Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 11 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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coming off tu m fo ur, made the pass and w ent o n fo r t he win . Th is w as a $1000 race , so eve ryo ne had th e need fo r speed. T he finish had Souza as the wi nner, w ith Hernandez in second and Danny Casey in third . The Over 40 A main be lo ng ed to Bo b McDonnell, bu t o nly after he mad e a pass on Robert Curry. w ho took the lead off the start. Robert Bacosa got around Curry, tak ing the sec o nd sp ot. McDonnell and Baco sa just ra n aw ay from t he pack. Bacosa nev er lets up; determined and charging hard , he went after Mc Donnell. H o w e ve r, at the finis h it was McDonnell first, with Bacosa tak ing second and Cu rry in third. The 125-250cc B main was a heart-breaker for James Mahar. T he ho les hot was Maha r's , and he led for seven laps. Th en Cody Anselmi decided he'd had enough of that. Making a lastlap pass, Anse lm i took it away fro m Mahar. C had Cose was in t he mix, working his way th rough the pack to finish third. Th e comined Vet A a nd B mai n had t he crowd on its fe et . Ronnie Knight had to start wa y back from the che aters' bo x, but boy, did he come out of there fast! It too k him tw o laps to take secon d, and the crowd w e nt wild! Rob McCarty held the lead throughout the race, but by the fourt h lap he knew tha t Knight was right beh ind him. Keep ing the ham me r down and going a little faste r was w hat it took, but he kept Knight behind him. It was McCarty's race, wit h Knight second and Eric Turner third. Th e BOcc ma in belonged to Mike Martin, who continued his bliste ring pace at Lodi. He's another young one coming up through th e ran ks w ho w ill be a force to be re ckoned w ith. Chad Cose was se cond, and To ny Davil a finished third. Lodi has many young hots hoes working the track this season, and they are do ing a great jo b and showing the old guys w hat's co m ing. Hern andez. Co se , Anselm i, Stevie Bonsey - just to name a few - are out there banging bars w ith the best. be hind o n the final tw o laps to claim it. At the start , Jern igan capita lize d o n a good start and by turn three had ta ken co mmand of first pcsln o n. w ith Darrell Wagnon, riding a Ho nda RS60, in sec on d an d Derby-mounted Kyle Rivers in t hird . Ant hony Sm ith, on his Honda RS60, was in fourt h, just ahead of Honda rider Robert Wh ite . On lap three, Wagnon turn ed th e fastest lap of the race , a I:45.113, and on the following lap he pulled alongside Jernigan as the duo cr ossed the st art/fi nish line. Two tu rns lat e r, Wagnon ducked to the inside of Jern igan in turn two but w ent wide at the exit, allow ing Je rnigan to pull back even. The tw o ride rs entered turn th ree side by side. with Wagnon pulling clear on the uphill portion of the exit. Wagnon held the lead until two laps before the finish, when he went off the track, handing the lead back to Je rnigan. "I got pushed o ff the track co ming out of turn th ree ," Wagnon said. itA lapper went wide at the exit and pushed me into the grass . Wagnon recovered to salvage second place at the finish, w ith Jernigan taki ng the easy win . Rive rs finis he d third, w ith Smith a nd Whi te rounding out the top five. "I got a good start for the first time , and AF I has really go t th e bike so rt ed o ut ," Jernigan reported. "I put my head down and tried to get a jump, but it sta rted raining, so 1 backed off a RESULTS 50 SR A: I. Megan Mart in (Co b); 2. Jake Strong (Hon). 