Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 11 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CMC Trans-Cal MX Ser ies Sout h Round 2: Starwest MX Park PHOTOS BY JOHN BETHEA Schoolboy Brawl! By JOHN BETHEA PERRIS, CA SEPT. 19 , hey 're supposed to be Schoolboys, but they acte d mo re like a couple of schoo lyard toughs whe n the CMC/MTA Wes t/FMF Trans-Cal Nat ionals held its second southern e qualifi r round at Starwest MX Park. It was in the second 12Scc Schoo lboy moto that local rider Drew Collins of nearby San jacinto and Aust in Ingalls of Templeton , California (a sm all community a few miles inland from San Luis Obispo, about 200 miles away), got into a kicking and shout ing match on the track that evenwalty erupted into a full-out brawl at the finish-line exit that included race rs, pit crews, fathers and even mothers. One might expect that the local rider would have a the home-crowd advantage , but it was Ingalls - with the aid o f the factio n from Templeton (a dozen or more make the trek south for each round of the CMC qualifiers ) who appeared to have the most support. With both rid ers d isqualified , Suzuki jockey Benny Breck got the (s o m e w ha t diminished) spotlight as the sweeping winner in a rou nd of some amaz ingly tight races in various classes , a few involving members of that "Templeton connection." The 12Scc Inte rmed iates gated beh ind the 12Scc and SOOcc Pros. Honda- mounted Nate Colli ns (anothe r San Jacinto ride r) took the earty lead, but he went over the be rm near the finish line, doing damage to body and bike, and he reti red , giving Ingalls the lead . Late in the mota , Honda ride r C had Ande r son ca me charging towa rd the leader and clawed his way ne arly all t he way up fr- o nt before the checke red flag. In the seco nd rnoto, Ingalls seemed to be on a Sunday cruise in the lead, but Sun City's Ryan Campbell, wh o had placed 11th in the first race, was slashing his Yamaha through the field, moving into second with tw o laps to go. Within a lap he had made up the three-second T deficit, completed the pass and sped away! The stunned Ingalls attempted to fight back , but time ran out and he had to settle for second in the mot o and the overall win. Mean wh ile , Suzuk i-sponsored Yo shihide Fukudome of Upland got the early lead in bot h halves of the 12Scc Pro contest and held off Andrew Guzman's Calloway Kawasaki by on ly a few seconds in each outing, while Brian Bums ran his Chaparral Honda uno pposed to the 500cc w in. Burns tried to ace the 250cc Pro co ntes t as w e ll, but after d icing wit h Intermed iate Cod y Masson for the lead in the second moto, he smashed his left wrist on a PVC stake and had to pull out of the contest, ninching in pain. The Honda -mounted Masson held on to win the moto , but the mo r e consistent Anderson ( 1-2) won overa ll. Ingall's younger brother, Topher, fared well, too, winning the 80cc Open event aboard a Powerhouse Yamaha and taking second in the Sup e rmini contest, behind Pro-Tee Yamaha speedster Travis Baker of Temecula, whom he had beat en in the Op en class. Rowland Heights' Shawn Gr itten rode his Three Broth ers Racing KTM to a trio of firsts, winning the 60cc Op en , 60cc (9- 11) and BOcc (7- 11) classes . eN In the first 125cc Intermediate mota at round two of the CMC Trans-Cal MX Series South, Nate Collins (351) leads Steven Hembree (510), Shawn Mohr (43), Austin Ingalls (119), Cody Masson (873), Drew Collins (665), Weston Arthurs (3), Paul Decoite (7) and the rest of the pack. STARWEST MX PARK PERRIS, CALIFORNIA RE SULTS: SEPTtMBER 19 , 2 00 4 (ROUND 2 ) so BEG, I. Oybn Schm.. (KTH) . so (4-6)' Ing a lls (1 19) won the 125cc Inte r mediate overall at Starwe st MX Pa rk . I. Chu Vasque z (Cob) ; 2. Mitchell Epste in (KTM): 3. Jeremy Keech (Cob) . SO (7 .8): I. Cody Sloan (Co b); 2. Skyter Se ifert (C ob); 3. Joshua Fe.a (Pol); 4 . Jake Hernandez (KTM). 60 BEG : I . D an ie l Lo w e nt hal! (KTM); 2. Antho ny G am ino (KTM); 3. Skyler Seifert (Kaw) ; 4. Curt Lo yles.s (Suz). 60 (0.8): I. Tristan Post (Kaw); 2. Cody Sloan (Kaw); 3. Luke Pastell (Hon) ; -t. TrisWl Clavea u (Suz); 5. Kody Past etl (Kaw). 60 (9 .1 1): I. Shawn Glitten (KTM); 2. Austin Polite lli (Kaw); 3. Dillan Eps tein (Suz): 4 . jake Mohn ike (KTM); 5. Brandon Scharer (Suz). 60 O PEN: I. Shawn Gritten (KTM); 2. Jake Mohnike (KTM) ; 3. C ody Bake r (KTM) ; 4. Brandon Scharer (Suz); 5. Trista n Po st (Kaw) . 80 B EG : I. Tra vis Rosalia (KTM); 2. Robbie Salinas (!

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