Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 10 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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nod for the overa ll, as Triest had to set tle for the tw o spot via a 3·1 score. Cary Tiede put in a solid effort on the day for the three spo t with a 4-4 tally. followed by Doniak (6-7) and Luke Layton (B-6). Just in Po sey a nd Suzu ki pi lot Core y Pennington did battle in mota one of the 12Scc Schoo lboy class . The two swap pe d paint on se ve ra l occ asio ns un t il Pos e y d e cide d he 'd finally had en o ugh and opene d up a gap on Pe nni ng t o n wi t h just a few t ur ns to go . Pen ningt on was unable to close the gap an d t ook a c lo se second , foll o w e d by Krame r Patterson , Tim Di Giordano and Greg Fo uts. Mota two had Posey out front once again, and t his time he se t a pace th at saw him w it h a co mfo rta ble lead by lap th ree; he eve ntually went on to take an uncon test ed win. That left Patt ers on and Pennington to fight over the tw o s pot, a nd a ft e r a good mote -lon g ba ttl e, Patt e rson e dge d o ut Penn ington fo r a we lldeserved second ove rall on the day. Pennington (2. 3), J.T. Salo ( 11-4) and Aaron Alonzo ( 10-6) rounded out the top five. RESULTS Pe e Wee Tra ck SO FfT: I. Patri ck N elson (Pol). 50 (4-6) P/W JR: I. Just in Bye (KTM); 2. Bryce Durjava (Yam); 3. Co lby Bate s (Y ; 4. Derri k Durjava (Yam). 50 (4-6) STK : I. Jayson am) Harting (KTM): 2. Callio n McHaney (Cob) ; J . Kyle Carvalho (KTM); 4. Kyle Irwin (Hon); 5. Colby Lankford (Ho n). 50 (4.6) MOD: I. Bru no Mored a (KTM). 50 (7 -8) STK : I. Derick Silva (Co b); 2. Cody Fendley (Cob ); 3. James Sacher (Pol); 4. Travis Hancoc k (KTM); 5. Kyle Greener (Pol). SO (7 -8) MOD : I. Michael Rutter (KTM 2. Alec Pitts (KTM); 3. ); Junior Mendoca (Hon) . SO (0-8) OPEN: l. Gunne r Sigler (KTM); 2. Jor dan Rumsey (Cob). Main Tra ck 50 (4-6): I. Jayson Hart ing (KTM); 2. CaJlion McHaney (Cob ); 3. Bru no Moreda (KTM); 4. Kyle Carvalho (KTM); 5. Justin Bye (KTM). 50 (7 -8) : I. Gunner Sigler (KTM); 2. Cody Fe ndle y (Co b); J . De rick Silva (Cob) ; 4. Mich ae l RUtte r (KTM); S. Travis Hancoc k (KTM). SO (0 ·8 ) OPEN : I. James Sache r (Pol). 60 FfT: l. Carl Ne lson (Kaw). 60 BEG: I. Jenn ifer Burton (KT M) ; 2. Nick Pr ic e (Kaw ); J . Billy Carpenter (KTM): 4. Justin Liddell (5uz) ; 5. James Sacher (KTM). 60 NO V: I. Paul D'Eredita (KTM); 2. Reno Evans (KTM); 3. Justin Brown (KTM); 4. Derek Bee (KTM); S. Nick Willey (KTM). 60 INT: I . Ty Keenom (KT M); 2. Austin Po litell i (Kaw »: 3. Mich ae l Maze (KTM); 4 . Mark Braden (KTM). 60 OP EN : I. Ty Keenom (KTM); 2. Mark Brade n (KTM); 3. Reno E'Iilns(KTM); 4. Anthony Rutter (KTM); 5. Michael Maze (KTM). 80 FIT: I. Andrew Cote (Hon); 2. Eric Mcintosh (Yam). 80 BEG 0- 1: I. Kodee Huggins (Yam); 2. T.). Bettenhausen (Yam): J . Spencer McCork le (Yam);4. Jason Becker (KTM); S. Brandon Boswell (Yam). 