Rocky Mountain MC/ATV Wor ld Off-Road Championship Se r ies
Still, Bonds stayed tough and held
do wn the second spot but had to le t
Davis go.
"Bonds was riding really good, charging a litt le bit hard er in the tighte r sec tions , but I co uld kind of ree l him back in
the faste r stuff," Davis said. "Afte r he
crashed, he was neve r really a thre at after
that ."
Meanw hile, newly c rowned series
cham p Nathan Woods had some problems in the beginning that put him back
so me, though he was steadily making
progress to the front of the pack. He
eve ntually fought his way into fourt h and
soo n latched on to op ening-rou nd winne r
Lance Smail on the Team Gre en KX250.
Aro und the halfway point, Wood s got
around Smail for th ird and held o n to that
spo t to the finish; Smail en de d up fourt h.
Team Gree n's David Pearso n also
spe nt the race making up for an early
crash , sn e aking into fift h befo re it
was all o ver.
Sixth place went to KTM rider Bryce
O lson , who was honor ed afterward as
the series private e r of the year. Seventh
amaha's Russ Pearson , followed
went to Y
by KTM rider Brian Garrahan and local
David Kamo, wh o was credited with the
Semi-Pro -c1ass win, over 10th-place fineN
isher Ricky Dietrich.
PRO; I. "JY 0.'" (y"",): 2. Bobby Bonds(!(Kaw).
Arnold(Ys): 2. "JY
Da"s (294/3 w<>s); 3. R=eNPearson (24611 win): 4. Bobby
Bonds(243/3 wins): 5. Destry Abbott (205) 6. Kurt CaselI (179):
7. David """"'" (168): 8. Elry