50 SR C: I. Evan Diu (KTM). 502: I. Evan Diaz (KTM); 2. Robbie Nicho ls (KTM); 3. Jo hn Tivaido (Ho n); -4 . T fvaidc Garibay (Co b); 5. Jeremy Harris (Hon). 60 8 : I. Dom inic Colindres (Kaw); 2. Jake Strong (Ho n); 3. Jared Slate (Suz). 60 C: I. Dusty Nunes (Kaw); 2. Adam Hernandez (Kaw ). 80 A: I. Michae l Mart in (Hon); 2. Chad Cose (Hon); 3. Tony Davila (Ho n); 4. Kyle Anselm i (Ho n): 5. Garrett Slate (Yam ). 80 8 : I. Danie lle Diaz (Hon) ; 2. Ufe Kelley (Hon ). 80 C: I. Stephen Mo rale s (Ho n). 100 W M N : I. Kimi Vallent ine (Hon). 100 YTH STK A: I. Michael Martin (Ho n); 2. Jorge Cabrera (Han ). 100 YTH STK B: I. Daruelle Diaz (Han) . 100 YTH STK C: I. Mich ae l Ramirez (Ho n). 100 YTH MOO B: I. Ricky Colindres (Hon). 100 YTH MOD C: I. fWsry Ungar o (Hon) . 100 SPTSMN STK B: I. Steph en Sikorski (Ho n); 2. Fuzz y Be e ching (Yam). 100 SPTSMN STK C: I. Kimi Villientine (Hon); 2. Mike O 'Con nor (Hon) ; 3. Jim Nichols (Hon); 4. David Valle ntine (Ho n); 5. Joshua Walls (Hon). 100 SPTSMN MOD B: I. Stephen Sikors ki (Ha n); 2. Jo nat ha n Curry (He n): 3. AI King (Ho n). 100 SPTSMN MOD C: I. Casey Clifton (Hon ); 2. Rusty Ungaro (Hon); 3. Billy Joe Clifton (Hon) ; -4. Jim Nichols (Ha n). 115 B: I . Troy Milligan Jr. (Yam). 250 B: I. Kyle Anselmi (Hon). OPEN A: I. To ny Souza (CC M); 2. Joe Herna ndez (Hon) ; 3. Dann y Case y (Ho n); 4. Mark Corsetti (Ho n); 5. Jermaine Bacc sa (Yam). OPEN B: I. James Mahar (Rot); 2. Jonathan Curry (Hon); 3. Tob y Trana (CC M); 4. Danny Knight (Yam): 5. Michael Vargas (Hon). OPEN C: I. John Mart in (Ho n). VET A: I. Robert McCarty (CCM); 2. Ronny Knight (Yam); 3. Eric Turne r. VET B: I. Gary King (Rot) ; 2. Charles Fabbiani (Rot). VET C: I. Nick Fereria (Yam); 2. Jeff Spoh r (Yam); 3. Robert lano y (Yam) ; 4. Bill Holt Jr. (Yam) . 40 + A : I. Robert McDo nnell (CC M); 2. Robert Bacosa (ATK). 40+ B: I. Michae l Vargas (Ho n); 2. Randy Kreml ace k (Yam) ; 3. AI Webbe r (Hon) ; 4 . James Maha r (Rot) . 40+ C : I. N ick Fere ria (Hon ); 2. Robert Lanoy (Yam); 3. Jeff Spohr (Yam). 50 + VINT A: I. Mike RiddeJ (Yam): 2. Carter Fisher (Bul); 3. Bud Riddle (Yam 50 + VINT B: I. Denn is Kritzer (Yam); ). 2. AI King (Yam). 50+ V INT C : I. Richard Harr ingt o n (Yam 2. Jim Mack (Yam VIN T A: I. Rob Morris (Y ); ). am); 2. Greg Riddle (Yam 3. Joe Hoogerhyde (Yam); 4. Mike Riddel ); (Ya m) . V INT B: I. Randy Krem lacek (Ya m); 2. Fuzz y Beec hing (Yam); 3. De nnis Kritzer (Yam). VINT C: I. Jeff Spohr (Yam): 2. Ray Ho lt Jr. (Yam): 3. Richard Har ringto n (Yam); 4. Frank Corsetti (Ho n); 5. Tim levi (Yam). PRO · AM : I . Tony Souza (C CM); 2. Joe He rn ande z (Ho n); 3. Danny Casey (Hon); 4. Steve Bonsey (Ho n); 5. Cody Anselmi (Rot). to bit. The nex t thing I know, I w as getting passed , so I had to turn the heat back up. It w as a good race, though. He got caught up in traffic and tangled w ith a lapper, and that was the race ." In th e Formula Seven division . Richard Eade s took the w in, w ith fellow Yamaha rider David Wilson and Ho nd a rider Wa lker Keene ro unding o ut the top five. In the combined Formula Fo ur and Fo rmula Six race , Yamaha rider Will Gruy got the jump ahead of Yamaha-m o unt e d Tyler McDonald , wit h Y maha rider Zac C hapman a nd Honda a pilot Anthony Smith waging a fierce battle over t hird . On la p three, Sm ith w e nt around Chapman fo r third, while McDonald posted the fast e st lap of the race, a 1:35 .106 , an d was pushing Gruy fo r the lead . At the finish , Gruy took the Fo rmula Four win by a 0.244 -second margi n, w