Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 10 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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afte r four rounds of racing. jerry Harman had 15; Este lle , Aaron Hes me r, Hey e an d Rob Dixon we re tied on 14; and Hollenbeck had 13. Heye , Hes me r and Dixon were all in t he same heat in the finaJ roun d, so something had to give . He ye came a rou nd t he o ut side of Hesmer and grabbed t he lead when he be at him to the inside line at turn three and held on for the win. while behind them, Dixon slid off and out of co ntention . There wa s mo re d rama in the next he at when Holle nbe ck lace d orr with Harman and got the win he needed to keep his hopes alive. Este lle t he n wo n his race to join Heye an d Harman on 18 points and in the final. That left Hesmer and Hollenbe ck tied on 17 points, with the tie breaker being the result when they met during the program . This was the race in w hich Hollenbeck got his first win, so he was in, and the unfortunate Hesmer left to ponder his fate on the sidelines. In the main event, Estelle had the pole, with Hollenbeck in tw o, Heye in three and Harman on the outside . Whe n t he tapes went up, both Heye and Hollen be ck got the jump on Estelle and we re runni ng side by side . After two full laps, a de termi ne d Heye just could not get ahead on the o ut side t o t ake t he lead an d eve ntua lly had to tuck in behind Hollenbeck for second, as Estelle co uld have made a move on the inside. Harmo n was we ll out of conte ntion on a bo rrowed bike after blow ing his e ngine earlier in the meet. Apart from the finalists, Dixon had easily his bes t meeting at Paris and rode impressively, while of the younger brigade getting a chance to race at the Division On e level , Aaron De Veau con firmed that he is ready for regular 0- 1 racing with a healt hy 13-point score. RESULTS O /A: I. Brian Ho llen beck (GM); 2 . Joe Heye (Jaw); l . Cn. ig Este lle Qaw ); 4 . jerry Harma n (GM). Western New York Motocross Association Round 2 J: Frozen Ocean Motocross Park Lucas Stars in MX Wars By LARRY WOOSTER AUBURN, NY, SEPT. S A t the seco nd W NYMA Fall Series race, pre /""\sented by On eWe st Clo thi ng at Froz en Ocean Motocross Park, longt ime National Pro rider Bruce St ratt on an no unced that he wa s "ret iring" fro m chasing the Nationals full-time, and he was joined by his dad , Bruce Stratt on Sr., for some WNYMA rac ing action. St ratton jr. rep re se nts the WNYMA and Palmyra Racing Association at the highest level in a truly professional mann er, and it's hoped his influe nce on t he local fast "kids" such as Pauly Carpenter, Ryan Mills, Aaron Diet e r and countless others he lps t o m a int a in an d im p ro ve m o tocro ss sportsmanship for future generations. Speaking of generations, "Generation XXI:' the O ver 40 class - had mo re t ha n a dozen competitors signed up and ready to race this big. loam y, histo ric piec e of gro und . Pro-A ct io n Suspension of West er n New York ow ne r Bart Lucas storme d to the holeshot but left the inside gr oove o pen fo r Bob Rueh rw ein to challe nge him. Craig Tucker, Stratton Sr., Skip Kopciowski and Mike Shattu ck charged in behind the leaders just as they pinned it wide open, aiming for tum tw o. Lucas was loo king to close off the inside line but st alled out, le tting seve ral ride rs by before he could recover. Shattuck took the lead ov er th e 10 ,OOO-ga lio n ta b letop, w ith Kopciowsk i, Rue hr we in and Lucas fo llowi ng. Kopciowski ch arged past Shattuck and Lucas followed suit, chaJlenging the new leade r quickly . Stratton Sr. stalled out , setting off a great bar-tobar battle betw ee n Ruehrwein and Tim McNally Sr. Kopeiowski may have had the lead, but the wily Lucas had the advantage as he stalked his famili r prey on very familiar terra firma. A real a back-and-forth battle we nt