80 BEG 0 -2: I. J.D. Elliott (Yam); 2. Cody Evans (Yam): 3. Luc:as Armstrong (Ho n); .... Jesse Broadley (Hon); 5. Dere k Bee (Yam). 8 0 N OV 0 · 1: I. Kyle Tucker (Yam 2. Michael Parks (Suz): J . ): Austin Politelti (Kaw); 4. Keith Knight (KTM); 5. Michae l Orr (Yam). 8 0 NOV 0 -1 : I. Nash Anderson (Suz) : 2. Gabe Adame (Yam); 3. Drew Thomas (Yam) 4. Brad Lopez (Yam); ; 5. Collin Schwartz (Y . 80 INT: I. Austin Howell (Suz); 2. am) Tyler Be rem an (Yam); l . Gared Steinke (Yam); .... Marcus .. Bradshaw (Yam); S. Dylan Lane (Yam). 8 0 EX: I . Bryce Stewart (KTM); 2. Dustin Enochs (Y am). 80 OPEN D- I: I. Dust in Enochs (Yam); 2. Gar ed Ste inke (Y ); 3. Austin am Howe ll (Suz); 4. Bryce Stewart (KTM); 5. Tyler Be re man (Yam ). 80 OPEN 0 ·2: I. Co llin Sc h wa rtz (Yam) ; 2 . Ch ristopher Spiers (Yam); 3. Brad Lopez (Yam); 4. Robert N oftz (Yam);S. Spencer McCo rkle (Yam). SIMINI : I. Dustin Enoc hs (Yam); 2. Bryce Huffm an (Suz); 3. Gar ed Ste inke (Yam); 4. Austin Howell (Suz); 5. Marcus Bradshaw (Yam). B/W: I. Lucas Armstron g (Hon ); 2. Bryce Rose (Ho n). 100 : I. Austin Pamest (Ho n); 2. Kody Tuscany (Suz). 125 BEG 0 ·1: I. Jon Godman (yam); 2. Mike Azello (Hon); 3. And rew Dunn (Hon): 4. Stev e n Ma rt ine z (Kaw); S. Jame s Ol inge r (Kaw). 125 BEG 0-2: t. Ben Davis (KTM): 2. Justin Vance am); 4. Jason Petrilena (Hon ); S. (Yam): 3. Casey Sherman (Y Dylan Cain (Kaw). 125 BEG 0-] : L David Ramirez (Yam): 2. Darre n Le wis (Yam); 3. Le vi Gr indstaff (Yam): 4. Gre g You ng (Suz); 5. Todd Faravelli (Yam). 125 NOV 0 · 1: I. Tim Oi Giordano (Y am): 2. Mike Mate lli (Y am); l . Jose ph Romano (Yam); 4. Joshua Dup po ng (Yam) : S. Travis Coo ley (Hon ). 125 NOV 0-2: I. Mike Starkw eather (Hon); 2. Der ek 'h'hi te (Su z); 3. Brian Bur son (Hon); 4. Larry Mate lli (Yam) ; 5. Gra yson Swift (Yam). 125 NOV 0 -3: I. Chris Pulos (Yam): 2. She lby Paget (Su z); 3. He c tor Lopez (Yam) ; 4. Jas o n Doo yes (Y ; S. Charles Fale s (Yam). 125 INT 0 - 1: I. am) Cu rtis Roe (Yam); 2. Trevor Donia k (Y am); 3. Jake Osborn (Ho n); 4. Brad Kelly (Yam); 5. Ktis Triest (Yam). 125 INT 0 · 2: I. Jaco b Sanche z (Suz); 2. Damie n Luttrell (Ho n); 3. Kramer Patters on (Kaw); 4. Collin Clay (Hon); S. Bryar Perry (I<.aw). 125 PRO : I. Tony Sherman (Yam). 150 BEG : I. Daniel Law (Yam); 2. Mike Azello (Ho n); J . Matt Lars o n (Yam); 4. Arik AJonzo (Yam); S. Justin McKenz ie (Hon). 1 50 NOV 0 -1: I. Joseph Romano (Yam): 2. Josh Gassin (Yam); 3 Joe l Rich (Ho n): 4. Brad Ho lum (Yam) ; 5. Justin Lo velace (Ho n). 250 NOV 0 -1 : I . Ch ris Pulos (Yam); 2. Ro be rt Becvar (Y am); J . N ick Pulos (Yam); 4. Tony Maronde.s (Hon ); 5. Joey Lasiter (Suz). 250 INT: I. Curtis Roe (Yam); 2. Kns Triest (Y am); J. Cary Tiede (yam): 4. Trevor Doniak (Y am); 5. Luke Layton (Suz). 250 PRO: I. David Gassin (Yam); 2. Arik Swan (Yam); 3. Jeff Simas (Y am); 4. Ton y Sherman (Y am); 5. Brian Roth(Hon) . 500 BEG: I. Mike Wilson (Y am): 2. Kenny Wokott (Hon). 