hile Smith ni pped Chapman by a wheel for third . Kawasaki jockey George Crain was the top Formula Six finisher, with Ho nda rider Derri ck Patman in second. RESULTS F-4 : I. Will Gruy (Yam); 2. Tyle r McDo nald (Yam): 3. Antho ny Smit h (Ho n); 4. Zac Chapm an (Yam); 5. Th omas Hoo ver (Hon) . F-S : I. Jayme Je rn iga n (Apr ); 2. De r e k Wagnon (Hon) ; 3. Kyle Rivers (De r); 4. Anthony Smith (Hen) : 5. Robert White (Ho n). F·6: I. Geo rge Crai n (Kaw) ; 2. Der r ic k Pa tman (Hon ); 3. N ick Gruy (Ya m) ; 4 . Ric hard Desmo nd (Mut); S. Gare t Tom linson (Hon). F· 7: I . Richard Eads (YSR); 2. David Wilson (Yam); 3. Walker Keene (Hon); 4. Jason Kee ne (Ha n); 5. Nick Gruy (Yam). .-------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' w a: s " ~ '" >- CD § :I: a. Richie Gibson is on the gas during Bremen Maxxis Moto·Madness action in Bremen, Georg ia. Bremen Supe rcro ss Bre me n Race Park Scogin, Wasson ~S:B. Wins INSON BREMEN, GA, SEPT. 25 Jayme Jernigan was the big winner at round nine of the CMRA Championship Roadracing Sp rint Series in Henderson, Texas. CMRA Champion ship Roadracing Sprint Se ries Round 9: Oak Hill Raceway Jernigan, Gruy Top Mini Sprints at Oak Hill By SHAN MOORE HENDERSON, TX, SEPT. 25 ayme Je rn igan w o n t he top mon e y in t he combined AF1 Racing Fo rmula Five and Fo rmula Seven race at round nine of the CMRA J 66 Championsh ip Roadraci ng Spr int Series, he ld at Oak Hill Racew ay near Henderso n, Texas. Jernigan 's wi n netted him t he lio n's share o f the $250 purse offere d by AF I Racing; ho w eve r, the w in was not w ithout so me suspe nse, as the Aus t in, Te xa s, resident had to come fr om NOVEMBER 10, 2004 • CYCLE NEWS A no ther Saturday night has come and gone, /""\al o ng w ith some great racing at Bremen Race Park. Mo re than 200 riders signed up for a shot at their fair share of Maxxis Mota-Madness Series points . Perfect w eather and perfect trac k prep greeted the riders , so let' s get a seat and check it o ut! The 50cc (4-6) cla ss was Baile y Croom territory, as he w on both motos on his fas t KTM with strong starts and some fast riding . Logan Rainwater used his Cobra to spo il a KTM po dium with se cond overall. Blaze Turne r, o n another fast KTM, finished ou t the podium w ith a st rong third overall. The SOcc Open class is a great one to watch. becau se the bikes are sm all but they are 40th Anniversar y fas t , a nd the riders pu t o n a show. Br ad y Moreland used his KTM to hammer o ut both mota wins. Alec Riggins, also a KTM pilot , put in a great ride for se co nd overall . Pollni pilot David N izzari had a problem in th e seco nd mota but he ld on for third overal l. Whe n th e 65cc ( 7- 9) gate fell , KTMmo unte d Timoth y Th orn shot o ut fro nt to win bot h motos. Suzuki jockey Chris Hughes put tog e th er a better sec ond mota to e ar n th e second spot on the pod ium. KTM ride r Garrett Sutton also used a better second mot a to gain the last podium spot. The Pret een 60 -85c c class was the property of Ad am Root . on his fast KT M. Yamahamou nt ed D illo n McGu llian scored seco nd overa ll. Th orn too k the last podi um spot . The Youth clas s saw Yamaha ride r Dylan Rios w in both motos. Kawasa ki jockey Richie Gibson earn ed second overall. Richie 's yo unger brother Chas Gibson, o n another Kawasaki, took the final pod ium po sition . The Unlimited Amat eur overall w as wo n by KTM pilot Matt Wasson , w ho swap pe d mot o wins wit h runn er-up Bobby Scogin; w inning the

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