Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 11 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Venegas used a good start in the first semi to ea rn t he win and t ransfe r to the main, w hile Harm atiuk's seco nd-place finish put him in the main as we ll. Hamill trapped from the outs ide and ran away with the second semi, and Scope llite finished second to complete the main event field. Ermolenko defeated Galvin and Schwartz for the victory in the Scratch Consolation . The Division Tw o main fe at ure d a great battle between Mark Baldwin and T im Gomez for nearly two laps, but Dale Facchini fo und too much traction on the back straight and took o ut himself and Gom ez in turn three. Th e red flag came o ut , and Facchin i was penalized o n t he re st art . On t he se cond atte m pt, Go me z ou tdistanced the field fro m the o utside and ran awa y with th e w in. Ed Mart inez was second , Facchini finished third , and Baldwin was fourth. Ste ve Dziadu s Jr. was leading the Division Th ree main w hen he we nt dow n on the third lap and brought out the red flag. The re feree declared that enough laps had bee n com pleted and awa rded the victory to Rohn Zellner. Steve Dziadus Sr. was second, Phil Harmatiuk finished thir d. Kim Steve ns was fou rth , and Dziadus Jr. was credited with fifth . R ESULTS PIW: I. Rocco Scopellne: 2. Braydan Galvin; J. Dakota. Workman; 4. Hank Duncan. YTH: I. Ricky Wells; 2. Dylan Black; J. Joey Holt; 4. Gino Manzares. 0-3: I. Rohn Zellne r; 2. Steve Dziad us Sr.; 3. Phil Harmatiuk: 4. Kim Stevens ; 5. Steve Daiadus Jr. 0 -2 : I. Tim Gomez ; 2. Ed Mart inez ; 3. Dale Facchini; 4. MCD By SHAN MOORE HENDERSON, TX, SEPT. 25 an 36 Mini 5 D espite the threatsoflinedall-day rain, start of Endurance team up for the I a. Manuel Jimenez came out on top of a competitive multiclass main event aboard his purpose-built Yamaha at the California Motorcycle Association TT held at the Hanford Fairgrounds. roots w hile squari ng orr corners and tak ing the inside lines. Jimen ez , o n t he other hand, was the o pposite e xt re me; decked o ut in custom leathers and riding a purpose-built Yamaha, he looked every bit the hard-co re flat-t racker. The two opposite s see med to attract: They stuck together ou t fro nt and pu t on a great show. Jimenez edged Medl ey for the heat-race w in but se t them up for a grea t main. It's ref re shing to see a race live up to the hype , and th at 's e xact ly wha t the main eve nt did. It was the same story as the heat race , but with an extra lap of excitement. Again, the two ride rs e mployed o pposl te sty les to achieve simila r re sults . Once again , tho ugh , Jime ne z utilized his expe rience, along with a little extra horsepower, to win the race - and the bragging rights in the pits. RESULT S 50 STK: I. Hunte r Strickland (Yam 65 NO V: I. Bobby ). Bolin (Suz). 65 IN T: I. Christo pher Torres (Suz). 65 X: I. Christophe r Tor res (Suz); 2. Bo bby Bolin (Suz). 85 NO V: I. Christopher Torres (Suz); 2. Zachary Thompson (Hon). 85 tNT: I. Justin Dege r (Yam); 2. Danielle Diaz (Hon). 85 X: I. Just in Deger (Yam); 2. Chase l enn e man (Hon). 4· 5TRK 0-90 YTH : I. [arre t Jone s (Ha n); 2. Chase l enneman (Hon). 4-ST RK 91 -1 25 YTH: I. Danelle Dial (Ha n); 2. Jesse Silva : (Yam 3. Nyssa Jones (He n). 4-STRK 91 ·125 ADULT I. ); m). 1251NT: Brian Jones (Ya m). 125 NO V: I. Jesse Silva. (Ya I. Ryan England (Han) . 125 EX: I. Jess Medley (Hon). 250 NO V: I. John Walker (Yam). 250 INT: I. Ryan England (Ha n). 