4· STRK OPEN: I. Austin Ingalls (Yam); 2. Max Scolari (Hon) ; l . Josh Gassin (Yam); 4. Joe y Harris (Yam); S. Nick Saia (Yam). 4-STR K PRO : I. Brian Roth (Hon) ; 2. David Gassin (Yam) . U/L: I . Kris Trieu (Y am); 2. Rory Rado vich (Suz); 3. Daniel Duarte (Suz) . WMN : I. Jessy An hurs (Ho n); 2. Crysta l Layt o n (Suz); 3. Ashley Freit as (Yam); 4. Brittany Myers (Yam); 5. 'h'hitney Costello (Yam). SCHBY: L justln Posey (Yam);2. Krame r Patterson (Kaw ); 3. Corey Pennington (Suz); 4. J.T. Sale (Hon); 5. Aaron Alonzo (Yam). 25 + BEG: I. Daniel Hames (Yam 2. We sley Gree ne ); (Hon ): J. Darryl Cully (Yam): 4. Do minic Dube (Suz) : 5. David Correia (Suz). 25 + NOV: I. Frank Flores (Hon); 2. David Adair (Kaw): 3. Ed whneccncn (Kaw); 4. Tob y Chalios (Suz); 5. Chris Becvar (Hon). 25 + INT: 1. Donny Robe ru (Yam); 2. Mike Hodge s (Suz); J . Travis Hudson (KTM): 4. Jesus Puente (Yam); S. Mike Newman (Suz). lO t BEG: I. Je ff Ha rt e r (Ho n) ; 2. Mike Siebenhaar (Yam): 3. Randy McCorkl e (Hon ); 4. Keith Kingston (Yam); 5. John Romano (Yam). 30 + NOV : I. Ryan Menke (Hon); 2. Jason Ooo ye.s (Y am) ; 3. Chad Lavezzc (Kaw); 4 . Ro be rt Pitt s (Hon) ; 5. Steve Martin (Hon) . JO+ INT: I. Josh Boykin (Suz); 2. Jesus Puente (Yam): 3. Mike Hod ges (Suz); 4. Mark Bousqet (Hon) ; S. Joe Spiers (Yam). J O+ PRO : I. John Blair (Hon): 2. Todd Ne lso n (Hon) ; J . Craig King (He n): 4 . Chicken Brew e r (Yam). 30 + EX: l .Cu rt W ilcox (Kaw); 2. Mike Ne wm an (Suz); J . De nnis l aw (Yam). 35 + N OV: I. Ryan Me nke (Hon ): 2. Tony Langone (Hon); J . De an Adkins (Hon); 4. Stacey Rowe (Yam); S. Mike Tucker (Hon). 35+ INT: I. Eric Liddell (Suz); 2. Alan W ilson (Ho n). 40 + NO V: I. Dea n Adkins (Yam); 2. Stacey Rowe (Yam): 3. BillJohnson (Yam); 4. Don Hod gson (Hen ): 5. Jeff Stallings (Yam). 40 + INT: I.J oe Spiers (Yam); 2. Pat Sauger (KTM); 3. David Adair (I<.aw); 4. Tim Alarcon (Hon) ; S. David Brillant (Hon ). 40 + EX: I. Cu rt W ilcox (Kaw): 2. Hank Armendar iz (Ho n); 3. Mike Newma n (Suz): 4. Den nis low (Yam). -..-----------~"I!I.Il!"'--------- . .= . . . --. ------~ Pau l Crumli ng Memoria l Race Ship pens b urg Speedway Lew is Clocks In W ith Cr um ling Memorial Win By LEN AND BEN BREECH SH IPPENSBURG, PA, SEPT. 5 A fter be ing rated as the odds-on favorite to win the previous two Shippensburg Speedway Paul Cru mling Memor ial races. 2004 Horizon Awar d winne r Joh n Lewis shrugge d off a painful gro in injury suffered in a heat race to finally add to his win tally the one big race that has e luded him by taking the fifth annua l ru nning of the eve nt. The ra ce is name d for th e la te fo und e r/own er of Pro Plates numbe r plates, Paul C rumling, w ho d ied fro m a rare blo od disorder just one week after competing here in 1999. There are two main cr iteria: machines must be 12Scc and up, and riders must have neve r held a pro license. In addition to winning the Crumling eve nt , Lewis also won th ree classes: the 4SOc A and c 600 cc A classes and, afte r a t