nathan Woods led a Yamaha sweep of the top Pro Woods crashed early but recovered to finish thi rd. Bobby Bonds ke pt pace with Davis until falli ng a couple of time s la te in the race. spectators we re t re at ed to a good show as Davis and Bonds ba ttled back and forth. Afte r a fe w laps , it became o bvious th at this race was goi ng to be a two-m an race to the finish, as Davis a nd Bonds co ntinued to put more ground be tween them and the re st of the fie ld. The big Yamaha thumper o f Davis' had an advantage on t he open sec tion s and the big uphills, but Bonds' Tea m RPM 250cc Kawasak i was quicke r in the tight se ct ions. At th e halfway po int, Bonds made a big push for the lead and caugh t and passed Davis in a tight, d ry san d wash, but Davis took the lead back on the same lap, when Bonds slid out . Bo nds got back up and set after Davis again, but after bo th ride rs pitted fo r fuel, Bond s bailed o ff again but this time tweaked his bac k, making it difficult for him to nego tiate the ro ugh cou rse. "I knew I to make two pits stops [to Davis' one] , an d I was trying to make up for it ," Bo nds said . "T he n I blew it all and just cras he d ." awa rds, with the overa ll title and number-one plate. Ty Davis and Russ Pearso n joined him on the podium in second and third , respectively. Yamaha was awarded the Manufacturers Award , and Kenny Parry, who too k over the team manage me nt duties for Zip-Ty Racing at the start of the year, was given a special Team Manager Award . The 10 National Amateur-class champ ions we re each awarded a motorcycle. Ricky Dietrich too k home three new bikes for taking the 12S and 250cc A- and Semi-Pro -class champ ionships. The top 10 Pro riders received chec ks for $1000 each, and Bryce Olsen rece ived an additional $2500 for earning the Privateer of the Year Award. This year's I3-race series produced mor e than 10,000 e ntries and more than 5000 differ ent riders . The WORCS series ret urns to Idaho in April for ro und five of the 2005 series . Lik th is year 's series, the Pros e wo n't have any th rowaway ro unds in 2005 , but the Amateurs will be able to contest the series by riding just seven or more events. O ne change for next year will be separate race weeken ds for motor cycles and ATVs. Do n't expec t much of an off-seas o n th is year, as the op ening round for 2005 WORC5 series is scheduled for January 1416 in Arizona. For more infonnatio n on th is year 's results and next year's schedules, you can visit the WO RCS we bsite at www.worcsrac . N EWS ยท DECEMBER 8, 2004 17

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