on for 10 minutes of the 12-m inute mo to, unt il Lucas used a lapper and his thrott le to rocket out front with one lap to go. Lucas had saved his fastest lap time of the moto fo r the final lap a nd was styling and pr o filing en route to the che c ke re d flag . Kopciowsk i le d Sha tt uck, Rueh rw e in and McNally to top -five finishes. Tucker, Stra tton Sr., Dave Jackso n, Robert Prockup and Erv Bra un snagged top -I us. Th e big c rowd was chee ri ng as t hese lege nds too k the gate drop for moto two, with Ruehrwein ripping up the inside line and Lucas outs ide. Tuc ker a nd Shattuc k we re t railing. Lucas made the move inside to rocket over the tabletop jump and into the lead. It wasn't long be fo re t he hunte r became th e hunte d , as Kopciowski, re co ve r ing Irom a po or st art. quickly challenged Lucas for the lead. Stratton Sr. bobbled and went down while cornering, and Tucker drop ped it, too , allowing jackson, McNally, Rue h rwe in an d others pa st . Kopciowski dro pped from the rada r for a while, but Jackson was flying high in se co nd place , holding off McNally and Ruehrwe in. Lucas ( I- I) sea led the deal for first ove rall, over Shattuck (3- 2), McN ally (5- 4), Rue hrw e in (4 -5) a nd Kopeiowski (2-8). The WNYMA re turns to Frozen Ocean on O ctobe r 24 for the nex t-to -last race of 2004 . Th ose in Ne w York who need a pla ce to practice or ride , www.froze n- ocea n.comis your hook up. RESULTS SO (4-6): I. Louis Saxby (Yam); 2. Dakota VYhea (Y ton am); J. Paul Even (Y son am); 4. OJ GriffIths (Yam); 5. Dalton Phillips (Suz). SOP/W (4-8 ), I . Colton Camp ( KTM); 2. [);Md Philh", (KTM); l . Reece Eddy (KTM); ~ . D~'" ROOn"", (KTM); S. Lou;, Saxby (y,",). SO (7.8), I. Angelo Komuda (KTM); 2. Alex To wn (Co b); J . Kory Fogarty (KTM); 4 . Colton Camp (KTM); 5. David Phillips (KTM). 65 : I. Chaz Clingerman (KTM); 2. Sean Balla (!n,gie (y,",). SR B, l, Skip Kopciowski (Suz); 2. John Young (Yam) J . Tim McN aity Sr. ; (Y am); 4. Roo Bragg (Hon ); 5. Mike Murphy (KTM). SR C: 1. Darren Austin (Ho n); 2. Barry Austin (Hon) ; l . Karl Govenettio (Hon) ; 1. Berne Ryan (y,",); S. O m w.ohl (KTM). 40 + , I. Bart lucas (Yam); 2. Mike Shattuck (Hon) ; J. Tim McNalty Sr. (Y am); 4. Bob Ruehrwein (Y am); S. Skip Kopciowski (Suz). GFI Fall Series Round J: Hollister Hills GP Trock Everything Rosy for Roe and Posey By JIM AND FARRIHN ENOS HOLLISTER, CA, SEPT. S T he o pening round of the 2004 GFI Fall Series saw more than 650 riders in attendance, as AMP Racing welcomed the huge contingen t to the Hollister Hills GP Track. Having just co ncluded an "indoo r " summercross se ries, ride rs we re anxio us to take to the o utdoors, and Curt is Roe and Justin Posey certainly found conditions to their liking. Roe was unstop pable in the 12Scc and 250 cc Intermed iate classes, while Posey topped a 28-rider field in the 125cc Schoo lboy class. Two holeshots spelled doom for the rest of t he Inte rmediate s as Roe looked co nfident o n his YZ250F. Afte r a dominant first mota , Roe 40th Anniversary found Trevor Don iak game in the second 125cc Intermediate mote. as Doniak made the pass for the lead early on . While Doniak appeared to be heade d lor an upset, Roe was applying the pressure , and it paid off as he re passed Dc niak for the lead on lap four and went on to take the win. Doniak earned the two spot on the day with a solid 1-2 effort , followed by Jake Osborn (2-5), Brad Kelly (4-4) and Kris Triest (6-3). In 250cc Int e rmed iate act ion, it was again the ..Roe show," as he again outraced the field to the first tum both times out. And again, he displayed domina nce in moto one, only to be c hallenged in mo to two . T hi s t ime , Tr ie st pro vide d the challenge. but un like Do nia k, Triest found success , as a gutsy last-tum pass on Roe gave Triest the win. However, Roe got the

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