Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 09 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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posting a 4.560 ·second time to w in the 400cc Stoc k class - not too b ig a surprise , a s he is the de fe nd ing 2003 Nation al Champion in that class. The Pleasure Riders also give o ut a Youth Fast Time award, and Mike Po pham claimed the big t rop hy with an ou tstand ing S. 193-second run on his YZBS. The Pleasure Riders' next hillclimbweekend will be the State Cha mpionship wee ke nd on August 2 1 and 22. T he Saturday night race will be the Illinois State Championship, and a District 17 card is requ ired to be eligible for the champ ionship trophies. On Sunday, the Indiana State Championships will be run, and a D ist r ict IS card is required t o qualify fo r t he St a t e Championship trophies. R ES ULTS 50 A UTO : I . Matt G ocken (KTM); 2. Cole G arr iott (Po l) . 65 : I. Joe McGurer (Kaw ); 2. Brett Kalaher (Kaw ); 3. Matt Goe ke n (Kaw ); 4. Jar ed Keller (Han ). 85 JR: I. Caleb Emory (Kaw); 2. Joe McGurer (Kaw); 3. Jake Wood (Suz); 4. Dylan 8rady (Ha n); 5. Chris Peters (Yam). 85 Sft: I. Mike Poph am (Yam); 2 . Shane Gr een (yam ); 3. Blake Cappello (Kaw ); 4. Justin James (Kaw); S. Kieven Hillard (Kaw ). 125 : I. RD. Miller III; 2. Kevin D . Bond (Hon ); 3. Mike Po pham (Yam); 4. Shane Green (Y am); 5. Justin Trent (Hon) . 200 : I. Gordon Green (Kaw) ; 2. Jake Tackitt (Kaw ): 3. Jimmy Cox (Kaw); 4. Ch ris Peters (Kaw): 5. Keith Klett (Kaw) . 150: I. Jared McKay (Yam); 2. Mark Schroeder (Yam); 3. Jon Creek (Suz); 4. Matt Peters (Hon ); 5. Jo sh Mingee (Hon). 400 STK: I. Mark Schroeder (Yam) ; 2. Jake Tackitt (Kaw): 3. Rod Kalaher (Kaw ); 4. Joh n Michae l Goeken (Yam); 5. R.J. Wats on (Ha n). 450-: I. Matt Pet e rs (KTM); 2. Mike Bacon (Yam); J . Josh De nson (KTM); 4. Gordon Gr ee n (KTM): 5. Mike Peters (Yam ). 600 : I. Jared McKay (Kaw); 2. Andy Fo rtne r (Ha n); 3. Jake Tackitt (Han ); 4. Jo sh De nson (Kaw) ; 5. Justin Trent (Hon) . 600 4 -STRK: I. Jos h Den son (KTM): 2. Jake Popham (Yam ); J. Mike Peters (Yam). 75 0: I. Pau l Hillard (Kaw ); 2. Josh Bro wn (Yam). OPEN : I. Scott Sheets (H -D ); 2. Stev e Shafer (H -D). O PEN ST K: I. Will Dalen bu rg (Hon ); 2. Mike Bacon (Mai); 3. Jeff Jack (Kaw); 4. Bud Northru p (Han ). 5R: I. Scott Pett y (Hon ); 2. Ron Todd (Kaw) : J . Mike Bacon (Yam); 4. Jeff Jack (Kaw); 5. Steve Shafer (H- D). 515 ft: I. Ron Todd (Kaw) : 2. Billy Pearson (Suz); 3. KeIth Klett (KTH ); 4. Bud Northrup (Han); 5. Ch uck Schroeder (Kaw ). PS H RD : I. Scott Sheets (H-D); 2. Bob Fishe r (H- D). KOTH: I. Jared McKay (Kaw ); 2. Justin Tren t (Hon) ; J . Mar k Schroeder (Yam) ; 4. Jake Po pham (Yam) ; 5. John Michael Gocken (Han) . A M FA ST T IME: Jared Mc Kay (Kaw). YTH FAST T IME: Mike Popham(Yam). L O C A L TALENT ASA PHILLIPS RESIOENCEI . .. . .• . • .• .. . . .• Hartford , Kansas BIRTHOATEI , .J a n u a ry 13, 1986 OTHER INTERESTS I .. . • . . Hunting , Farming, Girls DISCIPlINEI . • . . • ... •. .. .• .. , .• . ,Motocros s MOTORCYCLEI •.. .. • . , . . • . . . Honda CRF450R SPONSORS: . . .. . . •. .. Renthal , Hinson Racing , Pro Grips , RG3, Factory Backing LOCAL TRACKI ... , .. •Dragoon Motocross Park ClASSESI . • . ... . . • ... . • . . 