ight batt le w it h Brandon Robinson , the Sportsman final, which was a preview of the featured eve nt. Doug Reine rt pulled a sur prise in the 450cc A contest by grab bing the lead from Lew is and Dennis Flynn. Afte r Reinert held point for most of the race , Lewis fo und an ope ning and slipped under him off the seco nd turn on lap six and pulled out to a Hl-yard margin. The 600cc A co ntest was a rom p, as Lewis won by a straightaway over Wayne Wag ner and Flynn. Lewis pulled away in the Sportsman final until a red flag at halfway caused a restart. For t he remai ning laps, Robinson stayed close to Lewis. In t he Cru mling qua lifiers , Lewis had th e fastest heat on his Schaeffer 's H-D/Bromley's Cy cl e s/AB BA Hea t ing Systems- spo nsored m ach ine and jumped int o th e lead ov e r Robinso n, R.J. Hart , Cory Te xter and Evan Baer. Texter moved into third at the e nd of the first lap, while Lewis and Robinson start e d to pull aw ay. Flynn mo ved up to pressure Bae r a nd took fifth on the eighth lap. The top five stayed t he same for the remainde r until the red flag cam e out when Baer fell on t he 18th of 20 laps. ~ z ~ " ~ ~ Officials decided to call the race at that point. Robinson won the 250cc and 4SOec B classes. In the 2So.. he took the lead from Hart . Baer RESUL TS 50 O IL-IN): I. Gus Lane(Hon); 2. Jeffrey Flasher (Yam). 5 0 (4 -6) : I. Gus Lane (Ho n). SO ( 7. 8 ): I. Tyler Stac ey (Lem): 2. Joe y Schmidt (Co b). 65: I. CasSidy Heiser (Suz); 2. Joey Schm idt (Kaw) ; J . Tyler Stacey (Kaw); 4 . Brand on Atkinson (Suz); 5. Greg Betts (KTM). 8 5 (1 -11 ): I. Patrick Jacobsen (Hon ): 2. Bret t Pugh (Yam); 3. Tyler KJdweil (Hon) ; 4. Eric Schwart z (KTM); 5. Derek He rsh (Yam). 8 5 ( 11- 15): I. Shayna Texte r (Yam); 2. Brent Fet row (Hon). 100 ST K: I. Ryan Co nnelly (Yam): 2. Seth Valen tin (Yam). 100 MOD CRUM LING MEM' L: I. Patrick Jacobsen (Ho n): 2. Cassidy He ise r (Ho n); 3. Shayna Te xte r (Hon) ; 4. Ryan Co n nelly (Yam): S. Seth Valentin (Yam). 125 B: I . Shayna Texter (KTM); 2. Joey Parlc.s (Hon) ; J. Ton y Whipperman (Hon); 4. Mike Standiford (Hoo]: S. Frankie Valentin (Hon ). 250 B: I. Brandon Robinson (Hon ); 2. R.J. Hart (Hon); 3. Evan Baer (Rot); 4. Joey Parks(Ho n); S. Shayna Texter (Hon ). 45 0 A: I. Joh n Lewis (Ho n); 2. Doug Reinen (KTM); J . De nnis Flynn (Hon) . 450 8 : I . Brand o n Rob inso n (Hon); 2. Richa rd He ve rly (Yam); J . Co ry Te xt e r (Hon ); 4. Jor dan Harris (KTM); 5. R.J. Hart (Yam). 50 0 2·VAl VE: I . Dave Smith (Yam); 2. Jim Ckapman (Yam); 3. Cory Tellter (Bue ): 4. Mark Stambaugh (Yam); 5. Dave Heverly (Yam). OP EN A: I . Joh n Lewis (Rot ); 2. Wayne Wagner (Rot); 3. Dennis Flynn (Hon). OPEN B: I . Cory Te xte r (Ho n); 2. Krls Weiss (Rot ); l . Robert Cazillo (Rot); 4. Vince Bower (Rot); 5. David Heverly (Yam). S PTSMN: I. Jo hn Lewis (Hon ); 2. Brandon Robinson (Ho n): J . Ric hard Heverly (Yam): 4. Bob Sweeten (Rot). JO + : I. Tod d Kendig (Rot); 2. Dave Smith (Yam); 3. Bob Swe eten (Rot); 4. Dallas Baer (Rot) ; S. Joe Do hm (W-R). 