250 EX: I. Manuel Jime ne z (Yam) MORN OPE N . NO V: , . John Walke r (Y . MORN OP EN EX: I. Jess am) Medley (Hon). VET EX: I. Manuel Jimenez (Yam). O fT lNT: I. Brian Jones (Y am). rou nd five of the K& N Moto rcycle Fo r mula Mini Endura nce Series , hosted by the Cen tral Moto rcycle Roadraci ng Association at O ak Hill Race way ne ar He nde rso n, Te xas . The ra ce , w hich featu red a $50 0 purse posted by K& N Mot o rcycles. wou ld run for four hours over the twisty and undulating Oak Hill circuit. At the start , Bryan West put the Sum Of All Parts Hon da RS25 0 F into t he le ad , bu t a me chanical pro blem on lap one left him using "peo ple powe r" instead of horse power to get back to the pits. Chuck Ergle took advantage of West's misfortune and moved the Mystery Dance Honda CR80 into the lead and, by the end of one hour of racing, he had built up an impressive twolap lead. AFI Racing, on an ApriliaRS50, occupied the se cond-ove rall positio n and was the to p Formu la Five bike, with Dirty Dee ds Done Dirt Cheap ano ther lap bac k in th ird . Defe nd ing e ndurance champion Te am K&N Racing, on a Yamaha 1285, was way down in ninth, four laps off the pace, after arriving late to the grid and having to start the race on cold slicks. With a steady rain now falling, Team K&N Racing, now runnin g with rain t ire s, began to cut several seconds per lap off of the leaders' times and by the two-hour mark had moved on to the lead lap with Mystery Dance , w hich was r unning o n slicks . How e ver, just as q uickly, Team K&N's bike suck ed water into its carb, w hich cost the team seve ral laps. During t he t hird hou r, Te am Je su s, o n a Yamaha TZ85 , and Indenile Racing, o n a Muzzy SM 125, had be gu n to show the be nefits of co nsiste nt lap t imes and efficie nt pit sto ps, as they now occupied the seco nd and third spots , respectively. Team Jesus, with Zac Chapman and Mike Hum phries at the he lm, had bee n as far back as 10th at the e nd of the first hou r but had stea dily forged up thro ugh the ranks w hile ot her teams were having prob lems or crashing out . After co mpleti ng I 15 la ps , Ergle and Mystery Dance teammates Derek Delper o and Steve Guynes took the checkered flag w ith four laps to spare over second- place finishers Team Jesus. Inde nile Racing's Dusti n Dom ingue z and Le s Ban ta finishe d t h ird ove rall a nd fir st Form ula Six bike , e ight laps off the le ad . In fo urth were Team K& N's Tyler McDo nald and Will Gruy, with ST D Racing in fifth overall and second in Fo rm ula Six. First overall in the Fo rmula Seven class was Team Lean. "I want to thank Tom Hoover for letting us race his bike," Delpero said. "I also want to thank my teammates Chuck Ergle and Steve Guynes for riding smooth and consis te ntly. We stayed on slicks the whole time , so we saved time by not making t he change , but the key was tha t we didn't crash and we didn't have any bad luck." R ESUL TS a lA : I. Mystery Dance (Hon); 2. Tea m Jesus (Yam); 3. Inde nile Racing (Muz); 4. Team K&N (Ya m); 5. STD Racing (He n): 6. Team Sling (Apr); 7. Sabrinfck Racing (Apr); 8. Team Sidewinder (Apr); 9. Ho ust on Kawasak i (Kaw); 10 . J&R Racing (Mor); I I. Team Lean (Hen ): 12. Spott ed Dog Racing (Hon); 13. GMAN Racing (Hon); 14. No Hope Racing (Apr); 15. RPG Racing (Apr); 16. Spee d De mon z (Y ; 17. 3D am) Racing (Yam) 18. Red Spade Racing (Oer ): 19.90 Nutsracing ; (Yam); 20 . Tea m C ros s Ro ads Hond a (YSR); 2 1. 2Wheelz .com (Hon); 22. Cycle I (Muz); 23. Hunke red Down Racing (Hon); 24. Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap (Hon); 25. Tea m OZ Racing (Ho n); 26. Sum Of All Pans (He n): 27. Hype r Cycle (Yam); 28. AFI Racing (Apr); 29. Poe try On W heels (Kew}; 3D. Army Of White ness (Ho n); 31. TDC Racing (Yam 32. O ff Track Excursion (Mor); 33. Mini K&N ); (Yam): 34. Keene Broth ers Racing (Ha n); 35. Mr. Co rder Racing (Han ); 36. Shrew s (Apr ). Lodi Cycle Bowl Short Track Souza Marches Them Homel o ne . Jo e He rna ndez got the hole shot at the BY DONNA HALL restart and held the lead for a lap or two. Tony LODI, CA, SEPT. 25 T he O pe n A main even t go t off to a ragged start, with Scott Corsetti getting off in turn So uza, on his CCM , had ano the r plan : With ro o m on t he ou tsid e o nly, he mad e his bid CYCLE NEWS • NOVEMBER 10, 2004 6S

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