250cc B, 125cc B, 250cc Open , Four-Stroke Open RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS • Second place, 250cc C . Ponca City • Second plac e , 250cc B, Good Times National WHO'S YOUR FAVORITE RIDER? "P roba bly Guy Cooper, because he 's a great pers on and Is always down-to-earth." WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE TRACK? Keith Wineland tapped the field at ro und five af th e RMTA Trials Series at the Riding Rock Ranch. Rocky Mountain Trials Association Round 5: Riding Rock Ranch Wineland Bottles :#Ate~:~~er Win FLORISSANT, CO, JULY 25 A fter a week of unseasonably cold and rainy weather, RMTA /"'\ride rs were treated to bright and warm conditions at round five of the championship ser ies, held at the Riding Rock Ranch near Florissant, Co lorado. The previous week's rain did leave its mark, though, as many sections remained slippery throug ho ut the day, contributing to the techn ical (tho ugh safe) nature ofthe day's eve nt . And technical it was, as loo p scores in the 20s and 305 were the norm fo r the day in mos t classes. Champ-class rider Keith Wineland con tinued his winning streak, posting a total score of 10 for his three loops' work. Riding smoothly and confidently, Wineland has yet to be beaten this season. Zach Cleme nt challenged early, posting th ree points to Wineland 's two after the first loop , but he faded in the final two loo ps as he co ntinued to battle the pain from a separated shoulder. Nevertheless, Clement hung tough to finish seco nd o n t he day w it h a total score of 28 . Mon te sa-mo unt e d Stevie Darrow rou nded out the to p three . Advanced-class action was the tightest of the day, with all the riders separate d by on ly fo ur po ints at th e con clusio n of the second loo p. With scores in the mid- to high-20s and very few cleans , the win was up for grabs heading into the third loo p. "I was just trying to keep from getting any fives on the last loop ," Nicole Bradford said at the conclusion of the third loop . Bradford's stra tegy paid off big. PosL a 17-point final loo p, ing she separated herself from the pack by 10 po ints to take the class win - her first of the season . Patrick How ie and Ian Smith tied on the day with BO-point scores, but Howie was awarded the second-place position based on tie breakers. Cory Willo ughby was the Novice-class winner, but that also was decided by tie breakers. Secon d-place finisher Mike Moore kept Willoughby on his toes, beating him on the first loo p by one point and follow ing that up by giving up two on the second loo p. Moo re once again beat Willoughby by one o n loop three to tie the score, only to lose o n cleans . Katie Sonju rounded out the podium, finishing I I points back fo r th ird. The RMT thanked Gary and Rose Owens for so graciouslyand A generously opening up the ir land, and especially for Rose's handpainted trophies, wh ich helped make this a trulyspecial event. eN RESULT5 JR A: I. Maggie Kunz; 2. C ole Anderson; l . Ian Popp; 4. Tyler Pennington. JR B: I. Tristan Sinks; 2. Ouve- Smith . BEG: I. Chad Lew is: 2. Mike Best; 3. N icholas Best . NOV: I. Cory Willou gh by; 2. Mike MOOf"e ; 3. Katie Sonju; 4. Brody Kunz; 5. Kegan Mowrey. A M: I. Wayne Mohler ; 2. David Koeewita. J. Keifer Jacob son ; 4. Brian .A.nderson: S. Bill Haske ll. IN T: I. Jarr od Tilton; 2. Gecwge Pennington : J. Jim Plum b; 4. Mar k Dujmovic; 5. Marc us Banniste r. AD V: I. N icole Bradf ord; 2. Pamc k Ho w ie : 3. Ian Smith: 4 . Greg How ie . VET: I . Ste ve Dar row : 2. H ike Buchholz . EX : I. H ike Y ng; 2. Brian Koerwitz: 3. Rob Weiher, 4 . Jame s Sinks: ou 5. Jo hn Sink s . C 'SH IP CL: I. Keith Wineland; 2. Za ch C lem en t ; l . Stevie Darrow;

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