40+ : I. Mark Stambaugh (Yam) 2. Jim Chapman (Rot): 3. Joe ; Dohm (W-R); 4. Mike Keane (Rot): 5. Dave Smith (Rot). UW VINT: I. Tom Morgan (Hon); 2. Robert Descenha (Bul); l . Bob Gerbe rich (Ho n). 250 PAUL CRUMLING MEM' L: I. Jo hn l e w is (Hon ); 2. Brandon Rob inso n (Hon) ; J . Cory Texter (Hon): 4. R.J. Han (Hon); 5. Dennis Flynn (Ho n); 6. Chris MacCa rty (Hon): 7. Jordan Harris (KTM): 8. Richard He ve rly (Yam); 9. Joey Parks (Hon); 10 . N ick He nde rso n (Yam). Castle Rock Sho rt Track Ca stle Rock Race Pa rk The Vernon Brothers' Rockin' Reunionl By JOHNNY GUITAR CASTLE ROCK, WA, SEPT. 5 two -man invasion force fro m Olympia - the Ver-non broth ers - landed at t he C ast le Rock Short Track! Although the brothe rs. Christian and Scooter, split wins in the O pen Pro and 50 5cc Pro mains , it wa s defi nite ly a " Family Feud " right up until the checkered flag waved. At the nash of t he green light. Scoote r led t he Op en Pros into turn on e, w ith Ch ristian close behind. Christian passed Scoote r coming off turn four, but Scooter re turned the favo r in tu rn tw o . Sudde nly a ride r wa s dow n on the A Ju stin Posey plucked the Schoolbo y-cla ss w in at the GFI Fall Se ries opener in Hollister, California. and Chris MacCarty. On lap three . MacCarty fell. Baer stayed close to Hart all the way. In the 4S0cc B final. the Robinson Eleet ricspon so re d Robinson bolted into th e lead and increased it to a stra ightaway margin. Richard Heve rly, Texte r and Hart stayed close . Jordan Harr is passed Hart for fourt h on the final lap. A "co mpanion" eve nt is the IOOcc Cru mling rac e fo r X RIOO-b ase d mach ines , no rma lly lim it ed to Yout h r iders. Patr ic k Ja cobse n grabbed the lead right off the start from Shayna Texter. Cassidy Heise r. Ryan Co nnelly and Seth Valentin. Jacobse n pulled away while Shayna too k second on t he second lap. Heiser retook the spot thre e laps later. Jaco bse n also eas ily w on the BScc (7- 1 I) division. He got by Brett Pugh at the start of th e second lap, while Dere k He rsh, Tyler Kidwe ll. Eric Schwartz and Max Harvat batt led for third. Kidw ell too k third on the fourth lap, se tt ing the to p three . turn -four exit, and the race was sto ppe d. A single-file restart found Scoote r once again in the lead, but it wouldn't last long. In what had to be the best race of the night. the tw o traded the lead at least six more times before Christian edged Scoo ter at the line by no mo re than six inches! De rick Oquist finished a strong third. The Vern on broth ers start ed the 505cc Pro main by passing each othe r all ove r the track! Whe n Chr istian passed Scooter in tu rn one , Scoote r wou ld pass him back off turn two: then t he y' d do th e same thing in turns thre e an d four. This sce nario was rep eated many time s CYCLE NEWS • OCTOBER 27, 2004 55

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